Thursday, March 13, 2014

Flashback Reviews TNA Hard Justice 2005

I think we over use the term era way to much sometimes. It's the beginning the of an era. It's the end of an era. It's _____ era. An era of ______. In reality we rarely known when an era has begun or ended. A good of example of that is TNA Hard Justice 2005. During the early days of TNA no two names were more important than Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles. Jarrett the company founder the old vet and dominated world champion and more often than not the top heel. Styles the home grown star breaking out during the second show the company ever held. A man that would be called Mr. TNA. Early the two feuded over the NWA world title regularly. AJ won the belt the twice from Jarrett during the Wednesday PPV days. But with TNA going to a weekly show on free TV and three hour PPV's the feud was revived in 2005. And this show was the last time AJ and Jarrett ever wrestled for the world title. So yes this was the end of an era we just didn't see it that way in 2005. This was the first Hard Justice PPV as TNA was just getting into 3 hour sunday PPV's at this time. AJ and Jarrett weren't the only big name in the main event as the special guest referee was UFC star Tito Ortiz. Now why I was disappointed by Tito's 2013 return to TNA in 2005 this was a pretty good pick up for TNA name value wise. MMA was getting popular Tito was just a few fight removed from having been world champion and he was still a top level fighter. I think TNA did want to do a Tito vs Jarrett match at some point but that never came together. Tito was on the outs with the UFC because well he's Tito and Dana White is Dana White. So is Hard Justice a good show or is it hard to watch? 

The Pre Show is included on the the DVD so I will also review that since it includes a few matches. As I will state until TNA changes back I really wish they wold do this kind of Pre- Show again as I find having a match and life shot of the arena much more engaging than a Before the Bell Special. Jeremy Borash tell the the Impact Zone to get ready. JB and Don West talk about the main event and talk about Tito Ortiz being the referee. One strange thing I found about the hype for this main event was it came off more like a up and comer trying to win his first world title not a guy like AJ looking to win it back. I don't think they ever brought up or played footage of AJ's previous title wins. Mike Tenay joins Don and JB and says Tito will make sure the best man will win tonight. We get a video interview with Tito talking about various subjects he says he is here to help establish and support TNA and puts over the talent of the TNA wrestlers. Tito puts AJ over as begin awesome and says his time may come tonight. Tito puts over Jarrett putting his time in but other stars are always coming up. Tito says he won't let Jarrett use the guitar. It's pretty boring I think Tito wanted to be serious and since he wasn't wrestling he didn't go into that Tito hype mode he would do for a big MMA fight. More hype by for the card induing talking the X-Division title match between Shocker and champion Christopher Daniels.

Winner gets into the 20 Man Gauntlet later in the show David Young vs Shark Boy- Young was the heel jobber why Shark Boy was the face jobber. Shark Boy with a headlock and than nice looking drop kick. Shark Boy gets Young to look up and than hits another drop kick before arm dragging him. Armbar by Shark Boy. Young drives a shoulder into Shark Boy's gut and than hits a hard looking clotheslines than a shoulder shoulder into the stomach. Young goes for the shoulder one to many times and Shark Boy moves. Bite on the Butt by Shark Boy. Sling shot cross body to the floor by Shark Boy but Young catches him and drops the masked man on the guar rail. Chin lock by Young. Knee lift than into a neck breaker by Young. Back cracked by Young gets two. Young with a second rope moonsault and oh man he hit his face. Top rope moonsault by Young misses. Knee to the face by Shark Boy than a neck breaker gets two. Mounted punches than another bit by Shark Boy followed by a missile dropkick. Dead sea drop by Shark Boy for the win. Decent pre show match nothing to special. This is as close to the being number 1 contender that Shark Boy would ever get in TNA. 

More hype for a main event and they hype the fact it was Dusty Rhodes the Director of Authority that brought Tito in. We also get of footage of security having to pull AJ and Jarrett apart during a sit down interview. We also get a good video looking at AJ's training it's really well down with guys talking about how AJ is a once in a life time talent. We see Jimmy Hart, Mike Tenay, Jerry Lynn and Shane Douglas all praise AJ. We get footage of the AJ Style vs Abyss match at Lockdown where AJ earned his title shot. It's a pretty cool and I'm sure for anyone new viewers that just started watching TNA they got the message AJ is Phenomenal .

