Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7/21 WWE Raw Results

We are in Miami, Florida and your announcers are Jerry ‘Maybe they would rather have Lebron back instead of the IC Champion’ Lawler, John ‘I can see my home from here’ Layfield, and Michael ‘I wonder if Brock will return to this arena like he did 2 years ago’ Cole.
The show starts off with Triple H making his way to the ring to make a major announcement.
Hunter says that he was walking around backstage and no one wants to look at him in the eye. They are scattering around on eggshells as if he is going to blow a gasket over what happened last night. Over the fact that the WWE Title did not come back to the Authority and stayed on John Cena.
Hunter says that he is mad. He is very mad. He is madder than he has been in a long time. However, he has options. Hunter says that he is going to . . .
Tweet his displeasure. He is going to go on social media to complain about it. He might even send an Instagram or a Vine. Hunter says that he is going to threaten if he doesn’t get what he wants, he is going to riot. If that doesn’t work, him and his friend Mark are going to stop watching.
Hunter says that he could fire everyone in the back. He will fire the crowd too and throw them out in the weather. That will solve his problems.
Or, he can just relax, knowing that sooner or later, he always wins. If he has to wait four more weeks until SummerSlam to win, then so be it. Like a true genius once said, at SummerSlam he can Guarandamntee that John Cena will not be the WWE Champion.
The question is WHO?
Who number one, Randy Orton makes his way to the ring and he wants to know if we are really talking about this. He wants his one on one rematch. The rematches is what he is owed. He guarantees if he is in a one-on-one match at SummerSlam, he will beat John Cena.
Hunter says that he appreciates that confidence and while Randy makes a compelling argument about why he should get the match, he is the front runner.
Hunter says that everyone will get a chance to convince him. Hunter says that he wants someone to impress him. He wants someone to go the extra mile to show him. He wants someone to show him that they want it more than anything in life. They want to be WWE Champion.
Orton says that if Kane had done his duty and done his job, Randy says that he would be standing here with these titles around his waist.
Kane’s name is mentioned so ‘Who Number Two’ makes his way to the ring. Kane says that he hopes that he is being considered to face John Cena. Kane says that he knows that he can beat John Cena. He knows that he can be the one to bring the title back to the Authority. So long as he is not acting as Randy Orton’s protector. He is tired of babysitting.
Hunter has to separate Kane and Orton while ‘Who Number Three’ makes his way through the crowd.
Roman says that if you are going to have a conversation about the WWE Championship, he thinks his name should be in it. Last time he checked, no one wants to see John Cena versus Kane. Nobody want to see Randy Orton versus John Cena again. It sounds like everybody wants to see John Cena versus Roman Reigns. BELIEVE THAT.
Orton takes care of Kane with a Superman Punch and Orton slides out of the ring.
Hunter says that he believes that Roman Reigns is going to have a match. He believes that Roman Reigns is going to face Kane . . . and Randy Orton. He believes that this match is going to take place right now.
Match Number One: Kane and Randy Orton versus Roman Reigns
Orton starts off and they lock up. Orton with a kick and head butt. Reigns with a head butt of his own followed by punches in the corner. Reigns with an uppercut to Orton but Orton sends Kane to the mat. Kane tags in and Reigns gets away from Orton to prevent a double team attack.
They lock up and Kane tries to back Reigns into the corner. Kane with a knee and forearm. Reigns with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Orton tags in and Reigns with punches but Orton with a knee to the midsection followed by the Garvin Stomp. Kane tags in and he hits a drop kick on Reigns and he gets a near fall.
Kane with an uppercut and double sledge to the back. Kane with head butts to Reigns followed by a snap mare and nerve hold. Reigns with punches but Kane with a knee and he tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it and Reigns with a suplex for a near fall. Reigns with head butts but Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip but he runs into a boot.
Reigns with a flying clothesline out of the corner and he gets a near fall. Reigns with an uppercut but Kane sends Reigns through the ropes to the floor. Kane follows but Reigns Irish whips Kane into the ring steps.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Orton with a side head lock but Reigns with punches. Orton with a back elbow and then he stomps on Reigns’ midsection as he does a modified Garvin Stomp and he gets a near fall. Kane tags in and he kicks Reigns. Kane with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Orton tags back in and he stomps on Reigns’ leg. Orton with a drop kick for a near fall.
