Sunday, February 2, 2014

ROH TV Report: AJ Styles Returns

We are in Nashville, Tennessee and your announcers are Kevin ‘Did You Know AJ Styles is back’ Kelly and Steve ‘I might have heard it once or twice’ Corino. They are joined by Prince Nana for the opening match.
Match Number One: Hanson versus Andrew Everett in a Top Prospect Tournament Semi-Final Match
Everett with a waist lock but Hanson with a hip lock take down. Everett is picked up by Hanson when Everett goes for a front face lock and Hanson puts Everett on the turnbuckles. Hanson with chops. Everett with a missile drop kick and then he tries for a head scissors but Hanson holds on and prevents him from hitting the move.
Everett with a dropsault that sends Hanson to the floor. Everett goes for a Fosbury Flop but Hanson catches him and he sends Everett into the ring post. Hanson with a forearm across the chest and the back. Hanson with another forearm across the chest and he gets a near fall. Everett with forearms but Hanson with a Northern Lariat and he rubs Everett’s face in the mat.
Hanson gets a near fall. Everett with forearms after avoiding a suplex but Hanson with a forearm. Hanson tries to send Everett into the turnbuckles but Everett with a head scissors that sends Hanson into the turnbuckles followed by a forearm in the corner and a head scissors.
Everett lands on the apron and then he hits a springboard drop kick for a near fall. Hanson sends Everett into the turnbuckles but he runs into a boot from Everett. Everett tries for a sunset flip but Hanson picks him up and tries for a suplex but Everett lands on his feet and Everett gets a near fall with a rollup.
Hanson clotheslines Everett over the top rope to the floor and Hanson goes for a suicide dive but Everett moves and Hanson hits the guardrails. Everett with a shooting star press onto Hanson on the floor. Everett rolls Hanson back into the ring and he goes for a springboard move but he is met with a back heel kick from Hanson and Hanson gets the three count.
Winner: Hanson
We go to commercial.
We are back and Michael Bennett and Maria Kanellis make their way to the ring.
Maria says that nobody has heard from the Ring of Honor power couple since what happened at Final Battle. That is because Kevin Steen touched her in the most vile way. He is everything that is wrong with wrestling. She is not mad that he touched a girl, but she is mad that he got a victory that he did not deserve.
Maria says that she is a woman who believes in equality. She knows that she is in harm’s way at ringside, but she is not afraid of any man. Kevin Steen is a disgusting man who looks like everyone in the crowd. Maria says that she has found a man who will take care of Steen and someone who is on Steen’s level.
Kevin may have taken their piledriver, but Michael Bennett has created a finisher that is even better. She feels bad for Cedric Alexander. When they are in the ring, it is not a Ring of ‘honor’, it is a ring of ‘power’.
Match Number Two: Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis) versus Cedric Alexander
Bennett misses a punch and Alexander with a slap and punches. Alexander flips over Bennett’s back and hits a drop kick. Alexander chops Bennett around the ring. Bennett with a back elbow to Alexander. Bennett with chops followed by an Irish whip and clothesline in the corner. Bennett with a suplex for a near fall. Alexander with punches followed by a European uppercut.
Bennett with a kick and then he punches Alexander in the corner. Alexander slides to the floor and then he returns to the ring before Bennett gets to the floor. Alexander with an elbow that knocks Bennett off the apron. Alexander goes for a dive to the floor but Maria gets on the apron. Alexander goes for another dive and this time Maria ducks while Alexander hits Bennett.
Bennett is rolled into the ring and Maria with a back rake to Alexander as we go to commercial.
We are back and Alexander is on the floor. Bennett goes to the floor and he pushes Alexander into the guardrails. Bennett sends Alexander back into the ring and gets a near fall. Bennett throws Alexander to the floor again and Bennett follows. Bennett with an Irish whip into the guardrails but Bennett runs into a boot from Alexander. Bennett with a spinebuster onto the apron.
Bennett rolls Alexander back into the ring and he waits for Alexander to get up. Bennett misses a splash into the turnbuckles. Alexander holds on to the ropes to prevent an Irish whip but Bennett with a punch. Alexander with a kick to Bennett followed by a back body drop. Alexander with a head scissors that sends Bennett to the floor. Alexander teases a dive but he sees Bennett return to the ring so Alexander goes to the apron.
Alexander with a springboard clothesline and then he goes for a move into the corner but Bennett moves. Alexander lands on the turnbuckles and he goes for a kick but Bennett moves. Alexander with an enzuigiri and Alexander gets a near fall. Alexander with a springboard move but Bennett turns it into a spear. Bennett with the Box Office Smash for a near fall.
