Saturday, January 31, 2015

March 20th TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers

March 20th Taping
* Mark Andrews, Noam Dar, Kay Lee Ray, and Crazzy Steve defeat Dave Mastiff, Rampage Brown, Madison Rayne, and Samuel Shaw in a match taped for Xplosion.
* Magnus(with Mickie) attacks Bram and powerbombs him on the stage.
* The BDC have a confrontation with Aries. Apparently, Joe stole Aries’ briefcase.
* Rockstar Spud cashes in his X-Division briefcase on Low Ki and wins the title to a huge pop.
* James Storm vs Matt Hardy in a hardcore match up next. The rest of The Revolution interfere but The Wolves and Grado run out to make the save for Matt.
* Kurt Angle defeats Bobby Lashley to become the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

March 13th TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers

March 13th Taping
* The Wolves retained their titles against Manik & Sanada and The BroMans(DJZ & Jesse) in an Ultimate X match.
* Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young in a Last Man Standing match. Finish came after a Roode Bomb on EY through a table.
* Drew Galloway defeated MVP by DQ after the BDC interfered.
* Magnus defeated Bram via DQ. Bram attacks Magnus after the match and Mickie James came out to stop him, but Bram took her hostage and forced Magnus to kiss his boot.
* Brooke defeated Robbie E.
* EC3 defeated Spud in a hair vs hair match. Lots of blood from Spud.
* Taryn Terrel retained her Knockouts title against Gail Kim and Awesome Kong in a three-way.

ROH TV Preview: 3 Way For The TV Title

Set for this weekend's Ring of Honor TV: *ROH TV champ Jay Lethal vs. Matt Sydal vs. ACH. *Moose vs. The Romantic Touch. *Adam Cole speaks out. *Top Prospect Tournament: Ashley Sixx vs. Dalton Castle. *The Decade in six man tag action.
Opinionated View- The TV title just shows ROH doesn't get story telling. Lethal has had minor feuds with both Sydal and ACH but it's been week since either has been on TV. Now just toss the match on TV and hope for the best

WWE and TNA Both Running Orlando On the Same Nights Next Month

- TNA Wrestling is scheduled to be running TV tapings in Orlando, Florida next month at the same time as WWE events in the city. From February 12-16, TNA will be running through several events at Universal Studios Back Lot Stage 20. This includes eight One Night Only events and Xplosion matches.

Currently, WWE Raw is set for February 16 at the Amway Center in Orlando. On February 12, NXT will be holding its TV tapings after the next Takeover event, so TNA will be taping shows on both nights that WWE is running events.

1/31 ROH in Dayton, Ohio lineup

The following matches are advertised for tonight's ROH event in Dayton, Ohio at Montgomery County Fairgrounds.
-The Briscoes vs. ACH and Matt Sydal.
-Alberto El Patron vs. Roderick Strong.
-Hanson vs. Matt Taven.
-Tommaso Ciampa vs. Michael Bennett.
-Michael Elgin vs. Chris Dickinson.
-Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer vs. Louis Lyndon and Flip Kendrick.

1/30 ROH Results

ROH returns to Dearborn on September 11, 2015

Preshow Match: Cheeseburger def Stokely Hathaway with the shotei/palm strike and a roll up

ROH World Championship
Jay Briscoe def Michael Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis to retain
– At one point Taven got involved and Matt had to make the save. Jay implored Nigel to make another match to end the Kingdom

“War Beard” Hanson def BJ Whitmer with a lariat

Tommaso Ciampa def Tyson Dux via rolling lariat

Thomas’s Retirement Match
Jimmy Jacobs def Tadarius Thomas after two sliced bread pin attempts, 1 End Time, & it finally took a top rope sliced bread to finish the match
– Jacobs wouldn’t shake TD’s hand but did say thank you

#Reborn Matt Sydal def Matt Taven with a shooting star press
– Cole tried to interfere late but failed & he walked off during the pinfall

The Romantic Touch def Dru Onyx via leap-frog leg drop

“Unbreakable” Michael Elgin def Mark Briscoe with the Jay Driller
– Elgin tried to assault Mark post match. Jay came out and Elgin bailed but he then attacked Jay with the belt from behind. Ciampa and Hanson joined the brawl. Jay got split WIDE open, each challenger as they exit take a turn posing with the ROH World Title

Final 2 matches being taped for TV, likely to air on 2/27 SO SPOILERS AHEAD
First Time Ever
Alberto El Patrón def ACH via submission with the cross arm breaker
– Finish of the match was Alberto getting his knees up on an ACH 450 attempt, then transitioned right to the arm bar.

ROH World Television Championship
Jay Lethal (c) w/ Truth Martini def Roderick Strong with the Lethal Injection to retain
– BJ Whitmer interfered about half through, getting the bout tossed. Strong challenged Lethal & the match resumed.
– El Patron confronted Lethal post match, closed the show saying ROH “IS” wrestling!

Matches Set For Today's TNA Impact Wrestling Tapiong in London

- Dixie Carter announced the following matches tomorrow night’s Impact Wrestling tapings in London via Twitter:

* Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle
* Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode
* An Ultimate X Match
* Hair vs. Hair: EC3 vs. Rockstar Spud

1/31 Impact Wrestling Report : Fatal Four Way For the TNA World TItle

“The ‘It’ Factor” Bobby Roode enters the Impact Zone carrying the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Roode says the championship he’s holding doesn’t belong to him, but that it means more to him than anything in the world. He says he lives for professional wrestling – and that on January 7, the championship was stolen from him, by his former best friend Eric Young.

Roode declares he won’t rest until spilling Eric Young’s blood. He invites Lashley to the ring, saying he has something that belongs to him – but also something he wants.

Roode gives Lashley the championship and says that Lashley’s earned his respect by standing up to MVP, Eric Young and the other goons. Roode demands a rematch – tonight! Lashley agrees.

Austin Aries, with his “Feast or Fired” briefcase in hand, interrupts Roode’s call for a referee. Aries says he’s the man with the most options. He says he can have a World Heavyweight Championship match any time, any place.

As Aries considers his options, MVP makes his way toward the ring, addressing them all. MVP says the title belongs to The BDC. MVP says Lashley should defend against him. Lashley agrees – and says he’ll defend his title against all three, tonight!

Backstage: Kurt Angle says he’s going to assemble a team to battle The BDC next week.

Knockout’s Championship
Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell (c)
The bell sounds as Gail and Taryn begin double teaming Madison Rayne. Madison retreats to the outside and Taryn attempts a cover. Gail’s out quickly and Taryn gets hung up between the ropes. Madison rips Gail from the apron and connects with a stiff shot to Taryn’s face.

Madison makes a couple pin attempts before locking the champion in a headlock and connecting with a knee to the side of the head. Madison, with a running knee, keeps Gail at bay. Gail finds her way back into the match and Madison connects with a DDT to Taryn and a neckbreaker to Gail!

Gail and Taryn join forces again and climb the ropes. Madison shoves them both to the outside!
Madison drives Taryn face-first into the steel stairs, then she drops Gail with a facebreaker onto the steps as well! In the ring, Madison connects with the Rayne Drop to Taryn Terrell, but Gail Kim interrupts the count and makes a pin attempt of her own. Madison fights out and counters Eat Defeat. Gail misses a diving cross-body and Taryn connects with the diamond cutter.
Winner: Taryn Terrell

Backstage: Magnus is on his way to meet Bram. He says he and Bram are going to “talk it out.”

Backstage: Tommy Dreamer heads into the arena.

Backstage: Rockstar Spud gives Mandrews (Mark Andrews) a tour of the city and says that tonight, they’ll face EC3 and Tyrus.

Tommy Dreamer heads into the Impact Zone. He says that for 25 years, the people have supported him – and that without them, there would be no him. He says he’s never lied to the people and that he never will. He says there’s a situation that needs to be addressed: He calls out Eric Young.
Eric Young tells Dreamer to stay out of his business. Dreamer says Eric Young is making a mistake. Dreamer says Young shouldn’t to burn a bridge or turn his back on his best friend – or the fans.
Eric Young says Tommy Dreamer’s a fat loser – and that he doesn’t want to burn a bridge with Bobby Roode; he wants to blow it up. Young says being friends with Dreamer and Roode was a mistake and that he no longer makes mistakes.

Dreamer gets in Eric Young’s face – and EY drops him with a piledriver! Eric Young retrieves a chair and punches the time keeper. Bobby Roode makes the save.

Backstage: The Hardys address The Revolution.

Backstage: Kurt Angle recruits Gunner to his team.

Bram and Magnus argue in a bar. Magnus says his “Feast or Fired” briefcase featured a Tag Team Championship opportunity. Magnus asks Bram to be his tag team partner. Bram calms, then they look at pictures of Magnus’ baby boy. They toast to their future.

Bram and Magnus agree to have dinner. Then, Bram ambushes Magnus and smashes his head into a concrete wall! Bram pulls a billiard ball out of his coat pocket and pounds it against the back of Magnus’ head. Magnus lays motionless and Bram screams, “Look at you now!"