Orton with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with punches and a head butt. Reigns with a Samoan drop and both men are down. Kane tags in and Reigns with a flying clothesline and splash into the corner. Reigns with an uppercut and clothesline in the corner. Reigns with another uppercut and he hits the Juggernaut drop kick. Reigns sets for the Superman Punch and he punches Orton and knocks him off the apron. Reigns with a punch and Kane with a boot to Reigns.
Kane wants Orton to tag in, but Orton refuses and he tells Kane that he should have been there yesterday. Kane grabs Orton by the throat and Reigns with a Superman punch and spear for the three count as Orton leaves the ring and walks towards the back.
Winner: Roman Reigns
After the match, Orton gets on the apron but he thinks that it is better to fight another day.
Stephanie gives her team of Divas superstars a pep talk for them to annihilate Nikki Bella and send Brie a message.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Brie is sitting in the front row.
Stephanie McMahon comes out and she says that the quitter Brie Bella is here. Stephanie says that Nikki did a good job feigning surprise. Brie has gone from being a world famous diva to just another face in the crowd. It is fitting. Why is Brie in this position? Because she abandoned her sister for her husband, Daniel Bryan, the B+ Player. Daniel Bryan was stripped of the WWE Championship and has been on the shelf ever since. Stephanie says that was a smart move. Now she gets to see her sister get demolished by four people. It is all because of her.
Brie calls Stephanie a bitch.
Stephanie gets security to eject Brie. Brie shows her ticket, but Stephanie says that she is blocking the view of the people so she can take her seat.
Brie takes the mic and she says that Stephanie is doing this out of spite for the slap. Brie calls Stephanie a vindictive bitch. Stephanie slaps Brie and then she tries to hit Stephanie but security takes her away.
Match Number Two: Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox, Cameron, and Eva Marie versus Nikki Bella
All four attack Nikki and Alicia with a scissors kick for the three count.
Winners: Alicia Fox, Cameron, Eva Marie, and Rosa Mendes
After the match, Stephanie says that looked really painful and it was Brie’s fault. Stephanie says that Nikki will do what Brie did and she will quit.
We go to commercial with a look at what you can see on the WWE Network . . . Saturday Night’s Main Event, but they play the original music (which you cannot hear if you have the Network).
We are back with a look at the return of Brie Bella to the world of spectator and the editing of Brie’s harsh language.
Bo Dallas is in the ring.
Match Number Three: Bo Dallas versus Damien Sandow (dressed as LeBron James)
Damien asks if the people were expecting Michael Jordan. He took his talents from South Beach back to Cleveland. He tells Bo to BOLIEVE that he should leave so people do not have to see his goofy smile. He tells Bo to LEAVE.
Sandow with a kick and forearm but Bo with a kick and clothesline. Bo with a back body drop and he clotheslines Sandow over the top rope to the floor. Bo celebrates in the ring and Sandow returns. Bo with punches but Sandow with a back elbow and forearms. Sandow with punches to Bo.
Sandow with a suplex for a near fall. Bo with an inside cradle but Sandow with a clothesline. Bo with a forearm and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a knee and then Sandow takes a shot. Sandow with a slam and then he tells Cleveland he is coming home and he misses the Elbow of Disdain. Bo with the BoDog for the three count.
Winner: Bo Dallas
After the match, Bo does his victory lap as Cole and JBL argue over how many wins Bo has.
We go to commercial.
We are back and it is time for the Highlight Reel, but Chris Jericho is not in the ring.
Michael and Jerry talk about an incident that happened during the commercial break that you can see on the WWE App.
The Wyatts say that they are here.
Cole mentions that the Wyatts attacked Chris Jericho while he was being interviewed during the commercial break.
Bray welcomes everyone to the Highlight Reel. Unfortunately your scheduled host is unable to make it. He is a bit indisposed. Where oh where could Chris Jericho be? Bray says that he wonders.
We go to the WWE app footage of Bray, Luke, and Erick attacking Chris Jericho in his locker room. Bray tells Chris that sooner or later, they all fall down. Bray hums as he leaves.
Bray asks where is Chris Jericho? Where is your savior? Surprise surprise, he ain’t here for you. You know who is here? Bray is. He is here just like he has every day since he has been around. He says that he can read your thoughts. He knows that you are thinking because Chris had his arm raised last night that he is the better man. Do you believe that Bray would burden himself with these petty things? A loss in a battle does not matter because the war is what counts. Bray says that he created war.
