The road to the first TNA Bound for Glory was an interesting one. The company had been planning on a big event with that name back in 2003 with a Hulk Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett main event. Jimmy Hart started appearing representing Hogan, Hogan filmed pre-tapped segments to air, and we got the whole Jarrett "Taking TNA to Hulk Hogan," angle that aired. But the final deal never got signed. So Bound for Glory was put on the back burner. In 2004 TNA changed from weekly PPV's to monthly ones staring with November's Victory Road. The October PPV was given the Bound For Glory name and why changes have been made to other PPV's this one hasn't changed. The summer of 2005 had been one of change in the wrestling business. WWE's deal with Viacom was over meaning Raw was moving back to USA from Spike TV. Fox Sports Net ended it's deal with TNA leaving them to broadcast show on the internet TNA did get a deal with Spike but they couldn't go right onto Spike until WWE was off. Also given some changes had to be done to the Impact Zone TNA went dark after the Unbreakaboil PPV. So you have a still very young company debuting o a new network with only a handful of shows to promote it's biggest show. Oh that's not all see TNA rolled the dice on something. After going dark there was a indy show held by Scott D'Amore Border City Wrestling main eventide by Raven defending the NWA world title against Jeff Jarrett. Now given D'Amore's ties to TNA it wasn't shocking two of there top guys would work his show.
What shocked people was AMW TNA's top face team turning heel and helping Jarrett win the title. Yes TNA got one over not just on it's fans but the entire wrestling world as no one saw this coming. And it actually created a great hook angle for that first show on Spike. How did Jarrett pulls this off? Why did AMW do it? How would Raven react? Why is Kevin Nash getting a title shot? Ok that was my reaction. To be fair to TNA Jarrett vs Raven with the set up they now had needed to be saved. (Sadly it got lost in the scuffle once Sting and Christian came to the company.) So TNA picked Nash who had a great deal of name value. Plus a previous match between Jarrett and Nash had gotten rave reviews. Than the day of the event Nash had didn't want to job…. I mean chest pains and pulled out of the match. Kidding aside I'd be willing to bet money that Nash wasn't happy about something and used the excuse of being sick to not burn his bridge with TNA completely. And there was a hurricane going on that weekend because they hadn't overcome enough. So with all this working going on was Bound For Glory able to get the Glory?
The pre show is included in this PPV. I can' say this enough I prefer PPV pre-shows that actually include in wrestling action and some stage promos. It just gets more more excited for the PPV nothing but video's hyping the show. We see Jeff Jarrett, AMW, and Gail Kim backstage with a hearse and casket. Jarrett says some one is leaving in a casket. Its a really well done quick promo if you know what is going on. Team 3D had been let go by the WWE and joined TNA. TNA wanted to get them on the Spike debut and did. But 3D had a booking in Japan that would cause them to miss some tapings so an AMW led group of heels beat 3D down and left the bloody. And the next week the heels held a mocking funeral for Brother Ray and Brother Devon. And they had taunted that Nash was next. During the opening match Tenay says management had just learned Nash couldn't compete but there would be a title match on the show.
Alex Shelley vs Roderick Strong vs Austin Aries vs Sonjay Dutt- There is no story line reason for match. Its' purely just saying "This is the kind of action we put on the free section wait until you see the stuff you gotta pay for." After rock paper scissors Shelley and Strong will start. Top wrist oak by Shelley. Strong reverses. Shelly sweeps the legs and gets a front face lock. Hammer lock by Shelley than into a wrist lock. Strong goes over the head and arm drags Shelly. Tag to Dutt. Test of strength. Shelley with a trip and gets a few two fonts. Moonsault off the chest by Dutt. Enziquri by Dutt than into the sprinkler and a chop. Kick to the stomach by Shelley. Flying head scissors by Dutt. Back hand slap by Shelley who bails out of the ring. Dutt gives chad. Dropkick to the head by Shelley. Tag to Strong. Arm drag by Dutt. Strong with a back body drop but Dutt lands on his feet. Head scissors by Dutt gets two. Knee lift by Strong than a chop. Aries tags in by chopping Strong to the back. Arm drab by Sonjay on Strong. Aries with a flipping senton over the ropes onto Strong and than nails a clothesline on Dutt before a elbow drop on Strong. Some how Strong and Aries are legal. Inside out elbow by Aries on Strong. Shelley in and goes after Aries who elevates Shelley so he crashes into Strong. Running corner drop kick by Aries first one for Shelley than one for Strong. Shelley to the floor. Blind tag by Sonjay on Aries. Dutt with the rana on Strong. Shelley tries to attack Sonjay on the apron so Dutt send him into the Ultimate X rig that is set up for a match later. Strong with a butterfly suplex back breaker on Dutt. Aries breaks up the pin. Hard chop by Strong. Club to the back by Strong than a knee drop. Dutt kicks out at two. Shelley tags in on Strong. Rocking horse submission by Shelley on Sonjay. Full nelson variation by Shelley but Strong breaks it up. Aries tags in on Shelley. Low angle side slam by Aries on Dutt get two. Power slam by Aries than the pendulum elbow. Strong breaks up the pin. Aries shoves Strong but the ref says that's a tag. Nigeria driver into a gut buster by Strong. Shelley breaks up the pin with a chop to the back so Strong chops Shelley. Strong puts Dutt in a neck tie Shelley puts Strong in a figure four. Aries ties up Sonjay's leg and puts Shelley in a head scissors. Finally everyone lets go. Aries with a forearm on Shelley. Chop by Strong on Sonjay. Aries and Strong try to whip Dutt and Shelley into each other. Dose do and than everyone hits everyone and they all go down. Strong and Aries are up so they fight. Chop exchange by Aries and Strong. Forearms by Aries. Strong sends Aries to the floor. Shelley attack the Strong leg and spits in his face before aspen kick. Swinging DDT by Shelley on Strong. Running shooting Star by Sonjay. Shelley moves but Strong doesn't. Aries back into the ring and goes afar Shelley. Finlay Ross by Aries on Shelley. Drop kick to the leg by Dutt on Aries than a enziquri. Standing Sliced break by Sonjay on Shelley gets two. Strong breaks it up. Gut buster by Strong on Dutt.
Aries breaks up the pin with a kick to the face of Strong. Aries brain buster on Strong. Aries to the top. Shelley cuts him but Aries knocks him off the paring. Sonjay knocks Aries off to the floor. Strong is up and cuts off Sonjay. Strong to the top but Sonjay knocks him off before the superplex. Dragon rana by Sonjay Dutt on Strong for the win. Good opening match. Great way to show off the X-Division. All four guys got there time and got to hit there big spots. It did have a bit of a car crash style booking to it but for this match it works.
Shane Douglas is with AMW and Gail Kim. Douglas talks about AMW winning the NWA tag titles back on the last Impact. Harris demands they play the footage of the title change from "last night." We see Storm break a beer bottle on on Chase Steven's of the Naturals allowing Harris to pin him. We than get them celebrating with Jarrett and Gail Kim. Back from the footage AMW and Gail laugh. Douglas reminds them the hunter has now become the hunted and reminds them the Naturals are getting a rematch. Harris says the belts are back where they belong and the tag Division has been built around them. Douglas asks about Team 3D. Storm brings up the funeral and does a mock cry before declaring 3D is dead. Harris says there has been shift in the balance in power to AMW and Jeff Jarrett. Harris promise to walk out as champions. Very good heel promo by AMW. I real think AMW's heel turn really helped Storm why he didn't talk much here it seemed the heel turn allowed him to a good grin on cutting promos. In the past it often seemed Harris would handle the talking. The heel turn allowed Storm to develop the personality he played for a number of years.
