Thursday, May 8, 2014

Flashback Reviews PWG Sells Out Part 2

Ok second DVD of PWG sells out. The first one was all about name value talent featuring guys like CM Punk, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe. This one is all about the PWG home grown talent guys like Joey Ryan, Davey Richards, and Kevin Steen. And this the one PWG really need to impress people after all these were the guys on the show PWG was selling.

Excalibur welcomes us to DVD two talking about the great home grown talent we will see. I with they had done more with stuff. Maybe him explain any history between the two in the match were about to see or just hype up the match. It feels kind of useless to just to film the guy in front of wall for three total appearance that could easily have been left out otherwise.

From 2nd Anniversary Show For the PWG Tag Team Championship Arrogance Chris Bosh and Scott Lost © vs Ariel Express Quicksilver and Scorpio Sky with Dino Winwood If Ariel Express losses they must unmask and can never challenge for the belts again No DQ No Count out- Arrogance had formed when Lost had beat Joey Ryan for sole control of the PWG tag titles and were the longest reigning champions. Ariel Express had been a team for years  but had never won the PWG tag titles. The referee holds all four ben back at the start. Quicksilver and Lost start us off. Wrist lock by Silver. Drop toe hold by Bosh and front chancery. Countered into the hammer lock by Quicksilver. Snapmare into a chin lock by Lost. Back to the hammer lock and than a head lock by Quicksilver. Roll up into the knee bar by Quicksilver Lost gets the ropes. Hammer lock by Lost. Revered into a wrist lock by Quicksilver.  Arm drag into the arm bar by Lost. Bosh tags in. Wrist lock by Quicksilver and he tags in Sky. Front face lock by Sky. Leg trip into a wrist lock by Bosh. Single leg into a hammer lock by Sky. Head lock by Sky than a shoulder tackle. Sky tries for a rana Bosh does't go over and gets a cradle for two. Sky with a head lock takeover but Bosh turns into into a pinball for two. Spring board off the back into a rana by Sky. Bosh tags in Lost. Arm drag by Sky. Sky misses a drop kick and take a gut buster. Lost mocks Sky doing his pose allowing Scorpio Sky to recover and hit a dropkick for two. Tag to Quicksilver. Double team "leg assisted power bomb" by the Express. Back elbow by Quicksilver gets two. Chin lock by Silver. Sky tags in double arm wringer forces Lost kicks to the back and kicks to the chest. Cover by Sky gets two. Sky goes for a back body drop. Lost sees it come rolls over the back and than hits a dropsault. Tag to Bosh. Series of punches by Bosh. Sky dropkicks the legs out. Tag to Quicksilver. Inverted chin lock by Sky  and drop kick to the face by Quicksilver. Blind tag by Lost. Bosh slides out of the ring. Quicksilver sees Lost coming and nails him first. Quicksilver tires for a leap front but Lost falls back and stick his boot up so Quicksilver crotches himself. Bosh in for a back breaker behind the referees back. Vertical suplex by Lost gets two. Tag to Bosh. School by by Bosch gets two Hammer lock using the leg with a chin lock by Bosch. Bosh goes after the mask. Side head lock takedown by Bosh. Fishermen's suplex by Bosh gets two. Forearms by Quicksilver but Bosh fires back. Bosch picks Quicksilver up and runs him back first into the knee of Lost. Tag by Arrogance makes Lost legal. Stomp to the head by Lost. Body slam by Lost who than goes for a standing moonsault but Quicksilver moves. Standing moonsault by Quicksilver gets two. Jumping clothesline by Lost. Tag back to Bosch. Camel clutch by Bosh. Quicksilver gets the ropes. Tag to lost who nails Quicksilver as Bosh holds him.  Drop toe hold into the knee by Arrogance. Lost covers and gets two. Diving shoulder block to the gut by Lost. Quicksilver counters a whip and hits the Silver Slice (Think the 1% from EC3)

