Sunday, May 18, 2014

Flashback Reviews PWG Sells Out Volume 1 Part 3

Time for the final DVD in the PWG Sells Out set. This DVD is going to feature the various International talent that has been in PWG over the years. Why PWG has never made it to ROH levels in terms of over seas stars they have worked with a number of companies over the years. Also like the second disk this will have a number of PWG regulars in these matches so it's another chance to win over fans to buy PWG shows.

Excaliber welcomes us to the third set he claims PWG has grown from a mom and pop operation to a global sensation. He lists some of the stars we will see such as Pac, Cima and Kaz Hayashi.

From Based on a True Story Guerrilla Warfare Match for the PWG World Heavyweight Championship Joey © vs Human Tornado with Candice LaRae- Ok wait why is this opening DVD about International talents in PWG? Both these guys would be PWG home grown stars this would have fit more on the second disk. Hell if it's a run time issue just swap this match for the Generico vs Cima and Pac Matches. Ok that is nitpick. Ryan reign as PWG champion had reached over 400 days. These two had a previous match where Tornado had beat Ryan and appeared to win the title only for it to be over turned because Tornado had started the match as El Snowflake (the character he played in the movie Nacho Libre) Before the match Ryan says he give Tornado credit for being relentless. But Ryan says no one can take the belt from him. He than goes for super heat by saying he will own Tornado like it's 1860. Both guys are in there normal wrestling gear as I have started a number of times in the past I prefer for matches like these that are going to be more fights and weapons than actual wrestling it looks better if your clothes you would wear for a street fight. Right at the start Ryan goes the floor and grabs onto Candice. This distracts Tornado so Chris Bosh can jump him. Elbow to the back of the head by Ryan he than uses his boots to choke Tornado. Power slam by Ryan than the knee drop. Ryan chokes Tornado on the ropes using his knee. Clothesline by Tornado and they both 360 over the top to the floor. Tornado has a chair. Ryan cut him off with a kick to the gut. Tornado rams Joey's head into the apron. Chair shot by Tornado to the back. Tornado pounds on Ryan and than places a chair on his head and drops a leg. Tornado throws Joey head first into the ring post. Ryan whipped into some chair and than tornado picks one up and tosses it onto Ryan's head. Chops by Tornado. Ryan tossed into the ring post head first again. Tornado sets a table up on the outside. Tornado climbs to the top rope. Ryan moves. Moonsault press off the apron by Tornado. More chair shots by Tornado. Ey Rake by Ryan. Ryan gets a beer bottle and breaks it over Tornado's head. Tornado is busted open. Punch to the face by Ryan. Joey rams Tornado's head into a trashcan. Back into the ring. Chair shot to the back by Ryan and he covers. Tornado kicks at two. Stomps to the face by Ryan after Tornado flips him off. Ryan sits in a chair and and locks in a chin lock. Tornado gets free but than gets drop toe hold into the chair Ryan was sitting in. Ryan pulls Tornado up by his hair and than hits him with a chair. Joey uses the chair to choke Tornado. Ryan gets a trash can and tosses it into the ring. Ryan takes time to taunt the fans. Ryan stands the trash can in the corner. Running clothesline int he corner by Ryan than an elbow to the cut on his head. 

