Saturday, October 12, 2013

10/11 FIP Results

Before the iPPV started, Jason Cade defeated Chico Adams with a curb stomp.
Lenny Leonard and Ron Niemi are in the ring to start off the show.
Lenny tells everyone that there is a change to the main event. The two out of three falls match between Jon Davis and Trent Barreta is not taking place.
Mister Saint Laurent comes to the ring with Chasyn Rance. Mister Saint Laurent asks why he hates his life so much when he comes to FIP. Is it because the shows are in Ybor City? There is blatant disrespect when he negotiates with FIP is driving him crazy. It was agreed that if Jon Davis got disqualified, Trent Barreta would be awarded the title. Mister Saint Laurent said that they were going to take the count out.
The referee changed the rules and a count out will mean the loss of the title as well. He calls this hogwash. He promised the world that he would have a huge surprise and that he would change the rules. The big surprise is that Jon Davis stayed home. His lawyers have told him that the way the contract was structured, it would be difficult to replace him in the match. Jon Davis is the number one contender until Mister Saint Laurent gets a smile on his face.
Lenny Leonard says that FIP’s lawyers are willing to take their chance with Mister Saint Laurent and there will be a title match. Since that title match is not taking place, they want to do right by the fans. FIP wants to give the fans a match that is better. Based on a match in Evolve, Rich Swann will be Trent Barreta’s opponent tonight.
Mister Saint Laurent asks Lenny if FIP knows the risk that the company is taking to do this title match. He says that he will get an injunction and have a line of lawyers to stop this. He tells Lenny that Chasyn has a match and he will pick his opponent.
Match Number One: Chasyn Rance (with Mister Saint Laurent) versus Josh Hess
They lock up and Rance with an arm drag. Rance with a hammer lock but Hess with a fireman’s carry. Rance with a head scissors but Hess gets to the ropes. They lock up again and Rance with a key lock take down. Rance backs Hess into the corner and he slaps him.
Hess with drop kicks to Rance followed by a cravate but Rance gets into the ropes. Rance sends Hess into the turnbuckles and he kicks him. Rance with a hard Irish whip. Rance with a kick to the midsection. Rance with an enzuigiri and then he sends Hess to the apron for a Chasyn Driver onto a chair but the referee takes the chair.
Hess with a kick to the head and then he hits a running discus forearm followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Rance with a round kick and then he sends Hess to the apron for a Chasyn Driver. He hits a second Chasyn Driver for the three count.
Winner: Chasyn Rance
After the match, Chasyn mentions the Hair versus Mask match in Orlando against Lince Dorado. He talks about how ugly Lince really is.
Match Number Two: Saso Rivera versus Rhett
They lock up and Rhett with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Rivera with a reversal. Rivera with a wrist lock. Rhett with a wrist lock and a punch. Rivera pushes Rhett. Rhett with a wrist lock and punch. Rivera with a forearm to the back. Rivera with an elbow to the back of the neck.
Rivera with a head butt followed by a knee drop to the chest. Rhett with punches but Rivera with a clothesline for a near fall. Rivera with a forearm in the corner followed by kicks. Rivera with a cannonball for a near fall. Rivera with a kick to the back.
Rhett with punches to Rivera followed by shoulders in the corner. Rhett misses a charge into the corner and Rivera with a side Russian leg sweep but he pulls Rhett up. Rivera with punches. Rivera catches Rhett on a cross body and he hits a fallaway slam for a near fall.
Rivera misses an elbow drop. Rhett with punches followed by a power slam. Rhett goes up top and Rivera crotches him. Rivera with a Samoan drop for the three count.
Winner: Saso Rivera
Before the next match, Larry Dallas gets on the mic. He says that he is back in the building and he has brought back Johnny Vandal. As much as he is glad that Johnny is back, The Bravados will be facing Dos Ben Dejos. He tells Trina to watch Johnny while he gets ready for the tag title match.
Match Number Three: Johnny Vandal (with Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels) versus QT Marshall
They lock up and Vandal with an arm bar. Marshall with a wrist lock. Vandal with a kip up and chop. They lock up again and Marshall with a side head lock take down. Marshall with a shoulder tackle. Johnny with a forearm. Vandal with an Irish whip but Marshall with a clothesline and Vandal goes to the floor.
