Monday, September 16, 2024

My 30 Greatest Matches of All Time Part 4

One of the great things about wrestling is, it never ends. I couldn't even begin to count the number of shows much less matches that have taken place since I started writing this list. When I started this list I put a cutoff on it. I wouldn't look at any matches that took place after April of 2024. And well if I'm being totally honest, at least one match I've seen since April would be on this list and would knock one of the early matches off. But again that is the great thing about wrestling. There is some new great match to enjoy. So this my way of saying check out Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland from AEW All In 2024.

Will Ospreay feels the V-Trigger of Kenny Omega

26 Will Ospreay vs. Kenny Omega New Japan Pro Wrestling Wrestle Kingdom 17 01/04/23- There was a natural comparison between Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay. Both started in other countries and made their name in Japan. Both started as Junior Heavyweights and moved up to Heavyweight. They feuded with many of the same people. When Kenny Omega departed to join AEW it opened the door for Ospreay to become a main eventer. This came at a time where Ospreay in ring work reached another level. Add into the fact the two had only ever had a single one on one match for many Omega vs. Ospreay had become a dream match. However, a number of factors kept as just a dream. Political issues, injures to both men, the pandemic. But finally in late 2022 the deal was made. Kenny Omega would return to Japan and would challenge Ospreay for the IWGP United States title. For years the two men had traded barbs in the press and on social media. Omega was returning to the place he had made his name to show the world he was still the best. For Ospreay it was much more, he had been the made the stay in his own words at a time where crowds in Japan were limited and forbidden to cheer, he toweled in silence to keep New Japan alive for when they could cheer again. 

We are back in the Tokyo Dome and this is a landmark event. It's the first full capacity show in Japan that also allowed fans to cheer. For his return to Japan Omega's entrance is amazing. Fire erupts from the stage; a giant black wing appears on the screen. Foreboding music plays. He walks to the ring after declaring "I'm back," with a cruel smile. Ospreay's entrance sees every member of his United Empire stable appear on the stage to greet him. As the theme he had been using starts is transforms into his former themes Elevated.  The message is clear, Omega is back and is the villain, while Ospreay for this night is is the defender of the company. As Ospreay rises from the smoke-filled stage, his stablemate Great-O-Khan wave the United Empire flag. As both men start down before the match Ospreay hands the US title to the referee.

When the bell ring Ospreay comes out hot looking to land the first strike, Kenny Omega just side stops him. An early exchange of holds sees Omega slap Ospreay in the back of the head. After Ospreay kips up form a shoulder tackle he slaps Omega in the face. Omega tries a for a snap rana but Will Ospreay cartwheels out of it and lands a rana of his own sending Omega to the floor. Ospreay lands a plancha whipping Omega out before sending him crashing into the guardrail. Returning to the ring, Osprea looks for a flying forearm but Omega cuts him off causing Ospreay to smack his face on the top rope before he knocks Ospreay off the apron sending him flying and crashing into the guardrail. Omega hammers in strikes to Ospreay's back and shoulders before landing his Finlay roll and moonsault combo for a two count. A high hip toss and Ospreay lands on hard on his back again before eating a kick to the spine. Kenny Omega whips Ospreay into the corner and again Ospreay hits hard. This gives Omega a chance to remove the corner pad exposing the steel underneath. For a second Ospreay is able to avoid crashing into the exposed corner but all it takes is a hard front kick by Omega to send him crashing in. Omega follows up with a backbreaker and gets another two count. 

In a great moment Ospreay goes for the Octopus hold, this was the move of New Japan founder Antonio Inoki. Wrestle Kingdom in 2023 was being held in tribute to Inoki who had passed away a few months earlier. It's a nice tribute to Inoki but also a message from Ospreay. He is defending New Japan from the invader just Inoki had many times in his career. Ospreay lands a hot shot into the top rope, a running kick and finally counters a suplex attempt into a stunner. The handspring kick by Ospreay connects before he follows up with the flying forearm drawing a two count. Omega escapes a powerbomb attempt and lands a chop only for Ospreay to regain control with an enziguri. The action spills to the apron. The two men exchange chops and kicks, it's Ospreay who lands the biggest shot with a thrust kick. Ospreay goes for the Oscutter but Omega hooks the ropes. Ospreay's back crashes into the apron and than onto the floor. With the US champion down Omega gets a chance to pulls out a table which slams onto Ospreay. Omega than climbs back to the apron and double stomps through the table into the kidney's of Will Ospreay. Ospreay digs deep sending Omega into the guard rail, lands a series of body shots and than suplexs Omega into the metal frame of the table. Ospreay climbs to the top rope and leaps of with his amazing looking sky twister press. Back in the ring Ospreay lands a flying elbow off the top to the head getting two count.

Again Ospreay looks for the Oscutterr. This time Omega is able to block move. He sends Ospreay into the ropes and hits a V Trigger to the back on the rebound, following up with a poison rana. Omega's suplex into a neck breaker draws a two count. Ospreay is able to block the snap dragon but at the cost of taking another elbow to his back. Omega sets up for the Super Dragon Plex. Ospreay lands on his feet and  crashes into Omega with his Robinson Special kick. This time the Oscutter connect but Omega is able to kick out. Both men are down but Ospreay gets up and traps Omega's head in the corner without the pad. A series of thrust kicks to the face by Ospreay. Champion and challenger fight on the ropes. A hard chop by Ospreay knocks Omega down. Ospreay sets up for the Spanish fly but Omega punches the kidney area this stalls Ospreay enough that Omega hits a DDT from the top into the exposed metal ring of the corner. If you watch any form of combat sport you've likely seen that moment the big blow lands and while the fight goes on, it feels over. This is that moment for Will Ospreay the damage to his back was bad enough but now his head is damaged as well. On the floor the United Empire run to the leader to check on him. Blood covers Ospreay's face. Omega could get a count out. But something dark has been unleased in Omega. He hits the baseball slide dropkick on Ospreay sending him into the guard rail before doing the Terminator Dive. In a brilliant shot Omega lands on his feet and plays to the camera. All Ospreay can do is weakly reach up.

Omega finds the damaged table from earlier and rams Ospreay's head into over and over again when he drags him back into the ring he hits a piledriver. Another cover and somehow Ospreay gets his shoulder up. Omega takes the mount position and punches Ospreay. The action pauses as the ringside doctor and referee want to stop the match. Ospreay shoves teh ref away but pays the price taking a snap dragon. Omega taunts before hitting the V-Trigger, this gives Ospreay a chance to grab his leg but that's all Ospreay can do. Omega uses his free leg to hits knees to the body and head and then picks Ospreay up driving him into the ground with a tiger driver 98. Omega covers but Ospreay refuses to stay down as he puts his foot on the bottom rope. Omega lands the V-Trigger and knocks Ospreay back to the floor. Finally, Omega shows some mercy just tossing Ospreay back into the ring. 

Omega climbs to the top rope looking for his dropkick to the back of the head. In a great moment a dazed Ospreay falls into the ropes causing Omega to lose his balance. Finally with a chance Ospreay lands a strike to the gut. But the badly injured Ospreay winds up slipping when he tries to climb the ropes. Still Omega is hurt from the fall and Osperay pushes on climb back up. It's huge mistake, Omega slips under and pulls Ospreay back into the steel of the exposed corner. Omega crosses the ring; the rest of the United Empire know what is coming and we hear them screaming "Will move!" The V-Trigger crushes Ospreay in the corner. Omega's blood lust takes over and he wants The One Winged Angel off the top, Ospreay blocks but instead takes a German suplex off the ropes. Another V-Trigger and Omega covers. Ospreay still won't stay down he gets the shoulder up. Omega screams at Ospreay to stay down before landing knees to his face. A fleeting bit of hope as Ospreay catches the leg and stands. Ospreay with a flurry of chops and Kawada kicks. Omega tries to cut him off landing the V-Trigger but hwne he goes for the lariat Ospreay comes over the top for a sit down powerbomb. But it only gets a two count as we hit the thirty-minute mark. 

Ospreay connects with the Chelsea Grin a roaring elbow to the back of head and then two running elbows known as the hidden blade. The Super Oscutter from the top draws a two count. Ospreay goes for the storm breaker his go to finisher. But Omega escapes, a battle for position and Ospreay lands the Styles Clash. Ospreay removes his elbow pad he's looking and crushes Omega with a hidden blade but Omega kicks out. Knowing his fading Ospreay calls for the fans. They will him on, he again goes for the Storm Breaker, but Omega escapes and lands the V-Trigger to the face. Ospsreay wings with a hidden blade. Both men are down stand together to exchange elbows. Ospreay overcommits letting Omega lock in a straight jacket German suplex. Omega sets up for the Kamagoya, a knee smash to the face this version is the finisher of Omega's friend and Ospreay's rival Kota Ibushi. Ospreay knows it's over, Omega has control of the wrist, he's got the position he needs for the move, and Omega is fresher less damaged. All Ospreay can do is spit at his challenger one final defiant act. Kamagoya to the face and right into the One Winged Angel. Just like that Kenny Omega has taken Ospreay gold and made it clear who the better man is. Ospreay is motionless the United Empire must roll him out of the ring. Ospreay wants to fight on but for now it's over. 

Wrestle Kingdom is the first major show every year and after this match it felt like the 2023 match of the year award had been locked up. It was that good of a match. It's one of those matches only these two men could have. Now a lot of people could have the wild brawl Austin and Bret had for example (very unlikely they could of done it as well though) but the moves both men pull off. The layered story telling plus the moves they pull off and just how well they pull them off. Hell they managed to get so much out things like an exposed corner or the section where Ospreay is dazed after the DDT off the top. Going into their match there were a lot of questions. Could this match live up to the hype and expectations around it that had been growing since 2019? Could Omega had only worked a single tag match since the Hangman Page match regain his former form? And in both cases, it was a resounding yes. 

Will Ospreay's efforts to be the hero had led to him taking a beating. Even late in the match as the tries to mount the comeback it's feels so futile. All it will take is one blow to put Omega firmly back in control. For Omega it's almost like this match purges all of darkness. There is a level of aggression he didn't show even at his worst vs. Okada or Page. But the story wasn't done. As Will Ospreay was led out of the Tokyo Dome the dried blood on his face he had one desire revenge. 

27 Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Bryan Danielson All Elite Wrestling Revolution 2023 03/05/23- Some people are just meant to be pro wrestlers. Maxwell Jacob Friedman is one those people. He is a natural in the ring and on the microphone. He invokes a classic heel from the seventies and eighties yet is more than able to mix in modern moves. When he joined an upstart AEW he bragged he was the future of the company, and he was right. The future arrived November 19th, 2022, when he captured the AEW world title from Jon Moxley. Moxley was a member of the Blackpool Combat Club a faction managed the time by William Regal. Regal turned on Moxley to help Friedman take the belt. However, in storyline Friedman held a grudge against Regal and attacked him later on sending him out of AEW. Bryan Danielson was also a member of the BCC and was also close to Regal. Since the last time we saw Danielson on this list he's had a quite a story. Joining the WWE and overcoming the odds to win the WWE world title in the main event of WrestleMania, only to be forced into retirement due to injures just over a year later. Only to get cleared two years later. In 2021 his WWE contract expired and he jumped ship to AEW. 

