Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ring of Honor TV Report

We are in Providence, Rhode Island and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.
We take a look back to the July 13th episode of television when Mike Bennett attacked Cheeseburger and Bob Evans pulled Bennett off of him. Maria told Mike something and Bob falls victim to the Box Office Smash.
Match Number One: Bob Evans versus Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis)
Michael with a super kick before the bell when Bob had something to say to Maria. Bob rolls to the floor and Bennett with a clothesline off the apron. Bennett with an Irish whip into the guardrails. Bennett with a running kick to the head.
Bennett with another Irish whip into the guardrails followed by a kick. Bennett pulls up the mats at ringside and Bennett sets for a powerbomb on the floor but Evans with a back body drop. Evans with an Irish whip into the guardrails a few times. Bennett with a boot when Evans charges at him. Evans with a back drop onto the apron followed by a series of clotheslines.
They return to the ring and Bennett with a running back splash into the corner. Bennett is put on the turnbuckles and Evans with punches and a forearm to Bennett.
Bennett with an Irish whip but Bennett is sent to the apron. Evans with a kick and then Bennett with a drop kick from the floor to Evans who was hanging in the ropes. Bennett with boots to Evans. Bennett with a back elbow as he continues to take control of the match. Bennett with a super kick (after one that we missed due to focusing on the announce table). Evans blocks a third attempt and Bennett with a choke slam. Bennett with a shoulder tackle for a near fall.
Evans goes up top but misses a leg drop. Bennett with the Box Office Smash followed by a TKO for the three count.
Winner: Michael Bennett
After the match, Maria joins Bennett in the ring and Bennett takes the contract. Bennett is about to sign it and he puts it on top of Evans. From out of nowhere, Cheeseburger tries for a missile drop kick and Bennett swats him aside. Bennett with a piledriver to Cheeseburger.
Nigel gets in Michael’s face when Bennett leaves the ring.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Maria joins Kevin at the announce table to replace Nigel for this match.
Match Number Two: Bonesaw Brook versus MsChif
MsChif with a punch to the midsection and she follows with knees to the midsection. MsChif with more knees and she sends Brook into the ring post. MsChif with a single leg crab in the turnbuckles. MsChif with forearms followed by a running knee to the head. MsChif gets a near fall. MsChif puts Brook in a Muta Lock and Brook gets to the ropes.
Brook with a shoulder and a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Brook with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Brook with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner but she misses a second one. Brook with a shoulder in the corner followed by forearms.
Brook misses a boot in the corner and MsChif with forearms and then she puts Brook in the ropes and MsChif with a head butt and Obliteration for the three count.
Winner: MsChif
We go to commercial.
We are back with this week’s episode of Inside Ring of Honor.
This week’s topics are the World Title Tournament, the Tag Team situation, and next week’s milestone.
Silas Young is in the Title Tournament after winning last week. Silas says that all 16 men are vying for the chance to be the World Champion. He sees a bunch of boys trying to be men. He sees a bunch of boys trying to be Silas Young. One by one, they are all going to fall by the wayside. Whether you love him or hate him, when it is all said and done, he will not be called the Last Real Man in Wrestling, but the World Champion.
Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards are not in the tournament. We found out last week on television that Davey and Eddie are looking to regain the World Tag Titles.
We are reminded that we have new tag team champions after Romero and Koslov defeated Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly.
What will happen when the American Wolves get their shot at the titles?
Next week is the 100th episode of Ring of Honor Television. Roderick Strong and Jay Lethal will look back at some of the best matches from Ring of Honor Television.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Three: Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, and BJ Whitmer versus Michael Elgin, Kevin Steen, and Tommaso Ciampa
Before the match, we get the Code of Honor but Davey takes it a step further by hugging Steen.
Whitmer and Ciampa start things off for their respective teams. They lock up and Whitmer with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ciampa with an arm drag but Whitmer with an arm drag and they return to their feet and a stalemate. Edwards tags in and so does Steen. They lock up and Steen backs Edwards into the corner and Steen with a break of honor because he is no longer affiliated with SCUM.
Steen and Edwards discuss the chants for Eddie before locking up again. Edwards with a clean break. They lock up again and Edwards with a clean break but Steen pushes Edwards and Edwards chops Steen. Elgin tags in and Steen falls to the floor in pain over the chop.
They lock up and Edwards with a side head lock and shoulder tackle but Elgin stays on his feet. Edwards with another shoulder tackle and Elgin stays on his feet. Edwards with chops to Elgin but Elgin with a back elbow. Edwards with a chop and Elgin with a shoulder tackle.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Elgin has Richards up for a delayed vertical suplex and after minutes of guardrail banging from the crowd, he sends Richards to the mat. Whitmer with a kick to Elgin and Ciampa kicks Whitmer and Ciampa gets Whitmer up for a delayed vertical suplex of his own and he sends Whitmer to the mat. Edwards kicks Ciampa and Steen gets Edwards set for a suplex but Eddie with a suplex of his own.
Elgin and Richards resume the action and Elgin with an Irish whip but Richards moves out of the corner and Edwards tags in and he chops Elgin. Edwards with an Irish whip and forearm into he corner followed by a suplex and he gets a near fall. Edwards with a head butt and forearms. Elgin with forearms of his own.