Marshall with elbow drops and then he walks across Johnny’s face. Vandal with kicks and he goes up top. Marshall with punches to Vandal and he sets for a superplex. Michaels trips Marshall and Vandal with a double stomp.
Vandal goes to the floor and he sends Marshall into the apron and he chops him. Vandal gets a near fall. Marshall with punches to Vandal. Vandal with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Vandal puts Marshall in the ropes and Trina chokes Marshall in the ropes while Johnny distracts the referee.
Vandal with a Yakuza kick and he gets a near fall. Vandal with a chin lock but Marshall backs Vandal into the corner. Vandal with a boot but Marshall with a boot of his own. Vandal and Marshall exchange forearms with Marshall gaining the advantage.
Marshall gets a near fall. Marshall with a chop in the corner followed by an Irish whip but Vandal with an elbow and he goes to the turnbuckles for a cross body but Marshall catches him and hits a uranage back breaker. Vandal rolls to the apron. Marshall puts Vandal on the turnbuckle and he punches him before setting for a superplex.
Marshall goes for the cover but Vandal gets a near fall. Vandal with a kick but Marshall sends Vandal into the air and to the mat. Marshall with a clothesline for a near fall. Trina gets on the apron to try to distract the referee. Trina distracts Marshall and Johnny with an enzuigiri followed by a cross body to Marshall in the ropes. Vandal with a super kick for the three count.
Winner: Johnny Vandal
Match Number Four: Teddy Stigma (with Eddie Graves) versus Lince Dorado
Before the match starts, Eddie offers Lince a shot but he refuses. Lince slaps the shot out of Eddie’s hand and Teddy goes after Lince but he avoids him.
Lince with chops but Stigma with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Lince with a shoulder tackle but Stigma stays on his feet. Stigma with a punch. Lince with a rana followed by a running chop in the corner. Graves pulls the ropes down and Lince goes over the top rope to the floor.
Graves tries to hit Lince but he misses and hits the post. Graves collides with Stigma on the floor. Lince tries for a rana but Stigma blocks it. Dorado counters with a DDT. Dorado teases a dive to the floor and Stigma moves out of the way.
Dorado grabs Graves who tries to interfere and Stigma hits Dorado from behind. Stigma holds Dorado and Pinkie pulls Graves to the floor.
Pinkie grabs the mic and he says something about making this a tag match. Pinkie wants some shots to get ready for the match.
Match Number Four (Part Two): Teddy Stigma and Eddie Graves versus Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez
Graves and Sanchez start but Sanchez forces Stigma off the apron. Graves misses a chop and Sanchez chops Graves. Sanchez gets a near fall. Sanchez with a suplex and a kip up followed by an elbow drop. Dorado wants to tag in and Sanchez obliges. Sanchez with a snap mare and Dorado with a springboard elbow drop. Sanchez with an elbow drop.
Dorado with a Ric Flair knee drop. Dorado with a chop and flapjack followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Dorado goes to the apron and he avoids an attack by Stigma. Stigma and Graves collide and then Dorado drop kicks Stigma off the apron.
Stigma pushes Dorado off the turnbuckles when Graves distracts the referee. The referee keeps Sanchez in the corner while Graves and Stigma double team Dorado. Stigma chokes Dorado in the ropes and Sanchez tries to make sure that everything is fine. Graves attacks Dorado from the floor while the referee deals with Stigma and Sanchez.
Stigma gets a near fall. Dorado with punches. Dorado tries for a handspring back elbow but Stigma pushes Dorado away and he gets a near fall. Graves tags in and he connects with an elbow drop for a near fall. Graves with knees to the back and a rear chin lock. Graves with a knee drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall that is broken up by Sanchez.
Stigma tags in and gets a near fall. Stigma runs Dorado into the turnbuckles and then he puts him on the turnbuckles for a superplex but Dorado stops him. Dorado with a missile drop kick. Both men are down.
Sanchez and Graves tag in. Sanchez with a kick and axe kick. Sanchez with an enzuigiri to Graves off Stigma’s back. Sanchez with a moonsault onto Stigma using Graves. Dorado with a cross body onto Graves. Stigma and Graves are sent to the floor.
Dorado with a plancha onto Stigma while Sanchez hits a suicide dive onto Graves. Sanchez and Dorado switch sides and then they return to the ring. Graves pulls Sanchez down and then Stigma hits Dorado from behind and hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall.