Tag to Sky and tag to Bosh. Clothesline than a knee to the gut on Bosh. Lost in  and takes a jumping knee. TKO onto Sky's knee for Bosh. Cover gets two. Lost in and hits a shoulder clutch gut buster and covers even though he's not legal for two. Crucifix into a DDT by Sky. Tag to Quicksilver and tag to Bosh. Ok that is stupid as long as Quicksilver was in before he should be fine and ready to go now. Spring board neck clothesline by Quicksilver followed by the step up enziquir. Bosch kicks at two. Bosh goes for a wheel barrow but Sky comes in and uses his partner to launch into the shinning wizard. Quicksilver covers broken up by Lost with a spin kick.  Superman Spear by Lost than a Scorpion Death Lock. Quicksilver breaks it up. Sunset flip back breaker followed by a spring board basement dropkick by the Ariel Express. Dropkick power bomb combo by the Express gets two. Bosh breaks it up. Silver and Bosh square off. Reverse Silver Slice. Quicksilver with Sunset flip bomb to the floor on Bosh. Double dives but he Express. Lost gets hit by Sky but Bosh moves and Quicksilver hits the ground. Ok wouldn't it have made more sense for Lost to be the one that moves since he didn't just take a major move on the floor. Hell Bosh shouldn't even be standing yet. Bosh with a chair shot nails Quicksilver who is int he ring post. In the ring Sky covers Lost but there ref is with Quicksilver. Lost kicks at two. Bosh back int and takes a leg lariat by Sky. Back breaker on Lost. Sky start crawling for a tag but Silver is still out and we see Silver is being taken to the back.  Bosh runs into the double boot by Sky. Running cutter into the dragon sleeper by Sky. Joey Ryan runs and in super kicks Sky in the head. Dino Winwood gets in the ring and gets in Ryan's face. Joey shoves and slaps Winwood. Winwood slaps and than power bombs Ryan. Ok I don't want to hate on the guy but Winwood is a very out of shape guy that did not wrestle. Ryan was the PWG champion? WTF was that. Hell it wouldn't more since for someone who was going to challenge Joey Ryan for the title to come out and go after him? Low blow by Bosh and Superkick by Lost takes out Winwood. 

Lost starts pulling on Sky's mask. Stunner by Bosh. Assisted back breaker by Arrogance. Sky kicks at two. Northern lights by Lost on Bosh's knee for a back breaker. Sky kicks out again. Lost to top rope. Scorpio Sky with head scissors sends Bosh into the ropes taking out Lost as well. Running hurricanrana by Sky on Lost. Back breaker into neck breaker on Bosh. Sky covers but Bosh kicks at two. Steiner Screwdriver by Bosh again Sky kicks at two. Lost goes after the referee because he is pissed the count isn't faster. Hart attack by Arrogance Bosh out of the ring to jaw with the fans and Lost goes for the Scorpion Death lock. Small package Sky for the 1 2 3. I really wanted to like this match and I can tell all four guys really tried. But its an over booked mess. Also the finish kind of feel anti climatic and makes Bosh look really stupid it would have been better to have Sky knock Lost into Bosh sending him to the floor that way. Also it feels so anti climatic to have the belts change hands with Quicksilver out of the match like that. 

Post match we see Bosch still think they won and is slapping hands with fans. Joey Ryan is back up as he and Lost look stunned. Bosch has the belts and hand one to Lost. Finally Bosh is told they lost the match. Bosh claims "That move always works your lying." I think they are teasing a break up with Arrogance as it comes off like Bosh is blaming Lost. Bosh hands his belt to Sky. Lost nails Sky with the other belt. Lost and Bosh beat on Sky. Ryan and Bosh hold Sky as Lost removes the mask exposing his face. And this isn't the usual mask comes off but face gets covered deal we see Sky's face as he stopped wearing his mask after this. Lost tosses his belt on to Sky. The ring few tries to cover Sky's face but he uncovers it. Sky picks up his mask and breaks down. Sky is helped to the back. Again I really don't' know why included this post match angle. Since there was never a real payoff to in PWG. 

