Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lucha Underground News and Notes

Hernandez has threatened legal action against Lucha Underground after he lost his job with TNA. Hernandez has reportedly made a claim against Lucha Underground about an unsafe working environment.

The issues with Hernandez, TNA and Lucha Underground began this past summer. Lucha finally officially announced his release in September. As noted, Hernandez began working for TNA and reportedly told them he already had his LU release. It was discovered that he did not have his rele...ase and TNA was forced to part ways with him. They were also forced to edit all footage of Hernandez that was recorded while he was under contract to LU.

 - Konnan is still under contract to Lucha Underground but hasn't been used and it's not clear if or when he will be used again, according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Konnan's status was apparently a topic of discussion at the recent tapings where Rey Mysterio debuted as he and Rey are close but Konnan wasn't even there

Opinionated View- Well Hernandez bares some of the blame for what went down. From what I understand LU told him "We will release you but you can't appear on TV until after the season finale airs." He than went to TNA and told them he was free and clear to appear and could start right away. Getting rid of Konnan would be the first smart idea LU has ever had. 

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