Graves gets their bottles and Sanchez stops Stigma. Sanchez and Dorado put Graves and Stigma in camel clutches at the same time. Dorado and Sanchez drink from the bottles and get rolls ups for near falls. They spit the drinks in Graves and Stigma’s faces. Sanchez with a back heel kick to Stigma followed by a springboard rana for a near fall.
Dorado is sent to the floor and Stigma with a boot to Sanchez while Graves hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Stigma sets for a boot but he hits Graves instead.
Stigma is sent into the tree of woe and Dorado and Sanchez hit stereo drop kicks. Sanchez with a seated splash onto Stigma and then Dorado hits a shooting star press for the three count.
Winners: Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez
After the match, Pinkie is asked why he is back. Ron asks Lince about his match against Chasyn Rance tomorrow night. He says that he is ready for Chasyn.
Match Number Five: Gran Akuma versus Slyck Wagner Brown for the FIP Florida Heritage Title
Brown with a wrist lock and Akuma with a reversal. Brown reverses and he takes Akuma to the mat. Brown with a head scissors and Akuma does a headstand to escape. Brown with a drop toe hold into a side head lock and take down.
Akuma with a head scissors and Brown rolls through to escape and he works on the legs and he tries for a bow and arrow. Akuma with a kick to the leg but Brown with an Irish whip. Akuma goes to the turnbuckles but Brown slaps Akuma and knocks him to the floor. Brown sends Akuma into the apron and then he chops him. Brown with another chop as they go around.
Akuma with shots to the chest followed by kicks to the chest. Akuma rolls Brown back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Brown runs Akuma into the turnbuckles and he kicks Akuma. Brown with a sit out power bomb from the corner for a near fall. Brown with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock.
Brown with a knee to the midsection followed by a neck snap for a near fall. Akuma with elbows but Brown with a forearm to the back. Akuma with a tarantula and the referee warns him. Akuma goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall.
Akuma with a rolling Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Brown catches Akuma and turns it into a suplex for a near fall. Brown with a chop and Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Akuma with an enzuigiri followed by a missile drop kick. Akuma runs into a boot from Brown but Akuma with an enzuigiri.
Akuma and Brown exchange punches on the turnbuckle. Akuma with a head and arm superplex but he hangs from the turnbuckles. Akuma with a moonsault for a near. Akuma goes for a suicide dive but Brown catches him and he slams Akuma onto the apron. Brown gets a near fall when they return to the ring.
Brown misses a leg lariat and Akuma with strikes to the chest. Akuma with a sunset flip but Brown rolls through but misses a kick. Akuma with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Gran Akuma
After the match, Akuma offers his hand to Brown but Brown leaves the ring without shaking his hand. He decides to return to the ring to shake his hand.
Ron Niemi asks Akuma about his victory. Akuma says that it is his responsibility to make this title the most important and he will do it by defending the title.
Match Number Six: The Bravado Brothers (with Larry Dallas and Trina Michaels) versus Dos Ben Dejos (with Mia Yim and Leva Bates) for the FIP Tag Team Titles
Harlem and Rios start things off and they push each other. They lock up and Harlem with a clean break. They slap each other and then Harlem with forearms and an elbow to the head. Harlem with another elbow to the top of the head. Rios with a drop kick for a near fall. Rios with a side head lock but Harlem with a reversal. Harlem with a side head lock take down.
Rios with a head scissors but Harlem escapes. Rios with a side head lock take down and Harlem with a head scissors. Rios with a kick to the head. Cruz tags in and they hit a double hip toss followed by a knee drop from Cruz and a springboard leg drop from Rios. Cruz gets a near fall.
Rios tags back in and he goes up top with a boot to the arm. Cruz tags in and he does the same thing. Lance tags in and Cruz with a drop toe hold and drop kick to the head for a near fall. Cruz with a side head lock and Dallas pulls the ropes and Cruz goes to the floor while Lance distracts the referee. Lance gets a near fall on Cruz.
Harlem tags back in and he kicks Cruz. Cruz punches Harlem but Harlem with a punch and he gets a near fall. Harlem goes for a suplex but Cruz counters with a rollup for a near fall. Lance tags in and he kicks Cruz. Lance sends Cruz into the turnbuckles and then he kicks him. Larry chokes Cruz while the referee is out of position. Harlem tags back in and he punches Cruz from the turnbuckles.