From the Battle of LA 2005 Ricky Reyes, Davey Richards, Joey Ryan and Scott Lost vs Super Dragon, Jack Evans, El Generico, and Frankie Kazarian- Battle of LA is a tournament hold every year this was the loser match. All the guy that lost on night one competed in this match. El Generico and Joey Ryan start us off. Arm wringer by Joey to start. Go behind takedown into a front face lock by Generico. Reversed into the hammer lock by Ryan Generico gets up and gets the wrist lock. Take down by Ryan. Generico with a head scissors. Ryan out and gets the side headlock.Back to the wrist lock by Generico. Ryan pokes the eyes. Knee to the gut by Ryan. Joey sets to seen on a back body drop and gets kick in the chest. Arm drag into the arm bar by Generico. Tag to Kazarian.  Tag to Reyes. Kick to the leg than a head lock by Reyes. Each man goes for a drop kick and misses. Each man misses a kick. Arm drag by Reyes. Arm drag by Kaz and Reyes to the floor. Tag to Scott Lost and tag to Evans. Hip toss attempt by Lost but Evans lands on his feet. Hammerlock by Lost into a school boy for two. Kick to the back of the head by Lost.Jumping spring kick by Evans. Tag to Richards. Lock up and Richards tosses Evans hard into the corner. Super Dragon tags in. Elbows exchanged. Dragon goes for the psyco driver, Richards out and lands a kick and goes for the DR Driver. Single leg by Dragon into a grape vine. Richards goes for am arm bar by Dragon gets to a revere bow and arrow. Richards escapes to a chin lock. Dragon to his feet and best the top wrist lock and forces Richards back into a bridge. Kick free Richards. Dragon gets an STF. Richards goes for the ropes but Dragon pulls the back the arm straight jacket style. Lost pushes the ropes in with his foot letting Richards get them. Violence party by Super Dragon. Richards stops a whip and hits rabid fire kick to the face and head. Dragon kicks a kick and hits a big chop that knocks Richards. Tag to Generico. Catapult by Generico he holds on so Richards falls back over his knees.  Foot stomp off the top by Super Dragon. Back heel kick by Generico gets two. Back body drop by Richards sends Generico to the apron. Attempt at a spring board missile drop by Generico misses. Tag to lost who hits a basement drop kick than a vertical suplex for two. Shoulder blocks in the corner by Lost. Superman spear by Lost. Tag to Ryan double team by Ryan and Lost. Drop kick by Ryan. Tag to Reyes who elbows Generico in the back. Gut wrench suplex by Reyes gets two. Reyes tries of for a power bomb. Sunset flip by Generico gets two. Back drop suplex by Reyes but Generico lands on his feet. Tag to Evans. Drop fault for Reyes and one for Richards when he charges in. Corkscrew dropkick on Reyes. Jumping knee by Evans on Richards. Ryan in but he takes a flipping neck breaker. Evans nails Lost sending him off the apron. Reyes up and nails Evans in the back of the head. Back drop suplex by Reyes gets two. Tag to Lost. Impact DDT Evans as Lost goes for a back body drop. Tag to Ryan and tag to Kaz. Lost holds Kaz for Ryan to punch him Ryan hits the ropes but Super Dragon trips. Super Dragon with a back breaker to Lost. Richards in and charges at Kazarian who give him a Death Valley Driver into a corner and Lost. Richards hung in the tree of woe on top of lost. Sling shot dropkick by Kazarian. 

Generico, Dragon, and Kaz Dive taking out three heels. Evans goes for sorting and it up to the top rope.  Richards pulls him off. Release German by Richards but Evans lands on his feet. Drop kick by Evans sends Richards to the floor. Saski Special by Evans takes out Ryan and Richards. Back in the ring its Lost and Evans. Superman spear misses. Ryan superkick on Evans. Suicide dive by Ryan takes out Super Dragon. Lost has Generico and Evans and he puts him tin a double scorpion death lock. Super Dragon tires for a save but Ryan cuts him off. Running bicycle kick by Kaz break up the submission. Tiger Suplex by Generico on Ryan. Running Yakuza kick in the corner on Lost by Generico. Lost place don the top rope. Flux capacitor by Kaz on Lost. Reyes break up the pin. Dragon Sleeper by Reyes on Generico. Double stomp by Evans to break it up which is a stupid spot because he would have been stomping onto Generico given the way Reyes had the move locked in. Reyes power bomb on Evans. Power bomb lung blower combo by Richards and Reyes. Super Dragon break up the pin. Dragon sends Reyes to the floor. Release German by Dragon on Richards. Richards no sells it. Running clothesline by Super Dragon gets two. Psyco Driver blocked. Step up enziquri by Richards. Tiger Suplex by Richards gets two. Richards to the top rope. Shooting star press misses. Dragon gets Richards up for the psyco driver. Reyes tries to trip him. Evans uses Richards as platform to moonsault onto Reyes. Psych Driver on Richards for the win. Good match but kind of fall a part in the end. Tags are ignored by the end and like  a lot multi man matches it became guy hits move than takes moves form someone else and fall out for a  while repeated over and over and over again. 