This is an iron man match where the two men will wrestle for an hour whoever scores the most falls in that time wins the match. In kayfab this is to limit MJF's heel actions as he can't grab a quick cheap win, while also giving Danielson a chance to punish him. In the lead up to the match Danielson suffers a shoulder injury only made worse as it's targeted by MJF and other heels. The two men's entrances contradict each other. Danielson enters to his music only in his trunks and boots he's come to wrestle. MJF meanwhile enters with a string orchestra playing the intro to his music. Not only wears his custom title belt but a jacket and a Devil mask. MJF is an ego manic using outside factors to hype himself up. During the intros MJF drops to his knees flips off the fans and than drops the world title as he stands up. Was it a legit mistake or a small act to hint he's a nervous champion facing his biggest test? 

The bell rings and both men take a second to look around the arena listening to the fans who are already cheering loudly before they touch. Danielson mocks MJF wanting to lock up early but Friedman drops the floor. Upon returning to the ring the world champion lands the first real move of the match with an arm drag. Soon enough though Danielson gets MJF down and ties him up, an Indian Death lock into a bow and arrow, into a stump puller, and even looking for his LeBell lock finish. MJF avoids them but he's clearly behind in the exchanges. Danielson and Friedman go back and forth exchanging various holds and moves this time MJF is able to keep up and both men wind up face to face. Suddenly being sporting MJF offers his hand but we all know it's a trick hoping for a cheap shot. Danielson know it as well and kicks MJF's hand. Pissed off Maxwell rolls out of the ring and jumps into the crowd doing all he can to stall. More stalling by Friedman who gets Danielson to finally chase him only to jump back in the ring. Finally, back in the ring they battle over a full nelson until Danielson rolls the champion pu for a two count. When MJF tries the same trick Bryan Danielson sees it coming. This lets him tie up the up the knees and crawl at the face. Adding the punishment Danielson drives Fieldman's knees into the ground before landing a series of round house kicks.

The tide turns when MJF grabs Danielson by the trunks to drive him into the corner face first. Series of back body drops by MJF sends Danielson crashing. But he goes to the well once to often. First Danielson gets a inside cradle for two, and then lands his own back body drops. Danielson attempts an Irish whip but his injured shoulder allows MJF to block it. Following up MJF drops Danielson shoulder on the rope and then drives him into the corner. MJF also starts a bit that will run during the match, he exits the ring to get water which will help to play into the finish. MJF stays on the shoulder even using Danielson's hair to make sure he can't get away. Heading to the floor Bryan Danielson is tossed into the guard rail shoulder first. Fully in control MJF taunts the fans. It's a mistake, Danielson lands a baseball slide. Danielson than goes for the topa suicida dive but MJF catches him and than drives him into the steel guardrail shoulder first. Returning to the ring MJF uses a hammer lock DDT getting a two count.

MJF uses a series of holds and throws that all target the shoulder. A series of near-falls though upset the AEW champion who resorts to just choking Danielson. Fifteen minutes down and Friedman puts Danielson on the top ropes. Danielson connects with headbutts and is able to lands a second ropes sunset flip power bomb, Danielson first big move in a while. Now it's MJF who is sent into the corner. Danielson with a series of strikes including three running dropkicks. A top rope rana by Danielson gets a two count. Danielson tries another running knee but MJF gets his elbow up and then comes off the ropes stomping onto Danielson's bad shoulder. Danielson tries another rana but MJF blocks it and hits a backbreaker power bomb gaining another two count. MJF is able to sends Danielson to the floor with a dropkick to the gut. Exiting his comfort zone MJF looks to show off and looks for a moonsault to the floor.  He misses and hurts his knee on the landing. Danielson lands the topa. Back in the ring Danielson comes off the top but MJF catches him in the Fujiwara Arm Bar known as Salt of the Earth. Danielson fights back up only for MJF to hit a pump handle driver that drops the challenger on his head and neck. It gets another MJF two count. A series of near falls as both men fight over basic holds that puts the others shoulders on the mat. It's an amazing fast paced back and forth that goes on for several minutes. And it looks flawless. Both men land big clotheslines and fall to the mat exhausted. With both men down the referee counts to ten but both men beat the count. Danielson is fresher he lands the flying Busaiku Knee and gets the first fall with just over thirty four minutes left. 

Now desperate MJF a low blow it gives Danielson a second fall via DQ, but MJF scores two quick falls on the injure Danielson tying it two-two. MJF pauses again to get water and taunts the fans standing over the injured Danielson. Maxwell Friedman goes for his head seeker piledriver but Danielson tosses him off. Dropkick off the top by Danielson sends MJF back to the floor. Danielson looks for a running knee on the floor but Friedman gets up and lands a clothesline. MJF tries a running attack but Daniels cuts him off and lands a series of hard kicks to the chest just after the halfway point lands another Busaiku Knee. Danielson does all he can to destroy MJF's knee as he drives it over and over and over again into the steel ring post. Back in the ring Bryan Danielson locks in a figure four. Maxwell Jacob Friend screams he hates Danielson and slaps at him to try and get free. Danielson responds by turning into a heel hook and slapping MJF back. Danielson taunts the champion screaming for him to tap and lands a stiff kick to his back. The match spills to the apron and both men fight. Danielson attacks MJF's bad leg, and MJF attack's Danielson's bad shoulder. Finally Danielson's kicks are enough to drop Friedman. Danielson wants to land a suplex off the top rope to the floor. MJF out of desperation grabs a corner mounted camera after a back elbow he sends Danielson crashing onto the apron and then the floor. Friedman puts Danielson on the ringside table used by AEW's ringside doctor and comes off the top rope with a flying elbow drop. 

Both men are down but MJF is able to drag the referee into the ring demanding he count Danielson out which would put him up by one fall with less than twenty-two minutes. Danielson just barley beats the count keeping it two apiece. Commentary makes it a point to note it's now the longest match of MJF's entire career. Maxwell drags Danielson to the floor again and lands a tombstone piledriver through the remains the of the table. But he's made a mistake as it hurts his knee again. Danielson is bleeding with just over twenty minutes left. Back in the ring MJF lands his heat seeker piledriver and scores a third fall giving him the lead by one. Once again MJF gets to get water. Taz a former wrestler on commentary wonder why he's doing this and even points out guzzling water can cause a cramp. With new fire MJF lands a series of hard punches to Danielson's face. Bitterly MJF taunts Danielson even bringing up the names of his kids as he tries to hurt him. Finally Danielson tries to punch but there is nothing behind it. Even when Danielson lands a palm strike with force all it takes is a single headbutt by the champion to take back over. Returning to the floor Friedman looks to toss Danielson into the guardrail, at the last second Danielson is able to revers and it's MJF who goes into the steel.

The final fifteen minutes of the time limit are upon us. Danielson dives off the top onto MJF. Back in the ring he crotches MJF on top turnbuckle. A spider superplex by Danielson sends MJF crashing into the ring. Diving headbutt by Danielson. Now MJF is bleeding badly. Danielson lands the Busaiku Knee and than puts MJF in the Regal Stretch. The former finisher of William Regal the person he is fighting for. Maxwell Jacob Friedman taps out trying it three falls each. Danielson goes back to the Regal stretch but MJF counters into the salt of the earth. Danielson escapes and goes into his own LeBell lock. With less the nine minutes in the time limit MJF is trapped in the center of the ring. Finally he escapes and gets back to salt of the earth. Desperate MJF drags Danielson to the center of the ring and works the arm. MJF ties up the other arm and one of Danielson's legs. Finally with the free leg Danielson gets a rope break. On their knees champion and challenger trade punches and headbutts. Standing up it becomes a battle of elbow strikes and both men drop again. We learn there are five minutes left and both men fire up again. Neither man can get the edge until a running Danielson elbow drops MJF. But a battle by the ropes lets MJF land the heat seeker for two. More water for MJF before he gets Danielson to the top and looks for a tombstone off the top. Danielson blocks it and lands his hammer and anvil elbows. Finally though MJF lands the second rope piledriver btu he can't follow up adn it does damage to knee injured knee again. Two minutes left. Danielson id down and not moving but MJF can't reach him for the pin. Finally MJF gets on top but Danielson kicks out and gets a knee strike. He puts Friedman in a single leg crab with one minute left. MJF wants to tap but he knows it means losing the title. The time runs out. After sixty minutes it's 3-3. Justin Roberts the ring announcer declares it a draw and that MJF has retained.

Doctors hit the ring actually giving MJF oxygen. On commentary Tony Schivone a man who was a frequent victim of MJF's bullying gets word from the back. Schivone has a message from AEW owner Tony Khan. It's now sudden death. Danielson is thrilled, MJF is heartbroken and attacks the referee but it nearly lets Danielson gets a fall. A low blow by MJF gives him a near fall. MJF tries to use the AEW world title belt but the ref warns him a DQ means he still loses the title. MJF hands the belt over, it's a trick anyway. As the ref gets the belt out of the way Friedman fishes out his Dynamite Diamond Ring. A weapon he's used man times over the years. Danielson avoids the shot and lands a poison rana. The third Busaki Knee of the match connects and it's over! Good has won, MJF has finally paid for his crimes. We wrestling fans could start fantasy booking Danielson's AEW title reign. Only what makes MJF the worst isn't just that he's a heartless bastard that cheats. It's that he a great wrestler and in moments like this great wrestlers find a way. MJF kicks out at two. We get a perfect shot of a shocked Danielson. Even commentary can't believe it and admit MJF should get respect for still being in the match at this stage. Danielson hammers in kicks to MJF's bad legs and lock in the half crab. Freidman wants to tap but he gets the ropes and then taps out. Because of the way hold is done Danielson doesn't see only hears the tapping and thinks he's won. MJF rolls to the floor but this time he's not looking for water. He crabs the oxygen tank from earlier and hits Danielson with it. MJF puts Danielson in his own LeBell Lock. Danielson fights and gight trying to get free. But all the work to his bad shoulder before and during the match, the cheap shot with the steel tank all proves to be too much. Bryan Danielson taps out. MJF has won. MJF has overcome it all and he's won. What was supposed to be his punishment is now just another thing he can brag about. 

I can see why some may not like this match given the long run time and the finish but personally those are two of the biggest reasons I love this match. The run time and just about everything in it is in service to the finish. All the work on the shoulder, the water breaks all meant to set up for the moment where it's MJF's final dirty trick. Now as I've stated in the past, I don't think long match automatically mean a good match. This is helped by the men actually using the run time. A lot of iron man matches wind up being long drawn out affairs with very few falls which leads to many of the early portions of the match coming down to waiting. Instead with the falls coming early on it puts more importance on every other moments in the match. When Danielson catches that side headlock and puts MJF's shoulder on the mat it could lead to pinfall that swings the match. And in the end we get that moment in sports we are so used to. The champion we all want to see lose finds a way to win. 