Terry Taylor interviews Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett says on the surface it looks like two vs one to the untrained eye. Jarrett lists the name of men he beat during this title. Jarrett says he respect the fact Tito cares about no one and no buddy saying that includes AJ Styles and he will use that against AJ. Jarrett goes to find Tito's dressing room. Decent segment to set the idea Tito might not be the good guy enforcer TNA was billing him as. We get the final hype as JB and Don hype the rest of the card including the gauntlet to become the next number one contender to the NWA World Title. 

We open the actually PPV with a salute to the late Chris Candido. Candido who after years of drug issues had gotten clean and been hired by TNA eventually being made the manger of the Naturals. At Lockdown though he had suffered a broken leg. Tragically a few days after filming an angle where he helped the Naturals win the tag belts he would die of a blood clot. TNA had already paid tribute to him and would also hold the Candido Cup tournament later that year. Tenay says tonight is all about the NWA world title. 

Team Canada Eric Young and Petey Williams with Scott D'Amore vs Apollo with Sonny Siaki - This was pre comedy Eric Young. Apollo was a start out of Puerto Rico who got a few runs in TNA but never really got over enough. Siaki had been with TNA for years and by this time he mainly worked in tag matches. The Siaki and Apollo team had come together after the wrestled each other. Young and Williams jump Apollo and Siaki to start. Double team on Apollo who elevates Williams up and into the turnbuckle. Big clothesline takes out Young. Double team flap jack by Siaki and Apollo. Williams back in he ring and Apollo stays in for his team. Lock up and Apollo tosses him off. Shoulder tackle by Williams doesn't get Apollo to move at all. Young in and tries and fails with the same move. Title a whirl slam by Apollo tag to Siaki and  double Japanese arm drag by Siaki and Apollo. Petey with a knee to the gut Young with a knee to Siaki's back. Drop toe hold by Williams. Tag to EY. Drop kick and neck breaker by Siaki gets two. Big chops by Siaki and tag to Apollo. Double team back body drop by Apollo and Siaki and man EY gets some major height on that one. Up and over the turnbuckle by Young but Apollo just knocks him off the apron. Williams with a sling shot leg drop as Apollo tries to pull Young back into the ring. Tag to Williams who comes in to pound on Apollo before choking him. D'Amore nails Apollo when the referee isn't looking. Young tags back in. Power slam and than an elbow by Young gets two. Knee lift and chops by Young. Superkick by Apollo nails Young in the mouth. Tag to Williams and tag to Siaki house of fire.  Samoan drop on Young by Siaki. Big power slam on Williams. D'Amore trips Siaki on a suplex. Apollo with an awful looking spear on Young. Rana by Williams but it actually look he missed the move and Apollo just fell anyway. Petey goes for the Destroyer by Siaki counters into the Siakolpis. D'Amore distract the referee and A1 jumps Siaki and hits a suplex. Williams covers and the Canadians win. A win off a vertical suplex? Sloppy match at time. Siaki and Apollo just weren't' that good in the ring and it looked like Williams and Young had an off night.

We see Ortiz, AJ Styles, and Jeff Jarrett arriving early in the day. The fans greet AJ and West calls AJ the People's Champion. Tenay says it's experience vs athleticism. We than cut to the hype for the mixed tag.