From Astonishing X-Mas Guerrilla Warfare Match Super Dragon vs Kevin Steen- Steen had attacked Super Dragon whiled dressed like him (as covered in part one) kicking off a long feud between the two. This was match to settle the GWM is PWG's feud ender no rules there must be a winner. Steen jumps out the ring to cut Dragon off during his entrance. Exchange of punches. Chair shot by Dragon. Steen shoves Dragon into a bunch of empty chairs. Steen throws a chair a Dragon. Brawling into a stack of chairs. Chair shot again by Steen. Stiff chop by Super Dragon. Exchange of chair shots again. Steen sent into the post. Steen knocks Dragon into a chair and chops him. Dragon sent into the post. Steen picks Dragon up on shoulder and runs him before tossing him into some empty chairs that give way. Steen uses a chair to choke Super Dragon. Steen sends Dragon into the ring. Dragon is right up and dives on Steen.Chair shot to the head by Dragon. Knee drop off the apron by Dragon. Steen shoves Dragon into the wall. Drop kick by Steen than a low blow. Chair to the shoulder by Steen. Summersault leg drop by Steen on the floor. Chop to the face by Steen. Chop to the face by Super Dragon. Non protected head butts exchanged. Dragon pulls the entrance set up down on to Steen. Snap suplex by Super Dragon onto the floor. Low blow by Steen again. Chair shots to the back by Steen. Match finally gets into the ring. Steen puts on a Super Dragon mask. Curb stomp by Steen. Double leg by Super Dragon and a curb stomp by Steen. Dragon pulls the mask off of Steen. Another curb stomp by Steen. Super Dragon sets up a table on the outside. Steen laid out on the table. Steen moves off the table before Dragon can dive out of the ring again. Dragon stop hims hims and than hits a jumping spin kick to the back of the head. Steen laid on the table. Dragon goes for a dive. Steen is up and nails Super Dragon. Steen tries to suplex Dragon out of the ring and through the table and he does. Both men are down. Steen up and tosses Dragon into the ring. Steen cover Dragon rolls is his shoulder at two. Swanton Bomb by Steen. Dragon kicks at two again. Steen sits Dragon on the top rope. Punch by Dragon knocks Steen to the mat. Second rope senton by Super Dragon gets two. Foot stomp to the head by Super Dragon both men are down on the floor again. Super Dragon gets a steel chair (The one earlier were plastic) Low blow by Super Dragon. Chair shot to the head. Curb stomp onto the chair by Super Dragon. Dragon traps Steen head in the chair and climbs to the top rope. Double stomp to the head. Steen kicks at two. Super Dragon out of the ring and goes off camera and gets a pop corn tin. Dragon opens the tin and pours out thumb tacts. Shot with the tin to the head of Steen. Psyco driver blocked. Packaged pile driver blocked. Super Dragon tries to back body drop Steen but its blocked. Steen power bombs Super Dragon into the tacts. Super Dragon kicks at two again. 

Steen gets several steel chairs. Steen stacks the chairs in the ring. Steen goes for the package pile diver. Super Dragon up and over the back. Super kick by Steen. Package piledriver  onto the chairs by Steen. Another kick out by Super Dragon. Steen rolls out of the ring and yells "This isn't worth it." And walks out of the arena. We get a shot of the stairs went up and his exit for a long time. Steen returns. He than goes to a side room and gets a wooden pallet with barb wire. Ok I have to wonder of that was supposed to be upstairs because when Steen came back down I expected him to be holding a weapon. Steen gets the board into the ring where Super Dragon is still down. Steen hits Dragon with the pop corn tin. Steen sets the barb wire board up on two chairs. Dragon escapes the power bomb and knocks Steen down with a clothesline. Super Dragon sits Steen on the top rope. Butterfly Suplex through the barb wire board by Super Dragon. Steen rolls his shoulder at two. Super Dragon gets a table from under the ring and sets it up outside. Dragon pulls Steen to the apron. Psyco Driver off the apron through a table. Steen has been busted open. Back in the ring Dragon covers but than he pulls Steen up. Dragon goes back to the side room and gets another popcorn tin. This one has handcuff in it. Super Dragon handcuffs Steen behind his back. Violence party than head butts followed by kicks to the head. Steen spits at Super Dragon. Chair shot to the head. Another cover by Super Dragon and he pulls Steen up again. Up protected psyco driver onto the tacts for the win. If your a fan of hardcore wrestling you will enjoy this. I have some issues with it mainly it being going to the same side room to get weapons. Also commentary really hurt this match. Mainly they made it clear it was begin tapped post match sand even pointed out when Disco Machine and Taro who were calling it could be seen on screen yet they still acted shocked by stuff that happens in the match. And in a funny note after this match you can hear Taro and Machine recording the intro for the DVD.  They could't edit that off?

We than get a post match promo by Steen who say Super Dragon finally beat him. Steen tells Dragon to never forget everything it took to beat him. WE can see the tacts are still in Steen's head. Steen says he is still walking and he will be back. Its a good promo by Steen. I really have to wonder why other promos weren't on this DVD as I feel that kind of stuff could have helped sell the story for a big match like this. 

