Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Update on Possible WrestleMania Match For Hulk Hogan

- At this time, one idea for using Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania involves him teaming up with John Cena for a tag team match. WWE officials do not think Hogan can work a singles match, but realize that a tag match with Cena would give him a big spotlight at the 30th WrestleMania.

If that doesn't happen, there is talk of holding another John Cena vs. Randy Orton match.

Opinionated View- I just have a bad feeling about this Hogan had so many operations on his back. The guy can barley move and his last match with Sting he could do nothing but managed to get through thanks to him and Sting being able to work the crowd and the moment of his face turn working. Now Hogan is older had ever more done to his back and I just don't see Cena being able to help him that much. 


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