Mixed Tag Matt Bentley and Trinity vs Chris Sabin with Traci Books- Traci had been Bentley's dating back to his days as The New Franchise but when Dusty Rhodes was made booker he stopped using X-Division guys as often and than booked both Traci and Trinity to feud over being his assistant.  Yes Dusty who took the only two women in the company at this point and had them feud over him. Now by this time Dusty was either about to lose power or had been taken out of it so TNA started booking Bentley more often and shifted the feud a bit. Trinity started appearing along side Bentley it seemed they did it to get under Traci's skin and she started appearing along Sabin who was feuding with Bentley off and on.  West talks about how strange it is to see Traci and Bentley on opposite sides. Sabin the lucky SOB gets a couple of kisses from Traci. The females start us off big slap by Trinity who than runs. Bentley cuts Traci off and she tags in Sabin. Sabin in with chops  and a flying back elbow. Snap rana by Sabin gets two. Bentley panics and tag in Trinity. Traci is now legal and she pulls Trinity into the ring. Fight on position for a small package as they roll around. Monkey flip by Traci. Spring board cross body by Trinity but Traci rolls through and gets two. Neck breaker by Trinity. Standing moonsault misses. Tag back to Bentley. Sabin in with a missile drop kick nails Bentley. Cradle shock block, Super kick blocked. Spin kick by Sabin scores. Belly to belly suplex off the top by Bentley after Trinity distracts Sabin. Slam and a knee drop by Bentley. Trinity holds Sabin. Sabin moves but Bentley stops himself from nailing his partner. School boy  by Sabin gets two. Trinity trips Sabin. Trinity tags in and hits Sabin with a missile drop kick. Bentley tags back in. Exchange of punches by Bentley and Sabin. Tornado DDT attempt by Sabin but his thrown off.  Enziquri to the back of the head by Sabin. Tags to the Knockouts. Chops and a clothe lien by Traci. Trinity turns into a big boot. Traci plants Trinity face first pulling her down by hair. Traci climbs to the top but Trinity shoves her off the floor. Trinity slams Traci into the rams a few times than than hits a power slam. Trinity back into Sabin and than retreats up the ramp. Sabin takes Bentley out with a clothesline.  Traci with a spear on Trinity. Spring board splash to the floor by Sabin. The knockouts are back in the ring. Sabin saves Traci from a Rana and takes the move himself. Sabin blocks a Trinity slap but suddenly Traci low blows him. Bentley than nails the super kick on Trinity before hitting Sabin with a super kick for the win. Post match Traci and Bentley embrace. Decent match as they did some could stuff with Traci and Trinity although it wasn't to the same level you would except later from the knockouts. Sabin and Bentley were pretty good as always. The serve does work given the history with Traci and Bentley. TNA did have a long term plan here they filmed some segment for Impact with Traci and Bentley mocking Sabin and Trinity while the latter two did a segment admitting they had a reason to work together now. Than Trinity left the company and the angle had to be changed again. 

Mike notes its been a year since TNA first started filming in Orlando and how next month is Slammivesary. We get a video hyping the three year anniversary of TNA. Backstage Terry Taylor is with Team Canada. Terry points out it took four men to beat two earlier in the night. Petey snaps about people think Team Canada was on the verge of extension but they are back stronger than ever. D'Amore mocks the fans for chanting USA (pronounced US Ah by hIm) during a match with a guy from Puerto Rico and a guy from Samoa. D'Amore talks about what an advantage his team will have in the gauntlet match. Roode says Team Canada is like a back of wolves. Roode rants about having to be the first man in the match. Terry shows Team Canada who is number two. We don't find out who it but D'Amore says it's sending a one legend man into an ass kicking contest. Decent interview by Team Canada. Man Roode has come a long way in his promos he was good here but he got some polish as the years went on.

Duty Rhodes welcomes Tito Ortiz into his office. Dusty says no one is badder than Tito (I think Chuck Liddell would disagree) Dusty talks about how Jarrett can twist things to his favor and tells Tito to call it down the middle but take care of business if things gets out of hand. Tito says Hard Justice will be served. Man Dusty sucks at promos. Terry Taylor is with Raven and says Jeff Hardy is not here. Raven says he is disgusted Hardy didn't show up. Raven says he hurt Jeff and now he has to face Sean Watlman. Raven says he's sick of being held back. Raven even threatens to hurt Terry. Good Raven promo. ONe problem though that kills it on the DVD is Raven kept calling Watlman X-Pac problem is WWE legal than sent TNA a letter and they had to keep killing the audio it is better the blipping it though.

