Saturday, June 11, 2016

6/10 Evolve 62 results

1. Fred Yehi tapped Anthony Nese with a Koji Clutch. Good opener. Afterwards, Nese said that tomorrow he takes his rightful place in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic.

2. Ethan Page over Darby Allen. Allen showed good fight and took some completely gnarly bumps. Page killed him with a package piledriver for the finish.

3. Matt Riddle forced Cedric Alexander to submit to a modified neck crank. This was a very good match where these two hit each other very hard. Post-match they exchanged a handshake and a hug before Riddle raised Cedric’s arm and left the ring to him. This ended up being the best match on the show.

4. Evolve Tag Team Champions Catch Point (Drew Gulak and Tracy Williams w/TJP and Fred Yehi) defeated The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lancelot) to retain the Evolve Tag Team Championships. This one went longer than it needed to. The finish came when Hot Sauce dropped Lancelot right on his head with an avalanche underhook DDT. Post-match, Gulak cut a promo saying that they’re proud champions and they’re proud to represent Evolve in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic. Gulak said that he has Timothy Thatcher’s Evolve Championship belt in his bag in the back and said that Thatcher owes each member of Catch Point a title shot. Thatcher came out and told them their time will come, but after he deals with Chris Hero tonight. Enter Chris Hero, who came out and told Catch Point to hit the bricks. Gulak said that in the spirit of competition they’ll allow the match to happen, and left.

5. Evolve Champion Timothy Thatcher beat Chris Hero to retain the Evolve Championship. Afterwards, Riddle, Gulak, Williams, and Stokley Hathaway came out with the Evolve belt. Hot Sauce, who has a match scheduled against Thatcher tomorrow, demanded it be a title shot. Thatcher accepted. Hathaway grabbed the belt and put it on, claiming that TJP and himself should be the champion. Thatcher vowed to hurt everyone who disrespects the belt, and Hathaway quickly dropped it. Riddle took the belt and called Thatcher trash, and then said he’s going to kick his ass and take the Evolve title. Slowly, everyone cleared the ring until only the champion Thatcher remained. He took a bow and cleared the ring as well.

6. Drew Galloway and EC3 over Johnny Gargano and TJP (w/Stokley Hathaway) in a street fight. This one was a pretty wild brawl that came to an end when Chris Hero interfered with piledrivers on Gargano and TJP. Galloway hit a tombstone and EC3 hit the One Percenter on TJP for the pin. Afterwards, Galloway said what a coincidence because Evolve needs heroes. Galloway said he and EC3 have set out to show that you don’t need to jump on board with “the machine.” They said that alongside Chris Hero, nobody can stop their independent movement. They announced that Cody Rhodes is also amongst their ranks, and on August 19 in Baltimore, Cody is gunning for Gargano.

EC3 closed the show by saying that he started a war with his words, and they’re trying to censor him tonight. But he said he’s going to bring the controversy anyway, and proceeded to briefly plug TNA Slammiversary for this Sunday. The crowd booed. EC3 and Galloway left before the crew tended to the guys down in the ring to end the show.

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