Thursday, March 9, 2017

Eli Drake Confronted Jeff Jarrett At Impact Wrestling Tapings

According to, there are segments on tonight’s Impact that take shots at the previous regime, and there were several wrestlers backstage who felt it was a shot at the roster as much as previous members of management. Eli Drake became upset and confronted Jeff Jarrett about it and the two had a meeting, which reportedly did not get ugly but was described as Drake voicing frustrations that the existing roster was having with the changeover last week.

There were wrestlers who felt the shots at the previous regime were unfair, because they didn’t see them as a shot at management, but as everyone who had been working there. Much of the talent felt there was nothing wrong with their work, but that the message the segments sent ruffled some feathers. Drake went right to Jarrett and voiced that and also spoke with Bruce Prichard about the issues.

Regarding the segments, which will air late on the show, they were said to be aimed at former members of management (Dixie Carter) with the idea of using them to distance the company going forward without an official reboot. Some felt that they came off as awkward since John Gaburick was heavily involved in the old creative, and is now working backstage while his era was being verbally attacked. Many talents felt that they had proven themselves, but were now starting over and had to prove themselves to the new Jarrett regime.

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