Monster’s Ball
Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
Before the match even starts, Jeff Hardy attacks Abyss backstage. He lodges Abyss behind a door and repeatedly slams the door against “The Monster” Abyss. Hardy leads Abyss into the arena and the bell finally sounds.

Hardy drives Abyss’ face into the ring post before the steps. Hardy sets up a table at ringside, but “The Monster” battles back, attempting to chokeslam Hardy through the table. Hardy counters, but Abyss sends him crashing hard into the stairs!

Abyss loads the rings with weaponry and Jeff Hardy comes from out of nowhere to change the momentum of the match. Jeff counters another chokeslam with a Twist of Fate! Abyss rolls to the outside.

Jeff Hardy leaps off of a steel chair, over the top rope. Abyss moves at the last minute and Jeff crashes through the table (the crowd chants “You still got it.”)!

Abyss rolls Hardy into the ring before grabbing a bag of tacks! Hardy drags a cheese grater across Abyss’ groin! Abyss retreats and Jeff Hardy pursues. Abyss side-steps Hardy, sending him face-first into a steel chair mounted in the corner!

Hardy drops Abyss with a second Twist of Fate before ascending the ring post for a Swanton, but The Revolution interferes! Matt Hardy makes the save, until the numbers game proves too much. The Wolves do a run-in to fend them off.

Abyss returns to his feet and pours the tacks in the center of the ring. He positions Hardy on the top rope and attempts a superplex. Hardy counters into a rolling powerbomb! Abyss lands in the middle of the tacks and then Hardy connects with a Swanton bomb!
Winner: Jeff Hardy

Post-match: James Storm berates Abyss. He slaps Abyss in the face and commands him to the back.
Backstage: “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy says that for a moment – he thought the Monster’s Ball match might be his last match. Matt Hardy says they’ll prevail against The Revolution.

Backstage: Austin Aries says he’s made a career out of being an opportunist – and that tonight, he might lose – but that he may still win (as he shows his “Feast or Fired” briefcase)
Tag Team Match
Rockstar Spud & Mandrews vs. The BroMans w/ Angelina Love
Spud and Mandrews enters, expecting a match against EC3 and Tyrus. EC3 enters the Impact Zone with a microphone – in a suit. EC3 says Rockstar Spud’s request for a tag team match has been denied. EC3 says he has found a suitable replacement though – The BroMans enter with Angelina Love and DJ Z.

Angelina distracts Mandrews very early in the bout, allowing Jessie to capitalize with a big body drop. Jessie and Robbie E exchange rapid tags and double team Mandrews with a double facebreaker – and double running knee.

Mandrews slides through Robbie E’s legs and makes the hot tag to Rockstar Spud!

Spud gets a handful of Robbie E and Jessie, which has both men reeling. Spud drops Robbie E face-first onto the mat and then he tags Mandrews. Mandrews connects with a Shooting Star and the pin.
Winners: Rockstar Spud and Mandrews

Post-match: Tyrus demolishes Spud and Mandrews. EC3 pummels Spud and says that next week, it’ll be Spud and Mandrews vs. Tyrus in a steel cage!

Backstage: Spud goes crazy backstage. He vows to get his revenge on EC3, then he screams, “I’m not a loser!”

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Austin Aries vs. MVP vs. Bobby Roode vs. Lashley (c)
Lashley approaches MVP, MVP retreats. Roode and Aries force MVP back into the ring. They all take shots at MVP and Lashley connects with a huge shoulder block in the corner. Roode turns on Aries and then he and Lashley lock up.

Lashley forces Roode into the corner and chokes him with his foot. Roode is sent to the other side of the ring, but he climbs the ropes and connects with a neckbreaker! Aries flies off the top rope, taking out Lashley. Roode disposes of Aries and then he drops a charging MVP with a spinebuster.

Aries and Roode end up doing battle while Lashley and MVP are relegated to the outside. Lashley charges back into the ring. He drops Roode and counters a brainbuster attempt from Aries. Aries dodges Lashley, sending him back to the outside.

Aries connects with a suicide dive – sending Lashley into the guardrail. MVP has Aries well scouted and he takes an opportunity to connect with a hard forearm, sending Aries into Lashley.
MVP attacks Roode and Aries. As Roode begins to battle back, a distraction from Austin Aries allows MVP to capitalize. MVP makes a pin attempt on Roode. Aries makes the save and locks in the Last Chancery!

Lashley breaks the hold, hoists Aries onto his shoulder and powers him down face-first onto the mat! MVP trips Lashley and then Aries flies again to the outside – connecting with MVP!

Eric Young runs in with a chair to assault Bobby Roode. Meanwhile, Lashley attempts to spear Aries. Aries counters the spear with a Last Chancery! MVP interrupts the count, but Aries sends him to the outside with a discus forearm!

Aries rushes across the ring – to connect with a suicide dive – but Lashley intercepts him with a spear to retain his championship!

Winner: Lashley

Post-match: The BDC attacks Lashley. Kurt Angle and Gunner make the save.
Bobby Roode challenges Eric Young next week! Eric Young responds by saying, “I’m going to take your blood!”

Kurt Angle announces that Austin Aries will join him and Gunner to battle The Beat Down Clan. Angle asks Lashley to join him – Lashley refused, leaving Angle stranded!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Low Ki Injured During Impact Wrestling Tapings

At last nights iMPACT Tapings Low Ki suffered an injury at the hands of Drew Galloway during his debut when he was swinging a metal bar and accidentally hit him You can see the injury however it is very graphic, here;

Spoilers From Second TNA Impact Wrestling Show Taped Today In Manchester

Impact started with Taryn Terrell facing Awesome Kong. Kong got disqualified for shoving the ref although he didn’t even go down. Kong went to drive Taryn into the floor at ringside but Gail Kim came to the rescue and pulled her off. Kong and Gail brawled to the back.

Bram beat Matt Hardy in the second match. Hardy got a near fall with a moonsault but Bram used a low blow to set up the finisher. Bram tried to attack Hardy with a weapon after the match, and Magnus ran lit and fought him off. Magnus says he’s going to stand up for himself and his family and issues a threat to Bram.

Bobby Roode comes out and tells Eric Young he’s still standing and nothing can stop him becoming #1 contender tonight. Kurt Angle hits the ring and says that he’ll stop him, because Angle will be the #1 contender. Young sneak attacks Roode from behind in the ring but then Angle holds him back and they get into a fight. Roode and Angle fight Young off and he runs to the back.

Storm and Abyss defend the world tag titles against The Wolves next. This was great, the other revolution guys at ringside kept interfering to keep the advantage early. Matt Hardy showed up to even the odds. In the end the ref was trying to take the rope off Abyss when Hardy drilled him with a twist of fate, Edwards hit the stomp off the top and Davey covered for the 1-2-3! We have NEW World Tag Team Champions.

The BDC come out and take it in turns on the mic to be angry at Drew Galloway for his interference in the title match. Drew enters through the crowd and says he’s come to TNA to stand up for wrestling and wrestling fans. The BDC threaten to go to Drew’s parents house if he doesn’t fight them. Drew challenges Kenny King, that match is next.

Drew Galloway beat Kenny King with a double arm DDT. Immediately after the match, the BDC charged back down but Drew escaped back into the crowd.

Rockstar Spud comes out, the fans sing happy birthday to him. He calls EC3 out to fight him. Ethan comes down and Spud gets in his face and they set up a match for London. It’s going to be a hair vs hair match! Decent promo. Main event time next
Eric Young vs. Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle takes place to crown a #1 contender to Lashley’s World title. Real good match, Angle caught Young with 10 consecutive German suplexes at one point. There was a ref bump, Young hit Roode upside the head with a chair and Angle hit a second Angleslam on Roode for the 3. Angle is the #1 contender. Lashley comes out and goes face to face with him and holds the belt up to end the show.

WWE and TapouT Announcement Imminent

As previously reported, WWE has been in talks with TapouT, one of the former major UFC sponsors. The deal is reportedly almost complete and an announcement is expected to be made imminently.

WWE and TapouT Announcement Imminent

As previously reported, WWE has been in talks with TapouT, one of the former major UFC sponsors. The deal is reportedly almost complete and an announcement is expected to be made imminently.

TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers From First Show Tapped in Manchester

Taping #1
* The first match was taped for Xplosion. Mark Andrews beat Dave Mastiff in 6-7 minutes with a shooting star splash. It was fine for what it was.

* Impact opened with Matt Hardy and the Wolves beating The Revolution in  a six man tag team match in about 10 minutes. Hardy wrestled most of it, Storm broke the tag up and the Wolves came in and attacked him, cleared the whole faction with a double topé and then Hardy hit a twist of fate for the pin.

* Kurt Angle came out and called out world champion Bobby Lashley. Angle blames Lashley for doing nothing when he got screwed out of a title match. Lashley said that was Angle’s fight, not his. Angle says tonight when Lashley fights the BDC, Angle will return the favour and do … nothing. Speaking of the BDC, they come out after Angle leaves and Joe says Lashley is the one who sold out. MVP says Lashley has no help tonight and the show will end with him laid out and MVP as the new world champ.