Joey keeps trying to send Tornado into the trash can but Tornado avoids it. Up and over and in the corner by Tornado but he slips before standing right up to hit an inverted DDT. Ryan hung in the tree of woe and placed in the trash can. Kicks to the can by Tornado. Tornado gets the chair chair and smashes it into the can. Tree of woe is undone but Joey is still in the trash can. Tornado to the top rope  for a double knee drop. Tornado covers and gets two. Ryan has been busted open. Tornado gets a ladder. Tornado drops the ladder onto the Ryan. Kicks to the head by Tornado. Body slam on to the ladder by Tornado who than goes to the top rope. Flipping senton by Tornado but Ryan moves. Tornado smacks the ladder both men are down. Ryan gets up and covers for two. Enziquri by Tornado both men are down again. Chair tossed into Ryan's head. Elbow drop into the chair on Ryan's head by Tornado. Cover and Ryan kicks out at two. Tornado sets up the ladder and climbs up it. Ryan shoves the ladder over and Tornado crotches himself on the ropes. Sadly even on that Tornado spot Tornado no sells because of that stupid brass ball's gimmick. Your not looking cool by no selling that Tornado you just kill drama in your match. Pimp slap by Tornado. Ryan rams the ladder into Tornado's head. Ryan piles up chairs. Ryan sits Tornado on the top rope. Superplex onto the chairs by Ryan.  The PWG champion is slow to cover so Human Tornado kicks at two. Jade Chung comes out and and gives Ryan her purse with is filled with thumb tacks. Candice goes after Chung Ryan kicks Candice in the head. Ryan pulls Candice up Drops thumb tacks into her top and than drop kicks her in the chest. Ryan sits Tornado on the top rope and calls for the mustache ride. Chops by Tornado to break it up. Tornado tries for something with Ryan sitting on the top. Ryan blocks it and back body drops Tornado out of the ring through the table that had been set up earlier. Joey pulls Tornado up onto the stage that is in the venue they are at. Ryan gets another table and sets it up below the stage.  Tornado blocks a suplex. 

Flip pile driver off the stage through the table by Tornado. Both men Kare down. Back in the ring Candice has sat up a ladder and climbs up it. Joey is up and Candice hits a cross body on him. Human Tornado is back up and and gets a big barbwire board. Tornado puts it in the ring and sits it up the ring. Superkick by Ryan when Tornado turns around. Tornado catches the leg and goes for DND. Ryan blocks. Drop toe hold by Tornado but Ryan again stops himself from getting into the barb wire. Punch by Ryan. Pump handle suplex by Ryan sends Tornado into the barb wire. We see a nasty gash on Tornado's arm from the barb wire. Ryan covers and Tornado kicks at two. Scott Lost and Chris Bosh come out but before they can get in the ring Quicksilver and El Generico cut them off and take them to the back. Ryan whips Tornado into the ropes and goes for a a dropkick. Tornado holds on the ropes so Ryan misses. Pounce by Tornado and Ryan lands in the thumb tacks. Tornado DDT back into the tacks. DND into the tacks and Tornado covers for the 1 2 3 and the title change. It's a very good hard core match and a very important moment in PWG history ending Joey Ryan's run on top.

