Saturday, October 12, 2013

10/11 WWE Smackdown Report

In case you missed Battleground or Raw, we take a look back at what Big Show did on Sunday and what Stephanie McMahon did to Big Show on Monday. Then we see what happened to Triple H at the end of the night.
We are in Columbus, Ohio and your announcers are John ‘Buckeye’ Layfield and Michael ‘Blue Jacket’ Cole.

Vickie Guerrero comes to the ring and we see Alberto Del Rio doing his best to suck up to Vickie on Raw and Vickie rejecting his advances when he turned his back. Then we see the announcement that Alberto will be facing John Cena at Hell in a Cell.

Vickie says on Raw everyone witnessed the most heinous atrocity in the history of the WWE. The COO of the WWE was struck by the Big Show. The Big Show tried to compromise the main event of Battleground. He should have been fired a long time ago.

While all of you thought the situation was hilarious, the problems for the Big Show have just begun. There is a For Sale sign in front of Big Show’s house and he is unemployed. Big Show deserves . . .

Alberto Del Rio interrupts Vickie and he comes to the ring. Alberto asks Vickie to reconsider. He does not want to have to defend the title against John Cena.

Vickie tells Alberto that him versus John Cena is what is best for business. The name of the pay per view is Hell in a Cell.

Alberto says that this is not fair. There has got to be something to make Vickie change her mind.

Vickie thinks about it. She asks Alberto if it was true what he said about her when he said she was sexy?

Alberto says every single word he said was true.

Vickie tells Alberto if he wants her to reconsider, she tells Alberto to kiss her.

Alberto kisses Vickie on the cheek but Vickie wants him to kiss her on the lips. Alberto hesitates but he does what Vickie wants. Vickie tells Alberto to put a little something into the kiss. Alberto puts a little more passion into the kiss.

Vickie tells Alberto to do it like the French. Maybe he can kiss her some other place, like her rear end (as Vickie points to her rear end). She says that she will not reconsider.

Damien Sandow’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Damien says that he interrupts this matter for some breaking news. Alberto Del Rio is a phony. Damien tells Vickie that Alberto sees her as a sex object that he thinks he can manipulate. Damien says that Vickie is beautiful but he appreciates her intelligence. Alberto is out here begging not to be put in a match with John Cena because he knows that he will lose. Just like he would beg Vickie not to let him cash in his Money in the Bank contract.

Alberto’s conduct and mere presence in the ring is not befitting of a champion. Damien will show that he is the better man when given the opportunity.

Vickie says that he wondered what would happen when these two men face off in the ring. Damien will not have to cash in his briefcase and Alberto will not have to put the title on the line.

Alberto hits Sandow with the mic and he attacks Sandow. Sandow runs Alberto into the corner and then he grabs his case and Del Rio leaves the ring.

Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman walk in the back and we go to commercial.

Match Number One: Curtis Axel (with Paul Heyman) versus R Truth for the Intercontinental Title

Truth wants to know what’s up as the bell rings. They lock up and they go into the corner. Axel with a shoulders in the corner followed by a chop. Axel is warned by the referee and Axel misses a chop. Truth with a chop and punches followed by an Irish whip and hip toss for a near fall.

Axel goes to the floor to talk some strategy with Paul Heyman. Truth with punches to Axel on the floor and he sends Axel into the apron and rolls him back into the ring. Truth with a kick and then he hits a back elbow and gets a near fall.

Axel holds on to the ropes and he tries to send Truth over the top rope to the floor but Truth holds on and goes to the apron. Axel with a shoulder tackle that sends Truth to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Axel wit an arm bar. Truth with punches and an Irish whip but Axel slides into the corner. Axel misses a clothesline but he does not miss a clothesline to the back of the head and he gets a near fall. Axel with punches and he gets a near fall. Axel chokes Truth.

Axel with a reverse chin lock but Truth with punches. Truth with a kick to the shoulder followed by a hard Irish whip. Axel kicks Truth in the hip and then he sends Truth into the turnbuckles. Axel with a kick to the leg but Truth kicks Axel in the midsection. Axel punches Truth but Truth punches back.

Truth with a clothesline or two followed by a leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Axel with a kick but he misses a punch. Truth with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Axel with a drop kick but it does not hit its target completely and Truth with a wheelbarrow front slam for a near fall.

Truth hits the scissors kick but Axel gets his hand on the ropes to stop the count. Axel rolls to the apron and he punches Truth and drops the back of Truth’s head into the top rope. Axel hits the neck breaker driver for the three count.

Winner: Curtis Axel

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Los Locales contra Los Matadores (con El Torito)

Locales Dos starts off with Fernando. Fernando with waist lock and Dos with a standing switch. Fernando with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fernando flips over Dos. Fernando with a spinning head scissors take down and Diego tags in.

They hit a double back body drop on Dos. Diego with a chop but Dos with an Irish whip and Diego flips to the apron and he hits a head scissors take down. Locales Uno tags in and Diego with a leg sweep and Fernando tags in and Fernando with a forearm and a slinghot splash onto Uno who is on Diego’s knees.