Harlem with a suplex for a near fall. Lance tags back in and he kicks Cruz. Lance presses Cruz over his head but Cruz gets to his feet and he tags in Rios who hits a cross body followed by a head scissors. Rios with a drop kick and a Yakuza Kick. Lance with a clothesline in the corner but Rios with a kick for a near fall.
Lance with a back body drop but Rios lands on his feet and he hits a springboard Ace Crusher for a near fall. Rios goes up top and Larry tries to interfere but Rios kicks Larry off. Lance catches Rios and hits a fallaway slam. Harlem sends Rios into the steps while Cruz deals with the referee.
Lance gets a near fall before tagging in Harlem. Harlem chokes Rios in the ropes and Larry hits Rios. Lance comes back in and he kicks Rios in the chest. Lance with a near fall. Harlem tags back in and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Rios tries for a sunset flip but Harlem stays on his feet and he punches Rios. Harlem kicks Cruz off the apron and Rios is unable to make the tag.
Lance tags in and connects with crossfaces before getting a near fall. Harlem tags back in and he punches Rios followed by an Irish whip. Harlem runs into a boot from Rios and then Rios hits a cross body for a near fall. Harlem rolls through and gets a near fall. Harlem with knees to the back.
Harlem with a back elbow for a near fall. Lance tags back in and he kicks Rios. Lance with a forearm and Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Rios with a super kick and both men are down. Harlem and Cruz tag in and Cruz with an enzuigiri followed by a clothesline. Cruz with a running forearm into the corner.
Harlem with an Irish whip but Cruz hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Harlem tries for a suplex but Cruz with a knee and then he hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Cruz climbs the turnbuckles and punches Harlem. Harlem with a hot shot and Lance tags in and he hits a running knee into the corner followed by another running knee for a near fall.
Lance with clotheslines to the chest and back. Lance with an elevated backpack stunner for a near fall. Rios with a super kick and then they hit a series of tandem kicks. Rios misses a charge into the corner. Lance with a kick to Rios and then he hits an exploder suplex of Cruz into Rios.
Harlem tries for a plancha but he misses and hits his brother. Cruz with a suicide dive onto the Bravados and then Rios with an Asai moonsault onto the Bravados. Larry teases a dive to the floor but Mia with a missile drop kick to Larry. Risso with double knees to Lance followed by a frog splash by Cruz for a near fall. Cruz with a cross body into the corner followed by stereo kicks to Lance.
Cruz with a running kick to the head and he gets a near fall when Harlem breaks up the cover. Rios sends Harlem to the floor. Lance with a lariat to Rios and Harlem tags in. Harlem with a European uppercut and then he goes back and forth with Cruz. Cruz with a super kick but Harlem with a bicycle kick. Harlem with a Gibson Driver for a near fall.
Harlem tries for a Regalplex but Cruz lands on his feet. Larry pulls out the referee after Rios hits a springboard 450 splash.
Pandemonium breaks loose on the floor and Leva hits a cross body onto Dallas. Lance hits Rios with the belt but Rios kicks out. They hit a double roll the dice for the three count.
Winners: Harlem and Lance Bravado
Larry Dallas says that few teams can call themselves World Champions and The Bravados are legitimate World Champs.
Before our next match, we are told that to win the Evening Gown match, you need to put your opponent in the clothes at ringside.
Match Number Seven: Maxwell Chicago versus Jessicka Havok in an Evening Gown Match
The bell rings and Maxwell says that they are a couple. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. They don’t hit each other. He says that he bought the dress for her. She asks him about the purse. He says the hat ‘is her’. He puts the hat on Jessicka.
She takes the hat off and she choke slams him. Jessicka covers him but the referee reminds her of the rules. She takes the dress and tries to put it on him. She punches him and chops him outside the ring. Havok with a forearm. Maxwell throws something at Jessicka and it freaks her out. Maxwell with a DDT and he grabs the dress. He tries to put the dress on Jessicka but she refuses. Jessicka with a kick and clothesline.
Havok with forearms followed by a snap mare and kick to the back. Jessicka misses a leg drop. Maxwell with Rings of Saturn and he says that they are a couple. He was going to take her to a family reunion. Jessicka with a kick followed by a Yakuza kick.