House of Fun Match Raven vs Sean Waltman- This was meant to be Raven vs Jeff Hardy who had been feuding but than Jeff well no showed the event. Instead Waltman was brought in for this match. If you have never seen a house of fun match its a NO DQ match With weapon hanging from the ring. Waltman comes out front he other side of the arena than he was supposes to and jumps Raven. Should tackle by Waltman and than shot with a trash can. Double chops by Waltman who than racks Raven's face across the side of the ring with a cage wall up. Raven is busted open. Drop toe hold into the trash can by Waltman. Waltman goes for the Bronco Buster but Raven throw the trashcan into his face. Raven Gets a new trash can and hits Waltman with hi. Back to the floor and Raven rams Waltman's head into the ring post. Raven tears at the fore head and eyes of Waltman. Raven rakes Watlman into the chain link Waltman is now busted open. Raven sends Waltman into the steps. Raven gets two trash can lids and hits Waltman with them. Concahrto with the trashcan lids. Raven sets a trash can up in corner but Waltman whips Rave into it. Ankle lock by Raven but Waltman kicks free. Raven gets a chair. Drop toe hold by Raven into the chair is side stepped. Waltman throws the chair into Raven's face. Spin kick by Waltman and than another one. Bronco Buster by Waltman. X-Factor by Waltman. Back outside the ring Waltman puts Raven on a table and punches him. Waltman climbs up the chains they use to hang the weapons Senton from post gets two. It's a cool move but they clearly show a ladder is next to it. So I wonder do Waltman not see it or did they not want to risk breaking the ladder. Waltman covers and gets two. Back side the ring. Sloppy spot where I think Raven give up on the short arm clothesline and instead just goes right into the DDT. Waltman kicks at two. Raven runs Watlman up the ramp and than tosses him off. Waltman goes through a table that is by the ramp. Raven pulls out a pair of handcuffs and trap Waltman around the ring post. Raven gets a Kendo stick and hits Waltman. Raven gets  microphone and asks Waltman if he's had enough. Waltman says piss off… harder. More stick shots by Raven. Dusty Rhodes and a referee come up and uncuff Waltman while Raven is off getting  chair. Watlman acts like he is still handcuffed. Waltman ducks the charm shot and than kicks the charm into Raven. Chair shot to the back by Waltman. Waltman has the kendo stick and gets some payback. Waltman grabs a stable gun and uses it on Raven. Waltman charges at Raven. Raven back body drops him into the chain link section and it gives way.Waltman crashes to the floor. Raven covers for the win. Much better match than it had any right to be. This and a couple of other big matches he had in TNA at this time were the last time Waltman looked good in the ring. 

Backstage we see AJ getting ready as Tito Ortiz gives him the instructions of what's allowed and whats not allowed. AJ and Tito shake hands I always like when we see stuff like this. I'm sure if you have watched MMA or boxing you have heard the phrase "I gave you both your instructions in the locker room earlier."  We get a video of Monty Brown turning heel and The Outlaw/Kip James Debuting at Destination X. We get see the damage it cased 3LK since BG James' old partner was now in TNA. From a story stand point it's a good idea it's to bad I don't give a damn about any of these guys. And I know the Brown the heel turn was a big controversy honestly I was in favor of it. Yes the guy was made over but he was very limited carried to two great matches by Jarrett he wasn't ready to main event and his heel turn was a chance for him to grown. He sadly was more worried about being a personal trainer. Terry Taylor asks DDP where his partner BG James is. Page shows he got  text from BG saying he has trouble problem. Ron Killings shows up and offers to be Page's partner. 

Monty Brown and Kip James vs Diamond Dallas Page and Ron Killings- Page had challenged Jarrett for the NWA title back at Destination X Brown had turned heel and cost him the title. James was the long time partner of BG James but had debuted as heel while BG was a face in the 3LK. Kip had also laid out Konnan in the weeks leading up to this show. Brown and Page start us off. Lock ups with Brown power Page off of him. Sloppy arm drag by Page and Brown doesn't take it well. School boy by Page gets a one count. Brown power Page down with a top wrist lock but Page sweeps the legs. DDP with an arm wring and shoulder blocks. Big right hand by Brown and some shoulder block of his own. Shoulder blocks by Page. Awful looking neck breaker by Page. Tag to James. Tag to Killings by DDP. Awkward lock up I think Kip was supped to nail Killings in the back and forgot because Killings some something. Big hip toss and a arm drag by Killings. Head scissors takedown by Killings. It appears Kip was going for a title a whirl slam but he winds up slamming Killings right on his hip I don't' know if Kip didn't get him around or Killing decided to land that way but it looked bad. Brown in with no tag when the referee is holding back DDP. Big knee by Brown on Killings. Kip in illegally as the referee again holds back DDP. Diving punch by James. James runs into a big boot than a leaping kick by Killings. Tag to Brown and tag to DDP. Brown drops a punch before DDP even throughs it and than he does it again. Sit-down power bomb by DDP but James makes the save. Suddenly Phi Delta Slam a tag team made up of Dusty's friends run out and attack Page. Diamond Cutter on the blond one. Supper Diamond Cutter on the brown haired one. Diamond Cutter on James but the Pounce on Brown. Awkward match not well worked. Brown was still to green, Kip and The Truth just suck and DDP was just a waste of money in TNA.  The Phil Delta Slam stuff was stupid they were two fat guys Dusty was buddies with and brought in. I assume it was either to protect Page and him look good hitting 3 cutters before being taken out or Dusty wanted his buddies to face Page at some point. Thankfully was gone and Phi Delta Slam when ever they used by TNA was turned into the jobbers they were. 

