Saturday, February 1, 2014

2/27 and 3/6 Impact Wrestling Spoilers


Xplosion or Dark Match

1. Shone beat Alpha Female.

TNA Impact Taping

Quite a few empty sets around the floor areas and upper tiers. Not sure how that'll look on TV. Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme were introduced...

MVP headed to the ring and brought out Samoa Joe and Magnus. Magnus ran down London a bit. MVP announced their Lockdown match is pinfall or submission and got them to sign the match contract. Joe attacked Magnus in the ring and aisle and had to be pulled off by officials...

1. TNA Tag Champions Bro-Mans beat The American Wolves and Bad Influence in a Triple Threat tag.

2. EC3 beat Douglas Williams.

James Storm invited Gunner to the ring. They tore each other down. Gunner attacked Storm, who escaped through the crowd...

Magnus and German wrestler Bad Bones came to the ring. Magnus challenged Samoa Joe to face bones...

3. Samoa Joe beat Bad Bones by submission. Joe won in about 60 seconds.

JB introduced the induction of Kurt Angle to the Hall of Fame. Angle gave a speech and was interrupted by Ethan Carter, who suggested that because of his torn ACL and MCL, Angle should retire. Angle confirmed the injury wasn't as bad as he thought and MVP granted Angle a match at Lockdown against Carter...

4. Bobby Roode beat MVP with assistance from special referee Austin Aries...

5. Lei'D Tapa and Alpha Female beat Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne. ODB made the post match save and was attacked by Tapa and Alpha...

Samuel Shaw came to the ring and confronted Christy Hemme. Anderson made the save but was choked-out by Shaw...


1. Christopher Daniels defeated Bad Bones.


Bobby Roode came to the ring with the Bro Mans and Zema Ion, and was interrupted by Austin Aries, who said he wanted half of Roode's 10 percent if he beats MVP's team at Lockdown. MVP came to the ring with The Wolves, and said he'd chosen a team member for Lockdown. Dixie Carter came out also. MVP said Jeff Hardy will join his team at Lockdown. This resulted in a brawl, and Jesse was taken away injured...

1. Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Robbie E faced The Wolves and MVP in a six-man elimination match. Not sure how it finished, as a fight broke out in the floor section of the Arena...

EC3 came to the ring and cut a promo on Kurt Angle. Angle came out saying he wanted to face Carter now, but Carter bailed out, hid then attacked Angle's injured leg...

2. Eric Young beat Sam Shaw by DQ.

3. Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, and ODB beat Alpha Female, Lei'D Tapa, and Gail Kim.

James Storm and Gunner came to the ring and made their match at Lockdown a Last Man Standing match. Storm then attacked Gunner...

4. Bobby Roode beat Davey Richards. This was to finish the match that ended with no finish, so apparently the heels won the six-man tag match listed above.

Magnus and Samoa Joe had a verbal exchange, which ended in brawling a Joe choking out Magnus. Bully Ray then attacked Joe and put up a table in the ring, but Joe choke slammed Ray through it...

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