We get Don and Mike the card on the pay portion The production team replaces Nash with a question mark. Mike reads a memo from Larry Zbyszko the head of the championship committee saying everyone on the roster must be ready to compete the entire night. Raven comes to the ring with no music and gets a microphone. Raven declares it mind boggling that Larry is in power. Raven implies Larry is actually a puppet for the people really calling the shots. Raven give Larry ten seconds to come out and starts to count. Larry makes his way to the ring flanked by security. Raven talks about getting screwed out of the world tittle and wants his rematch tonight. Larry is upset Raven stormed the ring and is making demands. Larry says he will make the descion his way. Raven snaps and chokes Larry . Security gets on Raven. Rhino comes to the ring as security holds back Raven. Rhino says this isn't the Raven he was knew and asks what happens and brings up some of Raven's past and asks if a girl got to him. Rhino says he deserves the title shot and calls Raven pathetic. Raven and Rhino start to fight until the guards force Raven to the back. Rhino gores Raven's lackey Cassidy Riley.Don points our Raven does have point that he never got his rematch. It's a good segment. I credit for TNA for trying to the question of who would get a title shot into a selling point for the PPV. The stuff with Larry and Raven is about keeping Raven from getting his rematch. I do like it wasn't just "Larry is evil now." Raven has a legit point but he often acts in a way you can see why Zbyszko isn't giving a title shot. The stuff about the girl was dropped after a while.
Shane Douglas is AJ Styles. They open with a cool shot of AJ looking down at the X-Division championship. Its a little thing but the look on AJ's face reminds me of well a big time fighter mentally getting ready to defend his championship. Douglas says he has a thought and a question. Shane talks about how in sports there is always that rivals that no matter how hard you try to pull away from they always seem to shadow you. Douglas asks if Christopher Daniels is that for AJ Styles? AJ admits he's never thought about it like that but admits Douglas is right. Daniels has been there hold for hold move for move. We get Don and Mike hyping up the card one more as the clock ticks down ending the preview show. We than cut back stage to see Samoan Fire Dancers getting ready for Samoa's Joe entrance. Mike tells us Samoa Joe vs Jushin Liger will open the pay portion of the show.
The PPV entrance Video is brilliant in my honestly opinion. TNA would use this one voice over guy all the time for it's commercials, intro videos, promo etc. We actually see him on screen. This blew my mind why its a small things it's adds to the video and the show like this so important this guy is begin seen. The voice over guys talks about it all starting at Victory Road and works through the various PPV names as we see highlights from those PPV before telling us we are Bound for Glory. Saying this is a chance for Immortally and this is the grandest event in TNA history. IT's a really done intro. To compare it to WrestleMania let me say this. A big part of WrestleMania's appeal every year is well it's WrestleMania. And WrestleMania is where this, that, and other has happened. This being the first ever BFG TNA instead went with "All year you have seen these great moments and tonight you will see our greatest."
Samoa Joe vs Jushin Thunder Liger- Joe was still doing his unbeaten streak and Liger was brought in from New Japan to give the card a little international flavor and do a dream match. This marks the first time in TNA Joe came out with a group of Samoan Dancers as part of his entrance and even bust some moves out. Liger comes out in his more well known Red and White outfit even though in Japan I think he was only wearing black. Mike says Liger put X-Division style wrestling on the map in Japan. Lock up and Joe tosses Liger to the ground. Another lock up and Joe tosses Liger into a corner. Head lock by Liger. Shoulder tack and neither man goes down. Liger tries again but he goes down after hitting Joe. LIger challenges Joe to try. Drop down by Liger into a drop toe hold. Dropkick to the face by Liger. Joe telegraphs the back body drop and gets kicked. Back elbow by Joe. Liger side steps a changing Joe who tumbles to the floor. Fake out by Liger than a drop kick while holding onto the ropes by Liger. Liger off the top with a cross body takes both men out. Liger tosses Joe back into the ring. Liger to the top. Joe catches him and hits a samoan drop. Running knee in the corner by Joe drops Liger. Chop to the back kick to the chest and knee drop by Joe. Chin lock by Joe. LIger gets free. Snap power slam by Joe gets two. Chin lock by Joe again. Liger elbows free a second time. Knee to the stomach by Joe and send him into the corner. Liger avoids a second knee in the corner. Summersault kick by Liger. Liger tries for a suplex by it's blocked. Liger stomps on the foot and hits a fishermen's' suplex for two. Liger to the top and hits a frog splash. Joe kicks out at two. Joe ducks the palm strike and hits an enziquri. Joe sits Liger on the top rope and climbs up. Liger slides down and catches Joe with a power bomb for two. Palm strike by Liger and a second and third that finally drops Joe. Liger to the top. Joe kicks out the legs. Muscle Buster. Coquina Clutch is locked in. The referee checks the arm and it drops all three times. This is a good match but it's a let down because it's clear TNA wanted this to be a classic that would give BFG its first classic and get Joe some press over seas. I have a feeling this match was the one that got a lot of time cut from it to make room for the gauntlet match to crown the number 1 contender so that may be part of it. The finish is also a little strange as I think fans were legit stunned it ended so quick and like that. Even now I expect LIger to keep his arm up and get free of the choke leading to the real finish but still it is a good match
We get footage of the TNA fan fest. Its a nice little moment to thank the fans who came out and encourage fans to come to upcoming TNA events. Plus it also sends the message of "We give back to our fans. We love you for being here. We don't just expect you to take what ever we put on and call it great."
Backstage Simon Diamond yells at Primetime and David Young he is sick of losing. He says tonight they show they are diamonds in the rough. Its an ok quick promo but with a group like this its hard to get excited. They were jobbers who just happened to team up.