As of writing we are less than a week after Danielson finally winning the AEW world title in many ways all his short comings in matches like this made that moment all the better when it finally happened. As for MJF his title reign would have ups and downs but his match was a major up. It was a reminder just how great he can be in the ring. It's the match he can hang his hat on. 

28 Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door 06/05/23- Will Ospreay had attempted to be a hero when he faced Kenny Omega in the Tokyo Dome it had ended with him left beaten and covered in blood. For Ospreay the rebuild had begun first with a win over the underrated Taichi where first made use of the Tiger Driver 91. If you recall this move had been the super finisher for Mitsuharu Misawa. It's a very dangerous move and one that really had been used since the mid 2000's. While an injury took him out for a few weeks in the spring but upon his return he defeated former IWGP US champion Lance Archer becoming number one contender to the title still held by Kenny Omega. Since the first match Omega had defended his title against Ospreay's stablemate Jeff Cobb but most his attention had been in a feud between The Elite and the Blackpool Combat Club. During that feud Omega's manager/mentor Don Callis turned on him. In classic heel manager mode, Callis offered his services to Ospreay. Forbidden Door is a crossover event between AEW and New Japan. And in 2023 it would be held in Toronto giving Ospreay a chance at payback in Omega's home country. 

Ospreay enters with Callis and two guards. Omega comes out alone. It's an even start with both men looking for an edge. Going back and forth in hold. Finally Omega takes control with a head scissors. Ospreay looks for a head stand escape, but Omega drives him head into the mat. We get a very early attempt at the One Winged Angle it's blocked, the Oscutter is blocked. Omega tries for a snap dragon suplex but Ospreay lands on his feet.  Finally, Ospreay goes to the eyes to take the edge and lands chops. Omega goes over the top in the corner and hits a rana before doing his Finlay Roll and Moonsault. Kenny Omega runs for his Terminator dive, and Don Callis tries to trip him. Omega goes after his former mentor who hides behind his guards. The referee ejects Callis. But Callis got what he wanted, Ospreay takes Omega with a slingshot crossbody to the floor before tossing him into the ringside steps. Back in the ring gives Omega a back breaker. Will Ospreay hits a vertical suplex and covers for a two count. Ospreay locks in the cobra twist. Omega escapes and targes the knee, he hits a bulldog, a kick to the rip and than dunks Ospreay's head into the mat again. Omega covers getting a two count. Ospreay fires back with an enziguri.

A front suplex by Ospreay plants Omega on the ropes. A shooting star press by Ospreay lands and he follows up with the apron Oscutter. The real payback begins. Ospreay lands headbutt to Omega and than repeated drives his face into the commentary table at ringside. He even taunts Omega asking if he remembers what he did in January. Omega is busted open. Ospreay isn't done he removes a wood covering from the table and drives Omega through it. Back in the ring Omega is badly dazed and he's defenseless as Ospreay lands elbow strike to his head. Omega's blood covers Ospreay's arm and showing how insane he's become Ospreay tastes it. Ospreay taunts Omega, Kenny Omega snaps back and fries back but it takes one single blow to drop him. Ospreay taunts Omega again doing his aiming the gun pose before landing a flying knee in the style of Omega's V-Trigger. All match Ospreay has also been taunting the fans in the arena. This reaches it peak when grabs a Canada flag and disrespects it. Omega levels Ospreay with a lariat. The Canadian native Omega wraps the flag around Osprey's neck and uses it to throw him around the ring before using it to hang him over the ropes. On the floor Omega lands a V-trigger driving Ospreay's head into the guardrail. 

Now it's Omega who has snapped he drags Ospreay over to the steeps and slams Ospreay's face into it. It busts Ospreay to bleed once again. Not done Omega drags Ospreay onto the steeps and hits a DDT. The match returns to the ring. Omega mounts Ospreay and lands palm strkes and then tries to lock in a rear choke before transiting into an arm bar. Ospreay powers Omega up and lands a sit out power bomb to break the hold. Champion and challenger trade German Suplexes. When Omega looks for the snap dragon, Ospreay frees himself with a reverse headbutt, only or Omega to come back and land a V Trigger. Omega goes for another one but Ospreay catches him in the Spanish fly. Back to taunting the fans Ospreay locks in the sharpshooter, which in Canada is forever linked with Bret Hart. Kenny Omega powers free but Ospreay jumps right into the cross face submission hold keeping control. Omega is able to get free but the damage has been done. Ospreay lands Kawada kicks and chops. Omega tries to fire back but he's got nothing behind it. Ospreay drops Omega with a headbutt. Ospreay calls for the Oscutter. Omega side steps and is able to drive his knee into Ospreay's head.

Finding a second wind Omega lands a series of Snap Dragons and the V-Trigger to the back. Omega isn't done he hits a poison rana before a piledriver. Omega covers but it's only two again. The suplex into a neck breker by Omega connects and than he crushes Ospreay in the corner with the V-Trigger. Wanting the kill shot Omega tries for the One Wingle Angel off the ropes, Ospreay escapes traps the head and kicks Omega in the face. As we get the thirty-minute call, Omega falls toe the floor. Ospreay lands the sky twister press. Back in the ring an elbow off the top stuns Omega. Omega fires back after avoiding the hidden blade elbow strike but Ospreay is able to land the sit out power bomb. A top rope Oscutter only gets two. Ospreay looks for the storm breaker, but Omega counters into an inverted piledriver.

Don Callis returns to ringside to cheer Ospreay on. A series of short knees to the face by Omega as he points at Callis before dropping Ospreay with a running knee. Omega sets up for a V-Trigger but Callis jumps up on the apron. Callis tries to pull Ospreay out of the ring but it's all a move to pass him a screwdriver. Omega looks for the one winged angle but Ospreay drives the screwdriver into the head. A hidden blade and the storm driver follow. Ospreay covers ready to celebrate only Omega gets his boot on the ropes stopping the count. Ospreay looks intense as Callis whispers something to him. Another callback to the first match, Ospreay lands the Kamagoya and his own one winged angel. It's the exact combo that beat Ospreay in the Dome. But Omega kicks out at one. The crowd goes inane. Both men start to land strikes. Omega lands a brain buster and again looks for the one winged angel but he can't get it. Omega changes to the Koyte's Wrath dead lift German suplex. Both men look for one of their finishers but can't get it. A ripcord elbow by Ospreay. And now comes the moment the generated the most debate post match. 

Ospreay hooks Omega's arms. It looks like he's going for the storm breaker but no he doesn't take Omega up to his shoulder instead he drives him into the ground with The Tiger Driver 91. As stated earlier the TD 91 had really only been used by Misawa and he limited it to only a handful of times in his career. For many watching there is a very good chance they had never seen this move before. I don't want got full onto the debate many had for weeks after this match, but I will the following. The move is very dangerous and should be used sparingly. But it fit this match and grudge perfectly. It was a brutal move used by a man blinded by rage and years of hate. Ospreay covers and yet somehow Omega kicks out again. But it's his last bit of gas in the tank. Ospreay hits the hidden blade and then the Storm Breaker. Another cover and finally a three count. 

The Tiger Driver 91 

I was blown away when I watched this match live and I'm still blown away by it. Even if you don't see the pre match hype videos or any of the promos Ospreay cut about Omega on Omega you get the message. Once ore these two men are pretty even with each other and it's the one willing to go further that gets the win. On this night it was Ospreay who held nothing back. I actually think you need to watch both matches as they greatly add to each other. Also both men are brilliant long term story tellers.

With the score tied 1-1 many were hopeful of a rubber match. Omega's focus though was on Don Callis and his new formed Don Callis family faction. Ospreay remained an alley of Callis but his main focus remained in New Japan where he was still under contract.  By fall word was spreadig that Ospreay's contract was set to expire and he was open to moving on. By the fall Will Ospreay stood in AEW ring once again annoucing he had signed with the company. And just someday we will get that rubber match.

29 Hangman Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland Texas Death Match AEW Full Gear 11/18/23- How far would you go to get to the top? How far is too far? What would you do if is someone crossed the line and threated your family? How did we get to this point? Swerve Strickland began his wrestling career in 2011. He quickly rose the ranks of the independent wrestling scene. At Revolution 2022 he would join AEW. That same night Hangman Page retained his AEW world title in the main event. On September 6th 2023, Page was in the ring for an interview which Swerve interrupted. It started simply enough, Swerve wanted Page's spot as a top guy. But as the weeks went on the intensity picked up. Swerve would win the first match at the Wrestle Dream event thanks to help from his manager Prince Nana. Page would get his payback costing Strickland a shot at TNT championship. It would be than Swerve would make the feud deeply personal. On the October 26th edition of Dynamite, Swerve and Nana would invade Hangman's home and in the most dramatic moment he stood over the crib of Adam Page's infant son. A feud like this couldn't just have any regular match as it's next chapter. Instead it would be a Texas Death Match. Anything goes the only way to win is to knock your opponent out for a ten count.  

I will say this before breaking down the match, it's not for everyone. This match is easily the most violent of any match on the list. You could almost think of it like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. As great as the work is the level of violence is going to be a turn off for some. No I don't think extreme violence automatically makes something good. Hell some of the worst of the mathces I've ever seen are death matches. However in this case I feel the violence fits, once you cross a line like Swerve did something is extreme is called for.

Hangman doesn't even wait for his entrance he charges the ring and right away lands a power bomb and the Buckshot larait in less than thirty seconds after the bell ringing. Page also isn't in wrestling gear instead wearing jean and cowboy boots a small touch that adds to the fact this is a fight. Swerve rolls to the floor only for Page to follow him out and toss him into the guardrails around the ring over and over. Back in the ring Page just tosses a steel chair into Swerve Strickland's face. Finally he secures Swerve's hands using duct tape. Page grabs a staple gun that was under the ring and puts two stables into Strickland's chest. To drive home it'sreally stables he even secure a sheet of paper to the body. Page picks back up the chair and drives right into head of his enemy drawing blood. Hangman returns to the staple gun and uses it to attach a drawling for his son to Swerve's face. In a very sick moment no one shoudl repete but is kind of awsome, Page is so unhinged he drink Strickland's blood. Which I could see happening on House of the Dragons. Page goes back under the ring and draws out a chair wrapped in barbwire. Swerve is able to save himself with a kicking right to Page's dick. 

Finally Prince Nana is able to cut the tape and free Stickland. Hangman attacks again with the staples but Swerve power free. Takes the gun and stables Page in the head. Swerve lets out a crazed laugh before putting the barbwire chair in the corner and tossing Page into face first. Take more wire Strickland cuts the Hangman's face. Now Page is bleeding. Swerve looks for his own weapons and gets a cinder block. On commentary Nigel McGuiness declares "This is going to far". Both men fight on the apron of the ring. Swerve is able to land a Death Valley Driver crashing Page onto the cinderblock. The match winds up on the ringside guardrail and showing amazing balance Swerve hits a piledriver. Like a monster in a movie Swerve pulls Hangman back into the ring. A punch to the face and a slap only serve to wake Page up and he lands his own punches. A running boot by Swerve but when he goes for it again Page catches it for a fall away slam. Showing the damage Page can't do his usual kipup after that spot. A desperate Swerve grabs for barbwire but he misses the swing and takes another fall away slam. Page grabs the wire and wraps it around Stricklands's head and then ties it around his body. A third fall way slam and Swerve rolls to the ground. 

