Saturday, September 14, 2013

ROH TV Report: Cole vs Lethal

We begin this week’s show with a look back at what happened during the match between Michael Bennett and BJ Whitmer when Whitmer suffered an injury. Nigel says that they will provide updates on BJ’s condition. Since Bennett was able to continue, he will advance to the second round to face Tommaso Ciampa.
Nigel says that the people in Ring of Honor are elite athletes, but accidents do happen.

We are in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.

Match Number One Roderick Strong versus Matt Taven (with Truth Martini, Scarlett and Selezia) in a First Round Match in the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title Tournament

They lock up and Taven with a wrist lock. Strong with a reversal and a take down. Taven with a reversal but Strong with a reversal and drop toe hold into a reverse chin lock. Strong with a front face lock but Taven gets to the ropes. Taven retreats to the ropes and then he goes to the floor after Strong spat on him.

Taven returns to the ring and they lock up and Taven with a knee and forearm. Taven with an Irish whip and Strong floats over and hits a drop kick. Strong with chops followed by a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Strong with a forearm to the back fo the head followed by a shoulder in the corner.

Strong with more chops to Taven. Truth grabs the leg and Taven gets a near fall with a rollup. Strong with a drop kick and he suplexes Taven and gets a near fall. Strong with knees and Taven sends Strong to the apron. Strong sends Taven into the turnbuckles. Truth grabs Strong’s leg again and Taven with a drop kick to the head.

Taven punches Strong on the floor and then he sends Strong head first into the table. Taven brings Strong back into the ring and he punches Strong. The referee warns Taven. Taven chokes Strong in the ropes. Taven with a delayed vertical suplex and Taven kips up.

Taven with a springboard senton for a near fall. Taven starts to focus on the leg and he drops an elbow to the leg. Strong with forearms. Strong with a rollup for a near fall. Strong with chops but Taven with a drop kick and he gets a near fall and Strong gets his foot on the ropes.

Strong kicks Taven but Taven with punches. Strong with forearms and Taven stops him. Strong with an Irish whip and Taven with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Taven with a sit out gourdbuster and then he goes up top for a moonsault but Strong gets his knees up.

Strong with a boot to a charging Taven. Strong with chops to Taven followed by a flying clothesline and a spinning side slam for a near fall. Strong with a running knee into the corner followed by a running forearm. Taven with a boot to Strong but Strong with a back body drop and a clothesline that sends Taven over the top rope to the floor.

Strong with a baseball slide through the ropes. Selezia gets on the apron and distracts the referee long enough to allow Truth to hit Strong in the back with the Book of Truth. Nigel says something to Truth. Strong appears to want Truth to stay at ringside. Taven tries to attack Strong from behind, but Nigel pulls Strong out of the way and Taven hits Truth instead.

Strong with a burning hammer back breaker on the apron and then Strong gets a near fall. Strong tries for a back breaker but Taven escapes and he hits a round kick. Taven runs into a boot from Strong and Strong with an enzuigiri. Taven with a round kick and Angel’s Wings for a near fall.

Taven goes up top but Strong with an enzuigiri and then Strong hits a superplex and he gets a near fall but he turns it into the Strong Hold. Taven tries to get to the ropes and he succeeds. Taven sends Strong into the ropes. Taven with Roll The Dice on the top rope and Taven goes up top for a frog splash and he connects but Strong kicks out.

Strong counters the snap mare driver with a back breaker and then he hits a head and leg back breaker followed by a flying kick to the knee. Strong with End of Heartbreak for the three count.

Winner: Roderick Strong (Advances to face winner of Kevin Steen versus Brian Kendrick)

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Match Number Eight: Kevin Steen versus Brian Kendrick in a First Round Match in the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title Tournament

Kendrick with kicks to the leg and elbows to Steen’s arm followed by a wrist lock. Steen with a punch and reversal into a hammer lock and Kendrick gets to the ropes. Steen with a single leg take down and Kendrick gets to the ropes and Steen breaks. They lock up again and Steen with a waist lock take down.

