Friday, October 4, 2013

10/4 WWE Smackdown Report

On Monday night, Daniel Bryan told Randy Orton that he will become the WWE Champion on Sunday at Battleground. Randy Orton decided to make Battleground about Daniel Bryan’s recent engagement. Before we get to Battleground, we have one more episode of Smackdown.
We are in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and your announcers are John ‘Big Show is driving the Waaaaaaaambulance tonight’ Layfield and Michael ‘Is there a cease fire for this Battleground’ Cole.
Big Show makes his way to the ring and he is dressed for a fight, which he will have later tonight when he faces The Shield in a handicap match.
Show says that he is ashamed of his recent actions because he has done some bad things to some good people. We have a video package of how Stephanie and Hunter have been holding the carrot of financial ruin over Show’s head to force him into some dastardly things.
Show says that he wants everyone to understand that he did what he did because he had no alternative. Triple H and Stephanie are holding his job over his head. There are not a lot of jobopportunities for a giant. Show says that it is hard to understand what he is going through. Some people have had to do things they do not like but they do not want to lose their job.
Show says that he is doing these things for his family. He cannot ask for the people’s forgiveness because what he has done is unforgiveable. He is looking for understanding. If Stephanie McMahon called your wife and had them say that you are not the man you used to be. How does that make you feel? It makes you question if you are still a man. He is at his wit’s end. He does not know what to do.
Show says that he has anger and frustration inside him. He went so far as to threaten the COO of this company and threaten to knock him out. Show says that if he would have knocked out Triple H, he would have been fired on the spot. Maybe it would have been for the best, but he finds himself in a situation where he is facing the Shield in a three on one match.
Show says that all of the rage and frustration that he has shown over the last few weeks, he will unleash it on the Shield. The Shield will be in the ring with a borderline lunatic Giant. If he is going down, he is taking The Shield with him.
Show starts to leave the ring, but Triple H’s music plays and the COO makes his way out to the stage.
Hunter says that Show is trying to plead his case like he is ashamed of what Show has done. Hunter says that he is ashamed of Big Show for what he has become. He is ashamed for Show for questioning his authority in front of everyone. Show’s pent up anger, personal, financial, and marital problems are on him.
The fact that Big Show’s house is about to be repossessed is on Big Show. Hunter says that he considers Big Show a friend and has done so for 20 years. Show no longer owes a dime to the bank for his mortgage. Show now owes Triple H.
Hunter says that he does not want to see Big Show lose his house and have his family on the street. He does not want Show to lose his job. Hunter says that Show’s problems are his problems. His patience with Show is running thin because if he does not get his emotions in check, Hunter will be living in Show’s house.
Tonight, his wife and him are offering him an opportunity. Since Show said that he was a borderline, lunatic Giant, things have been changed. The Shield will be joined in the match by the face of the WWE, Randy Orton.
Four men against a borderline, lunatic Giant seems fair. Hunter tells Show that they are cool despite Show’s threat on Monday night.
Rob Van Dam and Ricardo Rodriguez walk in the back and we go to commercial.
Match Number One: Fandango (with Summer Rae) versus Rob Van Dam (with Ricardo Rodriguez)
Fandango wants to dance with himself before locking up and then Van Dam reminds Fandango who he is but Fandango with a kick and punch followed by a back elbow. Fandango with punches. Van Dam with punches of his own. Van Dam with an Irish whip and a monkey flip. Fandango sends Van Dam to the apron and then Fandango with a shoulder that knocks Van Dam off the apron and against the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.
We are back and Fandango runs into a boot from Van Dam and Van Dam with a side kick from the turnbuckles. Van Dam with clotheslines followed by a spinning back heel kick. Van Dam with Rolling Thunder. Van Dam reminds us who he is before going up top.
Summer pushes Van Dam off the turnbuckles and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Rob Van Dam (by disqualification)
After the match, Fandango attacks Van Dam and he hits a Falcon Arrow. Fandango looks under the ring for some weapons but Van Dam recovers and he hits a baseball slide while Ricardo distracts Fandango.
Van Dam with a slingshot DDT and then Ricardo tells Rob about a stash of weapons under the ring. Van Dam gets a trash can and he throws it into the ring. Van Dam gives Ricardo the trash can to hold on Fandango for the Van Terminator.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Two: Ryback (with Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel) versus R Truth
They lock up and Ryback backs Truth into the corner and he tells Truth that he hates bullies. Truth with a punch. Ryback runs Truth into the turnbuckles and he connects with a shoulder. Truth with a knee to the shoulder followed by punches.
Ryback goes to the floor and Heyman tells Ryback that Truth is a bully. Ryback punches Truth and then he returns to the ring. Ryback kicks Truth and then he presses Truth over his head and he drops him behind him, but Truth lands on his feet and he punches Ryback. Truth with a drop kick and Ryback is staggered. Truth with a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall.
Ryback moves when Truth tries for a scissors kick and Ryback with a clothesline. Ryback gets Truth up for the marching musclebuster and he gets the three count.