Diego with a head scissors and Fernando tags in and hits a springboard chop to the top of the head. Fernando with a punch. Dos tags in and Uno tries for a backslide but Fernando gets the backslide. Dos with a kick followed by a rolling mare and a kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Uno tags in and he kicks Fernando in the arm.

Uno with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow and then he misses a charge. Diego tags in and he hits a running forearm or two. Diego with a back body drop of Dos into Uno. Diego with the double chop from the turnbuckles and then Fernando tags in and it is time for the double back driver for the three count.

Winners: Los Matadores

After the match, Dos goes after Diego and Fernando but Dos is set up for a head scissors off the turnbuckles by El Torito. Fernando and Diego get Dos on his shoulders and El Torito with a seated splash from the top rope.

We take a look at how we got our guest referee for the Daniel Bryan versus Randy Orton match at Hell in a Cell.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Brie Bella, Cameron, and Naomi (with Nikki Bella) versus Natalya, Eva Marie, and Kaitlyn (with JoJo)

Natalya and Brie start things off with a hand shake. Natalya with a single leg take down but Brie with a side head lock take down but Natalya with a head scissors. Brie escapes and Natalya with a waist lock. Brie with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Brie with a Maple Leaf and Natalya gets to the ropes.

Natalya with a double leg take down and she tries for a Sharpshooter but Brie is able to escape it. Natalya slaps Brie on the rear end before tagging in Eva Marie. Eva Marie with a cartwheel and she gets a rollup for a near fall. Eva Marie with an arm bar and Kaitlyn tags in. Kaitlyn with a wrist lock but Brie with a flip and she tags in Cameron. Kaitlyn with a kick and slam for a near fall.

Cameron with a rollup for a near fall. Naomi tags in and Kaitlyn with a spear to Naomi but Cameron with a drop kick to Kaitlyn. Eva Marie made a blind tag and Eva Marie with a drop kick to Cameron. Brie sends Eva Marie to the floor. Natalya with a discus clothesline to Brie. Naomi with a leaping butt bump to Natalya. Kaitlyn with an O’Connor Roll to Naomi but Naomi rolls through and gets the three count.

Winners: Brie Bella, Naomi, and Cameron

Renee Young is in the interview area with Cody Rhodes and Goldust. She congratulates them on their victory at Battleground. Cody says that they did what few have been able to do, they beat the Shield and they beat the odds. Goldust says that it was one of the most emotional nights they have experienced. They thank their dad for getting in danger’s way. Cody says that night everyone was a Rhodes. Goldust says that the fans led them to victory.

Cody says that they have an uphill battle with the Wyatt Family. Cody figures that this is their welcome back.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Alberto Del Rio versus Damien Sandow in a Non Title Match

Sandow with a kick and forearm. He sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles as they go around the ring. Sandow with shoulders in the corner and Del Rio gets to the floor. Sandow follows after Del Rio but Del Rio gets into the ring first and he kicks Sandow. Del Rio with a snap mare and kick to the back. Del Rio gets a near fall.

Del Rio with a reverse chin lock on Sandow but Sandow with elbows to get out of the hold. Del Rio with head butts. Sandow with a hip toss and he punches Del Rio. Del Rio grabs his title belt and he walks away.

Sandow follows and he hits Del Rio from behind. Sandow sends Del Rio into the apron and then he Irish whips Del Rio into the apron. They return to the ring and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow runs his boot laces across the face. Del Rio runs Sandow into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with a savate kick followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Del Rio with a boot to the head and then he goes up top. Del Rio with a double sledge to Sandow and he gets a near fall. Sandow gets back to his feet and he connects with elbows but Del Rio with a knee. Del Rio sends Sandow into the turnbuckles and then he goes for the step up enzuigiri but Sandow back body drops Del Rio over the top rope to the floor.

Sandow sends Del Rio back into the ring and he connects with a knee drop and an elbow drop for a near fall. Sandow with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sandow kicks Del Rio and the referee pulls Sandow out of the corner. Del Rio with a kick to Sandow and a kick to the back of the leg. Del Rio with punches to Sandow but Sandow punches back.

Sandow with head butts but he misses a charge into the corner and he hits the ring post with his shoulder and Del Rio turns his focus to the arm and he kicks it. Sandow with a kick and a clothesline that sends Del Rio over the top rope to the floor.

| Sandow tells everyone he is the uncrowned champ as we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio with a drop kick. Del Rio chokes Sandow in the ropes as the referee warns Alberto. Del Rio misses a splash against the ropes and Del Rio goes to the floor. Sandow tries to Irish whip Del Rio into the steps and Del Rio stops short and he hits a super kick.

They go into the ring and Del Rio and Sandow with punches. Del Rio with a head butt. Sandow with a back elbow and clothesline. Sandow with a slam and the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall. Sandow pulls down the knee pad and he misses a knee drop. Del Rio with a super kick for a near fall. Del Rio with kicks to the head.

Del Rio taunts Sandow but Sandow with a punch. Del Rio with a kick and an arm breaker. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker and he sets to float over but Sandow counters with an Edgecution but he can only get a near fall.

