Sunday, February 9, 2014

2/9 ROH TV Report

We are back on the road for our latest episode of Ring of Honor Television. This week’s Road Rage episode comes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Your announcers are Kevin ‘Three Rivers’ Kelly and Steve ‘Crosby’ Corino.
Match Number One: Tadarius Thomas and ACH versus Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer (with Roderick Strong)
Before the match starts, Jacobs refuses to follow the Code of Honor because he tells ACH that he is what is ruining the company and that he earned his handshake.
Thomas and Jacobs start things off. They lock up and Thomas with a front face lock and take down. They have a test of strength and Thomas with the early advantage. Jacobs with a head scissors and he tries to take Thomas down but Thomas with a cartwheel and he lands on his feet. Thomas with a drop kick and rolling mare followed by a kick.
ACH tags in and Jacobs backs into his corner to tag in Whitmer. Whitmer with knees and punches to ACH. Whitmer with a chop and punch in the corner. ACH with an Irish whip and Whitmer sends ACH to the apron but ACH with an enzuigiri. ACH tries for a bulldog but Whitmer pushes him away. Jacobs tags in and hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Jacobs chokes ACH and the referee warns him.
Jacobs charges at ACH but ACH drops down. Jacobs goes to the floor and ACH with a pescado onto Jacobs. ACH goes up top but Jacobs moves. ACH lands on his feet and he punches Jacobs but Whitmer sends Jacobs into ACH for a spear.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Whitmer chops ACH. Whitmer sends ACH into the turnbuckles and he chops ACH. Jacobs tags in and Whitmer with an Irish whip and Jacobs with a forearm and Whitmer with a knee. Jacobs with a neck breaker for a near fall. Jacobs sends ACH into the turnbuckles.
Jacobs and Whitmer lift ACH off the mat and then send him back to the match. Jacobs pie faces ACH. Jacobs charges into the corner but ACH with a flatline into the turnbuckles. Thomas tags in and he takes care of Whitmer on the apron. Thomas with a back heel kick and then he hits a leg sweep and forearm combination on Jacobs.
Thomas with elbows to Whitmer followed by a kick to Jacobs and then a pinwheel kick to Whitmer. Thomas with a kick to Jacobs’ head but Whitmer is still in the ring. Thomas sends Whitmer to the floor and then Jacobs goes to the apron and then the floor. Thomas with a tope suicida onto Whitmer and Jacobs.
ACH is not going to be outdone, but Whitmer with a forearm. Thomas tries for a drop kick but Whitmer blocks it and he holds Thomas on the mat for a leg drop from the turnbuckles by Jacobs for a near fall. Jacobs with elbows to Thomas. Thomas misses a round kick but he does not miss with a punch and then he hits a half nelson German suplex. ACH tags in and he chops Whitmer and then hits a drop kick and a kick from the apron. ACH with the springing tornado DDT but Jacobs breaks up the cover.
Thomas kicks Jacobs and goes to the apron. Jacobs with a spear through the ropes and both men go to the floor. Whitmer with a jawbreaker but ACH with a rana for a near fall. ACH with a victory roll for a near fall. Whitmer with a boot to the head and then they hit the All Seeing Eye for the three count.
Winners: BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs
We go to commercial.
We are back with a recap of the Top Prospect Tournament since it is time for the Finals.
Match Number Two: Raymond Rowe versus Hanson in the Top Prospect Tournament Finals
Hanson with a knee and forearm while doing the handshake. Rowe clotheslines Hanson over the top rope and both go to the floor. Rowe with a chop and he goes for a suicide dive but Hanson with a forearm and Rowe falls to the floor. Hanson with a punch and he sends Rowe into the apron. Hanson with forearms they return to the ring.
Hanson pulls at the face but Rowe with a chop. Hanson with a kick and knee in the corner. Michael Elgin watches from the ramp.
Hanson with a knee to Rowe and then he snap mares Rowe and connects with a knee drop but he can only get a one count. Rowe with a back heel kick but Hanson with a kick and knee to the head. Hanson gets Rowe up for Snake Eyes but Rowe sends Hanson to the mat with a shoulder tackle. Rowe with flying knees that sends Hanson into the turnbuckles. Rowe with a forearm and then he hits a German suplex for a near fall.
Rowe with a kick and punch to Hanson. Hanson with a power slam for a near fall. Rowe with a uranage for a near fall. Hanson sends Rowe into the turnbuckles and Hanson with elbows. Hanson goes for a splash into the corner but Rowe moves. Rowe with a Saito suplex but Hanson gets up and Hanson with a Saito suplex. Rowe pops up and he hits a Saito suplex. Hanson with a cartwheel and clothesline.
Hanson misses the spin kick and Rowe with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hanson with a spin kick for the three count.
Winner: Hanson
We go to commercial.
We are back with a video package for the Television Title Match.