Blood on Blood 

Hangman takes the barbwire chair and climbs to the top rope coming off with a moonsault. Page tosses Swerve into the ring and set for another buckshot. Prince Nana delays him just long enough for Swerve to catch him and look for the JML driver. Page esacapes and grabs the chair only for Stickland to grab the chair of wire. Hangman Page sits Strickland on the top turnbuckle and looks for his reverse piledriver off the top. Strickland esacpds and cracks Page in the back with the barbwire chair. Dropping the chair, Swerve than drops Page onto it with a powerbomb. Swerve hits his double stomp or the Swerve stomp off the top. We get replay showing earlier part of the barbwire came around and caught Page in the face. Now it's Page turns to barley beat the count. Swerve Strickland goes under the ring he pulls out black bag. He opens it and pours glass onto Page's expose back. Swerve wants to finish it he lands a 450 splash and than drops Page again with the JML driver. The Hangman manages to pull himself up using the ropes shocking Swerve who charges with a clotheslien taking both men over the top rope to crash to the floor. Nana and Swerve gets a board that is also covered in barb wire they set it up on two chairs. Strickland drags Page into the ring and onto the ropes. He's looking something Page is able to get free and bites Swerve in the head and than lands the fall away slam moonsault throught board. Page hits a power bomb and finally the Dead Eye all into barb wire. 

As Swerve tries to get up Page again wraps the wire around his head. The Buckshot Lariat knocks Strickland down. Prince Nana drags Swerve out of the ring and puts him on his feet just long enough to break the count. Brian Cage an ally of Strickland and a former Page rival runs out and attacks Hangman. A series of powerbombs and finally the F5. Nana and Cage set up a table, but it gives Page a chance to get barbwire and use it to attack cage. A desperate Prince Nana attacks Page now but the chair shot only makes him mad. Hangman drags Prince Nana to the apron and lands the deadeye through a table. But all this has given Swerve time to recover he picks up the remains of the cinderblock and he strikes Page with it. But the Hangman won't stay down. Strickland grabs a chain and hangs the Hangman from the ropes. Finally, Adam Page passes out. Like a crazed animal Swerve stands over him as the referee counts. Hangman can't get back up. As soon as the counts ten Swerve collapses next to Hangman Page. 

Again, I stress this is not the kind of match for everyone but so often great art and yes I see wrestling as it's own artform isn't for everyone. There was actually quite a debate after this match if the two men had gone too far? I actually think a better question is was this level of violence earned? I say yes. This feud had been building up for a while. This wasn't a random two guys who just grabbed weapons when the crowd wasn't into their match. Now in this case the crowd was into everything both men did. If you can tolerate the blood it's worth the ride. Both men sell very well and do a great job when they don't sell. The best comparison I can make is the early Bret Hart and Steve Austin match. That was a bloody violent brawl that pushed the limits of wrestling at the time, and this is that same match many years later. 

And much like Austin and Bret the roles of both men changed. Unable to put away his foe Hangman turned to the darkside while the fans increasingly got behind Swerve as began to chase the world title. As of writing this they two actually had yet another match. A perhaps more brutal cage match. And if I ever do a follow up this list that one will also be in the running to make it.

30 Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson AEW Dynasty 04/21/24- And so we've finally arrived at the match that is why I wrote this list. I watched this match live and knew it wasn't just a great match, but one of the greatest matches ever. As 2024 dawned Bryan Danielson knew time was short this would be his final year as a full-time wrestler. For Will Ospreay 2024 saw him say goodbye to New Japan and the UK independent scene before making his full time move to All Elite Wrestling. There isn't much back story to this match. It's as simple as any story can be in wrestling. Danielson the best of one generation taking on Ospreay the best of the latest generation. Could Danielson once more be able to claim he was the "BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD!"? Or would Ospreay being claim one of the biggest wins he could get in AEW? There was an attack on Danielson BCC by the Don Callis Family, the faction Ospreay was technically a member of. But Ospreay insisted he wanted had nothing to do with it. 

After their entrances the two men stand face to face. Event before the bell rings the fans are chanting holy shit. Danielson can't contain himself and smiles. We get an early takedown with both men looking control. Danielson backs Ospreay into the ropes and breaks clean after teasing a incoming strike. Danielson with a side head lock takedown which he works into position for a bow and arrow. Ospreay counters into a pin but doesn't even get the one count. We get a Greco Roman knuckle lock and then a battle for wrist locks. A top wrist lock takedown by Danielson but Ospreay escapes. Even early on this wrestling is just so crips and clean. Add in fans going wild for even simple stuff.

Another side headlock takedown by Danielson and this time he lays in open handed strikes. Back to the feet they trade kicks and blocks. Ospreay goes for a handspring kick, but Danielson back drops him only for Ospreay to land on his feet. Ospreay goes for kicks but misses. Finally, Ospreay sweeps the leg and goes for the ankle lock. Danielson gets back to his feet and flips Ospreay off only to eat a series of knife edge chops. Danielson with an ankle pick and ties up the leg. Danielson transitions into a cravat hold and lands knees to the head. Danielson with a snap mare but Ospreay lands on his feet and lands a dropkick to Danielson's face. Uppercuts by Ospreay. Both men exchange chops with Danielson's being more effective. The American Dragon also uses his own uppercuts and roundhouse kicks. Ospreay uses a running boot to send Danielson to the floor. Ospreay lands a springboard crossbody to the floor whipping out Danielson. Ospreay returns the action to the ring and comes off the top only to dive into a kick from Bryan Danielson. 

The Muay Thai clinch by Danielson with knees. After an Irish whip Danielson lands a running knee to Ospreay's gut and follow up by tying up the legs with an Indian Death Lock.  Back on the feet the two men exhange chops again but Ospreay is een more at a disadvante due to the body work. Danielson lands a series of punches in the corner to Ospreay's body following up with a kick. Both men run the ropes this lets Ospreay lands the land spring kick. Ospreya lands a springboard forearm. Danielson looks for a Kawada kick but Bryan Danielson catches the boot and lands strikes. Will Ospreay reclaims control with a jumping enziguri that knocks Danielson to the floor. Will Ospreay comes off the top rope with a sky twister press. We've now exited any feeling out process in this match. Both men know what the other has and are looking to do the real damage. We also have a real clear view of both men's gameplan. Ospreay looking to use speed his ability to fly to land big strikes. While Danielson looks to take away those advantages by attack the body. A diving forearm by Ospreay connects and he looks for the hidden blade elbow. Danielson counters landing a a kick to the arm and then another one. Danielson locks Ospreay's arms to hit a Tiger Suplex getting a two count. All kicking out does though it open Osprey up to Danielson hammer and anivl elbows. With Ospreay dazed Danielson goes for his cattle mutilation submission. Ospreay gets the rope break using his boot.

An arm breaker by Danielson, following with a another round house kick and a running drop kick. Each one attacks the arm Ospreay uses for his hidden blade. Danielson places Ospreay on the top rope looking for a hurricanrana only for Ospreay to land on his feet again. Ospreay lands a hook kick to the face and than the original Tiger Driver getting a two count. Ospreay climbs to the top rope giving Danielson just enough time to recover and knock him off. Hammer and anvil elbows on the ropes daze Ospreay. Danielson does a Tiger Suplex off the rope. Another cover by Danielson and again Ospreay is forced to use the ropes for a break. More kicks to Ospreay arm by Danielson capped up by a running penitly kick. Ospreay sits back up just to eat another PK. Ospreay again sahkes it off and calls for more. Danielson lands an elbow only for Ospreay to drop him with one of his own. Ospreay reings down strikes. The action spills to the apron with Ospreay looking for one of his man moves out of the double under hook postion. Danielson is able to fight his way free but another hook kick by Osperay connects leading to the apron Oscutter. Danielson falls to the floor as he stands he's wide open to take the hidden blade flying elbow by Ospreay. Will Osperay is unable to lift his oppoent back in the ring and makes the call to return to the ring looking for the countout win however Danielson beats the count.

Still Ospreay has the edge. Seeing he wasn't about to get the win he had already set up for a springboard dropkick. Hosting Danielson up he lands the folding powerbomb getting a two count. When Ospreay goes for the Oscutter again it is the opening for Danielson to get a flyign armbar. Both men battle for control. Danielson gets an opening an using LaMistica a flying body attack and drive Ospreay down and look for the LeBell Lock. Ospreay fights to the ropes and Danielson counters but grabbing the other arm still Ospreay finds a way to get his boot to the ropes for another break. Danielson hammers in a series of body kick and finally one to the face. Danielson drops back and goes running looking for the Busaiku Knee. Ospreay catches him looks for another power bomb only for Danielson to counter with a rana that drives Ospreay into the ground and gets Danielson a two count. A series of near fals by boht men. Ospreay misses the hidden blade giving Danielson the distance he needs to land the Busaiku knee. A cover by Danielson. The count of one the count of two, Ospreay kicks out. Danielson declaers it's time to kicks Ospreay head in. He grabs Ospreay by the arms and stomps the head. Back to the LeBell lock attemp but Ospreay is able to escape even getting the mount to land elbows. 

It looks like Danielson is out but it's a trap he locks in a triangle. Desperate Ospreay tries to powerbomb his way out. It doesn't work and he eats several elbows on top of the hold still being in. Finally Ospreay is able to get up enough that he can pulls Danielson into a Styles Clash slamming him into the mat and finally breaking the hold. With both men uttelry spent they are on there hands and knees face to face. With nothing else they exchange head butts. Again Danielsno gets teh better of it. Back on there feet Danielson lans a series of palm strikes before landing a shoulder capture suplex. Ospreay pops up and finally connects with the hidden blade elbow. Ospreay sees this as his chance he looks for the Oscutter. But Danielson is aware enough and lands the Busaki Knee to the back of the head as Ospreay dives. Bryan Danielson gets back to his feet first and waits for Will Ospreay to stand. Both men wind up across the ring and lock eyes. Busaki Knee vs. Hidden Blade in one epic clash in the center of the ring. Ospreay is quicker draw.

Only thinking of victory in this dream match Will Ospreay hooks the arm and lands the Tiger Driver 91. It's the kill shot. The move so dangerous only a few have dared. And it appears something has gone very wrong. On the mat Bryan Danielson starts to convulse. Referee Bryce Remsberg calls for the doctor. But Ospreay is only looking to win. Another hidden blade when Danielson sits up for a second. Osperay covers and it's over. Ospreay stands up to celebrate its only seconds later he sees what he's done. Danielson is still down now being checked on by the medical team. I should make this 100% clear. Bryan Danielson was fine. This was just amazingly effective selling. This was done to set up stories for both men in the months ahead. Danielson of course it was that he would be compromised going into big matches. While Ospreay would do a story showing regret over going so far and for a time retire his use of the TD 91. 