From Holy Diver Down Kevin Steen vs Pac- Single leg off handshake at the start by Steen into a head lock. Pac escapes and gets a go behind. Trip by Pac into a front face lock. Rolling takedown by Steen. Lock up and Steen gets a head lock and he takes Pac down. Big shoulder block by Steen gets two and than right back to the headlock. Front chancery by Steen. Pac escapes a gets an arm drag into the arm bar. Hammerlock by Pac. Steen up to a top wrist lock and he forces Pac down. Steen wrenches on the arm. Pac flips and gets a drop toe hold. Pac goes for the Mexican surfboard but Steen is to big. Big elbow by Steen. Pac captures the arm and gets the arm bar. Test of straining anPad Steen gets a monkey flip he than rolls though and stomps Pac in the face. Mexican surfboard by Steen. Pac gets out and hits an amy drop. Head scissors takedown by Pac. Back breaker by Steen followed by a senton shuts Pac down. Chops by Steen and than head butt. Hard whip into the corner by Steen. Steen tosses Pac to the floor and chops him. Steen messes around with the fans. Elbow to the back of the head by Steen than an uppercut. Steen tosses Pac back into the ring. Pac spring board off the bottom rope into a head scissors takedown. . Dropsault by Pac and some how Steen winds up landing on top him that had to hurt. Standing sky twister by Pac but Steen rolls out of the way. Flipping leg drop by Steen gets two. Back body drop by Steen. Steen stands on Pac's hair and pulls his body up. Senton by Steen gets two. Running clothesline by Steen and a release German sends Pac across the ring. Steen takes time to get pissed a fan who has an air horn. Head butt by Steen. Steen runs into a boot. Hurricanrana by Pac. Steen goes a spear in the corner. Pac moves and Steen hits the ring post and goes to the floor. Cork screw shooting star by Pac to the floor. Both men are down. Pac puts Steen back into the ring. Moonsault into a swinging DDT by Pac gets two. Pac goes a rana but Steen turns it into the power bomb and gets two. Package pile driver is blocked. Enziquri by pack and snap suplex into front face lock by Pac. Steen powers free. Inverted Rana by Pac only gets two. Both men are down. Pac goes for a tiger suplex. Steen drivers him back brakes the hold hold and than gets the enziquri. DDT with Pac's legs elevated using the top rope by Steen. Steen to the top rope. Pac cuts him off. Steen knocks Pac down. Pac goes for a super rana off the top but Steen turns it into a sit power bomb. Ok that should have been the finish. Steen back to the top but he is slow to climb. Pac crotches Steen. Steen goes for the second rope package pile driver Pac counters into a rana. Pac only gets two. Again that move should have been a finish. Pac to the top rope and hits the shooting star section and only two. Pac back up to the top and hits the twisting shooting star. Good match but the problem was some of the spots were so big they should have finished the match. After the top rope sit out power bomb i found myself really taken out of the match. That's the kind of stuff that needs to be saved for a bigger match a big time blow off. Post match Steen puts over Pac on the microphone.

From All Star Weekend 5 Pac vs Kaz Hayashi- Kaz Hayashi you may remember from his time in WCW. After WCW closed he headed back to Japan and worked for All Japan. Hayashi force Pac into the ropes and chops him on the break. Go behind by Pac but Kaz counters into a hammerlock. Countered into head lock by Pac. Headlock takedown by Kaz. Head scissors by Pac. Headstand escape by Hayashi. Top wrist lock with clubs to the back by Hayashi. Arm drag by Kaz. Top wrist lock by Kaz and he stomps at the arm before going to the arm bar. Trip by Pac int a grape vine. Escape into the Fujiwar Arm bar but Pac gets the ropes for a break. Front face lock by Hayashi. Escape by Pac and hip toss. Takedown b Kaz into a knee bar than inverted figure four. Pac gets the ropes. Arm breaker by Kaz and than he drops some knees to the arm. Top wrist lock and into a head lock by Pac. Shoulder block by Pac and a head scissors takedown. Pac goes for a diving spec but Kaz moves and Pac hits the ring post and goes to the floor. Kaz follows him to the floor. Kaz catapults Pac into the guar rail. Hayashi back into the ring as the referee counts. Pac gets up but takes some time. Shoulder breaker by Kaz back in the ring than into a choke hold pin that gets two. Crossface by Kaz. Pac gets the ropes again. Stomp to the head by Kaz. Kaz runs into a a boot. Enzigurie and an northern light suplex by Pac gets two. Jaw breaker with a knee by Kaz to take back over the match. Drop to hold into the ropes by Kaz followed by a second rope moonsault. Crossface again by Kaz Hayashi. Pac gets the ropes again. Ok they are really over doing that spot. I get breaking on the ropes are "rules" but change it up early have him escape or counter out than latter in the match have him get the ropes or vice versa. Don't just lock in a hold other guy gets the ropes for a break over and over and over again. Vertical suplex by Kaz gets two. Kaz with a big clotheslines in in the corner. Leg lariat by Pac. Hurricanrana by Pac sends Kaz to the floor. Frossberry flop by Pac, Kaz moves but Pac lands on his feet. Superkick by Kaz. Hot shot into the guard rail by Pac and both men are down. Back to the ring Pac hits a sling shot senton for two. Series of forearms by Pac gets two. Pac goes for a tiger suplex by Kaz counters into a victory roll for two. Superkick by Kaz and hits the air raid crash for two. Victory roll by Pac gets two. Superkick by Pac and than in dumb logic he falls over and the allows Kaz to hit a running knee. Both men are down again. Exchange of shots. Splash Mountain power bomb by Kaz gets two. Enziquri by Pac and a tiger suplex gets two. Pac to the top rope. Kaz cuts him off. Kaz goes for Splash Mountain off the top but Pac counters into a rana. Slow follow up and Pac only gets two. Pac back to the top and hits the shooting star press that only gets two. Pac back to the top as Kaz stand up. Kaz charges but Pac dives over him. Round house kick to the head by Pac. Falcon arrow escaped by Kaz. Enziquri by Pa lands.  Rana by Pac. Exchange of pins by both men. Pac goes for a standing sliced bread by Kaz blocks it and hits a tombstone pile driver. Final Cut by Kaz for the win. Good match interesting to see Kaz as a non jobber.