Kendrick with a waist lock into a side head lock. Kendrick with a shoulder tackle and Steen stays on his feet. Steen wants Kendrick to try again and Kendrick has the same result. Steen tells Kendrick the third time might be the charm. Kendrick ducks a clothesline and he connects with forearms. Kendrick with a float over into a victory roll.

Kendrick with a side head lock and Steen with a shoulder tackle. Steen with a drop kick and he poses. Kendrick goes to the floor and Steen holds the ropes open for Brian. Kendrick takes advantage of the twenty count to return to the ring. Kendrick returns to the ring and then he goes to the floor again.

Steen goes to the floor and he chases Kendrick around the ring. Kendrick gets back into the ring first and he connects with a shoulder. Kendrick goes to the apron again and Steen pulls him to the floor. Steen tries for a power bomb onto the apron but Kendrick escapes and gets onto the apron. Kendrick with an elbow and Steen with a slepper. Kendrick with Sliced Bread #2 on the apron.

The referee checks on both men. Kendrick returns to the ring first and Steen has trouble getting back to his feet. Kendrick with a baseball slide when Steen returns to the ring and he gets a near fall. Kendrick with a camel clutch. Steen backs Kendrick into the turnbuckles to try to get out of the hold. Steen goes to a second turnbuckle but with no luck. Kendrick holds on to the sleeper and Steen falls back to the mat and he escapes.

Kendrick with a forearm and Steen with a forearm. Steen with punches and forearms. Kendrick with a kick to the head but Steen with a lariat and a fisherman neck breaker for a near fall. Kendrick holds on to the ropes and Steen with forearms to the back.

Steen misses a charge into the corner and Kendrick with a drop kick. Kendrick goes for a Burning Hammer but he cannot get Steen up. Kendrick with a jaw breaker. Steen with a back elbow to Kendrick. Kendrick with a forearm and a modified Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Steen goes to the apron and Kendrick tries to suplex Steen back into the ring. Steen blocks and he tries to suplex Kendrick to the floor. Kendrick with a forearm and Steen with a shoulder and Steen with a sunset flip that rolls into a Sharpshooter but Kendrick fights out of the hold. Steen catapults Kendrick onto the turnbuckles.

Kendrick with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2 but Steen counters with F-Cinq and Kendrick kicks out at two. Steen sets for the package piledriver but Kendrick escapes and hits a super kick. Steen sends Kendrick into the turnbuckles and hits a Sleeper suplex for a near fall. Steen charges into the corner but Kendrick pulls the referee in front of him.

The referee is moved out of the way and Kendrick with a low blow but Steen grabs Kendrick by the throat and hits a choke slam. Steen continues to hold his groin and Steen hits a Cannonball. Steen with the Sharpshooter. Kendrick taps out.

Winner: Kevin Steen (Advances to face Roderick Strong in the second round)

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see how Jay Lethal and Adam Cole advanced to the second round of this tournament.

Match Number Three: Jay Lethal versus Adam Cole in a Second Round Match (from All Star Extravaganza)

They circle each other for a while before locking up. They lock up and Lethal with a wrist lock. Cole rolls through to reverse. Lethal backs Cole into the corner and he gives Cole a clean break. They lock up again and Cole with a side head lock take down but Lethal with a head scissors and Cole escapes. Cole with another side head lock take down.

Cole with a shoulder tackle. Lethal stops short of a leap frog and he takes Cole down with a side head lock. Cole gets away and he takes Lethal down with a side head lock. Lethal with a chop out of a break in the corner. Lethal with a float over on an Irish whip. Lethal tries for a side head lock take down but Cole stays on his feet.

Cole tries for a La Magistral but Lethal is able to shift his weight and he gets a near fall of his own. Cole gets a near fall. Cole with a side head lock take down. Lethal gets back to his feet and he tries to send Cole off the ropes but Cole holds on to the side head lock. Lethal with forearms and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex. Cole lands on his feet.

Cole tries for a hip toss but Lethal blocks it. Lethal with a hip toss followed by a cartwheel, but Cole knows what is coming so he gets on his feet and he tries for another side head lock take down but Lethal blocks it and Lethal with a drop kick to the head. Lethal gets a near fall.