The Diamonds in the Rough Simon Diamond, Primetime, and David Young vs Sonny Siak, Apollo, and Shark Boy- I have no idea why this match is even on the card. What ever time it gets would have been better giving Joe and Liger or anyone else for the most part. I assume it was "lets get all they guys who have been with us for a while on the card." There might have been a story with The Diamonds vs Siak and Apolo but I can't really recall. Shark Boy and Diamond start us off. Kick to the gut by Diamond. Chop by Shark Boy. Head lock and a shoulder tackle by Diamond. Right hands by Diamond. Knee to the face by Shark Boy. Clothesline by Diamond gets two. Running corner clothesline by Diamond who than runs into a boot. Dead sea for is blocked and hip toss of the ropes by Diamond who misses the leg drop. Shark Bite to the ass by Shark Boy. Diamond tags in Primetime. Drop toe hold by Shark Boy into a head lock. Skipper with a wrist lock . Dropkick by Shark Boy who tags Apolo. Big elbow by Primetime. Cutter by Apolo gets two. Primetime runs into a boot. Half nelson slam by Apolo. Diamond distracts the referee from counting the pin. Young to the top rope and blindsides Apolo with a elbow off the top. Primetime tags Young. Double team reverse catapult by Skipper and Young. Young tag Skipper back in legally. flying shoulder to the stomach by Primetime gets two. Elevated cutter out of no where by Apolo. Tag to Young and tag to Siaki. House of Fire by Siaki. Gorilla press by Siaki on Young. Primetime breaks up the pin. Siaki goes after Skipper allowing Young to nail him with a kick. Apollo in for a TKO cutter by Apolo who comes in no tag. I guess by Roderick Strong limited his back breaker Apolo thought he should do the cutter variations to death. Awesome spot where Apolo is trying to pick Young up and Skipper runs up them like stairs to hit a leg lariat on Siaki. Siaki and Skipper battle on the floor. Sling shot cross body by Shark Boy on Skipper. Twisting press by Young to the floor takes out the other men. Diamond gets nailed by the Apolo Super kick. Topa by Apolo to the floor. Diamond runs Apolo into the ring post. Siaki sends Primetime into the ring. Spine buster by Young on Siaki for the win. If this match had been on Impact or even as a fill out card match on a PPV like Genesis it would be ok. But this just felt like padding to a show that lost any need for padding.
Don and Mike show the finish from the four way on the pre show for anyone that didn't tune into the pre show. They than re-air parts of the Raven, Zbyszko, and Rhino segment. I guess they were worried people wouldn't watch the pre-show so they wanted people to know they key points from it especially the stuff with Raven.
Shane Douglas is with Jeff Jarrett an Gail Kim. Shane asks who Jeff thinks its going to be that gets the title shot. Jarrett accuses Nash of chickening out of his ass whopping. Jarrett says Rhino lost his focus forgetting he's in the monsters ball. Jarrett says it doesn't matter and insults Jeff Hardy, Rhino, Abyss, Sabu, and Raven. Monty Brown interrupts thinking Jarrett is about to insult him. Jarrett tries to play nice. Brown says he smells the fear and says Jarrett is scared of him. Brown says he will get Jarrett and take the world title. Jarrett keeps trying to play nice and tells Monty if he loses to Lance Hoyt he won't be getting a title shot. Brown says he will beat Hoyt. Jarrett calls it playoff time for Brown and he can't afford a loss. Jarrett is a great promo guy and could just make people want to kill him. Brown's style you either love or you hate. I hate it. He had all these weird habits that I just found annoying. Its like the guy had never seen promo but had been told what they are supposed to be like.
Lance Hoyt vs Monty Brown- After Brown had turned heel Hoyt had taken his role as big man that was getting super over with the Impact Zone fans. Plus it was your classic power house vs power house feud. Lock up and Brown gets a hammer lock and clubs Hoyt in the head. Firemen's carry by Brown than a right hand to the face. Series of punches by Hoyt. Diving shoulder block by Hoyt than a clothesline. One armed flap jack by Hoyt. Brown to the floor and Hoyt follows him out. Brown whips Hoyt into the steps. Brown messes with the fans act like his about to throw Hoyt into the guard rail but tin stead puts him back in the ring. Sling shot cross body to the floor by the 6'9 Lance Hoyt. Hoyt sends Brown back into the ring but brown catches him with a punch coming back in. Hard chops by Brown. Hoyt returns fire with chops of his own. Mounted corner punches by Hoyt. Hoyt to the top rope but Brown shoves him off and Lance falls to the floor. Brown out and he rams Hoyt's head into the apron and than gives him a snap suplex on the floor. Fall away slam by Brown back in the ring Brown sets for the Pounce but Hoyt nails with a big boot. Brown is down and Hoyt pull shim to the center Moonsault by Hoyt but Brown kicks at two. Brow runs into a back elbow. Hoyt tries for a cross body off the second rope but Brown catches him and changes position to hit the Alpha Bomb. Hoyt kicks at two. Hoyt revers a whip and pulls Brown into a choke slam. Brown kicks out at two. Exchange of punches and chops. Big uppercut by Lance Hoyt. Brown reverse a whip and hit the Pounce for the win. Very good big man match. Brown was clearly one of the guys TNA was pushing hard. Hoyt looks really good heard and test Brown and even avoids the Pounce a few times. One of the better Brown matches I have seen.
Backstage Shane Douglas is with 3 Live Kru. Douglas says 3LK has proven the family that fights together stays together but they are at a number disadvantage against Team Canada. BG James starts to threaten Scott D'Amore if he get involved. Kip James shows up and offers to watch there back and reminds them of what happened on Impact. Killings and BG say it say it's a good idea. Konnan refuses and walks off. Kip says he offered before leaving. This is the classic case of interesting idea guys no one should be a damn doing it though. When Kip had debuted it had been as a heel and the question was would BG turn on his "family" to rejoin him. After a while Kip started to show signs of a face turn. Konnan in storyline still didn't trust the guy that been trying to tear the faction apart. In a way its similar to the current (as of this review) Gunner, Samuel Shaw, Mr. Anderson story. But it's Konnan, Ron Killings, and the James Gang so I don't care because they all suck.
Team Canada Bobby Roode, Eric Young, and A-1 with Scott D'Amore vs 3 Live Kru, Ron Killings, Konnan, and BG James- Again there was very little time to actually build up the stories for this card so this was simple. You have the heel faction vs the face faction and the two groups had an off and on feud. Konnan and BG do there usual intros both of witch got really stale in 1999 so it was even so worse in 2005. Young and Konnan start us off. Young was just starring to move his gimmick into that of more of a comedy wrestler. Kick to the gut by Young. Head lock by Konnan and a shoulder tackle. Flap jack by Konnan but a blind tag in by Roode. Hip toss by Konnan on Roode. A-1 in gets tossed right out. Rolling clothesline by Konnan on Roode and than he pulls off his shoe and tosses at Young. Triple team by 3LK as Konnan and BG hold Roode for Killings come off the top and hit a leg drop. Killings must have tagged in since he stays in the ring. Knee lift by Roode and he rams Killings in the corner. Flying head scissors by Killings after he ducks a clothesline. We see Kip is sitting and watching the match on the ramp. BG into the ring and double teams by BG and Killings. Right hand by Killings. Ax kick by Killings gets two. Roode runs into a boot. Full nelson slam by Roode. Roode runs Killings into the corner and tags in A-1. Series of right hands by A-1 and some boots. A-1 chokes Killings. Running body slam by A-1 gets two. Tag back to Killings. Konnan and James into the ring but the referee holds them back allowing the triple team by Team Canada. Killings head rammed into the corner. Flying forearm off a whip by Killings on Roode. Tag to EY and Tag to BG. House of fire time for BG ands he rocks all three heels. Big boot by BG drops Young. Knee drop by BG and he goes for a pin on Young .Everyone in tot the ring. Konnan tosses A-1 to the floor why Roode sends Killings to the floor. Roode tosses Killings into the post. In the ring Young hits rights on BG but BG gets the advantage and hits the pump handle slam. Coach D'Amore distracts the referee. Hockey Stick shot by Roode on BG James. Eric Young covers and steals the win for his team. Its an ok match. I don't like how much Roode had to sell early on given I think the smaller Young would have made more sense. But it winds up being ok and the right team went outer
.Post match the Canada start the beat down. Kip James makes his way down the ramp and pulls BG to safety. The Canadas hold Konnan as Kip enters with a chair. Kip tells Konnan he told him he would watches back before hitting A-1. The rest of Team Canada basil out. Konnan is in shock and just stares Kip down. As I said earlier the idea is interesting its just I don't care about these four guys.