Before the match starts, the Hoopla Hotties and a less Hoopla-ey attired Truth Martini make their way to the ring.
Truth says that ever since Final Battle, he has not talked to anyone from Ring of Honor. He wants to talk to Matt. Ever since he laid his eyes on Matt, he could read him like a book. He liked to party and he wanted women, so he gave that to him. Ever since Matt lost the Television Title, Matt killed their lifestyle.
Truth says that normally it would be time to take your pants off, but now it is floozies, take your useless selves to the back.
Truth announces that from this moment, Hoopla is dead.
Matt takes the mic and he says that for far too long, he let Truth do the talking. Now it is his time. He thanks Truth for guiding him to the Television Title. He outgrew Truth and he could have done it on his own. When he needed Truth the most at Final Battle, Truth let him down. If Hoopla is dead, it is time for Truth to go too.
Match Number Three: Tommaso Ciampa versus Matt Taven versus Jay Lethal for theROH Television Title
As soon as Ciampa gets into the ring, he goes after Taven and the referee starts the match. They all exchange punches and Lethal wit a kick to Taven and then Ciampa. Taven kicks Lethal and Ciampa. Ciampa with forearms. Lethal with an enzuigiri to Ciampa while Taven hits Lethal with a super kick. Ciampa with a clothesline to Taven.
The streamers a pulled out of the ring while Taven punches Ciampa while Ciampa is on the apron. Taven with a round kick to Ciampa but Ciampa with a knee to Taven. Lethal misses the springboard drop kick but Taven does not miss with a springboard round kick.
Lethal sends Taven to the apron and Lethal hits the springboard drop kick and Taven falls to the floor. Lethal with a suicide dive to Ciampa followed by a suicide dive to Taven on the other side. Lethal with a second suicide dive onto Ciampa followed by a second one to Taven. Lethal with the third one to Ciamp and then he hits the third one on Taven. We go to commercial.
We are back and Lethal chops Taven. Lethal punches Taven and Ciampa sends Lethal into the guardrails. Ciampa does the same to Taven. Ciampa pulls up the protective mats around the ring. Ciampa sets for a suplex on the floor but Lethal stops him. Ciampa hits a running power slam on Lethal into the guardrails. Ciampa suplexes Taven on the floor. Ciampa sends Lethal back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Ciampa kicks Lethal and punches him. Ciampa with more punches. Lethal goes for a handspring move but Ciampa with a drop kick to stop Lethal. Ciampa pulls down the knee pad and he hits a running knee into the corner.
Ciampa with a second knee to Lethal. While Ciampa sets for his third knee, Taven with a slingshot baseball slide to Lethal and then Ciampa hits the third knee. Taven with an enzuigiri to Ciampa followed by a suplex and Taven kips up. Taven goes for a springboard moonsault but Ciampa gets his knees up.
Taven counters Project Ciampa with Angel’s Wings and Lethal breaks up the cover. Lethal punches Taven and Taven punches back. Lethal chops Taven and Taven with a punch. They exchange chops and then Lethal with a forearm. Ciampa with a knee to Taven’s head followed by a super kick by Lethal to Taven. Ciampa goes for the Air Raid Crash but Taven with a bicycle kick to Ciampa and everyone is down.
Lethal chops Taven and Taven chops back. Lethal with a back heel kick and then Taven and Ciampa catch Lethal as he comes off the ropes for the Lethal Injection. Lethal lands on his feet and Lethal with a forearm to Taven but Ciampa with a clothesline to Lethal. Taven misses a spinning heel kick and Ciampa with a Burning Hammer for a near fall.
Ciampa puts Taven on the turnbuckles and he chops Matt in the corner. Taven with punches and Ciampa is knocked off the turnbuckles. Lethal crotches Taven on the turnbuckles and then Lethal hits the Lethal Combination into the Koji Clutch. Ciampa gets to the ropes to break the hold. Lethal with a chop and then he hits Lethal Injection on Ciampa but Taven with a frog splash on Lethal for a near fall.
Truth gives the Book of Truth to Taven. Taven gives the book back to Truth and then Truth gets on the apron. Lethal drop kicks Taven into Truth and then Lethal super kicks Taven out of the ring. Lethal with a small package on Ciampa but the referee is focused on Taven and Truth on the floor so he does not make what would have appeared to have been a three count.
Ciampa with a knee to the head for a near fall. Ciampa tries for Project Ciampa but Lethal gets out of the hold. Taven pulls down the ropes and Lethal goes over the top rope to the floor. Truth trips Taven and he stumbles into Ciampa for Project Ciampa and the three count.
Winner: Tommaso Ciampa
After the match, Lethal and Taven shake hands. Taven says something to Ciampa and they shake hands. Lethal tells Ciampa that he had him beat, but they do shake hands.
We go to credits.

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