We got a pre recorded interview with NWA tag team champions the Naturals of Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas. The Naturals were the team Candido was working with when he died and from what I hear he was close with them off screen as well.Tenay talk about how about Candido led to a rebirth of Naturals. He asks if they can keep up there success without Candido around. Stevens talks about everything Candido did for him and Douglas. He says Candido taught them how to be champions. Andy says Chris is looking down on them and thanks every from the fans, the boys, and management and a true legend as he calls him. Tenay asks who the legend is but Chase and Andy says now is not time. Chase again lists the various things Candido taught them. Now why it's a very small part of the much more important fact a man died TNA was left in an awkward positions with Candido's death. Knowing the fans were going to cheer them any way The Naturals were turned face. it's a good segment but its by no means a promo it was TNA talking about the very true and sad fact Chris Candido died way to young. 

NWA World Tag Team Championship The Naturals Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas © vs America's Most Wanted James Storm and Chris Harris- These two teams had a long history with each other. Tenay even notes AMW has never beating the Naturals in a tag title match. West notes that even in non title matches AMW had only beat The Naturals twice and suggest the Naturals just have AMW's number. I like little stuff like this during commentary because it makes it seem like a real sport. The Naturals have the Towel Candido would have with him when he would come out for matches. Douglas sets the towel on a chair at ringside. Big Candido chant form the fans. Stevens and Storm start us off. Hammer lock by Storm. Stevens fight into arm ringer but Storm fights into position. Rolls up by Stevens gets two. Arm drags by Storm. Tag to Harris. Atomic drop by Harris and Storm with a bulldog for two. Tag to Douglas who hits a shoulder tackle. Tag to Storm an AMW with a double double power bomb on Douglas. Flying neck breaker by Douglas. Tag to Stevens. Douglas with a bull dog onto Stevens' knee.  Series of moves by both men miss finally Storm nails a kick to the face. Tag to Harris. Bulldog by Harris gets two.Douglas in but Storm cuts him off all four men spill to the floor. Douglas sends Harris into the ring post. Harris whips Douglas into the guard rail and than he drops him onto one. Stevens hits something Storm by the camera misses it. Douglas sends Harris into the guard raid. Douglas pulls Harris off the ramp and drives the face into the wall by the spanish announce team. Suplex by Storm on Stevens the ramp. What's strange is we clearly saw the referee was counting earlier I guess he gave up. Harris whips Douglas into the side of the ring and than catapults him into the ring post. More brawling not eh outside and it's reached that point it's just getting annoying. We know the match won't' end until its in the ring so get back in it guys. Storm rams Stevens into a chair a fan is holding.  Douglas has a chair and hits Harris but misses on the second one . Finally Douglas sends Harris into the ring. Stevens sends Storm into the steps. Douglas goes for a dive but Harris sees it coming and turns it into an atomic drop. Stevens in with a flying forearm takes out Harris. Storm in and gives Stevens the eye of the storm. Storm and Douglas both go for a cross body and take each other out all four men are down. Everyone gets and we get a tower of doom spot. Exchange of punches by everyone. Bit Lariat by Harris takes down Stevens. Eight second ridge by Storm on Douglas gets two. Leaping kick by Stevens on Storm. Cat aTonic blocking. Death valley Driver by Stevens gets two. Super kick by Storm blocked Harris makes the save stopping the Natural Disaster. Superkick by Storm on Stevens. AMW sets up for the Death Sentence but Douglas sends Harris off the top rope to the floor. School boy Stevens and he puts the feet on the ropes. West and Tenay admit that is how Candido would have told them to do it. Not one of the better matches these two teams had the brawling on the floor just went on to long. Also it appears TNA was sure if they were keeping the Naturals heel or not since they worked and won in a heel way. 