Backstage Shane Douglas is with Larry Zbyszko in his office. Shane tells Larry a decision must be made. Shane starts naming guys off who would make sense as contenders but always cuts Larry off before he can answer. Larry tells Shane contenders aren't the problem. Larry says he's waiting for a call from upper management. Larry says someone will get a shot but tells Shane to him do some work. Its kind of a pointless segment. It doesn't give us any new info other than Larry has to answers to people but than already made clear as Larry simply the head of the championship committee he was not the man running TNA management. I did get a kick out of some Shane's faces in this. They could have spiced it up a little having someone enter like say Jeff Hardy as red hearing to who would get the match.
Ultimate X Winner Gets an X-Division Title Shot Petey Williams with Scott D'Amore vs Matt Bentley with Traci Brooks vs Chris Sabin - Well there are famous matches like Savage vs Steamboat and there are infamous matches like The Rocker vs Hart Foundation when the top rope broke and this match has never been compared to to Savage and Steamboat. Bentley had been off TV for a while and many thought he was going to WWE. Sabin was the face and he been feuding with both men at various times. There was a lost a story going on where Petey had a thing for Traci and she used that to help Bentley. Petey tires go for the X right away. Bentley and Sabin trade off hitting him with punches and forearm. Double team hip toss by Sabin and Bentley to Williams. Running drop kick to the head by Sabin send Williams to the floor. Bentley with pushes and chops to Sabin. Up and over in the corner by Sabin than a rana. Sabin to the ropes but Williams pulls him down. Back elbow by Sabin than he goes for a suplex. Williams drives the knee to the head and than hits a snap suplex on Sabin. Belly by back suplex by Williams on Sabin. Bentley with a kick on Williams. Elbow to the head by Bentley on Williams. Wheel barrow suplex by Bentley on Williams. Sabin up to the ropes but Bentley stops him. Atomic drop off the reps by Bentley. Williams is up but Traci is on the apron and calls him over. Traci makes Williams the luckiest SOB of the night but pulling him into the breasts. Bentley is on the ropes going for the X. D'Amore snaps Petey out of bliss. Enziquri by Sabin on Williams and than Sabin pulls Bentley off the ropes. Bentley falls so he hits an elbow drop on Petey for a really cool spot given how high up Bentley was. Chop by Sabin on Bentley. Running corner forearm for Bentley delivered by Sabin. Mounted corner punches by Sabin. Williams tries to attack but runs into a kick by Sabin. Sabin picks up Williams and tosses him into Bentley like a lawn dart. Swinging DDT on Williams and he catches Bentley with an enziquri on the swing. Sabin up the ropes. Bentley cuts him off and pulls him down. Leg drop on the apron by Williams on Sabin. . Sling shot rana by Williams on Bentley on the floor. All three men are down on the floor. Williams is up first and gets in the ring. Sabin makes it back to the apron and gets a shoulder into Williams' midsection. Williams goes for a German suplex but Sabin elbows free. Sabin in a hits a neck breaker on Sabin while hitting a ace crusher on Williams all three men are down. Bentley up using the ropes and starts to climb up. Bentley onto the X. Sabin follow him out. Bentley with kicks. Bentley winds up wrapping his legs around Sabin's head. Sabin drops and hits a super bomb. Insane spot remember on the X ropes they are higher than being on the normal top turnbuckle.
Sabin up on the ropes but Williams cuts him off. Sabin rams Williams head into the steel supports for the X. Williams returns the favor. Sabin drops crouching himself. Sabin hung in the tree of woah on the outside of the ring. Petey stands on Sabin to sing O' Canada. Bentley shoves Williams off and Williams hits the floor hard. Bentley climbs up the ropes. Sabin recovers and shoves Bentley to the floor. Sabin with a top rope moonsault to the floor. Sabin up first and gets into the ring. Sabin climbs up the ropes and gets to the X and makes it for the center. Bentley is back up and and dives pulling Sabin off. At this point the giant red X they are supposed pull down falls off the the rig and here the matches falls apart. Williams tries to grab it and yes into a fight with the ref to stall for time. the ring crews gets in and rehangs the X. Williams and Bentley starting fitting. Bentley even hitting a sling shot cross body to the floor. Don and Mike just keep saying it's live TV. Sabin now over and sense WIlliams into the guard rail and Bentley into the metal X supports. Bentley start going after D'Amore. The X is hanging again and Bentley start to gets tot he ropes. Sabin onto the X. Sabin and Bentley fight and knock each other off the ropes. The big red X starts of fall again. Petey gets underneath it and catches it. Mike Tenay is stunned when the bell rings. Sabin and Bentley are both pissed. Yeah as I said this match was kind of infamous because of the problems with the X. During the first Ultimate X the belt had fallen twice and both times TNA hung it up again. But this time the show was short on time and last thing TNA could afford was to go over its time.
NWA World Tag Team Championship America's Most Wanted James Storm and Chris Harris © with Gail Kim vs The Naturals Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas- AMW had won the belts by using a beer bottle "the night before." I'm a little confused why they didn't just have the title change on the PPV but it might have been wanting to do a title change on Spike during the easy days. The two teams had feuded in the past with AMW and faces and The Naturals as heels so this was a change on that. Douglas has a bandage on his head since he was the one that got busted open from the beer bottle. The Naturals charge the win and it's a all out brawl to starts. Stevens and Storm brawl on one side of the ring why Douglas and Harris are on the other. DOuglas sends Harris into the guard rail and Stevens does the same to Storm. Snap suplex on the ramp by Stevens for Storm and bull dog on the other ramp for Harris by Douglas. Harris cuts after the cut. Stevens and Storm into the ring and Harris catches Storm on the way in. Storm tries to skin the cat but Douglas baseball slides catches him and power bombs him into the guard rail. Douglas and Harris into the ring. Stevens into the ring and it looks like the Naturals are about to lay a beating. Harris drops to his knees and begs for mercy. The Naturals give him the up yours sign and beat on him. Harris bails out and start to go up the ramp Douglas from behind with a lariat to the back.Storm is still down. The Naturals trade off punching Harris. Than they trade off whipping Harris into the guard rail. The ref is trying to get control and is trying to hold Stevens back. Douglas use tape to choke Harris. Finally the ref is able to get Stevens off. Gail distracts Douglas allowing Storm to toss him into the steel supports for the Ultimate X. Storm slams Douglas into the commentary table. Douglas cut from the title change is open again. Storm sends Douglas into the ring for a waiting Harris. Harris uses the ropes to choke Douglas and punches at the cut. Tag to Storm. Harris holds Douglas for a n upper cu by Storm. Storm use the tape to choke Douglas. Eye of the Storm on Douglas gets two. More double teaming and quick tags form AMW. Storm takes time to mock Stevens but this lets Douglas go under his legs and make the tag. House of Fire Stevens with rights and a flying fore am on Harris. Back body drop on Harris by Stevens. Storm sent to the apron. Harris tries to hits Stevens but ducks and Storm takes it instead. TKO into the knee by Stevens. Douglas up and hits a flying neck breaker on Harris. Stevens covers and gets two. Storm up and nails Douglas. Stevens blocks one super kick and than duck another and hits one on Storm. Stevens covers but Storm kicks at two. Gail Kim gives Harris powered. Stevens kicks the powder into Harris' face. Harris is blind and hits the catatonic on Storm. The Naturals hit the AMW's own finisher the death sentence on Harris. Harris kicks out at two. The Naturals set for Natural Disaster on Storm. Gail Kim into the ring. Douglas goes after her. Storm shoves Stevens into the ropes but takes an elbow to the mouth as he and Stevens collide. Douglas still going after Gail and gets her. Harris us up and handcuffs Douglas to the guard rail. Storm and Stevens exchange punches. Storm drops. Stevens suplexs Harris back into the ring and hits an enziquri. Gail distracts the ref. Storm nails Stevens with a beer bottle. AMW with the death sentence on Stevens for the win. Great brawl. Given the violent history of the two teams feud it made sense the referee could never get control. This also set new tone for AMW's matches. No longer were they out fight tag team they now could out fight you and if all else failed Gail would help them out.