It was not so long ago that the Wyatt Family entered a WWE ring for the first time. In their reign of terror, they have dismantled giants and destroyed monsters. They have brought so called heroes to their knees. Who does Chris Jericho think he is dealing with? Bray says that he is the Eater of Worlds. He is every bit the monster that they think he is.
Bray says that you cannot measure him like you can measure a normal man. You cannot measure him by how many dollar bills you have because society is his play thing. Time is irrelevant to him. He lives 100 years in a day. Since last night, it has been recurring in his head. Abigail told him to be careful chasing vengeance because you will need to dig two graves. One for your enemy and one for yourself. Bray says that he is forever.
We see Chris Jericho being checked in the back while R Truth wants to know what happened (since he probably doesn’t watch the WWE App). Zack Ryder is there as well.
Flo Rida is walking in the back and he stops to talk to Big E, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Naomi, and Emma.
Miz makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.
Match Number Four: Miz versus Dolph Ziggler in a Non Title Match
Ziggler goes after Miz and Miz goes to the floor to take off his sunglasses. Miz almost gets into the ring but he stays on the floor. Miz goes back to the floor after actually getting into the ring. Ziggler chases Miz around the ring and Ziggler with a Thesz Press and Miz goes back to the floor and he is sent into the ringside barrier. Ziggler with a chop to the chest.
Ziggler tries to send Miz into the steps but Miz blocks it. Miz kicks Ziggler as he comes back into the ring and Miz with more kicks. Miz tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Ziggler lands on his feet and he gets a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a near fall. Ziggler with a hip toss followed by rapid fire elbow drops while Miz covers his face.
Miz with an elbow and kick followed by a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with punches and a side head lock. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle. Miz tries for a hip toss but Ziggler blocks it. Miz blocks a drop kick and he catapults Ziggler over the top rope but Ziggler holds on and Ziggler sends Miz to the apron. Miz covers up and Ziggler punches him but Miz with a kick and a hot shot into the ring post as we go to commercial.
We are back and Miz is in control. Ziggler with punches. Ziggler blocks punches from Miz but Miz with a knee and kicks. Miz gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with punches followed by a rollup for a near fall. Miz with a clothesline and kicks. Miz goes for the Awesome Clothesline but Ziggler moves and Miz hits the turnbuckles.
Ziggler with a few clotheslines and then he hits a splash in the corner. Ziggler with a neck breaker. Ziggler misses a Fameasser and Miz with a rollup for a near fall. Miz goes for the Reality Check but on the second neck breaker Ziggler counters with a backslide for a near fall. Miz with a Side Effect for a near fall.
Miz runs into a boot and Ziggler goes for the hesitation DDT but Miz blocks it. Miz tries for a power bomb but Ziggler rolls through for a sunset flip. Miz tries for a figure four leg lock but Ziggler kicks Miz away and Ziggler gets a near fall with a hesitation DDT. Miz with a DDT for a near fall. Miz with knees to the hamstring to set up for the figure four leg lock. Miz tries for the figure four but Ziggler with an inside cradle for a near fall.
Ziggler with an elbow and Miz with a single leg sweep and he applies the figure four leg lock. Ziggler tries to get to the ropes or reverse the hold and he gets to the ropes and Miz has to release the hold. Miz gets kicked away and Ziggler hits the Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler goes for the sleeper but Miz is at the ropes. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Ziggler with a snap mare and then he hits the Zig Zag for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
Justin Roberts makes sure to announce that Miz is still the Intercontinental Champion.
Triple H says that there is no reason for Seth Rollins to wrestle John Cena at SummerSlam because he has the briefcase. You put the cards out when you want to play them. Seth says that whenever he has a hand to play, Dean Ambrose is there to screw it up. Seth says that they need to stop Dean Ambrose permanently.
Cesaro enters and he says that if anyone should face him at SummerSlam it is him. He is a walking Money in the Bank Contract. He will get the job done. Cesaro says that he is what is best for business. He is no longer a Heyman guy. He wants to be Hunter’s guy.
Seth says that he already has a ‘guy’.
Hunter has an idea. There is some unfinished business with Dean Ambrose. If Cesaro will finish that business, it would be something that would impress Hunter.
Cesaro says to consider it done.
AJ skips in the back and she stops by Paige and they walk into commercial together.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Footage from the Divas Title match at Battleground.
Match Number Five: Paige and AJ Lee versus Natalya and Emma