Winner: Ryback
After the match, Heyman and Ryback go to the back while Axel goes into the ring and he stands over Truth as he waits for his opponent on Sunday to get up and Axel connects with the Axe.
Renee Young is in the interview area with Alberto Del Rio. She asks Alberto about the Hardcore Rule Match on Sunday and whether he saw what happened to Fandango. Alberto says that he will use a trash can as well on Sunday and then he will put Rob in the trashcan and send him back to the garbage dump where he belongs.
Renee asks Alberto about facing Dolph Ziggler tonight. Alberto is interrupted by a man who has a present for Alberto and it is the trashcan that Rob used earlier tonight. Alberto looks at the trashcan and storms off.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Damien Sandow is at the announce table with his briefcase.
Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio versus Dolph Ziggler in a Non Title Match
Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Ziggler with another rollup for another near fall. Del Rio with a kick and forearm to the back of the neck. Ziggler with another rollup for another near fall. Del Rio goes to the floor to regroup and he does it in front of Sandow while Sandow is egged on tocash in now.
Del Rio with head butts to Ziggler. Ziggler avoids the tilt-a-whirl back breaker and he hits a drop kick that sends Del Rio to the floor. We go to commercial.
We are back and Ziggler with punches but Del Rio pulls Ziggler to the mat by the hair. Del Rio gets a near fall as we see footage from the commercial break when Ziggler was Irish whipped over the turnbuckles to the floor.
Del Rio with a reverse chin lock on Ziggler but Ziggler gets to his feet and he punches Del Rio. Ziggler with a sunset flip for a near fall followed by a drop kick. Ziggler misses a charge into the corner when Del Rio moves and Ziggler hits the ring post with his shoulder.
Del Rio with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio with more head butts and then he charges into the corner but Del Rio is sent to the apron. Ziggler with a drop kick that sends Del Rio to the floor.
Del Rio drops Ziggler on the top rope and then Ziggler goes up top and Ziggler hits a Super X Factor and both men are down. Del Rio and Ziggler exchange punches. Del Rio with a kick but Ziggler with an Irish whip and Stinger Splash onto the turnbuckles. Ziggler with punches to Del Rio followed by a neck breaker and a flying clothesline.
Ziggler sets for the Fameasser but Del Rio moves. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio with a kick to the back. Del Rio goes up top but when he comes off, he is met with a drop kick from Ziggler and Dolph gets a near fall.
Del Rio with a single arm breaker followed by a step up enzuigiri in the corner for a near fall. Del Rio puts Ziggler on the turnbuckles and he goes for a superplex but Ziggler stops him and Ziggler with a sunset flip power bomb for a near fall.
Ziggler with a sleeper and he climbs on Del Rio’s back for more pressure. Del Rio runs to the corner and he sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles to escape the hold. Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles for a double stomp to the back. Del Rio sets for the super kick but Ziggler with a rollup to counters. Ziggler misses the Stinger Splash into the corner and Del Rio with a super kick but he can only get a two count.
Del Rio tries to float over into the cross arm breaker but Ziggler counters and he tries for the DDT. Del Rio counters the DDT attempt and he tries for the cross arm breaker but Ziggler counters again and hits a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler tries for the Zig Zag but Del Rio pushes him off. Del Rio sends Ziggler into the air and when he hits the mat, Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker and Ziggler taps out.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
We go to commercial.
We are back and 3MB talked to Renee Young and Heath Slater talks about how Los Matadores brought a bull on Monday. Jinder says that they have asked for this rematch and they will contain the bull.
Match Number Four: Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal versus Fernando (tall) and Diego (with El Torito)
Diego and Slater start things off. Diego with an arm bar into a hammer lock and a snap mare. Diego with an arm drag followed by a head scissors take down. Slater with punches and Jinder tags in. Diego with a leg sweep and he chops Jinder before tagging in Fernando. They hit a double back body drop.
Jinder with an Irish whip and Fernando floats over and he hits a rana. Diego tags in and he connects with a forearm when Fernando slingshots Jinder towards him. Diego with a slingshot splash onto Jinder.
The referee holds Diego back when Jinder goes into the ropes and Jinder with a forearm and he tags in Slater. Jinder with a punch and Slater with a kick for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Diego with an Irish whip and Slater tries to send Diego to the floor but Diego with a headstand on the turnbuckles and he takes Slater to the mat wit a head scissors.
Fernando tags in and so does Jinder. Fernando with flying forearms and then he takes care of Slater on the turnbuckles. Jinder misses a splash in the corner. Fernando with a swinging neck breaker and then Fernando hits a double chop to Jinder from the turnbuckles. Fernando and Diego hit the Double back drop driver for the three count.
Winners: Fernando and Diego
After the match, Mahal and Slater try to attack Fernando and Diego but they are back dropped to the floor. El Torito with a springboard cross body onto Slater and Mahal.
Renee Young is in the interview area with Paul Heyman, Curtis Axel, and Ryback. Renee asks Paul about his client’s chances on Sunday. Paul says that his client Curtis Axel’s opponent thinks that he is the truth, but his dreams of becoming the Intercontinental Champion is nothing short of fiction.