Pst match Storm nails Douglas who is still handcuffed. Its a nice little extra to drive that point home. AMW aren't the good guys anymore. Backstage James Mitchell and Abyss are with Douglas talks about how al four men have been locked up…. Oh that confuses you? Well see back in 2005 TNA would claim part of being in the Monsters ball would you would be locked up over night with no food, water, or even light. They dropped it after this and I say good. Its not like having them "Locked up" did anything the idea was supposed to be it would make them crazier but that's all it was an idea. Mitchell says he expects everyone to be diminished. Mitchell says being locked up with no food or water is nothing new for Abyss it's what made him The Monster. Mitchell compares inviting Abyss is locking brining a combat vet with PTSD to a paintball game. It's a good promo by Mitchell even with the lame idea of the guys were locked up.
Monsters Ball Rhino vs Abyss with James Mitchell- Rhino brings out a trash can filled with weapons, Abyss has his black bag of tacks and chain, Sabu comes out with a chair. and Jeff Hardy comes out with nothing because he's a bad ass or they forgot to bring something with him given what was up with Hardy at the time. Bell rings and Rhino attacks Hardy and Abyss joins in. Sabu tosses a chair at Abyss' head and than ducks the clothesline from Rhino. Rhino charges again and Sabu sends Rhino to the floor. Topa by Sabu takes out Rhino. Abyss has a chair but Hardy kicks him in the gut. Jeff sets up the chair and hits a assisted splash in the corner on the monster. Abyss to the floor and Jeff sets up the chair again and uses it launch him over the ropes. Rhino sends Sabu into the guard rail and than into the crowd. Abyss does the same thing to Hardy. Sabu is already bleeding. Hardy sends Abyss into the wall. Hardy off the stand with a double sledge. Rhino and Sabu are back at ringside fighting. Abyss tosses Hardy but over the guard rail. Chin lock by Sabu on Rhino. IN the ring Hardy gets some weapons. Sabu throws a chair into Rhino's face. Abyss had the advent on Hardy and rams his head in the corner. Sabu into the ring spring to the ropes and flies off them hitting Rhino on the floor. Whisper in the wind by Hardy in the ring. Abyss counters the twist of fate into the shock treatment. Sabu covers Hardy but Jeff kicks at one. Again that is a little smart moment. Sabu seeing a chance to win and taking it. Rhino back in the ring and stomps on Hard. Right hand by Rhino for Sabu. Rhino swings the chair Sabu ducks and Abyss takes the shot. Rhino swings again and gets Sabu the time. Than big chair shot to the head of Abyss. Hardy uses Sabu's body to launch into Abyss. Hardy drops to let Sabu do the same off of him but Sabu kicks him. Sabu leg drop on Hardy than a leg drop using the chair. Rhino with the kendo stick shot to Abyss than to hard and than to Abyss. Than several hard shots to Abyss. Rhino sets for the Gore on Abyss. Abyss catches him and hits a choke slam onto the chair. Abyss covers but Rhino kicks at two. Sabu gets table from under the ring and set it up on the ring and guard rail. Hardy gets a ladder fro under the ring. Abyss with a right hand on Hardy. Rhino is whipping Sabu with a heavy weight lifting belt. Abyss rams the ladder into Hardy's stomach a few times. Abyss and Hardy fight back to the entry way. Abyss start setting up a tables. Sabu is back up and brawling on the floor with Rhino. Hardy has a chair and nails Abyss in the head. Hardy sets Abyss on the table. Back with the other two. Rhino is set up on the table set on the ring and guard rail. Sabu sets the chair up. Spring to the ropes into a leg drop through the table. Hardy is using the later to climb up to the top of the entrances stage. For those that have never this match. I'm not talking getting onto the ramp I mean getting up to the massive set the use. SWANTON BOMB off the set through the table onto Abyss. We get a perfect shot of a shocked James Mitchell that just addd that exclamation mark onto it. An insane spot beyond belief.
Back in the ring Sabu holds Rhino in a camel clutch. Sabu sets up the chair but Rhino gets up and nails Sabu in the stomach with a kendo stick. Rhino wedges a chair into the corner. Sabu revers the whip and Rhino hits the chair. Triple jump moonsault by Sabu only gets two. Abyss has started crawl towards the ring. Sabu off the second rope with a leg drop and the chair. Hardy has gotten back up and starts to crawl back to the ring.Abyss gets a table into the ring and puts it in the corner. Sabu throws the chair into Abyss' head. Cross body using the chair as a spring but Abyss catches Sabu and tosses him out of the ring and through a table at ring side. Abyss gets the back of tacks. Rhino gores Abyss through the table in the corner. Hardy rams Rhino into the corner and hits rights hands. Back elbow by Rhino. Rhino on the second top and hits the Rhino driver on Hardy for the win. Insane matches some great spots. If you are a fan of hardcore wrestling check it out and the fans in the Impact Zone said it best. "That Was Awesome!" Also I defiantly felt everyone took time to sell. Far often Hardcore becomes an excuse to no sell and blow through spots instead these pros took time to make you think the moves were hurting you.
Backstage Shane Douglas is with Larry Zbyszko at the interview area. Shane says the word is Larry has made the descion. Larry announces a ten man over the top gauntlet match the winner get the shot at Jarrett. Jarrett tries to interrupt but Douglas won't let him. Shane asks if that is fair to Jarrett… You know I have never really gotten the argument that heel champion is being cheated when he must defend his title right after guys have just had a match to get title shot. Yeah in storyline no time to game plan but the heel champion is fresh compared to the one guy that is going into his third match of the night. Jarrett asks if this was Larry's idea or TNA's management? Jarrett says this smells of a screw job since he all the power. Jarrett demands to know who the ten men are. Larry says he doesn't have time and walks off. Jarrett yells they have. Now it's a ok promo it clear the scrambling to work a storyline when Nash drop a grenade into the booking for the show. I do find it interesting that Jeff says the have a deal. Now you might think Jeff just misspoke. I think it was meant to seed for the storyline hinting that Larry was part of the plan that got Jarrett the title back. After all why else would Jeff want to know whose idea it was?