Emma and AJ start things off and AJ with a wrist lock and hammer lock. Emma with an elbow and Emma trips AJ and she gets a rollup for a near fall. AJ with a rollup for a near fall of her own. AJ with a clothesline and then she skips around while holding Emma’s hair.

Paige tags in and she head butts Emma. Paige misses a splash and Emma with the DilEmma. Natalya tags in and she hits a drop kick and she goes for a jackknife cover but Paige bridges. Natayla bumps into Emma but Natalya with a release German suplex and Natalya with a Sharpshooter and Paige tries to get to the corner to make the tag.

AJ with a Shining Wizard and then AJ applies the Black Widow and Natalya taps out.

Winners: AJ Lee and Paige

After the match, AJ takes her belt and she skips around the ring while Paige applauds her. Paige raises AJ’s hand in the ring, but it is a trap because she pulls AJ down by the hair and then Paige with head butts and then she throws AJ through the ropes to the floor. Paige sends AJ into the ringside barrier.

Paige sends AJ into the ring post. Paige yells at AJ and tells her that this is her house. Paige throws AJ over the announce table.

Paige mocks AJ by skipping around the ring.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Fandango versus Zack Ryder (with Summer Rae and Layla El)

Fandango with a forearm to the back followed by punches and a drop kick. Fandango with a kick to the head. Fandango with a short arm clothesline and a reverse chin lock. Ryder with punches but Fandango with a knee. Ryder sends Fandango to the mat and then Ryder goes for a missile drop kick but Fandango moves. Fandango punches Ryder. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder but Layla knocks Fandango’s foot off the ropes and Ryder gets the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

After the match, Ryder is in shock but he celebrates his victory with Layla and Summer.

It is time to recap the recent events involving the Bellas.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Flo Rida. He says that he enjoys working with the WWE Universe. Flo Rida hopes that he will get the title match at SummerSlam.

Heath Slater interrupts Mr. Florida. Slater asks him if he remembers him. Slater reminds him of what happened at Wrestlemania 28. He is here to return the favor. Slater pushes Flo Rida and Flo Rida pushes Slater down and Slater is out.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev will face Sheamus on Main Event.

Stephanie McMahon is in the ring and she introduces Flo Rida.

Cole asks JBL who he thinks should get the title match at SummerSlam, but something is afoot next to the announce table. Stephanie McMahon is being questioned by people with badges about something. Stephanie appears to be getting read her Miranda Rights.

Stephanie is handcuffed and taken away.

Brie Bella has returned and she is inside the ringside area.

We go to the back where Hunter finally tries to stand up for his wife. Hunter tells Stephanie that he will get Jerry on the phone to get this worked out.