From DDT4 Cima vs Bryan Danielson- The top guy from Dragon Gate vs the top guy from ROH. Fight over a lock up and Danielson drives Cima into the ropes. Danielson breaks clean but does tap Cima on the chest to show he could have done something. Cima drives Danielson into the ropes and taps Danielson in the face on the break. Danielson blocks a  leg scissors. Arm wringer by Cima. Reversed into a arm bar by Danielson and he pulls back on the head. Wrist lock by Danielson. Cima flips out of the hold and kicks Danielson off. Greco knuckle lock and we gets the test of strength. Neither man will give an inch. Cima finally gets Danielson to bridge back. Cima tries to break it but Danielson stays bridge. Monkey flip by Danielson. Cima holds on an chits a monkey flip of his own. Both men hold on. Danielson puts Cima in the corner and hits a big uppercut on the break. Takedown by Danielson him up in a series of hold. Head scissors by Cim. Escape by Danielson and he ties up the legs of Cima. Shin breaker by Danielson and a second on. Sexy Party by Danielson and into the indian death lock. Goes to the eyes to get the break. Kicks to the leg by Danielson but Cima catches the leg places it on the top rope and kicks the calf of Danielson. Headlock by Cima. Roll up by Cima gets two. SIngle leg crab by Cima. Danielson gets the ropes. Stomp to the leg by Cima. Dragon screw leg whip by Cima into a grab vine. Butterfly lock by Cima. Danielson rolls through and has the legs. Cima gets the ropes. Uppercuts by Danielson. Cima catches one and gets a backslide for two. Double sledge by Cima. Cima sticks Danielson in the corner and drops kick him compassing the neck. Hammerlock by Cima. Running knee to the stomach by Danielson to take over. Mexican surfboard by Danielson. Danielson goes to the chin lock with the legs still tied up. Cima goes to the mouth to break it. Neck crank by Danielson CIma gets the ropes. Danielson reminds the referee he has until five. Cross arm breaker by Danielson and he changes it to a key lock. Cima gets the ropes. Front chancery suplex by Danielson. Head scissors by Danielson than a knee drop. Stomp to the arm by Danielson. Arm breaker by Danielson and a second one. Small package by Cima gets two. Arm breaker again and belly to back suplex by Danielson. Chin lock by Danielson and than he tears at the face. Dragon sleeper by the American Dragon. Cima gets the ropes. Slap to the face by Danielson. Cima spits at him. Danielson slaps him again. Cima ducks a clothesline and gets a lung blower.Power slam followed by he double stomp than a baseball kick dropkick by Cima sends Danielson to the floor. Piscado by Cima whips Danielson out. Beth men are down. Back in the ring Cima to the topes and hits a cross body. Danielson roll through and gets two. Double sledge by Cima. Back breaker countering a bulldog by Danielson.