Backstage Tito Ortiz tries to go into Jarrett's locker room. Some nameless guy stops him and throatiest to Hurt Tito if he doesn't hurt him. Tito chokes the guy as Jarrett opens the door and Monty Brown walks out. Jarrett welcomes Tito in saying the have a lot to talk about. Decent segment again they were trying to set up if Tito could be trusted.

X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels © vs Shocker- Shocker was a star out of CMLL who TNA was using at this time. Daniels had won the title back at Destination X and Shocker had eared his shot winning the first ever Xscape match at Lockdown. Tenay says Shocker would be the first ever Mexican X-Division champion he also notes Shocker had just jumped to AAA in Mexico. Big punch by Daniels and some forearms. Arm drags by Shocker and drop kick. Daniels to the apron and he tries to suplex Shocker to the floor Shocker lands on his feet on the apron. Head scissors by Shocker off the Apron. Shocker setts for a Dive but Daniels moves. Shocker sees his and flips over the ropes to the floor landing on his feet. Daniels goes for the split legged moonsault to the floor but Shocker Moves. Daniels lands on his feet. Finally shocker scores with a suicide dive. Neck breaker by Daniels and Shocker hits the ropes since the was climbing in the ring when Daniels hit it. Knee drop by Daniels. STO by Daniels than the Koji Clutch. Daniels works over Shocker's necks twisting at it. Shocker blocks the Daniels rana attempt and hits a power bomb. Chop exchange with Shocker finally hitting a series of clotheslines than a kick. Shocker to the top and hits a beautiful looking frog splash for two. Shocker pulls Daniels up but Daniels hits the STO. BME by Daniels but he misses by a mile. Tenay covers saying Daniels over shot I think Shocker was out of position and Daniels didn't realize it.  Split legged moonsault by Daniels gets two. Small package by Shocker gets two. Daniels goes the angles wings but Shocker back body drops him. Sunset flip by Daniels but Shocker rolls through for a basement drop kick. Shocker gets for a tornado DDT but Daniels hits a palm strike. Super plea block and Shocker hits a gord buster. Shockers locks in an STF. Daniels bites Shocker's thumb to get him to break. Camel clutch by Shocker and again Daniels bites and than rolls Shocker off. Shocker slams Daniels stock first on the turnbuckle. Shocker goes for a super plex but Daniels crotches him on the ropes. Angles Wings off the ropes for the win. Pretty good match as we got to see some fun stuff and a pretty awesome finish. I actually think Daniels should do that again in big match. It should be a regular move but a could be cool for special occasions. Daniels gets a microphone and says Mr. TNA just beat Mexico's beat lucahdor. Daniels says he is the best X-Division wrestler in the world today. 