Elgin with an enzuigiri and Edwards is down. Elgin sends Edwards to the apron and Elgin prepares for the delayed superplex standing on the middle ropes but Richards stops Elgin with an enzuigiri. Richards with a boot to Steen’s head on the apron. Richards with a sunset flip power bomb and Edwards with a kick for a near fall. Elgin with a boot and then Elgin with a forearm to Richards and he gets Davey on his shoulders.
He picks up Edwards and hits a combination fallaway slam and Samoan Drop on the Wolves. Whitmer and Steen tag in and Steen with chops. Whitmer with a kick but Steen with a pop up power bomb for a near fall and then he tries for a Sharpshooter but Edwards comes in. Steen hits a Codebreaker on Edwards at the same time he hits a back senton splash on Whitmer. Steen pulls Whitmer into position and Steen goes up top and he goes for the senton but Whitmer gets his knees up.
Richards tags in and Elgin sends Richards to the apron but Edwards comes in and they hit stereo kicks to Steen’s head. Eddie with a belly-to-back Falcon Arrow and Richards goes up top for a missile drop kick for a near fall.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Ciampa with forearms to Richards in the corner. Richards with kicks to the chest of Ciampa. Ciampa with an Irish whip but Ciampa misses a forearm in the corner. Richards with a running kick to the chest and he tags in Edwards. Edwards with chops. Edwards with Kobashi chops to Ciampa. Edwards with an Irish whip but Ciampa with a boot. Edwards with an enzuigiri to Ciampa on the turnbuckles.
Ciampa escapes the backpack stunner and Edwards with a forearm. Ciampa with a forearm. Edwards with the Maple Leaf and Elgin with a boot to the head but Edwards holds on. Elgin tries for another kick but Richards cuts him off and he rolls through to put Elgin in the ankle lock. Edwards turns the single leg crab into the Achilles Lock. Steen and Whitmer come in and Whitmer with a Flatline and he applies a modified Koji Clutch. Steen turns it into a Sharpshooter while Ciampa turns things into a Crossface. Elgin has Richards in the Crossface as well.
Richards and Edwards roll Ciampa and Elgin to get a near fall but Steen breaks up the cover on Elgin even though Ciampa was the legal man. Elgin and Whitmer try for clotheslines and neither men go down. Elgin with a Mick Foley clothesline to Whitmer and they go to the floor.
Richards with a Mick Foley clothesline to Steen and that leaves Edwards and Ciampa in the ring. They go face to face and Edwards with a chop. Ciampa with a slap and Eddie responds. They go to a slap fight and Edwards with a boot to the head. Ciampa with a boot to the head. Edwards with a super kick but Ciampa with a lariat that flips Edwards.
Whitmer comes in and he chops Ciampa. Ciampa chops back. They go back and forth and Ciampa gains control. Whitmer with a power slam and then he hits rolling fisherman’s suplexes on Ciampa while Edwards and Richards take care of Elgin and Steen. Whitmer gets a near fall.
Ciampa with a jaw breaker and then The Wolves hit the Alarm Clock on Ciampa. Edwards with a super kick and then Whitmer hits a Saito Suplex on Ciampa. Whitmer gets a near fall and then Davey with a double stomp but Elgin breaks up the cover.
Richards tags in and he kicks Ciampa in the chest. Ciampa gets back to his feet and Richards continues to kick him. Ciampa blocks the kick and Ciampa with a knee and forearm to the head. Richards tries for Alarm Clock again but Ciampa blocks it and he connects with a knee to Richards. Ciampa hits a Schwein on Richards and Elgin and Steen go after Whitmer and Edwards while Ciampa gets a near fall.
Elgin sets for a buckle bomb and he hits it on Richards. Ciampa with a running knee to the head and then Steen hits a Cannonball. Ciampa gets a near fall when Edwards breaks up the cover. Steen with a forearm to Edwards but Edwards with a boot to Steen. Steen with a sidewinder suplex to Edwards but Whitmer with a boot to Steen.
Whitmer blocks a suplex from Ciampa. Ciampa blocks a suplex attempt from Whitmer. They both go over the top rope to the floor on a suplex. Elgin tags in and he goes face to face with Richards. Elgin with a kick and he tries for a buckle bomb but Richards blocks it. Edwards comes in and Elgin gets him on his shoulders. Edwards with a sunset flip but Elgin rolls through and power bombs Edwards to the floor from the ring.
Richards backs into Elgin and they go back and forth with forearms. Richards with a super kick and German suplex but Elgin pops up. Richards goes for the cross arm breaker but Elgin avoids Richards from locking it in. Elgin gets Richards up for a tombstone piledriver and he runs Richards into the turnbuckles. Richards reverses and Edwards kicks Elgin in the head before Richards hits the tombstone and Elgin kicks out.
Richards with the ankle lock while the other four men fight on the floor. Elgin gets to the turnbuckles and Elgin with an enzuigiri. Elgin with a back fist followed by a buckle bomb. Richards with a round kick but Elgin with a spinning back fist. Richards with a sunset flip to counter a buckle bomb. Richards with a back heel kick but Elgin with a short arm clothesline followed by a spinning sit out power bomb for the three count.
Winners: Michael Elgin, Tommaso Ciampa, and Kevin Steen
We go to credits.

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