Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WWE Main Event Taping Results (SPOILERS)


Dark match:

Los Locales v. The Primetime Players. A couple smarks think they're cool because they know who are under the masks. PTP picks up the victory with Titus's Sky-High powerbomb.

Main Event taping:

Zigggler v. Ambrose for the United States title. Great back and forth with near falls. Ambrose retains with the inverted DDT.

Tons of Funk & Santino v. 3MB. Heath Slater has bitch tits. Santino hits Jinder with the Cobra and it's over.

R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow. Okay match from both. Sandow wins with the Full Nelson Slam.

Fandango v. The Great Khali. . Khali picks up the victory with the Chop as Fandango flies off the top turnbuckle.

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