The match itself is spectacular. Everything about it just looks so good. We of course get a lot of spectacular moves but even so many of the little things just look great. They way the fight for position. Danielson sneaking in strikes when he's in control of a position. Ospreay's at time frantic efforts to put Danielson away when he has an advantage. The amazing timing on spots like the flying knee counter to the Oscutter. We also get a wonderful progression of the action. From the early feeling out moves, to a middle section with both men landing bigger moves to the final exchange of the moves meant to put the other man away. It's another small thing but I also like Ospreay used the normal Tiger Driver earlier in the match as it shows he tried other ways to but Danielson away before going for the super move. Often Ospreay's critics label him a "Flippy Guy" or a "Spot Monkey" implying all he does is high flying moves. Yet in this match he shows he can be as technical as Danielson, he can strike. He also does a great job selling the damage to his body after leaping into the big Danielson kick early in the match. It was a dream match and it was better than we could have dreamed. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

My 30 Greatest Matches of All Time Part 3

 21 Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega 2 out of 3 falls New Japan Dominion in Osaka-jo Hall 06/09/18- By June of 2018 Kazuchika Okada's IWGP title reign had reached a full seven hundred and twenty days, two hundred thirty-one days more than the previous record. He had also racked up a record twelve title defenses. In this reign he had turned back invaders from rival Pro Wrestling NOAH, fought of MMA legend Minoru Suzuki, British technical wizard Zack Saber Jr. He's denied longtime rival Tetsuya Naito his moment in the Tokyo Dome and even turned back old rival Tanahashi once again. But it's twelve defenses with only eleven victories. The draw with Kenny Omega one year earlier had allowed him to keep the title but Okada wanted the win. Thus, upon setting the record for defenses he issued a challenge to Omega two out of three falls with each fall having no time limit. For Kenny Omega the last years has seen up and down. One of those ups saw him finally defeated Okada during the G1 Climax tournament. However, the Bullet Club has fracted separating Omega from his two friends The Young Bucks. Thankfully Omega when he needed a friend most his former tag partner Kota Ibushi had saved him. Now in the biggest match of his life it will be Ibushi in his corner. 

Omega's entrance for this match sees a pre match video showing him in pain reflection on his past loss to Okada and the ongoing Bullet Club Civil War until an angelic looking Ibushi appears and their reunion plays. Finally, Omega enters in the best shape of his life. I know that's an overused term but Omega looks amazing. He also appears to far more at peace than he has the last two match. Okada on the other hand looks almost nervous. For two years now he's taken everyone's best shot and no one has gotten closer than Omega has to taking that title.

 It's another back and forth even opening. There is a clear feeling of both men not wanting to make the first mistake. They trade position back and forth. There is a early high paced exchange when both men avoid the other's key moves and set up for there finisher. When Omega goes for the one winged angel both men wind up spilling to the floor over the top rope. It appears Okada is about to get the first real edge on the floor, he sends Kenny Omega into the guardrail and kicks him over. Okada looks for his crossbody dive over the rail. Omega is ready though and lands a V-Trigger. Okada yells out in pain before Omega slams him onto a guardrail and chairs. Returning to the ring Kenny attacks the head and neck using kicks and elbows. Finally landing a running boot to the side of Okada's head. Hard chops further wear Okada down and it's followed up with a back breaker that gets the two count. Omega locks in a chin lock before moving into a camel clutch doing more damage to the back of Okada. Finally, Okada gets a move in when he catches Omega to hit a flap jack. But just how much damage he's already taken it's Omega who is up first. 

Okada gets an opening when he ducks a clothesline and catches Omega with running elbow. Another elbow and then the DDT. Looking to change up the play book Okada locks in a cobra clutch. It's a nice touch as at this time it wasn't a move Okada used but give how big this match is plus how the fact it's there forth singles match going for something the other isn't ready for could a different move than normal might give that wrestler the edge. They wind up on the floor and Okada scores with a big slingshot crossbody. Back in the ring for a second Kenny Omega lands a snap rana that sends Okada to the floor. The baseball slide sends Okada over the guardrail. Calling back to their first match Omega lands the slingshot crossbody himself. Flying well over the rail and taking Okada out. Back int the ring a flying bulldog by Omega is followed up by this neck breaker out of a vertical suplex. We get a replay of the last title match when Omega misses a V Trigger, Okada hits a German only for Omega to land on his feet. Omega finally lands the V Trigger. But when he goes for the poison rana a move he's had success with, in past matches Okada hooks the rope, blocking it. German with a bridge by Okada gets a two count. Grabbing the wrist Okada looks for the rainmaker. Omega drives the champion into the corner to get free. 

Having rocked Okada with elbows Omega puts him on the top and looks for the dragon suplex. Okada slips to the apron and manages drag Omega into a tombstone piledriver on the apron. A running dropkick by Okada sends Omega flying off the apron when he stands back up. Omega crashes back first into the guardrail. Returning to the ring Okada crushes a prone Omega with a dropkick off the top rope. Omega is now screaming in pain. A huge top rope elbow by Okada and he smiles seeing Omega in pain. Okada thinks it over, he dares to the rain maker pose but Omega had been playing possum, he pops up and hits the snap dragon. Okada rolls to the floor but he won't get time to recover as Omega lands the terminator dive. It's now Omega's turn to land a dropkick of the top. Omega sends Okada for a ride getting him into the electric chair but instead of the One Winged Angel he goes for dead lift German. Okada though finds a way to start landing dropkicks and he retakes control of the match for a second. Omega with this ripcord knee strike gets a very close two count. Gedo Okada manager frantically pouds on the apron cheering his man on. Both me trade position, Omega tries a crucifix pin but Okada blocks it traps the legs and shockingly gets a three count. I love they did a pinfall like this. It makes it clear to anyone watching to not just wait for the rainmaker or one winged angel. Any move can win. Also, it now changes the story. Omega must win two straight falls against a man who has only lost two falls in over a year, a man who in title matches hasn't been pinned since 2017. 

Okada smugly smiles as the second fall starts. Omega goes out hot but leaves himself open to be elevated to top rope and getting knocked to the floor by a dropkick. Back on the floor Omega looks for a monsault off the guardrail only for Okada to knock him off again sending Omega crashing to the floor. Okada hands Kenny Omega on the rail and hits a DDT a move he did a lot of damage with back in there first match. In the ring Omega tries to strike Okada back down but the smug champion lets him strike and shakes them off. Finally he puts the challenger down with a big boot. Okada returns to the cobra clutch. This time he puts more pressure on it even demanding the referee check if Omega wants to quit. When Omega gets free for a second Okada goes for the hold again but gets a backdrop suplex. Another backdrop this time into the apron. Omega puts a table on Okada and gives him a double stomp off the apron. Omega sets up the table giving Okada time to recover and send him into the ring post. Okada goes for a familiar combo, the body slams lands but Omega gets his knees up on the senton. Omega looks for one of his combos out of the Finlay roll but Okada escapes and doe a high angle Death Valley driver. Okada fully retakes control with a shotgun dropkick into the corner. Okada goes back up the ropes but his injured ribs after the table spot slow him. Omega cuts off the move and lands a chop and Superplex off the ropes. 

Omega again looks for the Finlay Roll into the Moonsault but Okada gets his knees up. With Omega hurt, Okada hits a running uppercut. Okada wants to backdrop Omega though the table. Omega sees it as a chance to land a tornada DDT. Both men wind up on the apron. Omega wants to German suplex Okada off the apron and though the table. A desperate Okada clings the ropes. Both men wind up falling to the floor it's Omega who lands the big move with a poison rana on the floor. Okada beats the count but Omega is waiting for a V-Trigger. Omega wants the One Winged Angel, but Okada escapes and hits the spinning tombstone. Now Okada wants the rainmaker but Omega counters into a Yurnagi to save himself.  Champion and challenger return to trading forearm. Omega with a snapdragon but Okada back up with a dropkick, Omega reverses an Irish Whip and lands his own dropkick. A sit out powerbomb followed by a knee having Okada rocked. Omega looks for the tiger driver 98 but Okada with a back body drop sends him over. Okada falls foreword in a repeat of how the first fall ended but this time Omega escapes. Another V-Trigger and this time the Tiger Driver 98 spikes Okada into the mat. But it's only enough for a two count. Another Vi trigger and finally the one winged angel is hit. Unlike a year earlier it's the center of the ring and it's enough for three. Both men have won a fall. 

In the down time between falls Okada is motionless he can only stare up at the lights like a boxer who had been knocked out cold. A desperate Gedo tries to wake his charge up. When the ref calls for seconds out Gedo stalls for every second he can. You see stuff like this in boxing or MMA. A corner doing all they call to extend the break. Finally, though the bell rings Okada has only just sat back up and Kenny Omega crashes into him with a V-Trigger to the back. Omega looks for the one winged angel. Digging deep Okada escapes and hits the V-Trigger but all that has done is draw him even. Both men are down until Okada finally crawls across the ring to cover. The time between the move and the pin is enough to let Omega kickout.  

Fifty minutes and both men fight over a gut wrench position but can't get anything out of it. Okada finally drops Omega with an uppercut. Okada wants the dropkick off the ropes, but Omega just falls into the ropes and Okada falls the mat hard. Omega rains down a series of palm strikes and looks for a powerbomb. Okada blocks it but Omega block the hurricarana attempt and hits a styles clash. This move has a few layers to it. It's a move used to beat Okada in the past by AJ Styles, AJ and Kenny Omega have ties though the Bullet Club also Omega had used it once before in route to his G1 win. It only gets two but Omega stands first. Exhausted Okada is in the corner his back exposed a huge V-Trigger lands. Omega looks for the One Winged Angel but Omega collapses under the weight. Omega is able to counter a tombstone attempt into his own cradle tombstone only getting two. Kota Ibushi climbs to the apron and calls for Omega to do the Phoenix Splash. It's an amazing moves that sees the wrestler face out to the crowd on the top rope, jump and twist and spin back into the ring. Omega goes for it but Okada moves. A dropkick to the back by Okada lands. Again Okada looks for a tombstone but Omega escapes and lands another jump knee. Omega with a series of V-Triggers but Okada locks the third and lands the dropkick and a second one. 

Okada goes for the rainmaker as the one hour mark closes in but he lacks the power to follow through instead collapses. Omega has done the impossible he's taken away Okada's best weapon. On there knees the two wrestlers exchange strikes. Omega finally drops Okada with a headbutt another move that isn't common for him. Standing back up Okada manages to land a short lariat but it's not the full rainmaker. The IWGP lands another one but collapses again. In a nice moment Okada locks eyes with Gedo who is begging him to finish the match. Okada has to do it, he has to land the rain maker. But Omega ducks it, he instead uses the chance to land a series of German suplex. Over and over again sending Okada flying to land on his head and neck. Okada revers and lands a German of his own. Okada regains control of the wrist. Again Omega ducks and lands the German suplex. Even when Okada gets free for a second it's a false down. He winds up giving Omega space for the poison rana. With seemingly nothing left Omega has to pull himself up using the referee. Omega charges for the running knee but Okada is able to get up and hit the dropkick. 