30 Minute Iron Man Match For the X-Division Championship AJ Styles © vs Christopher Daniels- After Triple X has been forced to disband Daniels had gone after AJ and the X-Division title. At Against All Odds they had wrestled in another iron man match. With it tied one one late Daniels had locked in the Koji clutch. AJ rode out the time and the match went to over time. In OT had picked up the win. The next month at Destination X Daniels had stolen the title in an ultimate X where AJ had pulled down the belt but the ref was out so Daniels got a hold of it and the match was award to him. At Sacrifice Daniels had cost AJ the Super X-Cup tournament to prevent AJ from getting a title shot. TNA management punished Daniels by adding AJ to the title match between Daniels and Samoa Joe at Unbreakaboil where AJ regained. Daniels felt he had been robbed during Iron Man 1 since AJ was unconscious and the OT was all about TNA protecting it's Golden Boy. And AJ being added to the match with Joe made it a 2 on 1 once again screw him and favoring Styles. AJ wanted the match to finally shut Daniels up. Daniels jumps AJ when he is taking off his jacket. Series of forearms by Daniels than a leg lariat. Chops and forearms in the corner by Daniels. Over head press slam by Daniels. Styles firs back but Daniels is in control. AJ revers the whip. Daniels use the ropes to spring back ward over AJ's head. Big right and chops by AJ. Arm drag by Styles followed by by the back freaking. High flying shoulder block by Styles sends Daniels to the floor. AJ runs the ropes but Daniels up the apron and cut him off. Back in the ring we get as series of moves where each man avoid getting hit. Series of jabs but Daniels. AJ slides under a big boot and hits a drop kick. Daniels back to the floor. AJ sling shots. Daniels moves but AJ lands on the apron. Daniels tries to trip AJ but he avoids kicks Daniels back. Daniels hits the guard rail and lands in the crowd. AJ with forearms as the referee tries to hold him back. Daniels is rocked. Flying forearm using the steeps over the guard rail by AJ. What a (Pun intended) Phenomenal move by Styles. Clothesline by AJ knocks Daniels back over the guard rail. Back into the ring. AJ covers and Daniels at two. Side head lock by AJ and he tries to gets a get a pin. I really like that little thing AJ may not be getting falls but he's forcing Daniels to work. Daniels to his feet but AJ still has the head lock. Daniels tries to shot AJ off but gets powered down. Daniels for a back suplex but AJ keep control and does a head lock takeover. Forearms by Daniels and he goes for back drop. Styles lands on his feet and goes back to the head lock and gets another two count. Daniels to his feet and finally gets free. Shoulder tackle by AJ and he covers for one. Back to the head lock by Styles this time Daniels rolls AJ over and gets a two count. Ok this is working a head lock. A lot of guy would just hold it here they are both doing different things. Daniels trying various ways to free and Aj finding new ways to get it on and keep it one. Daniels gets free and gets an arm bar. Arm wringer into a wrist lock by Daniels. AJ flips to reverse the hold. Daniels tries to reverse but AJ gets a chance to lock in the head lock. Daniels frees himself. Daniels goes for a leg lariat but AJ hooks the ropes and Daniels hits the ground. Kick to the ribs but AJ than a knee drop. AJ gets one on the pin. Daniels' head rammed into the turn buckles all six of them.
Don West and Mike Tenay debate AJ straggly in a nice bit of dialog I feels adds to the match. AJ covers and only gets two. Forearm to the head by Styles than kicks to the chest and back. Revers chin lock by AJ. Back ward head butt by Daniels to get free. Kick to the lower abs by Styles. Indian death and falls back into the reverse chin lock. Daniels bites the hand to get free. AJ stomps on on Daniels. Daniels set to the apron. AJ ducks under the strike by Daniels goes over the ropes onto the apron and clotheslines Daniels back into the ring. Styles to the top ropes and goes of flying forearm. Daniels catches him and hits an over head suplex. Running clothesline by Daniels. Snap mare by Daniels and twist the neck of AJ. Another twist of the neck by Daniels. Daniels covers and gets two. Tilta a whirl back breaker by Daniels. Neck crank by Daniels. Styles elbows free and rolls up Daniels for two. School by AJ gets two. Koji clutch not eh break by Daniels. Don and Mike point out this time There is much more time. AJ powers to his knees and gets to the ropes. Daniels has a great reaction of shock that AJ managed to do that. Body slam by Daniels than into the split legged moonsault gets two. Daniels snaps and punches at AJ's head and than chokes him. Elbow to the back by Daniels as we reach half way. Daniels goes for the tilt awhirle again but AJ lands on his fee. Spring board moonsault into the inverted DDT by Styles. Both men are down. Running clotheslines by Styles. Spin kick by Styles. Daniels is up and than falls face first into the canvas. Pump handle suplex by Styles than a pump handle gut buster. Daniels able to kick out at two. AJ to the apron. Spring board attempt Daniels cuts him off and hits a death valley driver for two. Daniels sets AJ on the top for the iconoclasm for two. Daniels tires a spinning neck breaker AJ blocks and hits a hangmen's neck breaker. Styles covers and only gets two. AJ charges. Daniels side steps. AJ with the moonsault into the DDT but Daniels with a snap mare before the DDT. Blue thunder power bomb by Daniels only gets two. BME by Daniels only gets two. Daniels with a waste lock. AJ gets free. Rack bomb by Styles only gets two. AJ goes for a corner splash but Daniels moves and AJ hits hard. Running knee by Daniels sends Styles to the floor. AJ hits the steps as he falls and you as the match goes on you can see a nasty bruise forming. Amazing looking suicide dive by Daniels and both men are down on the floor with just under non minutes to go. Daniels rolls AJ back into the ring. Pelle when Daniels is on the apron. Daniels falls to the floor. Flip dive by AJ and both men are down on the floor again. AJ back in the ring and Daniels to the apron. AJ goes to suplex in but Daniels hooks the ropes. Daniels pulls AJ up and hits a back drop suplex to the floor and they hit with sick thud. Oh god that hard to hurt. Don and Mike start to wonder if they could be going to over time again. Daniels back in first. AJ who is on the floor hooks Daniels leg as we reach the five to go mark.
Daniels kicks AJ in the face. I think AJ's knee is start lock up from hitting the step. Hell his back can't fell all that good either on of just how tiring wresting is. Exchange of chops in the ring. Forearm by AJ. Roll up by Daniels gets two. We start seeing the natty bruise on AJ's leg. Body slam by Daniels but Styles with a small package and gets two. AJ goes for the pelle again but this time Daniels avoids it and sees it coming. Side roll by Daniels gets two. Side roll by Styles gets two. AJ goes for a hand spring move but Daniels catches him and hits release German suplex. AJ no sells it and hits the discos lariat. Both men are down. AJ finally slowly covers but Daniels kicks at two. Two minute warning still zero zero. Daniels with a thumb to the eye. Daniels tries an corner avalanche AJ moves. AJ to the top for a cross body. Daniels rolls through and hooks the tights… AJ kicks at two. Exchange of forearms. One minute to go. Daniels blocks a suplex. Enziquri by Styles only gets two. Jaw breaker by Daniels and than his own enziquri. AJ is rocked. Angles wings is counted int a modified northern nights. Daniels bridges out of the pin. AJ sweeps the legs and hits the Styles Clash and covers for a three just art time expires. It wasn't that good….. IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! To make it simple this is the kind of much ROH Bots like to pretend happens in ROH all the time. It was perfectly wrestled. They start slow but that makes sense the match is gong thirty no matter what so a mistake early on could put you in giant hole . Than it's starts to pick up as both men start to know they need something big to score the win. But each man knows the other so they are able to counter each other. Not a single spot is rushed. Each spot has Impact as it gets it moment to sink in. They are creative twists on normal moves. Even the finish is well done I'm most fans figured they would go in over time once again so having AJ pull it out last second is a good twist. This as also the end (for a while anyway) of there one on one feud. The next month Joe beat Daniels down starting his face turn and he AJ eventually even partnered up.