From Hollywood Globetrotters For the PWG World Tag Team Championships Davey Richards and Super Dragon © vs Jack Evans and Roderick Strong- Richards and Dragon were the classic tag champions that didn't get along.  Super Dragon gets in Evans face during the introductions leading to Strong shoving him. Richards and Strong start us off. Top wrist lock by Strong and Richards back trips him. Knee bar by  Richards into a row boat than a camel clutch. Strong escapes and ties up the legs and he pulls the hair. Snapmare into a chin lock by Strong Richards escapes into a hammer lock before going for a wrist lock than back to the hammer lock. Reversed by Strong into his own hammer lock. Richards rolls int a ankle lock. Strong gets the ropes. Side headlock takedown by Richards. Top wrist lock by Strong and he forces Richards into a bridge. Stomp to the arm by Strong. Wrist lock by Richards. Strong cartwheels out of the hold and hits firemen's cary into an arm bar. Wrist lock by Strong. Richards with a  stiff kick to get free. Tag to Evans and tag to Super Dragon. Lock up and Dragon tosses Evans down. Dragon tries it again but this time Evans cartwheels. Arm wringer by Super Dragon. Evans flips free. Go behind takedown into the front face lock by Super Dragon. Evans flips out of it. Big slap by Suer Dragon and than chops. Chin lock with a knee in the back and than a chop to the face on Evans. Series of kick by Evans. Dragon catches one takes Evans down and locks in an cross face.Dragon changes to the STF. Evans gets the ropes. Double choke thrilling choke on Evans in the corner by Super Dragon. Evans reverse a whip and goes for the cartwheel elbow. Dragon catches him and hits a belly to back suplex for two. Tag to Richards who cuts off the tag. Snap suplex by Richards gets two. Charing back elbow by Richards. Power slam than a single leg crab by Richards. Strong comes in and breaks the hold. Evans hung in the tree of wow. Tag Super Dragon. Richards draws in Strong with distracts the referee allowing Super Dragon to stand on Evans nuts. Hanging dropkick by Richards. Butterfly suplex from Super Dragon gets two. Evans goes for elbows and Super Dragon no sells them before poking Evans in the eyes. Big chop by Super Dragon. Over hand chop by Dragon and than pokes Evans in the throat. Tag to Richards who drives the shoulder into Evans stomach. Chin lock by Richards. Evans gets free for a second but Drop toe hold by Richards. Shin breaker by Richards into to head scissors. Super Dragon in and uses his legs to add to the pressure. Strong in and breaks it up. Knee drop to the back by Richards. Pelle kick by Evans tag to Strong. Big chops by Strong. Dropkick by Strong to the face of Richards. Super Dragon in and hits Strong. Chops to Strong by Super Dragon. Kick to the spine than a knee drop the the face. Legal tag to Super Dragon. Head scissors by Super Dragon. Strong gets the ropes. Tag to Richards. Chops by Richards than a kick to the chest gets two. Eye poke by Richards.  Tag to Super Dragon.

Strong tossed to the floor. Richards works him over and whip Strong back first into the apron. Chops and kick combo by the tag team champions. Tag to Richards who punches Strong in the back. Running knee to the gut by Richards. Body scissors by Richards and he tears at Strong's noise. Strong gets the ropes. Tag to Super Dragon. Big elbow to the head by Dragon than a side head lock takedown. Dragon rakes the eyes of Strong's on the ropes. Side slam by Dragon gets two. Body scissors by Super Dragon. Strong gets the ropes again. Dragon grinds his boot into Strong face. Dragon runs into a back kick. Body press by Strong gets two and he rolls to the apron. Kick by Richard while Strong is out there. Dragon to the top by Strong cuts him off. Superplex by Strong. Tag to Evans and to Richards. Spin kick by Evans lands. Evans uses Richards as a base to kick Super Dragon. Dragon has Evans distracted allowing Richards to hit a Yakuza. Spring board rana by Evans. Body slam and Standing phoenix splash by Evans gets two. Cart wheel elbow by Evans. Spring board press misses. DDT by Richards. Tag to Super Dragon. Mexican surfboard by Super Dragon who than flips Evans over to land on his face. Dragon taunts Evans. Tag to Richards. Straight jacket by Richards and than falls back to bend Evans over his knees. Top top double stomp by Super Dragon. Strong breaks put the pin. Tag to Super Dragon. Slaps to the face by Dragon and than the curb stomp. Tag to Richards. Richards tries for a delayed vertical suplex. Evans drives the knee to the head. Tag to Strong. Chops by Strong. Strong charges into a boot. Richards with a tornado DDT Style moves drives Strong throat into the rope. Spring board missile dropkick by Richards. Back breaker by Strong gets two. Body slam by Strong. Evans in and assisted standing phoenix splash by Strong and Evans. Super Dragon breaks up the pin. Strong hangs Richards between he second and third ropes. Super Dragon in and nails Strong. Evans in a Stringer Splash on Super Dragon. Strong places Dragon onto of Richards. Power bomb into a back flip stomp by Strong and Evans. Strong covers and only gets two on Richards. Strong places Dragon the mat.  Evans and Strong try to hold up Richards as a plat form for Evans to splash onto Dragon. Richards gets free and Evans winds up stomping onto Strong head. STO by Richards on Evans. Curb stomp by Dragon on Evans. Foot-stomp by Dragon as Richards hits a standing shooting star press. Evans kicks at two. Strong back up and nails both champions. Strong tries to superplex Richards. Richards knocks him off. Evans with an inverted Rana on Super Dragon. Spring board 450 to the floor by Evans takes out Super Dragon. Richards blocks another super plea. Shooting Star Press by Richards. Strong gets the legs up. Gut buster and sick kick only gets two. Richards escapes the Strong half nelson back breaker.  Tiger Driver by Richards on Strong. Flipping neck breaker by Evans on Richards. Evans to the top Super Dragon back in the ring and catches Evans in mid air on the phoenix splash. Power bomb lung blower combo by Richards and Super Dragon to retain the titles. It's a good match and by the end its pretty fun. The problem is a good chunk of it is Dragon and Richards just beating up Strong and or Evans. I get all tag team matches have an extend beat down on a one parter but this could easily could have cut some stuff and and been a tighter better match for it.