Danielson to the top and his the diving head butt for two. Exchange of pins by both men. Danielson with a headlock but Cima hits a backdrop suplex. Double knees in the corner by Cima. Danielson gets sat on the conner. Palm strike by Cima. Iconoclasm by Cima. Falcon arrow by Cima only gets two. Cima to the top rope. Mad Splash but Danielson gets the knees up. Cima to the floor. Danielson down on the leg clutching his leg. Baseball slide by Danielson takes out Cima. Suicide dive by Danielson takes out Cima again. Back to the ring. Danielson climbs up the top rope but Cima cuts him off. Palm strike again. Danielson escapes the iconoclasm and gets the cross face chicken wing. The referee checks the arm but Cima is not out. Danielson hits the German Suplex with a bridge gets two. Victory roll by Cima. Kick to the spine and into the cattle Mutilation by Danielson. Cima gets the ropes. Danielson sits Cima on the top rope and hits the upper cut. Superplex is blocked and Cima knocks Danielson off the ropes. Mad splash but Danielson moves. Cattle mutilation but Cima rolls through and pins for two. Superkick by Cima rock Danielson. Swine by Cima gets two. Both men are down. Cima to the top for the coast to coast dropkick. Cima sets swine again but Danielson with a crucifix. Elbow shots by Danielson. Danielson covers but Cima kicks at two. Series of shots by both men are there knees. Running knee by Danielson. Cima gets placed on the top rope. Back drop superplex by Danielson only gets two. Cattle mutilation locked in again. Danielson turns it into a in for two. The time limit expires ending in a draw. Really good match. This was the first time these two wrestled in any company and lived up to it's dream match status. Post match the two men shake hands and joke around a little bit.

From DDT 4 For the PWG World Tag Team Titles Pac and Roderick Strong vs The Briscoe Brothers Jay and Mark Briscoe- The PWG tag belts were vacant at this time and DDT 4 was the tournament to crown new ones it's since become a yearly event for PWG. Man do I feel bad for Pac. Teaming with Strong is bad enough but he's got to work with the Briscoe's as well.  Strong and Mark star us of and Mark being a moron crawls around like a monkey witch given how every coupe of months the guys seem to de-evolve more I'm sure that's how he will be around around full time for 2015. Head lock by Strong a shoulder tackle. Drop toe hold by Mark and his own shoulder block. Strong hits the ropes and hits him right back with a shoulder block. Drop kick by Mark.Tag to Jay and tag to Pac. Exchange of the go behind. Arm wringer by Jay but Pac escapes and hits a head scissors. Sloppy looking rana and a elbow by Briscoe. Chops in the corner and tag to Mark who chops before a snap mare and kicks to the back. Tag to Strong who nails Briscoes and hits some chops and forearms. Running knee to the gut by Strong. Blind tag to Jay and a double teams by the Briscoes. Drop kick that misses by Briscoes but Strong sells it. Exchange of chops. Side kick to the gut by Strong. Drop toe hold into the ropes by Jay and Mark kicks him. Tag to mark who comes in with a  double stomp. Mark chokes Strong on the ropes. Sting splash by Mark. Tag to Jay. Double team and that stupid barking tackle. God that spot is annoying. Weak looking stretch plum by Jay. I swear it looks like you stick a whole hand between the gap I can see. Strong gets free hits a jawbreaker and tags in Pac. Drop fault by Pac gets two. Snap suplex by Pac. Chops by Pac and a tag to Strong. Chops by Strong. I guess Strong didn't want Jay to feel bad about the shit submission because he puts him in a bad looking figure seven like move. Mark in a break it up. Power slam by Strong and he tags Pac in. Standing moonsault than a standing sky twister by Pac. Leg lariat by Pac. Tag to Strong. Strong runs into a elbow and than flipping DDT is hit by Jay. Tag to Mark and tag to Pac. Mar in with a spring board side kick. Time for those weak looking chops because of that stupid "Red Neck Kung Fu." For those that have been blessed to never see it Briscoe does a series of stupid looking "Karate" style moves that are so bad looking its clearly fake not helped by him screaming like a moron. Its the kind of stuff that even the most hardcore wrestling fan would be hard pressed to defend if someone walked in saw it and asked "Why do you watch this stuff?" Strong in and gets hit and takes an exploder suplex. Excaliber says Briscoe is challenging the spirt of Giant Baba and I'm Baba rolled over in his grave over that. Tiger suplex by Pac gets two. Strong in illegally and Yurinag's Mark. Strong picks Pac up and tosses him into the air and the high flyer comes down with a 450. Ok credit that was a freaking awesome spot. Sunset flip into a buckle bomb by Mark.