Bennett goes for the Photo Finish but Alexander escapes. Alexander with a drop kick in the corner and then he hits a second one. Alexander gets Bennett on his shoulders and then he connects with a kick that sends Bennett to the floor. Alexander brings Bennett back into the ring and he goes up top but Maria distracts Alexander. Alexander goes for a frog splash but he lands on Bennett’s knees. Bennett with a short arm clothesline followed by the Anaconda Vice and Alexander taps out.
Winner: Michael Bennett
We go to commercial.
We are back and Nigel McGuinness joins Kevin and Steve at the announce table.
Match Number Three: Roderick Strong versus A.J. Styles
They lock up and Strong with a waist lock. Styles escapes and Strong returns to the waist lock. Styles with a key lock. Strong with a hammer lock. Styles with a take down but Strong with a head scissors. Styles escapes the head scissors and applies a side head lock. Styles with a rear chin lock.
Strong backs Styles into the corner and Strong pushes Styles on the break. Strong and Styles have some words for each other and Styles takes Strong down. Styles with another double leg take down but Strong with a guillotine on Styles.
Strong with a kick and side head lock and shoulder tackle and Strong mocks Styles. Strong with a rollup for a near fall. Styles with kicks and chops followed by a Phenomenal drop kick and Strong goes to the floor. Styles with a baseball slide to Strong and Roderick hits the guardrails as we go to commercial.
We are back and Styles with a pump handle gutbuster to Strong. Styles with a chin lock and his knee in Strong’s chest. Strong with punches to the midsection but Styles with a punch. Strong with an Irish whip but Styles with a knee. Styles goes to the apron for a springboard move but Strong with a drop kick and Styles lands on the apron.
Strong sends Styles into the guardrails a few times. Strong rolls Styles back into the ring and Styles rolls to the apron. Strong follows and Strong tries for a backbreaker onto the apron but Styles rolls into the ring and Styles with a baseball slide but Strong moves and then hits a half nelson back breaker onto the apron.
Strong gets a near fall. Strong with a waist lock but Styles with an elbow. Strong with a forearm. Styles lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and then each man goes for a cross body and both men go down. Styles with a clothesline and elbow followed by a back spin kick. Strong sends Styles to the apron but Styles with a forearm and Phenomenal forearm. Styles with a Death Valley neck breaker for a near fall.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Styles signals for the Styles Clash but Strong counters with a back drop but Styles holds on. Strong avoids a second Styles Clash attempt. Strong with a knee and Olympic Slam. Strong with a running knee into the corner followed by a forearm and a uranage back breaker for a near fall.
Strong tries to get Styles on his shoulders but Styles escapes. Strong runs Styles into the turnbuckles but Styles with an elbow. Styles goes for the springboard moonsault into an inverted DDT but Strong counters the DDT attempt. Strong with kicks to Styles but Styles hits the springboard moonsault into the inverted DDT for a near fall.
Styles pulls Strong into position and Styles goes up top. Strong stops Styles with a forearm. Strong with a punch and chop. Strong goes up top for a superplex and hits it. Strong gets a near fall. Strong goes for the Gibson Driver but Styles with a kick to the head to escape. Strong misses a splash in the corner and Styles hits the Pele Kick. Styles hits a brainbuster for a near fall.
Styles goes to the apron and he tries for a springboard 450 but Styles slips on the ropes and instead it turns into a springboard forearm to the head. Styles limps while picking up Strong. Strong with an enzuigiri but Styles with a kick. Strong with a back breaker and then he hits Death By Roderick for a near fall.
Strong with forearms but Styles fires back with forearms of his own. Strong with a leaping knee but Styles with Calf Killer. Strong rolls through and gets a near fall. Styles with a forearm but Strong with a forearm of his own. Strong and Styles exchange chops. Styles with forearms and kicks but Strong with a Sick Kick for a near fall. Strong goes for End of Heartache but Styles counters. Strong with a leaping knee but Styles with a discus clothesline followed by a Styles Clash for the three count.
Winner: A.J. Styles
After the match, BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs attack Styles. Jacobs chokes Styles while Whitmer kicks him. Jay Lethal, Tadarius Thomas, Chris Hero, Mark Briscoe, and Michael Elgin come to the ring and Jacobs and Whitmer leave the ring.
Jay helps Styles up as we go to credits.

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