* Rockstar Spud and Mr Anderson beat Tyrus and Ethan Carter III in about 8 minutes. EC3 interfered at the end and as Earl Hebner tried to throw him out, Anderson drilled Tyrus with a low blow and a mic check. Spud pinned Tyrus and they celebrated in the ring.

* Taryn Terrell came out with the knockouts title and called out Awesome Kong. She instead received Gail Kim, who came out and warned her of the dangers of wanting to fight Kong. Tayrn said she was sure she wanted to, and stayed in the ring. Kong came out, laid Terrell out and held up the belt over her.

* Robbie E and Angelina Love beat Brooke and Chris Melendez. Robbie shoved Brooke off the top rope and pinned her. The BroMans all lay on top of her and took a photo with their selfie stick after the match.

* Austin Aries came out and threatened to cash in his briefcase tonight after the main event. Samoa Joe came out and Aries called him a lapdog. Joe said he should go in there and beat him up, but Aries pre-empted him and dived out the ring, started a brawl. We get a referee down and a match breaks out. Aries beats Joe with a 450 splash after a failed interference from King, good match. After the match the BDC hit the ring and put Aries through a table.

Aries is checked over by the trainers and eventually the referees have to help him to the back.
* Rampage Brown and Noam Dar from British Boot Camp started having a match, but Bram hit the ring and destroyed them both. Bram calls out Magnus. Grado dances out instead to attack Bram, but then he also gets laid out. Bram calls Magnus out again, but he still doesn’t come so Bram leaves.

* The main event saw MVP challenge Lashley for the title. This match got crazy near the end, there was a ref bump. Eric Young ran in and attacked Lashley with a chair but got chased off by Bobby Roode, then Gunner brawled to the back with Joe, then King was laid out by Lashley. MVP nearly won it when a second ref ran in, but in the end Drew Galloway hit the ring and attacked MVP. Lashley retains by pinfall. Crazy shenanigans. That ends the first taping.

1/29 WWE Smackdown Viewership

The show is doing well on Thursdays…- WWE Smackdown’s viewership and ratings continued to inch up in its Thursday night timeslot. The show drew 2.95 million viewers and a 0.85 rating in the 18-49 demo. Those numbers are up 5% and .01 from last week’s 2.82 million and 0.84 demo rating.
The viewership is the highest number for Smackdown since the November 28th episode did 3.05 million and the demo rating is the highest since a 0.88 on November 21st.
The household rating was a 2.06, up 5% from last week’s 1.97.

Ring of Honor TV Set To Debut In Green Bay

The CW affiliate in Green Bay, Wisconsin, CW14, has announced that Ring of Honor TV will make its debut in the city starting this Saturday at 11 PM.

WWE News: Former lead writer still active with the company

Former lead writer Brian Gewirtz continues to contribute to WWE creatively. Gewirtz, who works as a consultant for WWE, was backstage at the Royal Rumble on Sunday. Gewirtz worked full-time for WWE beginning in the late '90s and was removed from the top writer position in late 2012.

Gewirtz sends feedback on WWE television and is said to spend roughly a day a month working in-person for the company. He worked closely with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson over the years and continues to write his promos. In addition to his WWE consultant duties, Gewirtz is present whenever Johnson appears for WWE.

The Von Erich Family To Appear TNA's Febuary Tapings

TNA President Dixie Carter posted the following on Twitter today, announcing that the Von Erich family (Ross & Marshall Von Erich) & WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Von Erich, will be appearing for TNA at their TV Tapings in Orlando, Florida in February. The Von Erich family last appeared for TNA at their Slammiversary PPV in Dallas, Texas this past June:

"Happy to announce that the Von Erichs will join us once again at our tapings in February! @RossVonErich @MarshallVonEric @KevinVonErich"
Opinionated View- I was pretty impressed by how well they did at Slammiversary.

Dana White Admits He's Talked To Brock Lesnar Recentley

The Fight Network is featuring an interview with UFC President Dana White where White reveals that he spoke with current WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar as recently as four weeks ago. Discussion about Lesnar making a return to MMA for UFC once his WWE deal expires after WrestleMania 31 has been a constant discussion point for months now.

Backstage Update On Rey Mysterio's WWE Negotiations And Post-WWE Plans

Negotiations between Rey Mysterio and WWE are said to be almost done and Rey could have his official release from the company soon. We should be hearing about Rey's post-WWE plans in the next few months. Apparently Rey has been working on putting together signing appearances as a number of promoters are reportedly waiting to make announcements. It's also expected that Rey will wrestle for Lucha Underground. As of last week, Rey was rumored to have a release in hand but still had not signed it as some issues between he and WWE were being worked out.

Opinionated View- Doesn't matter where Rey signs he will hurt himself climbing into the ring.

Backstage Talk On What WWE Thinks About Pushing Daniel Bryan, Possible WrestleMania Opener

It was said this week by a WWE source that no matter how hard the fans rally for Daniel Bryan and no matter how much he gets over, top WWE officials are not going to see him as a top guy that can be the face of the company.

Before the news came out this week that WWE was planning on doing Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler at WrestleMania 31, there was a feeling among many that officials would not give in like they did last year and Bryan wouldn't be getting pushed to the WrestleMania main event again.

With that said, there was a rumor that Ziggler vs. Bryan could open WrestleMania 31.

Opinionated View- And this is why I can't support the WWE. You have a guy who is the most popular by far but you won't get behind him instead you want to keep pushing Cena and now you want to ram rod Reigns into the top spot.

ROH News and Notes

Nick Jackson suffered a minor hamstring injury during last weekend’s Young Bucks & AJ Styles vs. ACH, Cedric Alexander & Matt Sydal match that was taped for ROH TV in Philadelphia last weekend. The Young Buck worked early this morning in Japan, defeating defeated Mascara Dorada & KUSHIDA in a six-minute match.
– ROH is looking into a return to Terminal 5 in New York in the summer. They may run another PV from the venue.
– The Blue Meanie was backstage visiting at the ROH TV taping in Philadelphia last weekend.

Updated Listing of WrestleMania 31 Week Events

Here is the listing, so far, of WrestleMania weekend events in the San Jose area. All times listed are local…
6 PM – WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at the San Jose Convention Center.
8 PM – Mick Foley one man show at Cobb’s Comedy Club in San Francisco, CA. For details on all Foley shows, visit
8 PM presents EVOLVE at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event.
9 AM – 5 PM – Wrestlecon at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA. For details on all Wrestlecon events and guests, visit
3 PM – presents EVOLVE at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event.
6 PM – WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at San Jose Convention Center.
7:30 PM Ring of Honor in Redwood City, CA at the Sports House. This show will be filmed for DVD and VOD.
8 PM – Mick Foley One Man Show at The Improv in San Jose, CA.
8 PM – presents King of the Indies Tournament at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event in tribute to the late Roland Alexander of APW with 16 competitors competing in the tournament’s opening rounds.
11:55 PM – presents Kaiju Big Battel at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event.
8 AM – 12 PM – WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS Session 1 San Jose Convention Center.
9 AM – 4 PM – Wrestlecon Saturday Session 1 at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA.
12 PM – presents SHIMMER at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV.
1 PM – 5 PM – Wrestlemania AXXESS Session 2 at the San Jose Convention Center.
4 PM – presents Mercury Rising 2015 Supershow at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV.
4:45 PM – WWE 2015 Hall of Fame Ceremony at the SAP Center. This will air live on the WWE Network. Randy Savage and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducted.
6 PM – 10 PM – Wrestlemania AXXESS Session Three at the San Jose Convention Center.
7:30 PM – Wrestlecon Saturday Session 2 at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA. Featured live card headlined by Hardy Boys vs. Sabu & Rob Van Dam.
8 PM – presents King of the Indies Night 2 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV featuring tournament finals plus Juventud Guerrera vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Ricochet.
8 AM – WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at the San Jose Convention Center. This will air live on PPV and the WWE Network.
10 AM – Wrestlecon ‘Mania Moments’ Brunch with Legends at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA.
3 PM -(Doors Open 1:30 PM) WWE Wrestlemania 31 at Levi’s Stadium.
Monday Night Raw at the SAP Center
TUESDAY March 31st:
WWE Smackdown at the SaveMart Center in Fresno, CA.

Gabe Sapolsky Comments on Drew Galloway's Status with WWNlive

With Drew Galloway debuting for TNA at yesterday’s TV tapings, many wondered what his status would be with WWNLive. Galloway is currently the EVOLVE champion. WWNlive’s Gabe Sapolsky posted the following update on Twitter today…

Gabe Sapolsky @BookItGabe
To kill any rumors, nothing has changed in our relationship with EVOLVE Champion Drew Galloway. Business as usual there. We'll announce EVOLVE Champ Drew Galloway's matches for WWNLive Experience on weekend soon.  for info
I'm waiting for one more shoe to drop concerning the EVOLVE & WWN Supershow roster at WWNLive Experience. Once it does we can set lineups.
We will have match announcements next week for WWNLive Experience. Go to  for the schedule.
Opinionated View- I do think TNA has let up on the rules about what indies talent can work. Of course there is also a good chance Drew could drop the title at the next set of shows. It wouldn't be the first time Gabe's had a champion do that.

