Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reported Changes to TNA Contracts

According to Pwinsider.com, much of the TNA roster have been informed over the last week that their current TNA contracts will be changed. The contracts, which include a monthly guarantee, will be dropped by TNA. In their place, TNA is offering per-appearance deals.
Under the old contracts, TNA paid talents a monthly guarantee and then paid them additionaly per appearance. So how it worked was if a talent did not work during a month, they got their guarantee, if they worked 5 dates, they then received the guarantee and their fee for the five dates. Some have stated that TNA will now pay talents a little more per appearance than they were, with the idea that it will make up for the loss of the guarantee
Pwinsider.com notes that they have heard from several talents who aren’t happy about the change, due to the loss of the monthly guarantee. Some of these talents could opt to not take the new deal and finish up with the company. This is part of TNA changing the way they run the company from a financial standpoint, since they are producing TV and not running live events.
Pwinsider.com also notes that top talents like Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle will likely still keep their guarantee.


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