Jay in and takes out Strong. Spring board dooms day deviance by Briscoes and it only gets two. Head scissors by Mark on Pac. Jay leans into the ring to give extra leverage. The referee fucks up badly here as he look right at the Jay and Mark when Jay starts to lean in. Pac gets the ropes for a break. Tag to Jay. Double team hip chops and a hip toss by The Briscoes. Cover by Jay but Strong breaks it up. Straight jacket camel clutch by Jay. Strong breaks it up. Tag to Mark. Back breaker split legged moonsault by the Briscoes. Strong breaks up the pin. Tag to Jay and he hits a elbow smash. Back hand spring into a DDT by Pac. Both men are down. Tag to Mark and tag to Strong. Back body drop by Strong fool wed up the running forearms in the corner. Nice looking dropkick by Strong. Sling shot falcon arrow by Strong gets two. Assisted standing 630 by Strong and Pac gets two. Strong set of the gibson driver but Jay in a big boots Strong in the face. Jaw breaker by Mark. STO and bulldog combo by the Briscoes. Briscoes go for the running neck breaker but Pac pulls Jay out of the ring. Strong and Mark fight over position. Jay takes out Pac. Side slam by Mark as Jay comes off the top with a leg drop. Mark covers and Strong kicks at two. Tag to Jay. Back body drop into the corner by Strong. Back drop driver by Strong. Tag to Pac. Second rope phoenix splash by Pac. Mark breaks it up. Superkick by Mark on Pac. Enziquri by Strong on Mark. Big boot by Jay on Strong. Briscoes go for the dooms day device on Pac again but he ducks the line. Inverted Rana on Jay by Pac. Spinning splash by Mark gets two. Sick kick by Strong on Mark. Everyone is down. Jay up and kicks Strong in the head. Pac moves and Jay winds up hitting back with a spear in the corner. Back drop suplex by Strong on Jay. Pac to the top shooting star press and the knee hits Mark on the way down. Only gets two. Tag to Strong. Jay gets say on the top rope but blind tag to Mark. Mark goes for a cutter but misses even touch Strong. Jump kick by Strong gets two. Those really sloppy making it clear to me Mark misused and Strong wasn't going to follow him. Stunner by Jay and than the death valley driver. Briscoes to opposites corners. Shooting star by Mark but Strong gets the knees up. Pac shoves Jay to the floor. Gut buster by Strong on Mark.720 by Pac and Mark gets his leg on the ropes. Cancun tornado off the top to the floor by Pac to whip out Jay. Strong hold by Strong for the win. This match blew the big one. It's biggest problem is there are way to many moments that should end the match that don't. A lot of that is because that is how the Briscoes wrestle they will pull out spring board dooms day about ten minutes into a long match like some guys might use a clothesline. 