From Threemendous (3rd Anniversary Show) Cage Match for the PWG World Heavyweight Championship Joey Ryan © vs B-Boy- The cage looks a lot better from Kaz vs Pearce match there are also weapon in the cage. Ryan was at this point the longest reigning PWG champion. B-Boy had been the number 1 contender for a number of months but hadn't been able to get a one on one match. By this time Ryan had under gone his gimmick change to the sleazy stuff he does to this day. We see them locking the cage and they make it clear the only key belongs to the outside referee and you can not win by escaping the cage. Ryan tries to run away. B-Boy has a chance to nail Ryan by does it instead warning him. Ryan drops down and tricks B-Boy into putting down the chair so he can slap him. Forearms by B-Boy. Ryan returns the favor. Big Forearm by B-Boy and Ryan is down. Big punch by B-Boy knocks Ryan down.  Double let by Ryan but B-Boy gets a triangle. Big round house kick by B-Boy. Lariat by B-Boy. Low blow by Ryan when B-Boy goes for a chair shot. B-Boy ducks the Ryan chair shot and hits a back drop suplex before tossing a chair into Ryan's face. B-Boy sets up a ladder in the corer and whips Ryan into it. Chair shots by B-Boy. Ryan sat up agains the cage. Running basement dropkick by B-Boy. Ryan sat in the corner. and pulls the referee in front of him to keep B-Boy from attacking. B-Boy turns his back to move the referee out of the way.Low blow by Ryan and he tosses B-Boy into the cage. Ryan grates the face of B-Boy into the cage. B-Boy has been busted open. Body slam by Ryan. Ryan sits in a chair and locks in a chin lock. Drop toe hold by Ryan sends B-Boy into the chair. Ryan tosses a chair into B-Boy's head. We can now see Joey Ryan is bleeding from the head from something. Ryan covers and gets two. Ryan uses his boot to choke Ryan. Series of hard elbows by Ryan. Ryan gets the ladder and rams it into B-Boy's face twice. Ryan goes to do it a third time but this B-Boy hits the ladder with a chair first stopping Ryan. Jumping shinning wizard off the chair by B-Boy connects. B-Boy tosses the ladder into Ryan's face and again. Ryan sent in the cage wall four times. Chair shot to the head levels Ryan. Blood splatters on the camera lens and see the guy whip it off. Quick note guys that's a good time to cut to another shot. B-Boy piles up chairs as Ryan sells the chair shot. B-Boy sets the ladder up in the corner. Chair shot to the back of Ryan by B-Boy. Death Valley driver on the chairs gets two for B-Boy. Cross face by B-Boy. Ryan pokes the referee in the eyes and than taps witch gets B-Boy to break the hold. Spine buster onto the chairs by Ryan gets two. Ryan sets up the table. Ryan sets up for this finisher the mustache ride. (Swinging neck breaker off the second rope) B-Boy blocks it. B-Boy tries for a top rope rana that would send Ryan through the table. Ryan block it and top rope power bombs B-Boy through the table. Ryan covers and only gets two. Ryan is pissed and shoves the referee and than slaps him. The refers fires back. Ryan and the referee start punching each other. Low blow by Ryan and the starts throwing the the referee into the cage wall twice. Ok its clear what they are setting up for it's a reason to open the door and let something hellish happen. But come on Ryan is the champion the referee should not be answering back. The referee Rick Knox is not a wrestler so its not like this could build to a story. 