Lethal with an elbow to the head followed by a back breaker and Lethal gets another near fall. Lethal gets another near fall as he tries to wear down Cole. Lethal sends Cole into the turnbuckles and then he chops Cole. Lethal with more chops. Cole with a forearm and Lethal fires back. Lethal with a knee followed by a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall.

Lethal with a rear chin lock. Cole with punches. Lethal tries for a super kick but Cole blocks it. Cole with a leaping neck breaker for a near fall. Cole with a snap suplex and he floats over and gets a near fall. Cole with a slam followed by a forearm drop and he gets a near fall. Cole with a reverse chin lock.

Lethal with elbows to try to get out of the hold and Cole with a waist lock but Lethal with a rollup for a near fall. Cole has a super kick blocked and Lethal with a back heel kick and snap mare followed by an inverted DDT and Lethal gets a near fall. Lethal puts the legs into a figure four and he elevates Cole. Cole counters and tries for a figure four leg lock but Lethal tries to fight Cole.

Cole applies the figure four but Lethal gets to the ropes quickly and Cole releases the hold. Cole with a forearm that staggers Lethal. Lethal with a punch. Cole with another forearm. Lethal with punches and chops. Cole with forearms. Cole is sent to the apron by Lethal. Cole goes to the floor and he connects with an enzuigiri.

Lethal with a springboard drop kick that sends Cole to the floor and Lethal with a suicide dive onto Cole and both men are down on the floor. The referee starts his count while Lethal and Cole struggle to get back into the ring. Lethal gets back into the ring first, followed by Cole.

Cole and Lethal are on their knees across the ring from each other. They exchange punches and forearms. Lethal with the advantage for a moment but Cole with the advantage. Lethal with punches and chops but Cole with a kick. Cole with a fireman’s carry neck breaker for a near fall.

Cole goes up top but Lethal stops him. Lethal with a chop to Cole and Lethal climbs the turnbuckles. Cole with forearms and punches and then Cole hits a sunset flip power bomb followed by a Shining Wizard but Lethal kicks out. Cole tries for a suplex but Lethal blocks it. Cole tries again and Lethal lands on his feet. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination for a near fall.

Lethal points to the turnbuckles and he goes up top for the elbow drop but Cole pops up. He punches Lethal to stop him. Cole sets for a superplex but Lethal blocks it. Lethal with a punch and head butt to send Cole to the mat. Lethal with a missile drop kick attempt but Cole backs up and Lethal does not connect. Cole tries for a figure four leg lock but Lethal counters with an inside cradle and a near fall.

Lethal with a back heel kick and he calls for the Lethal Injection. Cole grabs Lethal to stop his momentum but Lethal is able to come off the ropes but he is met with a super kick from Cole. Cole with a brainbuster neck breaker for a near fall.

Cole picks up Lethal but Lethal with a jaw breaker. Cole with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Cole has a super kick blocked but Cole with an enzuigiri. Lethal with a super kick but he misses a second one. Cole with a leg take down and he tries for a figure four leg lock but Lethal kicks him away. Cole misses a kick to the head and Lethal tries for a rollup but Cole is able to get away from Lethal.

Lethal with another super kick and Lethal goes up top for the elbow drop and he connects. Cole kicks out at two. Lethal tries to pick up Cole but Cole falls to the mat. Lethal tries to pick up the lifeless body of Cole. The referee checks on Cole. Cole with a super kick but Lethal backs Cole into the corner. Cole with a super kick to the back of the head.

Lethal escapes and he hits a back handspring into the Lethal Injection but Cole kicks out at two. Lethal tries to think of what he needs to do to win the match. Lethal picks up Cole and he puts Cole on the turnbuckles.

Lethal goes for a superplex but Cole escapes and he super kicks Lethal’s leg and it crotches Lethal. Cole with a release German superplex followed by a super kick and Florida Key for the three count.

Winner: Adam Cole (Advances to face winner of Michael Bennett versus Tommaso Ciampa in semifinals at Death Before Dishonor)

We go to credits.

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