Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10/8 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers

Michael Cole and JBL were introduced individually. JBL got some cheers, while Cole was booed mostly. A Raw recap of Big Show and Stephanie McMahon's segment and then of the main event. 

Vickie Guerrero was introduced by Lilian Garcia. A recap of Vickie and Alberto Del Rio's kiss was shown followed by the JohnCena announcement. Vickie called Big Show a deviant, saying he needed to be fired a long time ago. She said 12 hours later there was already a for sale sign in front of Big Show's house since he is unemployed. 

Del Rio interrupted her and asked to get out of title match against John Cena. She said she would reconsider if he kisses her on lips. ADR kissed her on lips for a few seconds. She said now he needs to kiss her on (points to butt). 

Damien Sandow interrupted and told Vickie that ADR thinks he can manipulate his way to defending title against Cena because ADR knows he will lose. Vickie made a match between Sandow and ADR. Del Rio hit Sandow with the mic and beat him down. Sandow got back up as ADR left. Sandow's music played...

Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel were shown walking backstage via the TitanTron...

1. Curtis Axel (w/Paul Heyman) defeated R-Truth to retain the Intercontinental Title. There were a lot of R-Truth chants. A decent match that Axel won with his finisher...

2. Los Matadores beat Los Locales. One of the masked losing team was Ricardo Rodriguez under a mask. The dumb ass bull was with Los Matadores. They dominated the match and the bull did some moves on the losers afterward...

The HBK announcement from Raw was replayed, and it was announced that Goldust and Cody Rhodes would face The Wyatt Family later in the show...

3. Cameron, Naomi, and Brie Bella (w/Nikki Bella) beat Kaitlyn, Eva Marie, and Natalya. One of the Funkadactyls pinned Kaitlyn...

Renee Young interviewed Goldust and Cody Rhodes. Cody thanked the fans for their support at Battleground... The Susan G. Komen affiliates in Columbus were thanked by Lilian Garcia...

4. World Hvt. Champion Alberto Del Rio beat Damien Sandow. A USA chant broke out but it didn't seem like the crowd was behind either at the time. They eventually warmed up to Sandow and cheered for him as the match progressed. Del Rio won by submission with the Cross Arm Breaker. 

5. The Great Khali and The Prime Time Players defeated 3MB. Clip of Titus talking about losing grandmother to breast cancer were shown before match. Khali pinned Heath Slater after a chop and then danced with the Players.

Goldust came down to his theme, then Cody entered to his. The Wyatt's intro played. Bray sat in a rocking chair and watched. 

6. Cody Rhodes and Goldust defeated Erick Rowan and Luke Harper. The crowd was more into this match than any other. Cody pinned Harper with rollup off turnbuckles. There was a big pop for the Rhodes win. Wyatt's entered the ring and was angry. 

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