From Giant-Size Annual #4 For the PWG World Tag Team Championship Roderick Strong and Pac © vs Kevin Steen and El Generico- The Briscoes were supped to get a rematch at this show. But they no showed. We get Kevin Steen cutting a promo explaining this. Generico was the PWG world champion. He and Steen had mainly feuded in there career who ever in ROH they had been made a tag team and were feuding with the Briscoes so PWG got an upgrade to a much better team with the no show. Generico and Strong will start. Lock up and Strong gets an arm bar into a hammer lock. Front face lock by Strong. Generico escapes into a wrist lock. Trip by Strong into a knee bar. Generico escapes and gets a head lock. Pac tags in and gets a chin lock on Generico. Shoulder block Pac. Arm drag exchange. Casa dora into an arm bar by Generico. Tag to Steen. Arm ringer by Steen. Pac escapes and gets a wrist lock. Greco knuckle lock by Steen and he forces Pac to his knees. Monkey flip by Steen and he holds on rolls through into a  stomp to the chest. Chops by Steen. Steen runs into a boot. Drop toe hold by Pac and Strong tags in. Front chancery by Strong on Steen. Hammerlock by Strong. Elbow to the head by Steen to get free. Tag to Generico. Kicks to the rip by Generico as Steen holds strong. Body slam by Generico gets one. Generico goes for a sunset flip from the apron but Strong moves and turns it into a back breaker. Chop by Strong. Tag to Pac. Double back elbow by Strong and Pac. Elbow drop by Strong and a running shooting star by Pac gets two. Power slam byPac and than he drops the knees. Tag to Strong who hits Generico in the back. Butterfly suplex by Strong gets two. Back breaker by Strong. Tag to Pac. Slam by Strong and Pac drops the knees. Leg lariat by Generico and tag to Steen. Stomps by Steen and a running back elbow. Double sledge by Steen and he grinds the arm into Pac's face. Delayed Vertical Suplex by Steen gets two. Back senton by Steen. Tag to Generico. Double sledges by Generico. Back breaker by Generico and than split legged moonsault that gets two. Tag to Steen. Drop toe hold by Generico and a flipping leg drop by Steen gets two. Steen puts his knee on Pac's throat. Generico holds his boot up and Steen rams Pac's head into it. Tag to Generico. Head scissors by Pac and a hick to the head. Pac charges but get hit with a Tilt ta while back breaker by Generico. Strong breaks up the pin. Generico rams Pac's head into Steen's forearm. Tag to Steen who chokes Pac on the ropes. Steen draws Strong into the ring distracting the ref. Steen back to choking on the ropes but Generico stops him. Steen sits Pac on the top ropes. Superplex blocked.Shooting start knee drop by Pac on Steen. Both men are down. Tag to Generico and Tag to Strong. Back body drop by Strong than a leg lariat than a drop kick.Suplex into a shoulder gut buster by Strong. Clotheslines by Strong gets two. Half nelson back breaker by Strong gets two. Tag to Pac. Tag to Steen who chops Pac hard. Double team whip by Steen and Generico and they telegraph the back body drop. Pac goes for his hand spring into a DDT but Generico tosses him off and Steen levels him with a running clothesline. Steen covers but Pac kicks out at two. Back handle neck breaker by Steen. 

Steen sets for the package pile driver but Pac over the back. Strong tags in. Inverted Rana by Pac on Steen. Sick kick. by Strong and he covers but Generico makes the save.  Pac tosses Generico to the floor and flips over the top to take him. Gut buster by Strong on Steen. Pac off the top with a 450 elbow drop. Steen kicks at two. Tag to Pac. Pac on the top but Generico knocks him down. Strong has sat Steen on the top rope. Generico goes after Strong. Jaw breaker by Generico. Pack cuts Generico off on the running Yakuza Kick in the corner. Generico tosses Pac to Steen who is still on the top rope.  Running Yakuza in the corner by Generico on Strong. Steen slips on the top and he Pac just land hard. Moonsault by Steen. Superfly splash by Generico only gets two. Tag to Generico. Strong back in and takes out Steen and Generico. Strong back body drops Pac into a Rana on Generico. Steen with the save. Strong sent to the floor. Dive over the top rope by Generico to take out Strong. Steen withe package piledriver  on Pac he flips him to Generico who hits the Brain Buster for the win and title change. Much better match than the one before it. Yeah we had a lot of big spots but we got actually wrestling before all that started. Hell even Strong seemed to up his game here.