Jessicka chokes him with the dress and hits a running boot in the corner. Jessicka with a second boot to the head. Jessicka picks up Maxwell and she tries for an Air Raid Crash but Maxwell with a back rake and neck breaker. Maxwell tells Jessicka that he is not a bad guy, while he chokes her.
Maxwell says that he is going to go to the top rope but he decides to go to the bottom rope for a splash. Maxwell gets the dress over Jessicka’s head but she grabs him by the throat and Maxwell tries to kiss him but Jessicka with knees to the balls two times and then she connects with a low blow. Jessicka with an Air Raid Crash.
Jessicka with a sleeper and Max is out. Jessicka puts the dress on Max.
Winner: Jessicka Havok
After the match, Jessicka finishes off the outfit and she takes a photo for posterity.
Ron asks Jessicka about her Last Woman Standing Match against Saraya Knight on October 25th at Shine 14. Jessicka says that she remembers what Saraya did to her the lat time they wrestled. She will send Saraya back to England in pieces.
Match Number Eight: Trent Barreta versus Rich Swann for the FIP World Heavyweight Title
They lock up and Trent with a clean break. Swann asks the fans if he should shake Trent’s hand. They shake hands and the crowd goes wild. They lock up again and Swann with a clean break and then he taps Trent on the chest. Trent with a waist lock take down. Swann with a hammer lock and he does a headstand into a bridge.
Swann gets a near fall. They have a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Trent takes Swann to the mat and gets a near fall. Swann with a bridge and he tries to get Swann back to the mat. Swann with a sunset flip for a near fall and then they alternate near falls.
They lock up again and Trent with a side head lock. Trent with a shoulder tackle. Swann flips over Trent and hits a drop kick. Trent goes to the floor and Swann teases a dive to the floor but Trent moves out of the way. Trent with a chop but Swann chops back. Swann punches Trent in the corner and then he chops him. Swann with a snap mare and kick. Trent with a missile drop kick for a near fall.
Trent with a back body drop and he gets a near fall. Trent with a reverse chin lock. Swann with punches and a chop. Trent with a running back elbow. Swann tries for a springboard move but Trent stops him and hits a Northern Lights suplex and gets a near fall. Trent with a reverse chin lock.
Swann with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Each man goes for a cross body and both men go down. Trent misses a splash into the corner but he connects with a boot to Swann. Swann with an enzuigiri followed by a rana. Trent goes to the floor and Swann with a flip dive onto Trent. Swann rolls Trent back into the ring and Swann goes up top.
Swann with a cross body for a near fall. Trent with elbows but Swann with a back heel kick and a scissors kick for a near fall. Swann runs into boots from Trent and he turns it into a modified double stomp.
Trent misses the flying knee and Swann with knees. Swann with a handspring Ace Crusher for a near fall. Swann with forearms to Trent but Trent with a slingshot leg drop and Swann falls to the floor. Trent with a plancha onto Swann and both men are down.
Trent rolls Swann back into the ring and he hits the double jump elbow followed by a tornado DDT for a near fall. Swann with a super kick but Trent with an enzuigiri. Swann with a kick. Trent with a power bomb for a near fall. Trent tries for an Alabama Slam but Swann counters with a flip piledriver for a near fall.
They go to the apron and Swann tries for a German suplex off the apron but Trent holds on to the ropes. Swann with punches on the apron but Trent with a chop. Swann with chops. Swann with an enzuigiri. Trent with a half nelson suplex on the apron and Swann falls to the floor.
Swann gets back into the ring before the twenty count and Trent gets a near fall. Trent with forearms and chops. Trent puts Swann on the turnbuckles and Swann avoids the superplex and he pushes Trent off. Trent recovers and he hits a belly-to-belly slam off the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Trent with a rollup but Swann counters with a near fall on a rollup. Swann with a spinning heel kick. Swann goes up top and hits a swann dive for a near fall. Swann tries for the standing 450 splash but Trent gets his knees up and gets a near fall with a rollup. Trent hits the flying knee for a near fall. Trent with the Jig N Tonic for the three count.
Winner: Trent Barreta
Ron asks Trent about having to face Rich Swann tonight when he wasn’t his original opponent. Trent praises Swann. He says that it makes no sense to have Jon Davis duck him. He is not going anywhere.
Thank you for following the coverage of FIP Dangerous Intentions. Join for coverage of With Malice from Orlando on Saturday night. I will have my thoughts on the double shot in a post game show on Sunday.

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