B-Boy is up and hits the go to sleep. B-Boy covers but no referee. The other referee Patrick Hernandez unlocks the door and gets in the cage. Ryan kicks at two. Ryan escapes to the floor B-Boy goes after him. B-Boy tries to suplex Ryan off the ring steps. Ryan blocks and hits a swinging DDT to floor. Rick Knox (first referee) has been busted open. Ryan gets the chain off the cage door and wraps it around hit fist before punching B-Boy. B-Boy recovers and hits a suplex on the food. B-Boy tosses Ryan into the crowd. B-Boy gets another a table and has the "fans" set the table for him. Ryan has recovered and lands some shots on B-Boy. Low blow by B-Boy. B-Boy starts setting up chairs. Super kick by B-Boy lays Ryan out again. B-Boy lays Ryan onto the chairs and starts to climb up the ring post. Double stomp by B-Boy to the floor. Both men are down. Low blow by Ryan. Ryan is up but hurting. Ryan starts climbing up the cage wall. B-Boy follows him up Elbows by Ryan sends B-Boy crashing through the table on the floor. I give the announcers credit as they pointed out that had to Ryan's plan. Although you could make the argument B-Boy could just have pulled Ryan down. Ryan puts B-Boy back into the cage. Ryan covers and only gets two. Ryan sets up the ladder and climbs up it. B-Boy is up and pulls the ladder out form Ryan. Ryan recovers and knees B-Boy. Ryan back up the cage. Chop by B-Boy who climbs the cage to hits a ace crusher on Ryan. B-Boy covers and Ryan rolls the shoulder at two. B-Boy sets up the ladder. Ryan gets put in-between the ladder and has his head and neck exposed. Chair placed on top of Ryan's head. B-Boy climbs the ladder. Foot stomp off the ladder. Scott Lost into the ring and hits a super kick on B-Boy. Lost piles up chairs. Verticle Breaker onto the chairs by Lost who puts Ryan on top. B-Boy rolls his shoulder at two. Lost stomps at B-Boy. Human Tornado into the ring and hit goes after Lost. Scorpio Sky and Chris Bosh into the cage and attack Tornado. Davey Richards, Kevin Steen and Excaliber (who is call this match witch annoys me sign the acted so shocked for the other attacks) into the ring and take out Lost, Bosh, and Sky. The other wrestlers fight out the ring. Tornado still in there and hits the DND on Ryan. Tornado sets up a table and sets Ryan on the table. Tornado climbs to the top of the cage. Tornado dives to the floor taking out everyone that ran in. B-Boy up and climbs to the top of the cage. Ryan still on the table. 

Superfly splash by B-Boy but he can't make the pin right away. 1 2 and Ryan kicks at two. The fans popped big time think that had to be it. Both men are down. Jade Chung into the ring with something in her hand. Candice Larae comes out and attack Chung. Ryan is up and gorilla presses slams LaRarie into the cage wall. Ryan has a chair but B-Boy Ducks. Go to sleep with the chair. B-Boy covers. Chung breaks up the pin. Go to sleep on Chung. Ryan best what ever Chung had its a bottle and a rag. He open the bottle and pours it on the rag and smother B-Boy with it. B-Boy is fading. Ref checks the arm once, twice, and a third time down it goes allowing Ryan to retain the title. Ok this match starts really strong. And for the most part its a well wrestled intense cage match. The over booking at the end really hurts it though. 