From Giant Size Annual 4 For the PWG World Heavyweight Championship El Generico © vs Bryan Danielson- Right after Steen and Generico had won the tag belt Danielson came out. Danielson asks Steen to go to the back. Danielson has bandage on his head due to a match earlier in the night. Danielson asks Generico to give him a shot and says he needs to do it to be consider a real champion. The fans want it and Generico calls for PWG commissioner Dino Winwood. Danielson gets pissed and slaps Generico. The bell rings and the title is held up. I think this was the planned the main event but they changed it up and had Danielson wrestle Necro Butcher earlier and Generico win the tag belts after the no show by the Briscoes. Generico clothesline Danielson out of the ring. Moonsault form the top to the floor by Generico takes out Danielson. Back to the ring and Generico back to the top and goes for a Hurricanrana. Danielson blocks it and turns it into a power bomb.Single leg crab by Danielson. Danielson pulls Generico to the center. Generico fights back and gets the ropes. Danielson tells the referee he has to five. Slaps to the face and a head butt by Danielson. Kicks to the back by Danielson and than he stands on the head. Kicks to the chest by Danielson. Mexican surfboard Danielson. Danielson drops down to change it into a dragon sleeper. Danielson drops a knee to the face covers and gets two. Exchange of slaps and a stiff one from Danielson drops Generico. Danielson charges into an elbow and than a boot. Cross body by Generico gets two. A pissed off Generico tears off the bandage on Danielson's head and goes after the cut. Blue thunder bomb by Generico gets two. Swinging DDT by Generico. Back drop driver by Danielson. Yakuza kick by Generico. Both men are dazed and trade shots. Big forearm by Danielson knocks Generico. Diving head butt by Danielson but Generico gets the knees up. Running Yakuza in the corner by Generico and  second one. Half and half by Generico gets two. Generico goes for a suplex but Danielson knees him in the head. Running Yakuza is blocked. Cattle mutilation by Danielson but Generico rolls through to a press for two. Back slide by Generico into a Brain Buster that only gets two. They point out Generico didn't get Danielson high enough on that moves and point out he just had a match. Generico points to the cover and and sets up for the corner brain buster off the top. Danielson blocks and head butts Generico off. Generico pops right up and kicks Danielson who is still on the ropes. Danielson escapes the top rope brain buster and shoves Generico into the post. Super Regal Plex gets two for Danielson. Cattle mutilation in the center of the ring. Generico gets the ropes for a break and saves the title. Danielson pulls him back and locks the move back in. They tease Generico is going to tap but he fight back to the ropes. Danielson flips over and knees the head over and over again. Tiger suplex with a  bridge by Danielson gets two. MMA elbows by Danielson and into the cattle mutilation in the center of the ring again. Generico taps out and Danielson wins the title. Damn good match. They story appeared to be Danielson was upset after several title shots had been taken from him and Generico was pissed after getting slapped. Plus by this point both Danielson and Generico were considered the very best on the indy scene. Post match Danielson starts a PWG chant and gets a microphone. Danielson says tonight Generico proved himself and says he respects him and offer him a rematch. Danielson thanks the fans for supporting PWG.

Disc three is basically the Pac show as he's in the a large number of the match so I do see why maybe they put two of his match on the second DVD and moved Ryan vs Tornado to this one. Again you get a lot of great matches. And hell guys like Generico and Pac have both gone onto big things in WWE since so its cool to see some of there earlier matches. 

Overall thoughts on the DVD Set- At over nine hours long this you get a hell of a lot of wrestling action. Production wise nothing ever fails but I do wish they had broken rings up better maybe including more host segment or adding some DVD extras. While this DVD gives you a great taste for the in ring action of PWG I feel like it could have done more to entice fans with some extras to just show more of what PWG is like. Over all though it's a very good set and worth the money. It might be kind of hard to track down but if you newer PWG fans especially it's worth checking out. And yeah its good enough I could see someone who picked this up a Walmart because CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles are on the cover checking out a PWG because of it. 

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