Saturday, October 5, 2013

ROH TV Report New World Champion Crowned

Over the last few months, sixteen men had a chance to wrestle for the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title that Jay Briscoe was forced to surrender due to his shoulder injury. Last week, we found out who would be in the finals. Tonight, we will see if Michael Elgin or Adam Cole gets the chance to join 17 other people who can call themselves the Ring of Honor World Champion. Who will follow Low Ki, Xavier, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, CM Punk, James Gibson, Bryan Danielson, Homicide, Takeshi Morishima, Nigel McGuinness, Jerry Lynn, Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, Kevin Steen, and Jay Briscoe?
We begin this week’s show with Jay and Mark Briscoe walking into the building in Philadelphia and Jay has the title belt. Jay says that he is not going into the building, but Mark tells him to clear his mind. He tells Jay to be a man and do what he has to do. Jay threatens to go home but Mark tells Jay to put his big boy drawers on.

Kevin welcomes everyone to this week’s show since the new Ring of Honor Champion will be crowned at the end of the night. Kevin says that we will get comments from Jay Briscoe.

We see highlights from Adam Cole’s first round match against Mark Brsicoe. Adam Cole says that wins and losses have never felt more. Cole says that he can process the good and bad. Adam says that his goal is to be the next Ring of Honor Champion. We see highlights from the second round match against Jay Lethal. We then see footage from the semifinal match when he defeated Tommaso Ciampa.

It is time to look at how Michael Elgin got to the finals. We see highlights from his first round victory over Paul London. We go to highlights from his second round match against Karl Anderson. We then see footage from his semifinal match against Kevin Steen.

We see Mark giving Jay a pep talk before Jay goes into the arena to address the fans. Jay says that Nigel could have stood up for him.

We are in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.

Jay Briscoe makes his way to the ring with the Ring of Honor World Title belt.

Jay asks if you want to hear some s***. He says that if you want to be successful in this life, you have to work hard. The harder you work, the better you are going to be. A company is only as good as its employees. The harder they work, the better the company will be. A company called Ring of Honor employed a man named Jay Briscoe eleven years ago at the Murphy Rec Center. He was 18 years old. He has spent his entire adult life making this company the best it could be.

Jay says to fast forward eleven years when Kevin Steen is the champion and is part of SCUM trying to destroy the company. Jay Briscoe steps up and takes the title.

Then he gets a shoulder injury and the higher ups in the company feel that Jay is not able to defend his title. He says that he likes Nigel, but why was Nigel able to defend the title with a torn bicep but Jay cannot defend the title with a bad shoulder. He knows that Nigel is just the messenger and the fall guy.

Jay tells Nigel that he wants him to know that this is bulls***. It is not Nigel’s fault. We cannot live in the past. His father told him that you cannot live in the past so you have to look to the future. Jay says that he won the title like a man and if the person who wins tonight wins like a man, he will hand the title belt to the new champion.

As soon as he is cleared to wrestle, he will have his title match. Until then, he will hand the title over like a man.

We go to commercial.

We are back and next week, Outlaw Inc. will be on television.

Nigel is in the ring and he says that now is the time. Sixteen men started and only two remain. We will crown a new Ring of Honor Champion. Because of the importance and significance of this match, there will be three judges in the event there is not a clear winner after sixty minutes.

The first judge is a man who helped start the company, Cary Silkin. The second judge is the man who is the current Ring of Honor CEO, Joe Koff. The third judge is the current Ring of Honor Talent Scout, Prince Nana.

Match Number One: Adam Cole versus Michael Elgin for the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship

They shake hands before the match starts, but Elgin was holding his neck as he made his way to the ring.

Elgin continues to hold his neck before locking up. Elgin pushes Cole to the mat and Cole sits in the corner before getting up. Cole with a side head lock but Elgin with a shoulder tackle and Cole stays on his feet. Elgin with a shoulder tackle and Cole goes to the floor. Cole returns to the apron and then gets back into the ring.

Cole with a waist lock but Elgin with a back elbow. Elgin catches Cole on a leap frog attempt and Elgin with a power slam for a near fall. Elgin sets for a buckle bomb but Cole with a back drop. Cole tries for the Florida Key but Elgin sends Cole to the floor. Cole returns to the ring. Elgin with a waist lock and Cole with a standing switch.

Elgin with a take down into a front face lock. Cole with a reversal into a front face lock of his own. Elgin with a wrist lock and Cole with a reversal. Elgin rolls through and he hits a drop kick. Elgin holds his neck again. Elgin with a series of Irish whips and then he presses Cole over his head and he slams Cole to the mat and gets a near fall.

Elgin holds his neck again. Elgin gets Cole up for the delayed vertical suplex but Cole gets back to his feet and Cole with a swinging neck breaker and Elgin is down and he holds his neck. Cole picks up Elgin and he snap mares Elgin and he drives a knee into Elgin’s back. Cole with a drop kick for a near fall. Cole with a snap mare and a cravate.

Elgin with a reversal and he hits a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Elgin gets a near fall. Elgin with a chop to Cole followed by a forearm. Cole with a DDT and he gets a near fall. Cole continues to focus on the neck and he applies a rear chin lock. Elgin with elbows to get out of the hold. Elgin with forearms but he misses a back fist.

Cole leaps on Elgin’s back and he applies a sleeper. Elgin falls to a knee but he gets back to his feet and he backs Cole into the turnbuckles. Cole with a bicycle kick but Elgin with a kick. Cole with an enzugiri but Elgin stays on his feet. Elgin tries for an O’Connor Roll but Cole holds on to the ropes. Elgin with a discus forearm but he misses a charge into the corner.