20 Man Gauntlet For the Gold winner becomes number one contender to the NWA world championship- Wresters enter every sixty seconds. Your eliminated by going over the top rope. The final two men than have match and the winner of that fall wins the whole thing. Bobby Roode is the first man out and many number two is Zack Gowan yes that Zack Gowan. Roode grabs the prosthetic leg Gowan wears during his entrances but Gown hits a drop kick. Roode with a suplex but Gowan escapes and hits an inverted DDT than a second rope moonsault. Next man is Eric Young. Roode clips the leg. West points out this could make the who thing a two on one affair. Giant swing by Roode on Gowan. Cassidy Riley is out next. Team Canada tries for a double clothesline as Riley runs out but he ducks under and hits a head stand back elbow on both men. Riley and Gowan double team roode. EY with some big punches on Riley but Riley reveres. Primetime is next and a takes out EY with a clothesline Moonsault press off the top rope by Primetime on Roode. Riley holds Young so Gowan can kick him. Here comes Shark Boy. Neck breaker on Eric Young. Clothes line by Gowan on Shark Boy. Bite on the But by Shark Boy and he drives Gowan over the top rope to eliminate him. Mounted punches by Shark Boy on Young. A-1 out next putting Team Canada at three. Series of clotheslines by A-1 puts everyone but Young and Roode down. Chris Sabin in the ring ring. Atomic drop on Roode than  Tornado DDT and he kicks everyone else  as he spins. Prime Time and Sabin try to eliminate A-1. Petey Williams out next. Williams goes for the destroy on Shark Boy. Shark Boy back drops Petey but Williams lands on the apron.A-1 dumps Shark Boy.Riley goes to clothesline Young out but the both go over the top but hang on. Riley Skins the cat. Young Skins the cat to use a head scissors to eliminate Riley. Sonny Siaki next man in the match. Prime time blocks a Williams Tornado DDT and crotches him on the ropes.Skipper goes to walk the ropes but Roode stops him and than clothesline Skipper out of the ring. Lance Hoyt is next. Big boot for Roode side slam for Williams. Gorilla press on Young to eliminate him and clothesline on A-1. Sabin tries to eliminated Williams but Williams again lands on the apron. Sliding dropkick by Sabin. Matt Bentley out next and he nails Hoyt with a super kick. Sabin clothesline Bentley and the boy go over the top to the floor. Sabin still pounds on Bentley. Williams and A-1 eliminated Siaki. Sabin and Bentley are still fighting. Jerrelle Clark next man spring board cross body over the heads of Williams and Roode. Roode with the northern lariat on Clark. A-1 and Roode assist Williams on the Canadian Destroyer and Clark than "bounces" in such a way he goes over the top to the floor. Mikey Batts next man out and hits a cutter on Williams and drop kick on A-1. Hoyt launches Batts into the air so he can drop kick Team Canadian. Batts tries to take out Williams but A-1 makes the save. 

Kip James is next.  Kip hits a cobra clutch slam on Batts. The fans ask for one more time and Kip does it one more time. Trytan is next But Hoyt kicks him before he's in the ring. Trytan with a choke slam on Williams and than one on Kip James. Spine buster by Triton on Hoyt. Ron Killings is next. Fall a away slam by Triton on Killings. Team Canada teams up and eliminated Trytan. Apollo is next. Series of super kicks by Apollo. Kip pulls the rope down as Apollo charges and Apollo is gone. BG James is next. Momentary stare down between Kip and BG but Team Canada jumps them. Hoyt with a  big boot eliminates Roode. Roode jumps back and holds Hoyt so A-1 can get rid of Hoyt. Kip and BG wind up working together but Don says he's not sure if this planned or just happening. Abyss in next and he eliminates Kip and BG. Down to Killings and Abyss. Abyss goes for the avalanche splash but Killings moves. Abyss tosses Killings through the second rope to the floor. Abyss grabs a chair but he referee takes it from him. Killings with some punches. Big chops by Abyss and than he chokes Killings.  Killings ducks a few Abyss moves a hits a jumping kick. Roll up by Killings gets two. Killings runs into a big boot. Abyss yes his chain and wraps it around hit fist. The refers again stops Abyss. But as the referee is getting rid of the chain Abyss gets the chair but Killings gets it an nails Abyss than leaping forearm with the chair. Abyss nails the referee by mistake. Killings with a low blow and the ax kick off the second rope and Abyss lands on the chair. Killings covers but the referee is still down. Choke slam by Abyss onto the chair. Ref is back but slow and Killings kicks at two. Awkward spot where Abyss is clearly setting up for a spot to crotch himself  but Killings is to slow so Abyss has to set up for it again. Killings jumps off the second rope but Abyss catches him and hits the black home slam for the win. Even with Killings being among the final two it was a very fun match. With TNA bringing back some old concepts I wouldn't mind seeing the Gauntlet for the Gold come back sometime.