Sandow sets for Terminus but Del Rio counters with a lungblower for a near fall. Del Rio misses the step up enzuigiri and Sandow with a running snap neck breaker for a near fall. Del Rio goes to the apron but Sandow stops Alberto. Sandow kicks Del Rio and the referee pulls Sandow away. Del Rio with a kick to the knee and Del Rio applies a cross arm breaker and Sandow taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the end of Raw when Big Show knocked out Triple H.

Michael Cole mentions that Triple H suffered a concussion as a result of the punch. Cole says that Hunter might have a broken jaw and there could be criminal charges against Big Show.

Match Number Five: Darren Young, Titus O’Neil, and Great Khali versus Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre

Slater and Khali start things off and they lock up. Khali sends Slater into the corner. Mahal tags in and he punches Khali but Khali punches back. Khali sends Mahal into the turnbuckles followed by elbows to the head and shoulders. Khali with a chop to Mahal. Khali with another chop to Mahal.

Young is tagged in and he kicks Mahal and sends him into the turnbuckles. Young with an Irish whip and clothesline in the corner followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Mahal runs Young into the corner and Drew tags in. Drew with a forearm to the back. Young with a discus forearm followed by a reverse atomic drop and clothesline.

Young with punches to Drew but Drew with an Irish whip. Young tries to float over but Drew with a kick to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Slater tags in and they hit a double slingshot suplex for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock followed by a head butt.

Slater with a leaping neck breaker for a near fall. Mahal tags in and he hits a high knee when Slater sends Young at Mahal. Drew tags back in and he punches Young and connects with a short arm clothesline. Drew stomps on the leg and then he keeps Young from making the tag. Young with an enzuigiri and both men are down.

Titus and Mahal tag in and Titus with shoulder tackles to Mahal followed by a boot to the chest. Titus with a splash in the corner followed by a fallaway slam for a near fall. Drew breaks things up but Young drops down and Drew goes to the floor. Young with a clothesline off the apron onto Drew. Slater with a leg lariat to Titus and then he taunts Khali. Titus with a back body drop to Slater and Khali tags in. Khali with a chop to the top of the head for the three count.

Winners: Great Khali, Titus O’Neil, and Darren Young

We go to commercial.

Bray Wyatt appears on the TitanTron. They say they don’t belong there and their intentions are cruel and unjust. They claim he dines with sinners and runs with thieves. The water is just fine. They’re Here.

Match Number Six: Cody Rhodes and Goldust versus Erick Rowan and Luke Harper (with Bray Wyatt)

Harper and Goldust start things off. Harper backs Goldust into the ropes and he punches Goldust. Goldust with a clothesline and Rowan tags in. Goldust doesn’t know what to do with the man in the mask and he gives him a classic Goldust bark. Goldust with an uppercut that knocks off the mask. Rowan sends Goldust into the ropes and Goldust with a drop down uppercut.

Goldust with an Irish whip and Cody tags in. Cody with an elbow from the turnbuckles and then he goes after the knee and he kicks Rowan. Rowan with a shoulder tackle. Cody with a shoulder from the apron but Rowan knocks Cody off the apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cody gets to his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Cody with a drop toe hold into the turnbuckles. Goldust tags in and he connects with a clothesline and then he knocks Rowan of the apron. Goldust with a reverse atomic drop and knee. Goldust with punches in the corner.

Goldust tries for the bulldog but Harper pushes him away. Harper with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Rowan tags in while Harper holds Goldust and Rowan with a knee drop for a near fall. Rowan with a neck vice on Goldust. Rowan with a back elbow to Goldust.

Rowan picks up Goldust and he puts Goldust on the turnbuckles. Harper tags in and they punch Goldust on the turnbuckles. Harper with elbow drops and he gets a near fall. Harper with a side head lock.

Goldust with punches and Harper misses a drop kick. Goldust with a kick and DDT and both men are down. Harper knocks Cody off the apron and he sends Goldust into his corner. Rowan tags in and Harper with elbows and then he sends Goldust to Rowan for a slam and Rowan gets a near fall. Goldust with punches but Rowan with a hard Irish whip.

Rowan chokes Goldust with his boot. Rowan with a bear hug and he swings Goldust around. Goldust with elbows to the head but Rowan with a boot to the midsection followed by punches. Rowan with an Irish whip but Goldust with a back elbow from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Rowan runs Goldust into the corner and he punches Goldust. Rowan with a claw and then he biels Goldust across the ring.

Rowan misses a boot and Goldust hits a bulldog and both men are down. Harper tags back in and so does Cody. Rhodes with a springboard drop kick followed by punches and a knee. Cody with a drop down uppercut. Harper blocks a kick but Cody hits Beautiful Disaster for a near fall but Rowan breaks up the cover. Cody sends Rowan to the floor and Harper misses a boot into the corner and Cody sends him to the floor.

Cody with a cross body from the turnbuckles onto Rowan but Harper with a running boot to the head and Cody is down. Harper rolls Cody back into the ring and he hits a discus clothesline on Goldust. Cody floats over on an Irish whip and he gets a sunset flip for the three count.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Goldust

We go to credits.

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