Elgin with an uranage in the corner and both men are down. Elgin with clotheslines to the throat and back of the neck. Elgin with a running clothesline into the corner and he sends Cole to the opposite corner for another clothesline. Elgin sends Cole off the ropes and hits a spinning side slam for a near fall.

Both men take their time getting back to their feet but Elgin is up first. Elgin tries for a deadlift German suplex but Cole gets free and he hits an enzuigiri. Cole with a Shining Wizard but Elgin kicks out at two. Cole pulls Elgin into the center of the ring for the figure four but Elgin kicks Cole to the floor. Cole with an enzuigiri from the floor when Elgin got into the ropes.

Elgin hits a delayed deadlift German suplex from the apron and gets a near fall. Elgin holds on to the waist lock and hits another German suplex and gets another near fall. Elgin sets for a buckle bomb but Cole runs Elgin into the corner. Cole runs into a boot and Elgin with a German suplex into the turnbuckles. Cole gets Elgin up for a Death Valley neck breaker and he gets a near fall.

Cole gets to his feet first and Elgin kicks Cole while Cole tries for the figure four again. Cole with a kick to the head followed by a second kick to the head. Elgin blocks a third kick and he connects with forearms. Cole joins in the exchange and Elgin goes ambidextrous and gets the advantage. Cole with a boot. Elgin has a bicycle kick blocked and Cole with a bicycle kick of his own.

Elgin with clotheslines to Cole against the ropes and he sets for a final one. Cole follows Elgin to the ropes but Elgin side steps him and Elgin with another German suplex. Cole misses a clothesline with the right arm but does not miss with the left and he gets a near fall. Elgin with a lariat and he gets a near fall.

Cole rolls to the apron while Elgin is still on the mat. Elgin gets up while Cole is still on his knees. Elgin wants to hit the deadlift superplex and Elgin puts Cole on the turnbuckles. Cole with forearms to the back and he hits a sunset flip power bomb followed by a kick to the head for a near fall.

Elgin gets Cole up for a suplex but turns it into a uranage and he gets a near fall. Cole rolls to the apron again. Cole with a shoulder and he tries for a springboard move but Elgin stops him with a drop kick. Elgin picks up Cole and hits a Super Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Elgin hits the buckle bomb but Cole comes out of the corner with a bicycle kick. Elgin responds with a back fist and Cole rolls to the floor.

The judges move from the table as Cole rolls under the table. Elgin goes to the floor and he moves the table. Elgin tries to pick up Cole but they both g to the apron. Elgin sets for a power bomb through the table but Cole drops to his knees. Cole with forearms and Cole tries for a German suplex through the table. Elgin with back elbows.

Elgin with a belly-to-back suplex off the apron but Cole turns his hips and he gets a lateral press as both men go through the table. The referee starts his count. Other officials make their way to ringside to check on the wrestlers. Cole gets in at fourteen while Elgin is still on the floor. Elgin gets back in at nineteen.

Cole gets to his feet and he waits for Elgin to get up. Cole with a super kick and Florida Key but Elgin kicks out at two. Cole picks up Elgin in the corner and he puts Elgin on the turnbuckles. Cole goes to the turnbuckles for a super German suplex but Elgin with elbows. Elgin knocks Cole to the mat and Elgin is met with a bicycle kick.

Cole sets for a superplex but Elgin counters with a super sit out power bomb followed by a buckle bomb. Cole with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Elgin blocks a super kick and Elgin with a forearm to the back of the head and a back fist. Elgin with another buckle bomb and he gets Cole up for the sit out power bomb but Cole’s leg catch the referee and he is down.

The referee was out of position and could not make the count. Elgin shows some frustration. Cole is on the floor recovering from what just happened to him. Elgin crawls to the floor and he gets Cole and rolls him back in. Elgin gets to the apron and Cole with a drop kick to the knee when Elgin comes back into the ring. Elgin’s left leg is caught in the ropes. Cole tries to take advantage and he applies the figure four leg lock.

Cole gets a near fall but Elgin gets his shoulders up. Elgin gets to the ropes and Cole has to release the hold. Elgin rolls to the apron and Cole hits a slingshot DDT onto the apron and then Cole with a suplex on the floor and he gets a near fall when they return to the ring.

Cole goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a double jump flip piledriver for a near fall. Cole almost hits the referee but he stops short. Elgin is down on the mat and Cole tries to think about what he needs to do to win the match. Cole tries to pick up Elgin but Elgin is not moving. He gets Elgin up and Cole tries for the Florida Key but Elgin backs Cole into the corner. Cole with a kick to the knee.

Cole tries for a second double jump flip piledriver but Elgin counters and he drops down and gets a near fall. Elgin with the Crossface but Cole gets a near fal with a rollup. Elgin with a forearm but Cole with a bicycle kick to the chest and then one to the back. As Elgin bounces off the ropes, he tries for a clothesline but Cole ducks it and he hits a German suplex. Cole with another German suplex followed by the Florida Key for the three count.

Winner: Adam Cole

After the match, Adam Cole celebrates his victory over Michael Elgin. Jay Briscoe comes to the ring with the title belt. Will Jay give Adam the title belt? Did he win with honor in the eyes of Jay Briscoe?

Jay walks slowly across the ring and he feels that Adam won with honor because he hands him the World Title belt, with some hesitation.

Adam takes the belt and he thanks Jay and shakes Jay’s hand. Jay turns around and Cole hits Jay in the back with a super kick. Cole hits Elgin in the head with the title belt.

Adam stands over a downed Elgin and Briscoe while holding the title belt over his head.

We go to credits.

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