Don and Mike tell us the big one is next. Don asks if it's time can AJ stop Jarrett's nearly year long title reign. They replay the AJ video from the pre-show but this time it's a little more in depth putting in more big moment from AJ's TNA history well his recent 2004-2005 history.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship special guest referee Tito Ortiz: Jeff Jarrett © vs AJ Styles- AJ had earned his title shot at Lockdown beating Abyss in the main event. Tenay points out Jarrett not only holds the record for not only the longest NWA title reign but any title in TNA history. They circle each other to start than lock up. Fight over the locks up and Jarrett drives AJ into the corner  Ortiz forces the break. Another lock up and into the corner. Tito breaks them again and throws Jarrett off. AJ drives Jarrett into the corner. AJ breaks, Jarrett tries for a punch but Ortiz stops him from using a closed fist. Go behind by Jarrett AJ reverses but Jarrett gets  drop toe hold AJ into a hammer lock. AJ turns into an arm wringer than a head lock Shoulder tackles but each guy refuses to go down. AJ with a great looking leg kick than the shoulder tackle than the arm drag. Leap frogs by AJ but Jarrett bails to the ground. Jarrett points to his head as Tito starts to count. Tenay mentions that in TNA you can lose your title via count out or DQ. Forearms by Jarrett. AJ slides throughout the legs and hits the phenomenal drop kick. AJ coves and Tito down for a slow awkward count but what else is new from non guest referees. Jarrett with chest breaker than knee breaker. Jarrett cannonballs onto AJ's leg before going for a knee bar. Jarrett uses the ropes Ortiz sees it and breaks it up. Jarrett kicks at AJ's legs. Knee breaker running AJ into the turn buckle by Jarrett. Jarrett catches a kick by AJ and trips Styles. Figure four by Jarrett locked in. AJ shoulder hit the mat and Tito with a much better count this time. Styles starts fighting towards the ropes but Jarrett pulls him back. Styles reverse the figure four. Jarrett grabs the ropes and Ortiz breaks the hold.Tornado DDT by AJ. Discos clothesline sends Jarrett to the floor. AJ drops holding his leg. AJ goes for a move off the apron but Jarrett clips the legs. AJ lands on the floor. Baseball slide dropkick by Jarrett. Tenay says this is the champions match the champions game plan. AJ climbs up on the apron and Jarrett hip checks him back off to the floor. AJ climbs back up and this time Tito stops Jarrett from knocking him off. AJ pulls Jarrett to the floor but Jarrett sends AJ into the ring post. Jarrett grabs the guitar. Ortiz stops him. AJ grabs the guitar from Jarrett but Tito stops him as well. AJ smashes the guitar on the post. AJ unloads on Jarrett and than tosses him back into the ring. Springboard forearm by AJ than the spin kick. Moonsault into the inverted DDT by AJ gets two. AJ sets for the clash back drop by Jarrett. AJ goes for a rana but Jarrett power bombs AJ. Jarrett sets for the stroke but AJ counters. Snap slam by Jarrett gets two. Backslide by AJ than a small package each get two.  Pelle by AJ. Sunset flip by Jarrett and than he pulls AJ up and hits the Styles Clash on AJ who kicks at two. AJ with a knee and hits the stroke on Jarrett. Jarrett gets his shoulders up. AJ climbs to the top goes for a 450 Jarrett moves but AJ lands on his feet. AJ sets for the Styles Clash. Out comes Monty Brown who goes for the Pounce but AJ moves and Jarrett takes it. Ortiz is trying to get Brown to the back. AJ covers and another referee runs out. Tito pulls the other referee out. AJ gets in Tito's face. Low blow by Jarrett. Jarrett sits AJ on top rope. Jarrett shoves Ortiz. Ortiz pulls Jarrett off the top rope. Jarrett shoves Ortiz again and Ortiz decks him. AJ to the top again. Spiral Tap by AJ for the win. Very good match and I would even say a forgotten classic in TNA history. It does have some rough spots but nothing to bad. Ortiz made a pretty decent referee and outside  of one early count was fine. 

Post match Tito Ortiz raises AJ's hand high and than straps the belt around the new champions's waist. AJ and Tito shake hands while Brown is out checking on Jarrett is still "out cold" We close as the new champion celebrates. Tenay tells us to soak it and enjoy it. AJ Styles has done it.

As I said at the start this was the end of an Era. They never wrestled for a world title again and they didn't really ever feud. It was also AJ's last NWA world title reign. Over all this show is ok there is only really one bad match and only one match I would call great that being the main event. I admit it's interesting to look back at this time in TNA as they just starting to establish things that would be part of the TNA Impact Era of the company. It's note quite the early day but it's not really the middle days either. I would recommend this show but you don't go crazy on price or trying to hunt it down. 

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