Another attempt at the rainmaker but Omega slips out and goes for the One Winged Angel he doesn't get the full move in but he does drop Okada hard again right on his head. This match has now gone over an hour. The two men winds up sitting next to each other in the ropes. It's than a realization sets in, who ever gets up here wins. For seven hundred plus days Okada had been the man to stand up. But after twelve title defenses all Okada can do is watch as Omega comes crashing back in with a V-Trigger. Okada is powerless as Omega hosts him onto his shoulder and hooks the head. There is no last second miracle landing on his feet. There is no rope in reach to save him. Instead it's just three second the final three seconds of seven hundred and twenty days. Kenny Omega has finally done it, he had become the IWGP champion. It had been epic title reign and this was a epic match fitting of ending it. 

There was a lot of pressure on this match. Okada's title reign wasn't just record setting but it was one of it not the most successful periods for the company business wise. So not only does this match have to be the ultimate blow to the long plus feud between the Omega and Okada but if this match doesn't work, plenty of fans will questions the call to go with Omega instead of Tetsyua Naito or simply keeping the title on Okada. Add into these two go well over an hour when they have already wrestled three previous long matches. Meaning they have to walk the line of coming up with new material while also calling back to those match without making it seem like a rerun. Yet it all works. Somehow once again the two men top what they have done before. It's amazing all the little touches the add. Back in 2019 when I watched this match for the first time I was amazed at how it flew by. 

This match was something so rare in wrestling. For once it was happy ending. After his win Omega reunited with Young Bucks to celebrate his win. It was also a true end to the feud. Outside of a tag match a few weeks later Okada and Omega are yet to wrestle again. In early 2019 Omega departed NJPW for the upstart All Elite Wrestling. Okada remained with New Japan until January of 2024 when his contract expired. Okada stunned the world leaving his home promotion and singing with All Elite Wrestling. At time of writing this Omega is out due to health issues but a tease of a fifth match has happened.   

Omega finally topples Okada's reign

22 Shingo Takagi vs. Will Ospreay New Japan Best of the Super Juniors 26 Finals 06/05/19- Shingo Takagi began his wrestling career in 2004 for Dragon Gate a wrestling promotion in Japan that stands focusing on a faster pasted Junior Heavyweight style. Shingo though was the powerhouse of the company. In 2018 he jumped to New Japan and was pushed with a long unbeaten streak. Will Ospreay had been born in London England making his debut in 2012. Ospreay shot to fame with his amazing highflying. In 2016 Ospreay was working for the UK based promotion Rev Pro a company with a working agreement with New Japan. This allowed him to face off with Okada at a crossover show. This would lead to him being brought to Japan and made a member of Okada's stable CHAOS. He would win the 2016 Best of the Super Juniors tournament and by 2019 had two reigns as IWGP JR champion. BOSJ is a round robin tournament that sees wrestlers put in two blocks, you wrestle everyone in the block scoring two points for a win and one point for a time limit draw. Shingo won the A Block with a perfect 18 points. Ospreay won the B Block with 14. The finals are winner takes all. 

In a nice touch when Ospreay makes his entrance a Katna sheathed on his belt. In the ring he points the weapon. Shingo's nickname is The Dragon and Ospreay has come to slay him.  We get an early test of strength where Shingo has a clear edge. Shingo lands a big running shoulder but Ospreay defiantly kips right back to his feet. A rapid fire exchange breaks out that sees Shingo block a back handspring kick and a Oscutter two of Osprey big moves. Shingo back Ospreay into the corner and acts like he's going to break clean only to land a hard chop that drops Ospreay. The tide turns when Ospreay snaps a rana that sends Shingo to the floor. Back in the ring Ospreay hits a dropkick to the face. When Shingo rolls to the floor again he's taken out by a sling shot crossbody to the floor. But Ospreay tries to come off the guard rail, Shingo catches him drops him into the apron face first and follows up with a DDT on the floor. After a tense back and forth Ospreay is knocked to the floor again and Shingo hits a top con helio over the top. In the ring a high back body drop sends Will Ospreay crashing to the mat. An effort to fight back by Ospreay is cut off when he popped up and Shingo hits a Death Valley Driver. 

Finally, though Ospreay finds a break. When Shingo runs the ropes, Ospreay swings momentum hitting the ropes himself and landing the handspring into a kick. An enziguri, followed by a Tiger Faint Kick and a running back elbow knock Takagi into the corner. A running dropkick across the ring and a running shooting star press give Ospreay a two count. Shingo flees to the floor only for Ospreay to backflip over the ropes for the Saskue Special. Returning to the ring Shingo is stunned after a spinning heel kick to the face. But then out of no where Shingo lands a straight right hand and a lariat that puts Ospreay down. Shingo catches a roundhouse kick and shows off his power flipping Ospreay into the air and crashing to the mat, a sliding lariat get two counts for Shingo Takagi. Shingo looks for a big move but Ospreay counter into a cutter giving him a chance to get back up he follows up with a running kick in the corner. He elevates Shino in the corner traps the head and lands the Checky Nando kick. 

A battle on the ropes see Shingo catch Ospreay and land a Death Valley Driver from the top rope. Ospreay knows he can win a power battle so her turns to speed. He manages to elude several moves and land a few times. But Shingo's power remains more dangerous. He catches Ospreay on his back when Ospreay goes off the ropes for his Oscutter move. Shingo Drives him down face first. Shingo runs the ropes looking for the pumping bomber (his take on the lariat) but Ospreay goes over the top and somehow gets Shingo into the air for the sit out powerbomb. Fans cheer thinking Ospreay has pulled off the upset only for Shingo to kick at two. Ospreay looks for the Twisting jump kick known was the Robinson Special but Shingo moves. Back in control Shingo gives Osperay a wheelbarrow suplex into a corner. Out to the apron Shingo looks for the Noshagami again but Ospreay escape and lands a hook kick to the face. It's enough to stun Shingo for Ospreay to jump up and land the Oscutter. For the first time all tournament it's Shingo who had to dig deep to get back up. As he crawls into the ring Ospreay takes flight landing a dropkick off the rope. Shingo staggers to his feet Ospreay but fly's again landing a 630. Finally, Shingo is down, Ospreay returns to the top for a Shooting Star Press. After that he lands the Robinson Special And finally the Oscutter again. Ospreay covers he's strung together offense that would put down just about anyone. It can't keep Shingo down and he kickout at two.

Ospreay lands Kawada kicks to the chest and face. Shingo fires back with headbutt that puts Ospreay down. Time and again it's been made clear Shingo just needs one good shot to turn the tide back. Series of elbow by Shingo but Ospreay lands a hook kick and goes for this finish the Storm Breaker. Shingo block, Ospreay throw a kick but it's one to many, Shingo catches and lands his pump handle driver known as Made in Japan. Shingo cover but Ospreay kicks at two. Shingo is left stunned. But he recovers to land the pumping bomber and then a second one that sends Ospreay flipping through the air again. Another cover once again Osprey kicks out but he's so dazed he's even asking the ref it was two. Shingo lifts Ospreay up again but now in the air Ospreay lands the poison rana. Shingo goes to the well one to many times. He wants another pumping bomber but Ospreay uses the momentum flipping both men in the air for a Spanish fly. Ospreay lands a hook kick and follows it up with his running elbow The Hidden Blade to the back of the head. A top rope Oscutter by Ospreay and he goes to the final trick. He hooks Shingo's arm lifts him into the air and drives him back into the mat for his finisher the Storm Breaker. The dragon has been slayed. Will Ospreay gets the win.

A very simple but very well told story plays during the match. Ospreay has to string together offense while surviving Shingo. Can he string enough big moves together before Shingo is too much for him. However, Shingo is like the knockout artiest in boxing or MMA. He's used to the early finish and as the match goes on (it's noted on commentary only once had gone over twenty-five minutes in NJPW) he's getting tired as the match goes on. Those big shots become less and less effective and for Ospreay it's easier to find a counter. Which wins out? Brute Force or refined skill? Shingo and Ospreay had a lot of great matches against each other. But this feels the most important of all of them. Before this match both men were popular wrestlers but after this match, they wound up going to the top. Ospreay in particular after this went onto to put on classic match after classic match. This was the start of NJPW making Ospreay a true main eventer and him moving into the debate as the best in the world. 

23 Kenny Omega and Hangman Adam Page vs. The Young Bucks Nick and Matt Jackson AEW Revolution 02/29/20- The Young Bucks Nick and Matt Jackson made their name on the west coast. After a few false starts they truly found their grove in New Japan. It was in Japan they reunited with Kenny Omega. When Omega made his move to heavyweight and became leader of the Bullet Club, the three would form a subgroup known as The Elite. During the long hours in Japan the three would film a travel vlog that would be named Being The Elite. The Vlog would soon come to include comedy skits and promos to further storylines. The Bucks further made use of the growing social media landscape to grow their profile. In an era where the only way to become a "star" was to work for the WWE The Elite made themselves stars. Soon Adam "Hangman" Page joined the faction and BTE. Being the Elite was the story of friends rewriting the wrestling business. In 2019 The Elite would unite with Tony Khan to form All Elite Wrestling, the first truly national wrestling promotion in the USA outside of WWE since 2001. Most figured The Elite would dominate AEW. However the early days of the company saw the group fall short. Kenny Omega lost a match to earn a place in the first AEW world title match, Page made that match but lost to Chris Jericho, The Young Bucks meanwhile were upset in the first round of the tournament to crown the first ever AEW tag team champions.

After Omega and Hangman lost other big singles matches they would up forming a tag team and going on a winning streak and after winning a four-way match that also included the Young Bucks were granted a title shot. In January of 2020 they beat So Cal Uncensored to become the second tag team champions.  Just ten days before The Revolution pay per view Nick and Matt Jackson won a battle royal making them the first challengers. The stable battle was only made more intense by the actions of Hangman. During the the early part of AEW he tried to separate himself from the Elite only to keep getting pulled back in. As his losses mounted he began to wear his heart on his sleeve lashing out at the others. Even when teaming with Omega there was tension. In a sit-down interview before the show things boiled over. The Bucks had enough of Hangman declaring he had been a jobber prior to them helping while Hangman walked out.

