Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Spoilers form 12/3 TNA Impact Wrestling Taping

TNA Impact Tapings -- 12/3/2013
Xplosion Match with new Commentary Team of Jeremy Borash and Rockstar Spud:
Zema Ion defeated Eric Young with a roll-up.
Impact Wrestling: 12/19/2013
Magnus opens up the show talking about how important the world title opportunity is to him tonight. He also mentions how Jeff Hardy was seen having dinner with Dixie Carter. He also mentions Hardy's actions from 10-10-10. Hardy comes out and says that he has had some failures in the past, but the creatures have forgiven him. Tonight is his night to claim the TNA World Heavyweight Title.
2 out of 3 Falls Match: Kurt Angle v. Bobby Roode
Bobby Roode wins the first fall. Kurt Angle wins the second fall. Roode goes to leave after the second fall, but Kurt Angle drags him back to the ring. Bobby Roode claims victory by winning the third, and final fall.
Eric Young is in the ring with some Christmas presents. He calls out Joseph Park, as he feels he laid some tough news on his friend, telling him he was Abyss. Abyss comes out, and then Eric Young presents him the Christmas gifts. First is a metal chair. Second, is a bag of thumbtacks. Third, is barbed wire. Finally, his last gift is underneath the ring. Joseph searches underneath the ring to find Janice, the board with nails in it. Eric tells him that next week Joseph Park will have a match against Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels.
Knockouts Tag-Team Match: ODB & the returning Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim and Lai'D Tapa.
Brook Tessmacher comes to the ring, and talks about how she hasn't seen or heard from Bully Ray in weeks. She knows that it is because she screwed up and misthrew the hammer. She wants Bully to come to the ring. Bully comes out and says that he can't forgive her. He walks away, and she yells at him to look at her. He tells her that he could piledrive her just like he piledrove Mr. Anderson. He tells her to leave, or much worse will happen.
Jeff Hardy comes to the ring for his Dixieland match with Magnus. He again talks about his past mistakes, but how he has learned from them. He says that the dinner he had with Dixie was to tell her that he didn't want the big money. Dixie comes to the ring and tells Hardy that just like AJ, he can be replaced. She tells him to think about that in the match tonight. She then goes and stands on the stage throughout the Dixieland Match.
Dixieland Match: In the Dixieland Match, a steel cage is setup. To win the competitor must escape the steel cage, and then go up the entrance ramp to a ladder. That competitor must then climb the ladder and retrieve the title belt.
During the match, EC3 comes out onto the stage and stands with Dixie Carter. As the match is finishing, and both competitor are escaping, he runs to the ring and tries to attack Magnus. Magnus kicks him away. Both competitors brawl at the ringside area, where Hardy finally gains the advantage. He goes to retrieve the title belt, but Rockstar Spud runs out and turns the ladder over. This then allows Magnus to retrieve the title belt and become champion and winner of the championship tournament.
Impact Wrestling Tapings for 12/26/2013:
Joseph Park defeats Kazarian and Christopher Daniels. During the match, Kaz and Daniels are afraid of making Joseph bleed and waking up Abyss. As they brawl to the outside, Eric thinks of hitting Abyss to make him bleed. Abyss is finally busted open, and the monster is unleashed. As Abyss wins the match, and him and Eric celebrate, Abyss snaps back into Joseph Park.
Gail Kim and Lai'D Tapa come to the ring. Gail talks about how last week Madison Rayne and ODB got into her business, and when someone gets in her business, they get in Lai'D's business.
Lai'D Tapa defeats ODB. After the match, Gail gets on the mic and says that that win should be a message to Madison Rayne.

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