From Battle of LA 2006 Cima vs El Generico- Both men tentative to lock up. Go behind by Generico. Cim a gets a top wrist lock. Single leg into a grape vine by Generico. Cima gets free. Front face lock by Generico. Cima coiners into a gator roll for two. Generico with another go behind and ties up the arm. Legs gets tired up and the exchange chose on the ground they than flip to head stands and still exchange chops. Press by Cima gets one. Head lock by Cima, Generico shove shim off, sunset flip by Cima. Generico rolls through fakes the drop kick to get  Cima to block, dives over Cima and hits a drop kick to the back of the head. Nerve pinch by Generico. Body slam by Generico gets two. Generico to the top for a split legged moonsault that gets two. Chops by Generico. Cima ducks a clothesline and hits a lung blower. Cima goes to the eyes of Generico. Abdominal stretch by Cima. Generico gets the ropes but Cima uses this as a chance to kick the hand. Cima uses Generico's mask to him him to the bottom rope. Dropkick to the head by Cima. The referee unties Generico. Full nelson by Cima who than land Generico into corner and hits a running dropkick to the butt. Cima sits to soon on a back body drop and Generico with a drop kick to the head. Cima to the floor. Spring board Moonsault by Generico to the floor. Diving DDT through the corner by Generico. Cima is down. Generico tosses Cima into the ring. Generico to the top rope  and hits a big splash. Generico charges into the corner by Cima moves. Another attempt at cover splash and Generico best sent to the apron. Generico shoulder block misses. Stomp to the head by Cima. Missile drop-kick to the head on Generico. CIma tries to suplex Generico back into the ring. Generico recovers and snaps Cima's jaw. Generico springs int but Cima catches him with an ace crusher. Cima covers and gets two. Standing front face lock by Cima. Generico counters into the falcon arrow but only gets two. Generico goes for running Yakuza in the corner but Cima moves. Generico is hung up in the corner. Cima charges but runs into the Generico boot. Generico up to the ropes but a palm strike by Cima. Iconoclasm by Cima. Cima up the top and goes for the mad splash, Generico gets the knees up. Running Yakuza in the corner by Generico. Half nelson suplex by Generico gets two. Cima blocks the top rope brain buster. Swinging top rope DDT by Cima. Schwine by Cima gets two. A second schwine for the win by Cima. Very good match. CIma was really on here and its easy to see why Generico was PWG's go to guy.

From All Star Weekend 4 Pac vs El Generico- Pac is now in NXT under the name Adrian Neville. Lock up and Pac drives Generico into the ropes and breaks clean. Another lock up and Generico drives Pac into the ropes and breaks clean. Go behind by Pac and reversed by Generico for a takedown. Front face lock by Generico countered by Pac. Single leg into a leg grape vine by Generico. Pac gets the ropes. Top wrist lock by Generico. Arm drags exchange. Pac goes for a standing moonsault Generico moves but Pac lands on his feet. Headlock by Generico. Shoulder block by Generico. Dropsault by Pac gets two. Front chancery locked in by Pac. Generico drives Pac into the ropes. Pac breaks the hold and Generico gives a clean break. Lock up and an arm wringer by Generico into the hammer lock. Flying head scissors by Pac and second one and third. Generico to the floor. Pac goes for something off the apron but Generico pulls him to the floor. Hard elbows by Generico. Pac fires back. Pac charges, Generico elevates him. Osi moonsault by Pac. Pac sends Generico back into the ring. Generico reveres an irish whip but charges into a back elbow. Dragon Rana by Pac gets two. Pac whips Generico into the corner and goes for a hand spring elbow. Generico catches him  and hits a belly to back suplex. Chops by Generico. Leg lariat by Generico gets two. Back breaker by Generico followed by the split legged moonsault for two. Tilt ta whirl back breaker by Generico. Generico goes to whip Pack who back springs into a DDT. Round house kick and an enziaure by pack. Standing back flip senton by Pac gets two. Pac to the top rope Generico cuts him off. Generico goes for the brain buster. Pac shoves him off. Second rope flipping leg drop by Pac but Generico moves. Half and half suplex by Generico gets two. Pac escapes the brain buster. Generico tries again but Pac hits a rana on him that gets two. Generico blocks an attempt at a whip and gets a falcon arrow. Pac kicks at two. Generico climbs to the rope rope. Pac is up and leaps to the top  reverse rana off the top rope by Pac. Standing spiral tap by Pac gets two. Pac to the top rope for the cancun tornado. Generico gets the knees up. Yakuza in the corner and the top top brain buster by Generico for the win. Really good match both guys got to show all they could do and its not shocking WWE has hired both guys where they are now putting on some awesome matches in NXT.

That wraps up the second DVD. As I said at the start this was the one PWG really needed to be a hit after all in 2008 guys like Richards, Generico, Steen, and Ryan were all still regulars in PWG. So fans that might have liked this DVD and wanted to check out more had to impressed by them the current DVD instead of just looking for older ones that would feature guys that have moved on. There are a lot of good matches on here but it almost feels like PWG over played there hand. By having two cage matches and Guerrilla Warfare you do a lot of brawling and weapon spots. Again I feel adding some type of bonus features that would explain the history could have helped or even just having Excaliber host more and explain some of the backstory. But overall a good watch.

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