Ten Man Over the Top Gauntlet Winner Gets a Shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship- Two men start and have a two minute period than new entrants every sixty seconds. Samoa Joe is the first man out and the fans got nuts as do Don and Mike. Myself Oh yeah I marked out big time. By the way so did I just the very idea Joe who had this point had been all X-Division was even this match was awesome. Ron Killings is number two. Joe stares Killings down. Killings does a little dance mocking Joe's fire dance from earlier. Don and Mike point out how stupid it is to mock Joe's heritage. Joe just punches Killings in the face. Running knee in the corner by Joe than the face wash and the big running boot. Killing goes to the top quickly and hits a block buster. STO by Killings. The Truth tries to eliminate Joe but Joe is to powerful. Sabu is man number three. I don't' know if he was legit hurt or just selling but Sabu is holding his ribs. Sabu also has a chair and tosses it into Joe's face and than does it to Killings. Triple jump moonsault by Sabu he does mess up but actually slips on the ropes but recovers before falling off. Sabu using the chair to launch himself and splash Joe in the corner. Sabu does it again and finally drops Joe. Sabu goes for it again but this time Joe kicks the chair and trips Sabu up. Lane Hoy is man four. Hoyt goes house of fire but Joe no sells his blows. Joe and Hoyt exchange shots like there Griffin and Bonnar. Joe runs the ropes but Hoyt hit the big boot. Hoyt with punches on Sabu and than a knee. Hoyt tires to dumb Killings. Joe goes after everyone and hits a DDT on Sabu. The fifth man is Abyss. Like Sabu Abyss is selling an injury holding his hand. Don makes mention that he thought Abyss had broken it earlier. Mitchell comes out with Abyss. Joe turns to face Abyss and the two big men go face to face total mark out moment again by the way. Joe and Abyss exchange chops. Abyss goes for a choke slam but Joe grabs on Abyss' throat as well. Killings breaks it up with a double flying clothesline. Jeff Hardy is number six and man he is really limping badly. Joe rams Hoyt into the corner and than gets him in guillotine choke. Hardy hits right hands on Abyss. Monty Brown is lucky number seven. Brown right into the ring and hits the pounce on Sabu. Hardy charges and Brown badly and I mean badly blows the spot. It's clear they are going for Hardy takes out Brown but goes over himself. Instead Hardy goes out and Brown doesn't go over. Than a despite Brown jumps over the top rope. That is just an awful botch and made worse by Brown being a moron. It wasn't even like he was over the ropes and didn't' fall quick enough he was clearly in the ring and on the ground. Joy and Killing try to eliminate Abyss. Rhino is the last man to enter. Rhino comes out holding his ribs and with a huge amount of blood on his eye.
Rhino with right hands to Hoyt and than a big clothesline to take out big Lance. Joe with a leg kick to Sabu. Abyss beats down Rhino and chokes him with his boot. Kip James is the ninth entrant. Rhino sends Sabu to the floor taking him out. Kip with right sand a clothesline for Abyss. Corner splash by Kip on Abyss and than the famous. Joe with forearms for Kip. Joe goes for a back body drop on Kip but James leap frogs over him. Drop kick by Kip James. Killings fight with Rhino. The final man is AJ Styles. And I just feel bad for AJ. Again it might be selling but the guy can barely walk and looks like he's about to fall over he is so tired. I get the idea is the world title means so much he's going to roll the dice and come out. Also it give Don and Mike to talk about how shocked they are Raven isn't in the match. Kip tears at the face of Samoa Joe. AJ goes after Abyss. Abyss toes AJ off him and kicks him. Abyss whips AJ into the corner. Rhino with a running stomp kick to the face of Abyss.. Joe with a jaw breaker on Kip. Round house kick by Joe to chest of Kip James. Joe tries to eliminate Joe. Abyss tears at the mouth of Rhino fish hooking it. AJ with forearms and an enzqirui on Kip James. AJ mangoes to get Killing over the ropes but can't' final it. Abyss goes to toss Kip out. Kip actually shoves Killings back in farthing the idea he was on the up and up. Killings ducks a spin kick by AJ. AJ ducks an kick by Killing. and hits an enziquri. AJ dumps Killings over the top rope. Kip is still at Ringside and keeps him from hitting the floor. The referee pull Kip away and a stiff kick by Joe sends Killing to the floor. Joe kicks AJ int he chew a few times. Abyss chokes Rhino. AJ goes for a dicos lariat but Joe ducks it and locks in the standing rear naked choke. Abyss eliminate both Joe and AJ when they get to close to the ropes. Gore by Rhino and dumps Abyss over the top rope. Pretty good Royal Rumble style match. Matches like these do lose a lot on a re-watch because there are the same reparative spots with guys trying to send someone over the top. There is very little to no mat wrestling and with so many guys in the ring you can't just start flying around. Finally a big part of the fun is seeing who enters and where well when you have see the match that's not as fun. It is cool to see Joe facing bigger guys like Abyss and Rhino but that is more of a novelty.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Jeff Jarrett © vs Rhino Special referee Tito Ortiz- Tito was on one of his many UFC falling outs and been a ref for an AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett match earlier in the year. And hey as long as Stephan Bonnar doesn't show up with some guy in a mask that even the most hardcore MMA fans have never heard of I'm fine they were brining him in because MMA was just getting hot. There is a back story to the match so it makes sense it's Rhino. When Rhino had debuted it had been as a alley of Jarrett the two even teamed to take on Raven and Sabu. How ever in that match Rhino wound up pinning Raven earning a title shot much to Jarrett's anger ending the team. They jump right into Tito's entrance as soon Rhino wins the title shot. Rhino is still down on the ground trying to get up as Jarrett's entrance starts. Jarrett comes out with a big cocky smile as Mike says its all in his favor. A group of ring crew guys bring don the casket to help Jarrett fulfill ins promise someone will leave in it. Jarrett right into the ring and stomps on Rhino. Beautiful drop kick by Jarrett and than he uses the ropes to choke Rhino. Jarrett cannon balls onto the back. Jarrett with a slide to the floor so he can punch Rhino right in the face. Jarrett with slaps and punches to the face. Rhino to the floor and Jarrett follows him out. Jarrett drives Rhino into the guard rail and than he whips him into the other one. Jarrett rams the head of Rhino into the announce table. Rhino has been busted open again. Jarrett gets a trash can and hits Rhino with it before sending his head into the casket. Rhino doing a great job of selling how tired and beat up he is. Jarrett picks up Rhino and drops him stomach first onto the guard rail. Jarrett screams at Rhino to get up. Back into the ring. Jarrett to the top rope and comes off with a flying clothesline. Jarrett back to the top and hits a second flying clothesline. Jarrett to the top again. Rhino catches him and kicks him low. Classic set up Jarrett starts to get cocky and get caught. Gail Kim runs down. Rhino goes for the gore but Jarrett side steps him and Rhino hits the corner hard. Gail up onto the top rope distracting Ortiz. Gail goes for a moves but Tito catches her. Tito leaves the ring taking Gail to the back. Jarrett has the guitar. Rhino ducks once but goes for the gore. Jarrett gets him on the second attempt. Jarrett covers but Ortiz isn't in the ring. Ortiz retunes. Rhino kicks at two. AMW out to the ring. Harris distract Ortiz and Storms passes a second guitar to Jarrett. Ortiz nails Harris and than Storm. Jarrett is detracted. Gore by Rhino to win the match and the tile. Ok they didn't' have the time and given it was Rhino third match logically they couldn't do some back and forth war. But what we got was very good. Rhino sells everything perfectly. Jarrett is in his element the cocky heel with all the advantages. But its like Douglas upsetting Tyson or the Maverick beating the Heat it's just that one special time they are not to be denied. Also Rhino winning the belt was a great moment. For years he was so badly mis-booked by the WWE treated as jobber. Hell there is a story that Vince once at a house show went out interrupted a match he was in called Rhino boring and gave everyone what they "really wanted" a bikini contest with the divas. Even if it was use for a brief time his title reign was an awesome moment. Even now years later I get chills watching it.