At least he can take solace that his name is not CM Punk because on Sunday, CM Punk will suffer a hero’s fate. He will go down in a blaze of glory. CM Punk will fight with every breath in his body while facing a bigger, stronger, meaner, and more twisted individual than CM Punk could ever be. CM Punk will be deterred forever from seeking revenge against Paul Heyman. CM Punk will be Shell Shocked and then he will be flat on his back, looking up at his big, bad, beautiful Ryback . . . and at him. Punk’s lord, master, and owner . . . the Best in the World.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Five: Aksana versus Brie Bella (with Nikki Bella)
They lock up and Aksana has a kick blocked and Brie sends her to the mat followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Brie misses a charge into the corner but she stops short and then she hits a drop kick. Brie with a running knee to the head and Aksana falls to the floor.
Aksana sends Brie into the ropes and then Aksana kicks Brie. Aksana with elbow drops for a near fall. Aksana with a quarter nelson and chin lock and then she sends Brie down to the mat. Aksana crawls around Brie and connects with a kick and gets a near fall. Brie with forearms but Aksana runs Brie into the turnbuckles. Brie goes to the turnbuckles and hits a super X Factor for the three count.
Winner: Brie Bella
After the match, AJ makes her way onto the stage with Tamina. AJ says that she is feeling inspired. She has something special in store for Brie. She will do to Brie what Randy Orton did to Brie’s tin can eating fiancé on Raw. Then the two of them can just disappear, get married, and have a baby. The first baby born with a goat faced beard. When the doctor sees that atrocity, he will not spank the baby, he will spank Brie.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Six: Big E Langston versus Kofi Kingston
Langston shows some aggression at the start of the match with forearms to the back. Langston with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Langston with a big splash for a near fall. Langston sends Kofi into the turnbuckles but Kofi with boots to Langston followed by a pendulum kick. Kofi goes for a cross body but Langston catches Kofi. Langston goes for a back breaker but Kofi counters and gets the three count with a victory roll.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
After the match, Langston tries to go after Kofi but Kofi gets out of the ring.
While Kofi goes up the ramp, Bray Wyatt appears on the TitanTron and he tells everyone that they are here.
Kofi is ready for Wyatt, but Rowan and Harper appear behind Kofi.
Wyatt tells Kofi you are no hero. Just a façade, just another shining example of a decayed generation. His laws have failed him. On this Sabbath, he promises the first will fall. He tells Kofi to ‘Follow the Buzzards’.
We go to commercial.
We are back and it is official that Kofi Kingston will be facing Bray Wyatt at Battleground.
We take a look back at Raw when The Rhodes family met with Triple H and Stephanie.
Match Number Seven: Big Show versus Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Randy Orton
Ambrose will start off against Big Show. Show backs Ambrose into the corner and he punches Dean and then he chops him across the chest. Show with a head butt and a slam. Show with a head butt and Rollins tags in. Rollins tries to avoid Show and then he kicks him in the leg. Show sends Rollins into the corner and he punches him. Show stands on Rollins and the referee warns him.
Show sends Rollins into his corner so he can tag in someone else and Roman Reigns does the deed. Reigns comes off the ropes and Show with a shoulder tackle. Show sends Reigns into the corner and Orton tags in.
Orton with kicks but Show with a head butt and chop in the corner. Show with the Shhhhh chop to Orton followed by an elbow to Ambrose to knock him off the apron. Orton with a kick to the knee and Rollins is tagged in and he comes off the turnbuckles with a knee to the head and Rollins gets a near fall.
Rollins with a kick to the head followed by more kicks to get Show on the mat. Rollins with another near fall. Reigns tags in and he connects with an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Orton tags in and he kicks Show.
Orton with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Show grabs Orton by the throat but Orton counters the choke slam with a DDT and Orton gets a near fall. Reigns tags back in and he applies a reverse chin lock. Show with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Show with a clothesline and shoulder tackle to Reigns. Show with an Irish whip and running butt splash in the corner.
Show with a spear and he signals for the choke slam. Show stops Rollins, Ambrose, and Orton when they try to interfere. Rollins with a kick to the knee and all four attack Show. Show fights them off. Show with head butts to Orton and Rollins. Show punches a chair that Ambrose brings into the ring and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Big Show (by disqualification)
After the match, Big Show catches Rollins as he comes off the top turnbuckle for a choke slam but Randy Orton with a chair shot to the back.
Show grabs Orton as well as Rollins and Reigns with a spear to Big Show.
The crowd chants ‘Yes’ while Orton wants Reigns and Rollins to pick up Show. Orton with an RKO to Big Show.
Orton takes the chair and he puts it around Show’s neck. The Usos make their way to the ring and they fight with the members of the Shield. Orton puts the chair on Show’s neck and Daniel Bryan comes to the ring and he attacks Randy Orton. Bryan with kicks and punches to Orton. Orton with a kick but Bryan sends Orton into the turnbuckles. Bryan with kicks in the corner and he tries to put Orton in the Yes Lock and he does it.
Dean Ambrose hits Bryan from behind and Orton is able to get out of the ring. Bryan with a round kick to Ambrose followed by the flying knee.
We go to credits.

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