Bobby Lashley To Defend The TNA World Title Tonight at Manchester Taping

TNA continues its three-day tour of the UK with a stop in Manchester, England at Manchester Phones 4u Arena. The event will feature Lashley defending the TNA Title against the winner of the 20-man gauntlet match that took place at the Glasgow event on Thursday.

1/30 New Japan "Road to New Beginning" iPPV Results

1/30 New Japan "Road to New Beginning" iPPV Results: Tokorozawa, Japan
1. Alex Shelley def. Jay White
2. IWGP Jr. Tag Team Champion Kyle O'Reilly def. Yohei Komatsu
3. The Young Bucks def. KUSHIDA & Mascara Dorada
4. TenCozy & NWA Jr. Champion Jushin Liger def. Tiger Mask IV, Captain New Japan & Manabu Nakanishi
5. Yuji Nagata, Tetsuya Naito & NEVER Champion Togi Makabe def. IWGP Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI
6. Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi def. Kazuchika Okada & Gedo
7. IWGP Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi, IWGP Tag Team Champions Meiyu Tag & Ryusuke Taguchi def. Gallows & Gun, IWGP Jr. Champion Kenny Omega & Tama Tonga

Daniel Bryan to do Twitter Q&A With Seattle Seahawks

Courtesy of
Daniel Bryan to host Twitter Q&A with Seattle Seahawks
Daniel Bryan will answer questions on the Super Bowl XLIX-bound Seattle Seahawks' Twitter today at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT! Don't miss Bryan's Twitter Q&A @Seahawks.
Bryan will take part in a one-hour Twitter Q&A and answer questions from the WWE Universe and Seattle Seahawks fans @Seahawks.
Tweet lifelong Seahawks and Seattle sports fan Bryan @Seahawks with #12sQA on the final Blue Friday before Super Bowl XLIX!

The Miz To Guest Star on USA Network Show Sirens

Courtesy of
The Miz guest stars on USA Network's 'Sirens'
WWE Universe, don't miss WWE's resident A-Lister, The Miz, as he joins the cast of USA Network's "Sirens" Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 10:30/9:30 CT!

Now in its second season, the comedy series from executive producers Denis Leary and Bob Fisher, follows Chicago's best EMTs through their professional and personal lives. The show stars Michael Mosley, Kevin Daniels and Kevin Bigley. For more on "Sirens," visit

IMPACT Preview EP 2. A Look at Monster's Ball and The Heavyweight Title ...

Non-Spoiler Match Listing For TNA Impact Wrestling

The following is scheduled for tonight's 1/30 Impact Wrestling on Destination America.
* Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne (TNA Knockouts Championship).
* Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss (Monster's Ball match).
* The BroMans vs. Rockstar Spud & Mark Andrews.
* Lashley (c) vs. Austin Aries vs. MVP vs. Bobby Roode (TNA Championship).

Thursday, January 29, 2015

1/29 WWE Smackdown Report

Triple H comes out and welcomes everyone to Monday Night RAW! He says wait… it’s been a long week, and a snowstorm was supposed to shut them down, but WWE doesn’t like being told what to do. HHH says they also got told they wouldn’t get one million WWE Network subscriptions, but they did it, and they were told they couldn’t get tonight’s show done either. HHH welcomes everyone to Thursday Smackdown LIVE, and then he cuts a few jokes about the NFL and balls, and says WWE has never had problems with their balls. He says he takes action when he has problems, and this week’s Royal Rumble was a bit controversial, so he is going to deal with his problem, Sting.

HHH says he will go eye-to-eye with Sting and resolve his problem, then he puts over the amazing WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at the Rumble. He says the Rumble match itself was spectacular, but there is the controversy, because the building was rocking and shaking, but the next day ‘this’ was all anyone could talk about. HHH says he needs to deal with the controversy and make an announcement on RAW they might not like, then Roman Reigns cuts him off and heads to the ring. Reigns says HHH keeps talking about controversy, but he doesn’t see any because he won the Royal Rumble match, and he is going to Wrestlemania. HHH says he indeed did win, but let’s see if he wins his next match, right now, and walks out of the ring.

Roman Reigns vs Big Show 

Big Show hits Reigns a few times and toys with him, then Reigns floats over to block a scoop slam before he chopblocks Show into the turnbuckles. Reigns repeatedly stops Show and charges the corner, but Show blocks a strike before Reigns clotheslines him over the top rope. We get back from a break to see Show punch Reigns in the corner, then he targets Reigns’ knee and puts him in an elevated ankle lock. Reigns shifts and sends Show over the ropes, then he puts some weight on his leg and basement kicks Show into the ringpost. Reigns rolls him in and goes for a clothesline, then he connects with one before hitting a Samoan drop, and Show rolls out to the floor. Reigns clotheslines him from the apron, then they both roll back in and Reigns calls for a Superman punch, only to have Show block it and chokeslam him. Show gets a two count before he heads up top, but Reigns dives and Superman punches him before hitting a second one. Reigns press slams Show off the top rope, then he hits the ropes and spears Show for the win.
Winner – Roman Reigns

Seth Rollins comes out and brags about how great he looked on Sunday, and he says eventhough he didn’t walk out with the championship, he still impressed and proved himself. Rollins says he stuck a dagger in Brock Lesnar and almost beat him, which no one else can lay claim to. Rollins says he feels so good right now he’s issuing an open challenge to the locker room, and he doesn’t care who comes out. Ryback runs to the ring and Mercury and Noble help Rollins attack him, but Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler run out for the save.

Tyson Kidd (w/ Cesaro & Natalya) vs Jey Uso (w/ Jimmy Uso & Naomi)
Jey kicks Kidd a few times before Kidd catches him with an enziguiri, then Jey tackles him before Cesaro tries to interfere. Jimmy tackles him from the steps, then Kidd uses the distraction to hit a spinning neckbreaker for the win.
Winner – Tyson Kidd

Rusev and Lana come to the ring and Rusev says they all saw the controversial finish to the Royal Rumble, and he should have been declared winner. Lana rants (in Russian) about how upset she is and throws the mic back to Rusev, and he calls himself the most dominant and only unbeaten Superstar here. Rusev calls John Cena a loser that doesn’t belong in the ring with him, then Cena comes out and says Rusev should shut his mouth. Cena says if he doesn’t he’ll shut it for him, and Rusev can talk about all of his accomplishments, but he made a huge mistake saying Cena was no threat. Cena says he’s the face that runs the place and talks about all he’s done, then he says they can fight it out right now, but Lana tells Rusev not to waste his time and leaves with him.

Paige is backstage with Renee Young talking about the Divas title shot she was awarded, but The Bella Twins cut her off and make fun of her. Paige attacks them, but The Bellas team up and leave her laying on the ground.

Goldust & Stardust vs The Ascension
Stardust goes for a quick sunset flip before Viktor slams him on the mat, then Stardust knocks him back before they tie up again. Stardust elbows him but Viktor knocks him back into the corner, then Konnor gets a few strikes in before Viktor goes for the pin attempt. Viktor applies a chinlock and slams Stardust into the corner, then Konnor goes for a suplex but Stardust floats over and kicks him in the corner. Goldust connects with some clotheslines off of the tag, then he hits an atomic drop and follows with some body shots in the corner. Konnor whips him but Goldust hits a powerslam, then he prevents Viktor from running in and hits the ropes. Stardust tags in and Goldust asks what he’s doing, but Stardust knocks Viktor down before hitting Konnor with a Disaster Kick on the apron. He turns back but Viktor hits him, then Konnor runs over and shoves Goldust off the apron before they hit Fall of Man for the win.
Winners – The Ascension

Casket MatchKane vs Daniel Bryan 
Kane goes for some early strikes before Bryan connects with several kicks, then he sends Kane into the corner and connects with some mounted punches. Kane shoves him back but Bryan runs right back at him, then he blocks a chokeslam but Kane tries to press slam Bryan into the casket. Bryan dropkicks him near it but Kane grabs the ropes as we go to a break, then we get back to see Bryan fight to avoid being put in the casket. Kane tries to shove Bryan back in but Bryan flips him and Kane lands in the casket, but Kane freaks and runs away, only to caught by Bryan diving off the ropes. Bryan repeatedly punches Kane before fighting another rally by Kane, then Bryan kicks the casket lid open and escapes as we go to a break. We get back to see Kane choking Bryan with his boot, then Bryan comes back with some kicks and a suicide dive into the barricade.
Kane backdrops him into the crowd before he throws Bryan over the commentary table, then he whips Bryan headfirst into the casket lid. Kane tries to Tombstone Bryan into the casket but Bryan responds with a knee to the face, then Bryan connects with a second one but Kane comes right back with a chokeslam. Kane rolls him into the casket but Bryan kicks him in the face, then he applies the YES Lock in the casket and lets go to close the lid. Kane pushes the lid back open so Bryan repeatedly kicks him in the chest, then Kane blocks a final kick and clotheslines Bryan in the ring. Kane calls for another chokeslam and Tombstone but Bryan blocks both, then he sends Kane on to the apron and kicks him in the head. Bryan immediately connects with Knee Plus, then he reaches over and closes the casket lid to win.
Winner – Daniel Bryan

Title Match Added To WWE's Fast Lane Pay-Per-View

WWE has announced that Nikki Bella will defend her WWE Divas Title against Paige at the February 22nd Fast Lane pay-per-view. Here's the updated card:WWE Divas Title Match
Paige vs. Nikki BellaJohn Cena vs. RusevTriple H challenges Sting to show up and meet him face to face

How Long Have TNA and Drew Galloway Been Talking

Former WWE Superstar Drew Galloway aka Drew McIntyre has reportedly signed a deal with TNA Wrestling. He is currently set to appear on the remainder of the UK Maximum Impact Tour dates.
TNA and Galloway have reportedly been negotiating for the last four to five weeks.