Even before the bell rings Hangman is trying to get in the Bucks face forcing Omega to pull him back. Kenny Omega starts for the champion while it's Nick Jackson for the challengers. We get an even trade off at the start after Nick gets the better with an arm drag he and Omega even exchange a friendly fist bump. Hangman and Matt tag in. It's another back and forth exchange only there isn't the goodwill. Matt tries to exchange the hand only for Page to spit on him. Infuriated Matt Jackson gets a double leg takedown and punches Page. Both Omega and Nick try to break it up. Nick tags in only to get slapped right in the face by Hangman. Now it's Nick's turn to be pissed and he lands a spinning back kick to Page's gut. Matt tags in and the Young Bucks double team Page and make a point to knock Omega off the apron. Just like that any pretense of friendship is over. Neck breaker, senton, another shot to Omega and another double team neck breaker on Hangman. Page finally gets behind Matt and lands a hard shot to the back. Matt Jackson had a legit back issue that had played a major role in his matches. A hard series of blows to the back by Page.

Page forcefully tags Omega in, let him land one move and then tags himself back in. We can see Omega's growing annoyance with this partner. The action spills to the floor with Page throwing Matt Jackson into a guardrail back first and then looking for a powerbomb through a table. Omega though has a limit. He stops Hangman and puts Matt back into the ring. Kenny Omega wants to keep the tag titles but he won't inflect an injury on his friend to do it. Back in the ring the champions are able to double team. Any comeback by Matt is hampered by his bad back. Finally, though he manages to hit s double norther light suplex giving him time to tag in Nick. Fresh and fired up Nick Jackson stick and moves taking out the tag champs one at t time. Kenny Omega tags in and sends Nick Jackson to the floor. Omega looks for the Terminatior Dive. Matt cuts it off once but Omega lands a snap Rana. He goes for it again, but this time Matt lands a superkick to save Nick. 

The Young Bucks stay in control keep Omega trapped in their side of the ring and taunting Hangman. When Omega makes a dive for the tag, Nick's already pulled Page off the apron. Matt lands a piledriver on Omega drawing a two count. However, they taunt too much and finally let's Omega land a powerbomb on Nick before tagging Hangman. Now it's Hangman turn to be the house of fire, a leaping lariat to Nick, a fall away slam to matt, a senton over the top to Nick again. He sends both Young Bucks to the floor and then moonsault off the top rope to the floor. Page and Matt Jackson wind up as the legal men and begin to exchange punches. Matt Jackson lands a cross chop but then winds up getting booted by Page. Omega tags in lands a jumping elbow on Matt Jackson and then tosses him at Hangman who catches the challenger and hits a German suplex. Omega with the Dr. Bomb gets two. Hangman is back in and tries to charge at Matt in the corner, Nick though cuts him off landing a kick from the outside. Nick also takes out Omega with a superkick to the face. Nick Jackson who has tagged in by now comes into the ring and hits a Candian Destroyer (flipping piledriver) on Hangman Page getting two. The Bucks trap Page in the corner and land Made in Detroit a call back to old rivals the Motor City Machine Guns. 

Page recover he lays out Nick with an rolling elbow. Kicks Matt in the shin and to follow up locks in a crossface chicken wing. This gets a huge pop and the time it was a great moment. As it was a call out another wrestler who had been in the Elite prior to AEW. Sadly in the years since stuff has come about the wrestler which taints it. Matt escapes the hold just before Nick hits a 450 splash onto the now exposed Page. A cover only gets two. The Young Bucks set up for their combo move The More Bang For Yout Buck. But Matt's bad back costs them again, Hangman escapes allowing him to shove Matt into the ropes knocking Nick off. Omega comes in. Finlay rolls Matt, Hangman follows up with a running shooting star press, and Omega than hits the moonsault off the second rope. In a nice touch all an injure Nick can do is reach out trying to stop the onslaught on his brother. Hangman turns his attention to Nick and moonsaults off the top rope with him. A powerbomb by Page followed by V-Trigger by Omega on Nick. A cover and Matt Jackson dives in to break up the pinfall. Kenny Omega tags in, a V-Trigger to Nick, one for Matt. Two snap dragons for Nick and the Tiger Driver 98. Omega covers but Nick manages to kickout. 

Nick Jackson takes another V-Trigger. Trying to escape Nick climbs the ropes only setting Omega for the one winged angel.  Nick counters into the poison rana. Hangman takes out Nick but when he swings at Matt who is on the apron he winds taking a Northern Light suplex that takes him over the ropes landing on the ramp AEW used for the show. More suplexs on the stage. Before one final one Matt has a look of regret as he drives his friend into the stage. Matt shakes it off. and calls for Nick. Matt hits a tombstone while Nick flies off the top rope to spike it. Its a combo known as the Indy Taker. A dangerous enough move that can end matches normally here it's even worse as it was on the stage. Both Jackson's have mixed emotions but they make their call. They return to the ring and hammer Omega with a series of Superkick to Omega's face. A double knee to the on Omega adding insult to injury as that same move the Golden Trigger had been his finisher in Japan with Kota Ibushi. Omega kicks at one. The Bucks hit again and again Omega kicks out only at two. Matt tags in legally and stomps at Omega's shoulder which came in injured from a match days before. Nick pulls his brother off their friend and begs him to come back to his senses. 

The Bucks look to finish the match setting up for the Indy Taker again. But Page has recovered. He catches Nick and powerbombs him through a ringside table. Matt is now all alone. Hangman flips over the top rope for his buckshot lariat at the same time Omega lands a V-Trigger to the back. The cover and Matt Jackson kicks out. Omega goes for the One Winged Angle but his bad shoulder holds him back. Page tags in and hits the move himself. Nick dives in and breaks up the fall. Hangman though tosses Nick out to the ramp and hits the Buckshot. Matt Jackson is still hurt, he's wide open for Hangman to comeback in over the top and land the Buckshot. It's finally enough to end the match. In the after math The Bucks extend there hands, Omega accepts but Page turns his back. For a brief second it appears Page is setting up to hit the Buckshot on Omega only to embrace him, but that's another story.

I love this match just a little bit more every time I rewatch it. This match tells a great story on the night but is also so key in the wider story that leads to an eventual Omega and Hangman match. We as fans know sooner or later the tag champs will self destruct it's only a question of when? It's would easy to write off Hangman's behavior as that of a jerk or a hot head. But in reality we are seeing a man trying hide his insecurities. He set the goal of bein the first AEW champion and failed. He the tag titles, but it's thanks to Omega plus they are just holding the belts until the Bucks take them. He's the guy Matt Jackson said was just jobber until he joined the Bullet Club and Matt was right. The Young Bucks are also brilliant in this match, it's amazing how with matches like this people still cling to "they are spot monkeys who throw superkicks." Matt plays the role of hot head who loses it the point he even's attack Kenny the guy he's still supposed to be friends with. As with any big Kenny Omega match you can see his finger prints all over this match.  

Things only got worse between The Elite in the months ahead. Hangman would cost the Bucks a number contenders match leading to him being kicked out of the group. Made worse a few weeks later he and Omega lost the tag titles. And in the fallout Omega left Page behind. As for the Bucks they would battle 

24 The Young Bucks Nick and Matt Jackson vs. The Lucha Brothers Pentagon El Zero Mideo and Rey Fenix Cage Match AEW All Out 09/05/21- Fenix and Pentagon were a pair of brothers from Mexico who out there start in the Lucha Libre scene as their fame grew in Mexico they would make their way to the US Indie scene. They would also become top names in the show Lucha Underground as well as appearing for promotions like MLW and TNA. When AEW started it was the Lucha Brothers who were selected to be the Young Bucks first feud in the new company. Before AEW started the Bucks would beat the Lucha Bros for the AAA tag titles. At the first Double or Nothing in 2019 The Bucks won the rematch. However several months later at All Out Pentagon and Fenix won a ladder match to reclaim the titles. By 2021 The Bucks were finally the AEW tag team champions. While initially winning the belts as faces The Jacksons would turn heel retaining the titles with the help of outside interference. To prevent this the tag title match at the 2021 edition of All Out was announced as cage match. The Lucha Brothers would win an tournament earning there shot at the titles. 

This is cage match can only be won by pinfall or submission, its also under tornado rules so no tags in and out. The match begins with the Lucha Brothers gaining an early edge. Cowardly heels The Young Bucks try to flee by climbing up the cage, resulting in Pentagon launching Fenix into the air to knock them back down. So much of the early action is to hard to recap as it's fast and furious. A theme does set in with the challengers always been able to get the edge in the end and land a big move, a nice one being a snap rana by Fenix on Nick as both stand on the top rope. Finally Nick and Matt get a break, they side stop the challengers when they charge and they go into the cage. Nick lands a double stomp on Fenix and uses the momentum to land a back stabber on Pentagon. Matt dropkicks Pentagon into the cage wall before landing a running powerbomb on Fenix sending him into the cage. Since they are heels Matt takes out a chain and uses it to choke Fenix. Greedy Matt Jackson goes for the powerbomb again only for Fenix  land a hurricanrana. Older brother Pentagon gets back up landing his sling blade clotheslines and lands a backstabber on Matt. Another back and forth starts again with the challengers showing they have that edge.

Pentagon lands the made in Japan for a two count. Looking for a finish Pentagon sets up for a package piledriver while Fenix climbs the top to land a double stomp into combination on Matt Jackson. Whoever Nick is able to knock Fenix off into the cage and Matt escapes with a backdrop on Pentagon. Nick lands a vicious delayed German on Fenix on the apron, while Matt puts Pentagon in a sharpshooter. Fenix is able to recover and save his brother but it's only for a second. Matt hands Pentagon in the ropes letting Nick come off with a senton automico off the ropes getting a two count. A desperate Fenix tries to springboard, but the Bucks see him coming and land a double superkick sending him into the cage again. The Young Bucks look retain in style. Matt with a tombstone on Penta with Nick with a senton off the top on Fenix for a double pin. The challengers kick at two. The crowd meanwhile is behind the challenger with repeated chants of "Lucha Brothers". With Pentagon down the Bucks target Fenix. They set up for the BTE trigger a double knee strike with one knee to the back and the other to the front. It misses when Fenix moves at the last second. The Bucks try to set up for the Indy Taker but again Fenix escapes. With no rules Matt Jackson just kicks him below the belt with an added one for Pentagon who has finally gotten back up. While it's legal it's also dirty as hell. Its a moment the makes it clear The Bucks don't care about winning with honor. The Young Bucks hit there combo move more Band for the Buck on Fenix. Pentagon makes the save.

The Young Bucks are now pissed and they start to tear at the masks. If you watch enough wrestling you are likely aware of the importance of masks to Luchadors. If you aren't, well simply the mask is the wrestlers identity and losing it is a disgrace. Again it's the Jacksons playing dirty as they try to hold onto the belts. A double team lawn dart launches Fenix into the cage face first. On the outside the real life friend and storyline stooge of the Bucks, Brandon Cutler tosses a black bag into the ring over the cage wall. Matt pulls off one of his shoes and pulls out different shoe out the bag. A shoe with thumbtacks covering the body of it. Pentagon throws himself in front of younger brother eating the spiked kick instead. He than rammed into the shoe face first. Even though his mask we can see Pentagon is bleeding. A superkick to Fenix's face with the tack shoe by Matt followed by a poison rana by Nick. Finally the BTE trigger to Pentagon. That's it, the match is over. Pentagon can't kick out... But Fenix digs keep and breaks up the pin.