Post match the fans are going nuts while Planet Jarrett is in shock. Rhino starts to cry as Ortiz hands him the NWA title. AMW and Jarrett start to beat down Rhino. 3LK out to make the save. Team Canada out to take out 3LK and Rhino. The heels beat on the face. Jarrett and Roode put the casket in the ring. Another guar tar shot for Rhino and they put him in the casket. Jarrett holds up the NWA title as Don and Mike can't believe this how Bound for Glory is ending… Team 3D makes there return form the "Dead" and take out all the heels along with 3LK. 3D for Eric Young and the put him in the casket after pulling Rhino out. We end on 3D and 3LK celebrating as Rhino stands on the caskets holding up the belt. I'm pretty sure the original plan was Jarrett retains after heel actions. Send out 3D to beat down the heel and send the fans home happy on the big return maybe hitting Jarrett with 3D or something. But when Nash pulled a Nash they changed it Rhino winning the belt. Rhino dropped the title right back to Jarrett but TNA got great mileage out this feud. The rematch, a six man tag with Rhino and 3D vs AMW and Jarrett. An amazing Last Man Standing match between Rhino and Jarrett. The ending is a lot of fun and it dose send the fans home happy
Bonus Match Ultimate X Winner Gets An X-Division Title Shot Petey Williams with Scott D'Amore vs Chris Sabin vs Matt Bentley with Traci - After the issues at the PPV TNA made some changes to how the big red X was hung up and gave a rematch to make up for what went wrong. Bentley and Sabin go after Williams. Bentley shoves Sabin off so he can beat on Williams solo. Double team whip by Sabin and Bentley. Bentley whips Sabin so he can get extra speed on a flying forearm. Bentley and Sabin fight over who can go after the X. Bentley telegraphs the back body drop and gets kicked by Sabin. Drop kick by Williams on Sabin and than Williams dumps Bentley to the floor hard. Williams climbs. Drop kick to the ass by Sabin (I call them as I see them) and Williams gets his head stuck in the stew lift they use to hold up the Ultimate X. Sabin up but Bentley cuts him off. Superplex by Bentley on Sabin. Williams is free and sees Traci. Williams start to go after her. D'Amore is behind her. Traci to get away tries climbing up steel poles. Bentley sees Williams go after his giro and takes him out. Sabin is going after the X. Bentley cuts him off again. Neck breaker off the top rope by Bentley on Sabin. Bentley tries to climb but Williams cuts him off and hangs him in the tree of woah. Petey stands on him to sing O'Canada. Sabin crotches Petey and hands him in the tree of woah. Baseball slide drop kick to face by Sabin. Hesitation dropkick by Sabin to the face. Sabin up the top but Williams hooks his book. Head butt to the face by Sabin. Williams with a drop down as Sabin goes for something. But Sabin keeps doing and hits a suicide dive to the floor on Bentley. Williams starts to climb up the X but Sabin cuts him off. Williams knocks Sabin back to the floor. Williams goes for the sling shot Rana but something does wrong so instead it looks more like flying head scissors. After a commercial break we come back to see Williams is the only man standing. Williams climbs up and actually gets onto the ropes. Bentley grabs onto his legs. Sabin with a missile drop-kick to Williams in mid air. Boot to the head by Bentley on Sabin. Chop and boots by Bentley. Bentley climbs up and gets to the ropes and gets the center. Williams him off and hits a power bomb. The big red X starts to come lose. The fans start to chant please don't' fall. Williams stars climb up. Sabin up an chits a release German Superplex. Bentley starts to climb up and gets not he ropes. Sabin tries to pull him down but Bentley wraps his legs around the ropes . Bentley is stuck he can't get moment to go foreword but he can't drop his legs or get pulled down. Spin kick by Sabin on Williams. Sabin picks Williams up going for a power bomb. Williams to block grabs onto Bentley. Bentley kicks him back but the momentum lets Williams Rana Sabin. Bentley fall off the the top of the Ultimate X. All three men are down. Bentley up first and he's fired up. Series of rights by Bentley on Williams. Side russian leg sweep by Williams on Bentley. Canadian Destroyer is blocked. Williams runs right into the Bentley superkick. Sabin with cradle shock on Bentley. Sabin up to the Ultimate X. Sabin's start to give out. Williams pulls him off and give him an atomic drop. Canadian destroy on Sabin by Williams. Williams hurt his leg. Bentley is up and gets not the rig. D'Amore into the ring. Bentley gets his legs up. Traci spears D'Amore. Williams is up on the rig. Exchange of kick by Williams and Bentley. Low blow by Williams and Bentley drops. Petey gets the X to win. Big credit to these guys I'm sure it was bought. Big credit to these guys I'm sure it was tough to have there big match at the biggest PPV of the year fall apart because of things they had no control over. They managed to come up with a different match so they weren't just repeating what we had already seen on the PPV.
Bound for Glory 2005 gets off to slow start. But oh once it gets good it gets real good. The tag title match is a great southern style wrestling brawl with two teams that just knew how to work that style so perfectly. The Iron Man match is just incredible to watch as it goes back and forth. It never seems to drag or fill like they are just killing time. The Monsters Ball is a hard core match done right. Hell it's a pretty interesting watch seeing this company deal with a major last second change to a card and being able to pull it off and still give you a show worth watching. One small knock I have is the show being in the Impact Zone but its TNA and in 2004/2005 everything was in the Impact Zone. Much like the original WrestleMania the show is worth checking out just to see the first one in the series.