Opinionated View- It's a great pick up for TNA. I am thrilled to see this guy getting a chance.

Triple H To Make Major Announcement On WWE RAW

Triple H kicked off tonight's live WWE SmackDown and talked about the Royal Rumble controversy over Roman Reigns winning.

Triple H said he's going to put an end to the controversy on this coming Monday's RAW from Denver.

Triple H said the announcement on RAW will likely shake the WWE Universe to its core.

Opinionated View- I'm not holding my breath on a change. Vince is convinced Reigns is the next golden one.

** SPOILERS ** For This Week's WWE Main Event

Damien Sandow and The Miz vs. The New Day is first. Sandow came out to a massive pop. Big E and Kofi Kingston get the win after The Miz yelled at Sandow outside of the ring.
* Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler is announced for later.
* Erick Rowan defeated Curtis Axel in what was described as a really good match that the crowd wasn't into. Fans chanted "Rumble winner" at Axel.
* Roman Reigns is shown on the big screen but there's mostly boos from the crowd. They also aired the Arnold Schwarzenegger Hall of Fame video.
* Dolph Ziggler comes out to a huge pop for the main event against Luke Harper. Ziggler got the win in what was said to be an awesome match.

WWE Comics Series Shut Down?

Papercutz, which publishes the WWE Superstars comics, informed retailers this week that the #13 and #14 issues have been canceled, according to PWInsider. This usually means that another publisher will be handling the series but not in this case as apparently the series has been shut down.

Preview For Next Week's NXT

** SPOILERS ** TNA Impact Tapings For 2/20

* Eric Young defeated Tommy Dreamer in a bloody hardcore match.

* Ethan Carter III came out with Tyrus but was interrupted by MR. Anderson. Rockstar Spud attacked Ethan from behind and also took out Tyrus. Anderson went to shave Ethan's hair but Tyrus made the save. Anderson and Spud held Tyrus down and shaved his head. * Awesome Kong defeated Angelina Love. Gail Kim came out to stare at Kong after the match. * Kurt Angle comes out and hypes a battle royal for later. * Mickie James returns to TNA and cuts a promo. * MVP became the new #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title by winning a 20-man battle royal. The final four were Angle and members of The BDC. MVP eliminated Angle to win. * Al Snow vs. Grado is up for the main event. Grado got a massive pop again. Grado got the win and the two shook hands after the match. The BDC came out after the match and attacked Grado. Drew McIntyre (Galloway) made his TNA debut to a huge pop and made the save for Grado to end it.

** SPOILERS ** TNA Impact Wrestling Results For 2/13

Kay Lee Ray and Noam Dar defeated Gail Kim and Rampage Brown in a mixed tag match for Xplosion. Noam pinned Brown and Kim barely saw any action.

* Kurt Angle opens the show in the ring. Austin Aries and Gunner are joining with Angle to eliminate The BDC. Bobby Lashley comes out and shakes hands with Angle. Angle said it's time for him to get a title shot again. The BDC come out wearing matching attire but get chased off after some promos. * Bobby Roode defeated Austin Aries by submission. Roode grabbed the mic after the match but Eric Young laid him out and left him laying with a piledriver. * Time for a Bootcamp angle as Al Snow comes out to major heat and massive Grado chants. Grado has the biggest pop of the night so far. Al called out Grado and challenged him to a match at the next taping. * Bram squashed Crazzy Steve and called out Magnus but he never showed up. * Tyrus and Ethan Carter III defeated Mark Andrews, Jeremy Borash and Rockstar Spud in a handicap match. Borash actually did a dive outside of the ring. EC3 pinned Spud to win and tried to shave his head but the lights went off and Mr. Anderson returned to a big pop. He took out Tyrus and EC3. * Madison Rayne came out and talked about being Knockouts Champion in the past. This led to Awesome Kong winning a squash match. * Matt Hardy came out and said The Revolution has injured Jeff Hardy. James Storm and crew come out and said he did something even The Undertaker couldn't do, put Jeff Hardy out of action. Hardy and Storm brawl but Hardy gets beat down by The Revolution. The Wolves ended up making the save to a big pop. * MVP and Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle and Lashley in a good match. Angle accidentally hit Lashley, leading to MVP pinning Lashley. Angle and Lashley had a staredown to end it.

Breaking News Drew Galloway Debuts For TNA

Tonight, Drew Galloway, once dubbed “The Chosen One,” debuted at the IMPACT Wrestling tapings in Glasgow! This comes right after announced the return of Mickie James. Stay tuned for more!
Galloway was previously married to current TNA Knockout Champion Taryn Terrell. The couple divorced in 2011 after a fight which led to Terrell’s arrest. She was released from her WWE contract soon after.

Opinionated View- Galloway is an amazing talent and WWE should be ashamed for letting him go and never using him correctly. I assume TNA talked to both Drew and Taryn and what ever issues they have are past.

Breaking News Mickie James Returns to TNA is promoting Mickie James’ TNA return that took place in Glasgow today. @V2Journal on twitter shared the image below.  James returned to TNA back in 2010, and departed the company in 2013. Since then she got engaged to TNA star Magnus and had a child with him back in September.

Opinionated View- Great to see. Mickie is a great talent super popular and able to do it all. I hope she's a heel since I got a real kick out of her heel run late in her TNA tenure

Updated Cards For this Weekend’s NJPW Road to New Beginning Events

Here are the updated cards for this weekend’s NJPW Road to New Beginning events…

Friday January 30th, Tokorozawa Citizen Gymnasium, Sub-Arena in Saitama
 * Sho Tanaka vs. Jay White
 * Alex Shelley & Yohei Komatsu vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish
 * KUSHIDA & Mascara Dorada vs. Matt & Nick Jackson
 * Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Manabu Nakanishi, Captain New Japan & Tiger Mask IV
 * Yuji Nagata, Togi Makabe, Tetsuya Naito & Tomoaki Honma vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & YOSHI-HASHI
 * Kazuchika Okada & Gedo vs. Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi
 * Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hirooki Goto, Katsuyori Shibata & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows, Tama Tonga & Kenny Omega

Sunday February 1st, Korakuen Hall in Tokyo
 * Sho Tanaka & Yohei Komatsu vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish
 * Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask IV vs. Manabu Nakanishi, Captain New Japan, Mascara Dorada & Jay White
 * Ryusuke Taguchi, KUSHIDA & Alex Shelley vs. Kenny Omega, Matt & Nick Jackson
 * Tetsuya Naito & Tomoaki Honma vs. Toru Yano & Kazushi Sakuraba
 * Kazuchika Okada & Gedo (CHAOS) vs. Bad Luck Fale & Tama Tonga
 * Yuji Nagata & Togi Makabe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura & Tomohiro Ishii
 Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Karl Anderson, Doc Gallows & Yujiro Takahashi

Details On The 2015 National Pro Wrestling Day Event

- The third annual National Pro Wrestling Day event will be held on February 8 at the The Greater Norristown PAL Gymnasium (340 Harding Blvd) in Norristown, PA, at 2 PM. It’s a free event but will be holding a fundraiser for the Seva Foundation. Donations will be taken at the door. So far, the only match announced is Ashley Remington vs. Drew Gulak. Other announced talent include Fire Ant, The Osirian Portal, Marion Fontaine, Los Ice Creams, Argus, N_R_G, Jervis Cottonbelly and The Bloc Party.

Updated Cards For This Weekend’s ROH Live Events

Here are the updated lineups for this weekend’s ROH live events…
January 30 in Dearborn, Michigan:
* ROH champion Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Bennett with Maria Kanellis.
* Alberto El Patrón vs. ACH
* ROH TV champion Jay Lethal with Truth Martini vs. Roderick Strong
* Matt Sydal vs. Matt Taven
* Michael Elgin vs. Mark Briscoe
* Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tadarius Thomas
* Hanson vs. BJ Whitmer
* Tommaso Ciampa vs. Tyson Dux

January 31 in Dayton, Ohio:
* The Briscoes vs ACH & Matt Sydal
* Alberto El Patrón vs. Roderick Strong for the first time ever.
* Hanson vs. Matt Taven
* Tommaso Ciampa vs. Michael Bennett with Maria Kanellis
* Michael Elgin vs. Chris Dickinson

Latest On If Randy Orton Will Be At Tonight’s Live Smackdown

According to Dave Meltzer during Wrestling Observer Radio (via Wrestlezone), Randy Orton made an appearance earlier this week and told people that he expected to be on television during tonight’s Smackdown taping. He’s currently not advertised but the event is live so it’s a possible he’ll make his return tonight.