Having gained a second wind or or fighting spirt Fenix mounts the comeback. He uses his speed and the ropes to strike quickly and always be a head of Nick and Matt Jackson. Earlier in the match Matt had removed the tack shoe to just swing in but he wound up dropping it in Fenix's comeback. Now The Bucks turn to taste the tacks. Fenix mounts Matt onto his shoulders and spins him down as his slame him for the black fire driver. The crowd is going insane ready to celebrate new champions but Matt Jackson kicks out. We get a call back to earlier as the Lucha Brothers look for there package piledriver double stomp combo. Nick again tries to knock Fenix into the cage, only this time Fenix sees it coming and instead lands on the cage like a spider. Nick springs onto the cage call. As the two younger brothers fight it out, Matt pulls down Fenix while Pentagon pulls down Nick Jackson. The two older brothers hit an package piledriver on the apron to the other team's younger member. 

Back in the ring proper the two older brothers brawl. They wind up on the ropes, Pentagon gets the edge and hits the Canadian Destroyer (flipping piledriver) off the top rope. All four men are down and struggle to stand back up. They exchange chops and superkicks with no one taking an edge. Finally all four men just fall to the ground setting the damage they have taken. Fenix is able to get up and hits a spinning hook kick on Nick. Finally the Lucha Brothers land there package piledriver and stomp combo on Nick. But Matt breaks up the pinfall attempt. Pentagon singles for Fenix to climb to the top of the cage. They want to do the combo off the top on Matt. Again, it's Nick who makes the save landing a superkick on Pentagon. Nick tries to climb to the bug is knocked down. Pentagon holds the champions in place as Fenix dives off the top with a crossbody. Pentagon gets up, Fenix and he spike Nick on a piledriver and cover for three count. Covered in blood, there masks torn but victories The Lucha Brother embrace.

Cage matches in modern wrestling have fallen into a formula and thankfully this match ignores that formula. We don't get the "shocking" run where someone else manages to get into the cage. Instead it all comes down to the four men in the match. They make great use of the cage but also are smart to limit the big move off the top until the end thus making it matter more when it comes. Like so many of these great the story is simple but done so well. The Lucha Brother have the edge in a fair fight so The Young Bucks don't let the match stay fair. They are petty ruthless bastards this whole match. They enjoy hurting their challengers. It just make the moment where Pentagon and Fenix overcome it all to finally win so much more satisfying. This match has been called the greatest cage match of all time, I see why. It a cage match that avoid all the traps of other cage matches. The pacing is great it's a match that the perfect length it's long enough to get everything in but doesn't drag at any point. 

As of right now they is the last major two on two match. Eventually The Lucha Brother with there partner Pac would face off vs. Bucks and Kenny Omega in an amazing Best of Seven Series for the AEW trios titles. And well it was seven amazing matches worth seeking out if you haven't seen them.

25 Kenny Omega vs. Hangman Adam Page AEW Full Gear 11/13/21- Hangman Adam Page had failed throughout his AEW career. He failed to become the first AEW world champion, he ruined his friendship with the Young Bucks, he was the one lost the tag titles when he and Omega did drop the belts. On that night Omega ended there partnership allowing Page to fall flat on his face and walking out on him. At Full Gear 2020 the now former partners met in the finals of a tournament with the winner getting a world title shot. Omega took the victory yet again Hangman failed. Omega would cement a heel turn upon winning the AEW world title from Jon Moxley with the help of his long time and real life mentor Don Callis. Already holding the Mega Championship the top title in AAA, Omega would also win the Impact Wrestling (the name TNA was under at the time) world title. The Belt Collector Kenny Omega was on top of the world. Hangman though would find new friends at the bottom. The Dark Order a faction that at the time was a bit lost due to the tragic real life passing of it's leader Mr. Brodie Lee. Through a series of backstage and online segments Page and the faction bonded. Now I can't go into all of this but there are numerous videos and that cover it such as this one that covers it all.

It would be his new friends that would push for Hangman Page to once again chase his dreams. The stage was set a huge ten man elimination tag match. Page teaming with members of the Dark Order against Kenny Omega, the Young Bucks, and there friends the Good Brothers. Like a hero in an old western Hangman put a noble fight... but he lost, he failed again. The next week The Elite beat Page down putting him off TV during the summer. October 6th 2021, AEW was celebrating the second anniversary of it's television show Dynamite. The main event was a Casino Ladder match where the winner would get a shot at Omega and the AEW world title. Page returned and finally did it. He won. For the first time in over two years Hangman Adam Page was in line for the world title. Still though Kenny Omega remained in the way. In order to get the belt Page would have to defeat his former friend, his former partner, he would have beat the best wrestler in the world. 

The entrances for this match is amazing we a get a drone flying through the street outside the Target Center where this event is held. WE see Hangman riding on a horse as clips of this journey to this moment play adding to the aura the massive Cowboy Shit chant from he fans who are ready to see him finally him make good. As Hangman finally reaches the stage he smiles. All the anger, and frustration of the last two plus years have faded away. These are his people and this will be his title. Omega enters wearing his AEW world title with Don Callis. Omega looks disgusted he's trying to drive home the point he's so far above the challenger. But just before the match we see him break, Omega tries to taunt Page but Page doesn't bite. For just a second Omega looks nervous.

Early on Hangman gains control on locks up, a chop exchange, and a battle of shoulder block. A hard running corner clothesline by Hangman rocks the champion. Don Callis trips Page distracting him just long enough for Omega to get control. Callis gets involved again when the ref's back is turned. Page rallies back landing a flying clothesline hat sends Omega to the floor and follows up with a slingshot crossbody. But again Don Callis is the difference maker he distract Page just long enough for Omega to start ramming Page back first into the guard rails and ring frame. Omega looks for a vertical suplex on the floor but Page reveres it and Omega crashes to the floor. Back in the ring The Hangman lands a flying clothesline off the ropes and gets a one count. Omega now desperate thumbs the eyes and slams Page's head into the mat. A flying back elbow by Omega before he tosses Page to the floor, which let's Callis kick the challenger literally while he is down. Omega grins Page's face into the diamond plated ring steps. Back in the ring Page fires back with chops and elbows but is taken down by a snap rana than puts him back on the floor which gives Omega the chance to hit the Terminator dive over the top rope. 

Returning to the ring Kenny Omega wants his Finlay roll and Moonsault combo. But Hangman sees it coming, Omega crashes onto Hangman's knees. A bit boot by Page drops the champion. Omega goes to the floor only for Page to land the elbow suicida. Now in control Page climbs to the top and moonsault off the floor. A brain buster back in the ring by Page and he covers getting only two. Hangman takes the match back to the rope. Omega manages to land strike. Omega comes over Page's back and lands a sunset flip bomb off the top rope. Two snap dragon suplexes by Omega drops Page. The action spills to the apron where Omega lands a third snap dragon. The first V-Trigger knee of the match lands. Omega picks Page up and sets up for the One Winged Angle but Page counters into a victory roll and gets a two count. A release German Suplex by Page drops Omega on his head.

Page looks for the Dead Eye his inverted Piledriver, but Omega blocks it and lands the tiger driver 98 but only gets two. Omega takes the mount position and punches into Hangman's head and finally bites him drawing blood. Omega is slow to climb the ropes, giving Page the chance to trip him and return the favor for the bite. Page with the fall away slam moonsault gets another two count. Omega seeks solace on the floor. Page dives off the top rope with a flying clothesline that drives both champion and challenger through a ringside table. Page sets up for the Buckshot Larait in the ring but Omega falls away. Hangman seeing a chance goes for Omega's own V-Trigger, it was a trap. Omega side steps and uses the momentum to get the German suplex something Okada and others had done to him in the past, but Page lands on his feet. A huge elbow by Page and pop up powerbomb. Omega is dazed and Page knows all he needs is one Buckshot. Omega pulls the referee in the way, a desperate move by a desperate and cowardly champion.

Don Calls has picked up the AEW world title and goes to hits Page. The challenger sees it coming and finally lays out the manager who has been a problem all match long. Omega has the belt but again Page sees it coming. Page hits the Dead Eye and covers. Another ref sprints to the ring but the delay is jsut enough for Omega to kickout at 2.99999999. The two men exchange strikes. Omega manages to drop Page after a series of right hands. Knees to the face by Omega and another attempt at the V-Trigger only Page catches the knee. The challenger tries to fight back with palm strikes. Page with a spinning elbow, Omega with a flying knee neither can get the edge. Omega with the Kawada kicks to Page faces but the challenger powers free and land a hard short lariat. With both men down we see The Young Bucks coming to ringside.

Page and Omega trade off back drops. Page gets for the Buckshot and launches himself right into the V-Trigger. Omega sets for the One Winged Angle, Page escapes and gives Omega his own version of the move. It only gets two. Hangman sets for the V-Trigger. We see Nick Jackson has a chance to grab Page's leg and cost him Hangman had done to the Bucks in the past. Nick doesn't do it. the Buckshot connects but Omega wont' go down. Hangman sets again. For a second, Matt Jackson and Hangman Page share a look. Before the firs ever AEW world title match, Hangman had asked the Bucks to be in his corner. They weren't as they had to focus on other things, at this moment Matt is in Page's corner. Hangman Adam Page had failed throughout his AEW career, until now. The Buckshot connects Omega falls and at long last Hangman Page has succeeded. 

Of all these matches this is the one that by far is enhanced by the story going into the match than any other. Wrestling is a television show, this match is a key moment is something AEW had spent years building to, this is Hank finally figuring out Walt is Heisenberg. The moment is great due to the writing and performance by the actors but it means much more if you seen the path that leads to that moment. That's not to say this match isn't great without the story. In fact this match being so damn good is the perfect ending to this story. A story AEW crafted and told over two years not just on weekly TV shows but through social media, it was story AEW took risks to tell. Hangman Page wasn't the perfect hero. No instead he was a flawed man who overcame those flaws. Every time he was knocked down he stood back up eventually. Omega is a dark reflection of Page, like Hangman he failed early on in AEW but while Page stayed true to himself and ultimately remained a hero, Omega sold his soul to get to the top. Yet now if Omega loses his title it leaves him with nothing. In the end all of Omega's dirty tricks fail and it's Hangman who before the match expressed his desire to be a champion but also be a good man as champion who wins out.

Hangman Page would hold the AEW world title for 197 days. In that time he had a number of very good matches with a series vs. Bryan Danielson being his best work ever. For Kenny Omega the time had come to address a number of injures. The amazing matches he put on over the years had taken it's toll. It's a tribute to how talent he is that was still putting on classics while so beat up. In 2023 The Elite (The Bucks, Omega, and Hangman) all reunited as part of a feud with the Blackpool Combat Club. As of writing this Omega is again on the injured list due to a case of diverticulitis but fans remain hopeful for his return, and who knows maybe just maybe he and Page have another story to tell.

Hangman Page AEW Champion