TNA Kicks Off UK Tour Tonight

TNA kicks off its UK tour with an event today in Glasgow, Scotland at the SSE Hydro. The show includes a 20-man gauntlet match with the winner becoming No. 1 contender to the TNA Title.
The advertised talent pool for the three-day UK tour is as follows: Kurt Angle, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Sanada, Manik, Khoya (Mahabali Shera), Abyss, EC3, Tyrus, Rockstar Spud, Magnus, Bram, Madison Rayne, Low-Ki, Brooke, Gunner, Chris Melendez, Austin Aries, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, Gail Kim, MVP, Awesome Kong, Eric Young, Matt Hardy, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, Zema Ion, Mr Anderson, Kenny King, Angelina Love, Samoa Joe, Sam Shaw, Crazzy Steve, Rebel, Taryn Terrell, Al Snow, Grado, Noam Dar, Kay Lee Ray, Mark Andrews, Dave Mastiff, and Rampage Brown.
Opinionated View- The UK's shows area always a lot of fun to watch so I can't wait to see what they tape for TV.

WWE Offering Another Free Month of WWE Network

WWE issued the following press release:
STAMFORD, Conn., January 29, 2015 – Due to the tremendous response from fans to the free November promotion, WWE (NYSE: WWE) will again offer a free month of WWE Network to new subscribers during February in advance of its biggest event of the year, WrestleMania® 31 on Sunday, March 29. During the month of February, subscribers will have access to all of WWE Network's programming including a live podcast hosted by Stone Cold Steve Austin® this Monday, February 2 featuring Triple H® and the all-new, live pay-per-view event WWE FAST LANE™ on Sunday, February 22.

"Last November we offered a free month of WWE Network to new subscribers with great success, helping us reach the 1 million subscriber milestone," said Michelle Wilson, WWE Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer. "We are excited to extend the same opportunity in February to those who have not yet subscribed so they can experience all that WWE Network offers right before WrestleMania."
This past Tuesday, WWE announced that WWE Network had surpassed 1 million subscribers just 11 months after launch, making it the fastest-growing digital subscription service. These results were driven primarily by the successful free November promotion, the launch of the service in the UK and significant additions for the Royal Rumble pay-per-view event.

Like other digital subscription services, such as Netflix and Hulu Plus, fans are able to sign up for WWE Network online by going to and can watch WWE Network on their TVs through connected devices such as Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV and Roku streaming devices as well as Smart TVs including Sony and Samsung. The U.S. English language version of WWE Network is available direct to consumers in more than 170 countries and territories and recently launched in the UK and Ireland.

WWE Network's one-of-a-kind programming includes all 12 WWE pay-per-view events LIVE at no additional charge plus groundbreaking original series, reality shows, documentaries, classic matches, exclusive coverage of special events and more than 2,000 titles in its video-on-demand library.

Opinionated View- Make no mistake even with breaking one million the WWE Network is still not doing well. While they gain subscribers they also lose subscribers at a pretty good rate.

Press Release for Tonight's WWE Smackdown

WWE issued the following press release:

NEW YORK and STAMFORD, Conn., – January 29, 2015 – WWE SmackDown will air live on Syfy tonight at 8pm ET/PT and will feature Daniel Bryan® vs. Kane® in the legendary WWE Casket Match as well as WWE Superstars including Roman Reigns®, Seth Rollins® and Dean Ambrose®, and WWE Divas Natalya™, Paige™ and Alicia Fox™.

Since moving to Thursday nights just two weeks ago, WWE SmackDown instantly became Thursday night's most-watched original program on all of cable. It was also watched by more men than any program on cable and watched by more women than any program on MTV, TLC, A&E, Food Network, E!, ABC Family or Bravo.

With more than 800 original episodes, SmackDown is the second longest-running weekly episodic program in U.S. television history, only behind WWE's other flagship program, Monday Night Raw. Over the past 15 years, SmackDown has been broadcast from 170 different venues, in 148 cities, in seven different countries including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Iraq, Japan, Italy and Mexico. The name SmackDown came from WWE Superstar Dwayne "The Rock®" Johnson's popular catchphrase, "Lay the Smackdown."

TNA Annoucnes How Canadan Fans Can Watch Impact Wrestling

TNA President Dixie Carter posted the following on Twitter, announcing how TNA fans in Canada can now be able to watch Impact Wrestling online:
"Canada - you NOW can watch full episodes of @IMPACTWRESTLING online. NEW episodes every Sat. at 10am ET. Watch now:"

Lucha Underground Results (1/28):

- Dario Cueto is backstage talking to Cage, and he informs him that he'll get a title match against Prince Puma tonight.

Mil Muertes (w/ Katrina) vs. FenixFenix starts out with chops and kneees that don't really affect Muertes, who returns fire with a giant right hand to the face and a belly to belly suplex. Muertes follows with a DDT, but only gets two. Muertes continues to toss Fenix around the ring with suplexes before spearing him. Fenix somehow kicks out as a "Let's go Fenix/Fenix sucks" chant starts.Muertes hits a big superplex from the top, but Fenix takes advantage of the bout with an inside cradle and gets the win!Winner: Fenix via pinfall (inside cradle) - A vignette for Cage airs. Super Fly, Argenis, & Aerostar vs. The CrewSuper Fly takes advantage quickly with an early dive, causing Cisco to tag out. Cortez doesn't do much better and is hit with a slingshot armdrag. Bael gets a tag, but is met by Argenis, who kicks him square in the pants. Aerostar is tagged in and hits an insane springboard tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Argenis and Aerostar hit an even more insane second rope assisted body press, but it only gets two.  The Crew fights back and hits a great series of boots, really stiff ones. They work the faces over for a while before Aerostar hits a big back elbow and tags Argenis.  Argenis and Cortez go at it until Argenis hits a head scissors to him, a super kick to Bael and a sunset bomb to Castro for two. The Crew come back with a catapult/kick/kneedrop combo for two.Dive after dive leads to a frankensteiner to the outside that leaves all the competitors on the ground. Back inside Aerostar eats the flapjack/codebreaker for the pin. .Winners: The Crew (Flapjack/Codebreaker)  - Vampiro interviews Prince Puma and Konnan, but mainly just Konnan. Vampiro asks Puma to speak for himself. Instead, Puma has to get in between Vampiro and Konnan. Lucha Underground World Championship
Prince Puma (c) (w/ Konnan) vs. Cage
Puma attacks Cage up the ramp, but Cage reverses things with hard Irish whips into the buckles. A huge back body drop from Cage gets a two count, but he applies a half nelson and hits a big neckbreaker. Puma tries to battle back, but Cage counters with a sitout Alabama Slam that gets a two count. Cage sets up for a powerslam that Puma turns into a DDT. He hits double knees off of a springboard, but can't get the three count. In an impressive spot, Cage catches a flying Puma off the top in a vertical suplex position and Jackhammers him for two before hitting a second rope moonsault to a similar result.  A Cage spinebuster and powerbomb get countered by a big dropkick to the face by Puma. Cage hits an F5, and Puma kicks out. The crowd is going crazy. Puma battles back with three straight big kicks and a northern lights suplex, but only gets two. He goes up top, but Cage pushes the ref into the ropes and knocks him down. Cage then lands a low blow for the DQ.Winner: Puma via DQ to retain the Lucha Underground World Championship Cage attacks Puma and the ref after the match, but Konnan breaks a cane over his back. Cage blasts Konnan with the championship, before ripping it in half. - The Asian woman who has been in the crowd comes into Dario Cueto's office and harasses him, asking if he knows someone. He denies it, and she leaves.

1/28 WWE NXT Report

Blake and Murphy hit the ramp right out of the gate followed by the Lucha Dragons. Let's get busy.

Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake vs. Lucha Dragons for the NXT tag titlesSin Cara starts off against Blake. Blake tries a move off the ropes and Sin Cara tosses him. Blake grabs a hold of Sin Cara's mask and works him into the corner and gets a tag on Murphy. Murphy hits Sin Cara with some powerful moves and covers for a near-fall. Blake comes back in next and keeps Sin Cara on the mat for a lengthy spate. As much as Blake and Murphy are underdogs, they're clearly heeling it up. Sin Cara comes back and hits a nice powerbomb to slow down Blake. Both guys hit a tag at the same time. Kalisto ends up getting on top of Murphy and showing a lot of aerobatics and footwork.. He gets a near fall and Sin Cara comes in to block Blake from interfering. Kalisto gets confused and hits the SDS but on the wrong guy, as Blake just managed to hit a blind tag on Murphy before the move. Blake comes in and cracks Kalisto good to put him down for the count. He covers for the pinfall and we have new champs!Result: Buddy Murphy and Wesley Blake defeat Lucha Dragons via pinfall to win the NXT tag titles

After a recap of Regal booking the NXT women's title for a fatal four-way at NXT takeover, we see Bailey getting ready backstage. Charlotte comes in and says she'll destroy Bayley if she ever ambushes her again. Bayley says she won't apologize but they can co-exist in their tag match tonight. Charlotte tells Bayley to watch her step from here on out. We also get a backstage thingy by Tyler Breeze and head back to the ring.

Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd (#1 Contender's Tournament)The guys get into it slowly and the initial battle is pretty balanced. After they break, the competitors circle the ring and lock up again. Neville puts Kidd on the mat but Kidd works his way out and Neville contemplates his next move. Kidd strikes next and puts Neville on the defensive. Kidd gets too confident, though, and Neville turns things around. Kidd bails when Neville starts getting fired up. When he eventually returns to the ring, He bails twice more, prompting Neville to chase him outside. Kidd puts Adrian into the guardrail and then into the steel steps as the ref starts the count. Neville makes it back into the ring and we get a short break.When we get back to the show, Tyson is still firmly in control. He gets a near-fall after landing a big dropkick and then stomps Neville all over the mat. Kidd gets dumped outside by Neville and then Adrian follows up with a dive outside. They both recover and end up face to face in the ring. After trading shots, Neville hits a standing moonsault but Kidd kicks out of the cover that follows. Both guys deliver some dazzling moves and wear each other out. Kidd knocks Neville out of the ring again and tosses him back in but can't seal the deal with a three-count. He teases the sharpshooter and Neville kicks out of it. Neville finishes it by going up top for a corkscrew splash. The pinfall is academic. Great match.
Result: Adrian Neville advances after winning via pinfall.

Becky Lynch and Sasha banks are interviewed backstage and Sasha says Becky will do the right thing at Takeover. After Sasha leaves, Becky says that the "right thing" will be for her to win the title for herself. Blake and Murphy talk briefly backstage. They're stoked about winning the straps.

Charlotte and Bayley vs. Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch
Bayley and Sasha kick things off. The crowd is all about Bayley right now. Sasha puts Bayley down quickly and Bayley roars back, putting The Boss on the mat a couple of times. Banks tries for a tag and Bayley keeps her out of the corner. Charlotte tags in and basically lets Sasha tag in Becky. She doesn't care who he's facing. Bayley tags in next and dominates Lynch, sending Becky outside. When they get back in the ring, Sasha grabs Bayley from the apron and does some damage. Becky capitalizes and gets control of her opponent. Sasha tags in and they double-team Bayley but she still manages to kick out from Sasha's cover. Banks works Bayley's knee. Becky tags back in and keeps it up until bayley hits a suplex and tags in Charlotte. Charlotte takes apart Sasha who tagged in on the fly. She applies the figure four but Becky breaks it up. Sasha gets on top of Charlotte and Bayley tries to help but inadvertently hits her teammate. Charlotte and Becky end up in a scrum and Sasha and Becky try to get involved in the melee. The bell rings for a no-finish. Result: No-finishFinn Balor talk backstage about his match upcoming tourney match against Hideo Itami. He says he always knew it would come to this. Hideo interferes and says that he brought Balor into NXT and if he has to, he'll take Balor out. Damn!After a short break, we learn that Emma is returning to NXT next week. She doesn't seem too happy about it, either.Baron Corbin vs. Bull Dempsey (#1 Contender's Tournament)
Corbin is aggressive right off the bell. Dempsey retreats outside and Bull gets the jump on him as they crawl back into the ring. Corbin still keeps up the offense, attacking Bull from all angles. He hits a huge slam on Bull to bring about a very fast finish. Geez.Result: Baron Corbin advances after defeating Bull Dempsey via pinfall

After the match, Corbin says he's going to take out Neville next. Bull Dempsey comes in and tells Corbin he just got lucky. Twice. Corbin pushes him aside to stop the jaw-jacking.

William Regal introduces Sami Zayn first and then Kevin Owens for the contract signing. Regal says he's not going to let things get out of hand and he tells the men that if either of them starts a fight tonight, he'll cancel the match. Zayn signs first and then takes a mic. He talks about the last 12 years of their lives before WWE and says everything has led up to this moment. Owens picks up his mic, points to the contract and notes that it's for a non-title match. He says he fights for a prize and until the contract is for a title match, he won't sign. Regal tries to explain his position to Owens and Zayn interrupts, saying he'll give him the title shot. The crowd agrees. And then Regal agrees. The deed is done. Owens flips his pen and Sami's face before stepping out and Regal restrains Sami from retaliating. Fade to black. That's a wrap.

New Article Suggests WWE May Have Trouble Keeping Subscribers at 1 Million

- A new article at 24/7 Wall St. examines the WWE Network’s one million subscriber count and suggests that the company may have a tough time holding those numbers. The article looks at the churn (loss) that the company has had in terms of suscribers that have slowed the Network’s growth; by example, in the third quarter of last year 285,000 new people signed up but 254,000 subscribers cancelled, which is why the company ended at the disappointing 723,174 total.

The article says, “WWE’s network has been up and running for just under a year and to reach 1 million subscribers in that time is no small achievement. The trick is going to be keeping them. Otherwise, the company will have to resort to more promotional pricing to keep churning up new subscribers.”

Worth noting is the fact that, just to kill potential rumors, an inaccurate report of the article is making the rounds suggesting that it implies WWE is misleading with its total by saying the 1 million is in total customers, including those who have cancelled. This is not the case; nothing in the article suggests that.

Casket Match Set for WWE Smackdown

WWE Smackdown airs live tonight on Syfy from Hartford. Already announced for the show is Daniel Bryan vs. Kane in a casket match.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

McMahon Livid Over Royal Rumble Error

- As previously reported, Titus O’Neil was supposed to be eliminated from the Royal Rumble on Sunday in one second to tie with Santino Marella’s record of the fastest Rumble elimination in history. However, timing issues with O’Neil, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns caused him to be eliminated in four seconds. The Wrestling Observer claims that Vince McMahon was furious about the error. The spot was the only one in the match that had to have perfect timing.

Jericho Turned Down Offer to Appear at Royal Rumble

WWE asked Chris Jericho on January 19 about possibly being a surprise entrant for the match. Jericho declined the offer because he is not interested in an on-camera return unless the appearance has some big meaning and value behind it.

Opinionated View- I am willing to bet they didn't offer him enough money.

Ziggler vs. Bryan in Works For WrestleMania, Battle Royale Planned

The Wrestling Observer reports that WWE has apparently scrapped the plans to book another Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus match at WrestleMania 31. According to the report, current booking is planning on a match between Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler for the card.

Ziggler has recently taken to Twitter to campaign for a match with Bryan for the event. Bryan has responded and said, “I’m in.” WWE Creative is said to actually be planning the match.

– In addition, WWE reportedly is planning another battle royal match for the card this year. It is currently unknown if it will be labeled as the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal again or go under a different name. The plan is to apparently make the battle royal an annual event for WrestleMania.

Opinionated View- Bryan vs. Ziggler if given enough time could be an awesome match. The question is who turns heel. I don't think there is enough there to do face vs. face. Problem is a poorly done (or short term) heel turn could be damaging for either guy. The idea of a big battle royal at Mania is fine. The problem is they had this big chance with Cesaro and they blew it with him last year.

Another Legend To Join The 2015 WWE Hall Of Fame

Credit WrestleInc Former AWA star Ray Stevens, the long-time tag team partner of Pat Patterson, is scheduled to be inducted into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame.  He will be inducted by Patterson, who for years has lobbied for Stevens inclusion in the WWE Hall of Fame. The timing and location seemed ideal this year given Stevens' long-time connection to the greater San Francisco area. For several years Stevens was a major star for Roy Shires as well as the AWA. WWE is expected to make the official announcement in February.

Opinionated View- Long overdue doesn't even begin to cover it.

Update On Bobby Lashley Suffering An Injury, His Status With TNA And Bellator MMA

Regarding TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley pulling out of his next Bellator MMA event due to an injury, he's apparently suffering from a hand injury that happened during his October 24th fight against Karl Etherington.

Lashley was hoping to fight on February 27th against James Thompson but while training, his hand would swell up during grappling or any kind of punching.

Lashley is still able to wrestle with the hand injury, which is why he's still performing for TNA and on the current UK tour. There is no date set for his Bellator return.

WWE Implements New Rule About Dating Within the Company

WWE has implemented a new rule that talents are not allowed to date office workers or production workers. WWE reportedly wants to keep talent from interacting with other company personnel beyond the professional point.

Non-Spoiler Match Listing For Tonight’s Lucha Underground

* Fenix vs. Mil Muertes
* Argenis, Super Fly and AeroStar vs. Mr. Cisco, Cortez Castro and Bael
* Lucha Underground Championship Match: Champion Prince Puma vs. Cage

The Blue Meanie Pitched For Royal Rumble

There was one idea pitched to use The Blue Meanie in the 2015 Royal Rumble match. Meanie is an ECW original that would have been welcomed by the hostile crowd and he would have been able to promote the ECW Unreleased Vol. 3 DVD, which he hosts

Opinionated View- Good thank god it didn't happen. Nothing against the Meanie but having DDP and the Boogeyman was bad enough. They already got there ECW fix with Bubba Ray.

Update on Why Justin Gabriel Asked For His WWE Release

One of the big stories over the weekend was that Justin Gabriel suddenly asked for his WWE release. According to (via WrestleZone) Gabriel was upset with his place in the company. When he was removed from the Royal Rumble match, that was apparently the last straw, and he requested and received his WWE release.

Gabriel makes his first post WWE appearance Saturday at the Pro Wrestling Syndicate event Rahway, NJ. He is also being advertised for the WWNLive WrestleMania weekend events. He will be working under the name PJ Black.

Opinionated View- Can't say I blame the guy. He's never going to be a main eventer but he could be a good mid card guy. But the WWE doesn't care about its full timers. They would rather give time to senior citizens like Ric Flair. And it was bull shit DDP and the Boogeyman were in the rumble.

WWE Very Happy With Kevin Owens

WWE officials are reportedly very happy with Kevin Owens. The feeling is that he has been able to bring his diehard fans with him from the indies, which is something a lot of transitioning stars are unable to do. Also, his “KO” shirt has been selling very well since his debut at NXT Takeover: R Evolution.

Opinionated View- Cross your fingers and hope it lasts. Kevin is down is NXT where its safe. He's not under the same eyes he would be on the main roster. But hey look at Daniel Bryan most over guy in the WWE and well look at the last two Royal Rumbles. Dean Ambrose is pretty over and I can't recall the last big match he's won.

TV Title Match Set For ROH Annivearsy PPV

Ring of Honor issued the following press release to announce the TV Title match for their 13th Anniversary event, which will be broadcast on pay-per-view.

Rumors of a dream match have swirled on social media but now it is official. The legendary, 2nd generation Mexican wrestling star, Alberto El Patrón, will challenge Jay Lethal for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship live on Pay Per View at our 13th Anniversary event.

Upon his arrival in ROH, Alberto El Patrón wanted an opportunity to speak with his fans on ROH Television. Alberto proclaimed that he was finally among the best wrestlers on the planet and he wanted a shot at the most important title in professional wrestling, the ROH World Championship. Lethal and his manager, Truth Martini took major offense to this and Lethal interrupted Alberto, telling him he should have done his homework before coming to class. Lethal made it known that he is the measuring stick for the best professional wrestler on the planet and that his championship was the most important.

This meeting of two very different athletes in the prime of their careers is something that does not happen very often. This rivalry has taken on a personal twist as Lethal feels Alberto overlooked him as a champion. El Patrón believes Lethal has challenged his manhood, something for which Alberto will not stand.

Can Lethal add Alberto El Patrón to the record list of contenders he has defeated? Can Alberto El Patrón make history by ending the historic reign of Lethal? To find out you will either need to be live in Las Vegas or on Pay per View!

Opinionated View- Man do I feel sorry for Lethal. He's been directionless for months. And now he's the guy that's got to make one of the most boring wrestlers of all time look good.

Lucha Underground: Prince Puma vs. Cage

Wednesday, January 28st at 8:00PM ET/PT on El Rey Network, Prince Puma puts his title on the line for the second time in just three weeks. Will Puma walk out of his hometown with the title again, or will he be crushed by the man they call Cage?

Opinionated View- They are already doing Puma vs. Cage? See this is why I think LU is over ratted. They just don't book well. Why not hold on a few weeks and build to this match?

WWE Royal Rumble 2015 Review

Lucha Underground Broadcast Team Issues

There have reportedly been some issues with the Lucha Underground broadcast team. Vampiro is said to have become a point of frustration with many in the promotion.

Sources have noted that Matt Striker will often feed Vampiro a line about the style or history of Lucha Libre, which Vampiro will quickly dismiss or sound disinterested with. Vampiro has also been criticized for not knowing some basic Lucha moves, as well as for confusing the babyfaces and heels. It's also apparent that Vampiro's audio track is often censored and requires extensive mixing in post production. A source indicated that Vampiro routinely uses foul language, which has caused the production team to spend hours adjusting the commentary for the 60 minute weekly series.

There are some in the company that feel as if Matt Striker's efforts are being compromised by Vampiro. It remains to be seen if the company will search for a replacement. Jim Ross was recently rumored to be in talks with the promotion, however he told me a couple of weeks ago that he hadn't had any talks with the organization.

"I haven't had any conversations with Lucha Underground," Ross told "I have yet to talk to any of them. The last person I talked to from Lucha Underground was Matt Striker at Wrestle Kingdom 9. I have not had one phone call, text, fax, whatever from Lucha Underground. Will those take conversations take place? I have no idea, I have a manager who handles that."
While JR admitted that he hasn't spoken with Lucha Underground, he didn't close the door to working for them.

"Maybe they [Lucha Underground] liked my work at Wrestle Kingdom, maybe they know I'm not contracted to anybody, maybe I'm a candidate for something, I don't have any idea. It would take a very special engagement for me to re-engage a weekly TV show. I have so many projects that I love to do. I'm trying to finish an autobiography, which is an incredible undertaking. I have 70,000 words on this book already... I'm at the age where I enjoy working a part-time schedule. Never say never, but it would have to be an extraordinary situation."

Opinionated View- Vampiro is awful in that "I don't give a fuck. I'm just here to get a paycheck." But Ross is awful in a way to old to locked into the style he's had for years way. The best thing would just be to have Striker do commentary alone or hell hope TNA lets Tenay go.

Non-Spoiler Match Listing For Tonight’s WWE NXT

 #1 Contender’s Tournament Match: Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd
* #1 Contender’s Tournament Match: Bull Dempsey vs. Baron Corbin
* Charlotte and Bayley vs. Sasha Banks and Becky
* NXT Tag Team Title Match: Lucha Dragons © vs. Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Backstage Update On Steve Austin And WWE Tough Enough

 As of last week, WWE had not contacted Steve Austin about being involved with the new season of Tough Enough on the USA Network. It's still expected that Bill DeMott and other NXT coaches who work at the Performance Center will be used on the show.

Why WWE Is No Longer Numbering WrestleMania

- WWE is reportedly no longer branding WrestleMania with numbers, at least with the logo. Instead, symbols are being used to distinguish each event.

It was announced last week that WrestleMania will come to AT&T Stadium in Texas on April 3, 2016 and "32" is nowhere to be seen on the logo. It instead features a star to represent the "Lone Star State." On top of that, the logo for this year's WrestleMania features a "Play" button. to represent Silicon Valley, which is near Levi's Stadium, in Santa Clara, California. This is according to Dave Meltzer of, who said on Wrestling Observer Radio today that the events are no longer being branded with numbers "because Vince [McMahon] thinks it makes it sound too old."

Opinionated View- Ok any time Dave reports something you got to be careful. But Vince has strange quarks like so I could see him going "The Numbers makes it seem to old damn it." Of course Vince finds numbers to old I think what makes the event look really old is having old guys all over it.

TNA Annoucnes Return to Orlando for TV Tapings

The following was issued by TNA on Tuesday.
TNA Returns to Orlando’s Universal Studios for a 5-Day-Run of Special Television Events February 12 – 16
Plus IMPACT WRESTLING Tapings Scheduled for March & April

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Jan. 27, 2015) – TNA Entertainment announced today it is heading home to Universal Studios in Orlando for a series of Pay-Per-View, international television and IMPACT WRESTLING tapings in February, March and April.
TNA Superstars and some very special guests will be in Orlando February 12 – 16 for a fun-filled and action-packed five-day extravaganza of events filmed at Universal Studios Back Lot Stage 20.
Cameras will be rolling for nine events over the five-day run, with eight special One Night Only Pay-Per-Views and Xplosion matches.
The schedule is as follows:
Thursday, February 12
7 p.m.
Friday, February 13
1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Saturday, February 14
1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Sunday, February 15
1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Monday, February 16
1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Doors to Universal Studios Stage 20 will open one hour before the listed show time. Entry to the venue, which is free of charge, is first come first seated.
In March and April, IMPACT WRESTLING, as seen on Destination America Fridays at 9/8c, will return to Orlando for a combined seven dates of television tapings. The schedule is as follows:
Friday, March 13
Thursday, April 23
Saturday, March 14
Friday, April 24
Sunday, March 15
Saturday, April 25
Monday, March 16

For more information visit and click on Tickets. And, be sure to follow IMPACT WRESTLING on twitter @impactwrestling and TNA President Dixie Carter @TNADixie for breaking news and special announcements.

Opinionated View- I know some will crap all over this. It think it's an old move. You don't want to over run NYC or Pennsylvania where they have done a lot of taping lately. Also there were some issues with the venue in New York jacking up the prince. Hopefully though during the summer they run some where other than Orlando for TV.