We are back, but we see why Stephanie is no longer in the arena. She has been arrested for slapping Brie.

Hunter is on the phone and Joey Matthews says the car is ready. Joey asks who gets the title match at SummerSlam. Hunter says that family comes first. It is the mother of his children. Hunter thinks about it and he says that she has to get processed so it will take a while. They need to print her so it will take a while.

Hunter tells Joey to put the car on standby. He will make his announcement and then go to see Stephanie.

Match Number Seven: Big E and Kofi Kingston versus Ryback and Curtis Axel

Ryback and Big E start things off and they lock up. Ryback backs Big E into the ropes and Ryback with a kick and punch. Big E with a flying shoulder tackle and a belly-to-belly suplex. Axel gets in the way of the Ultimate Warrior splash and Big E knocks Axel to the floor. Ryback with a spinebuster and he tags Axel in. Axel with forearms across the bridge of the nose. Axel with kicks.

Ryback tags back in and he punches Big E and hits a suplex. Ryback with a kick and then he keeps Big E from making the tag. Ryback sets for the clothesline but Big E with a clothesline of his own. Kofi tags in and hits a springboard clothesline followed by a drop kick. Kofi with SOS and he gets a near fall. Axel breaks up the cover and Big E clotheslines Axel over the top rope. Ryback misses a splash into the corner and Kofi with a cross body but Ryback rolls through and gets the three count.

Winners: Curtis Axel and Ryback

After the match, Xavier Woods is in the ring and he has something to say. You cannot move ahead by kissing babies and shaking hands. You cannot move ahead by doing what you are told. Xavier says that this is their time and their place. It is time to find focus. It is up to them to find order. Together it is their time to find purpose. They do not ask any longer. Now, we take.

Hunter is on the phone trying to explain what happened.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what Bray Wyatt did to Chris Jericho.

Lana and Rusev make their way to the ring and Lana has something to say. Lana’s comments are interrupted by Great Khali.

Match Number Eight: Rusev (with Lana and Flag) versus Great Khali

Rusev with a forearm to the back and a kick to the back of the leg. Khali with a shot that staggers Rusev followed by a chop in the corner. Rusev with a kick and punches that stagger Khali. Rusev with shoulders in the corner. Rusev runs into a boot from Khali and Khali sends Rusev into the corner and he chops Rusev.

Rusev with a punch but Khali with a chop. Rusev uses the ropes to send Khali to the mat. Rusev with a jumping thrust kick and then Rusev with a boot to the back and he applies the Accolade and Khali taps out.

Winner: Rusev

After the match, Rusev does not release the hold until Lana gives him the signal.

We take a look at Sheamus’ appearance on Royal Pains.

Stardust is in the Imaginarium. Stardust is now singing from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory until Goldust stops him. Goldust says that they can be the brightest, most bizarre . . .

Stardust says that they need the Cosmic Key. Goldust says that ‘they’ currently have it but it is calling them. They will have it soon and it will be calling their names.

Renee Young says that Stephanie will be arraigned later tonight and she may have been charged with resisting arrest.

Match Number Nine: Dean Ambrose versus Cesaro

They lock up and Cesaro goes for the injured arm. Ambrose with punches and he runs his forearm across the face. Cesaro avoids a suplex and he connects with forearms. Ambrose with a knee and he sends Cesaro to the floor. Ambrose with a Thesz Press off the apron. Ambrose sends Cesaro into the ringside barrier and then he sends Cesaro back into the ring but Cesaro with a kick and then he sends Ambrose shoulder first into the post.

Hunter is still on the phone while Orton and Rollins watch on the monitor. Cesaro suplexes Ambrose from the ring to the floor and then he kicks Ambrose. Cesaro rolls Ambrose back in and he kicks Ambrose. Cesaro with a key lock. Ambrose punches Cesaro but Cesaro holds on to the key lock and he takes Ambrose to the mat.

Cesaro continues to work on the shoulder. Ambrose punches Cesaro and Cesaro punches back and it sends Ambrose into the corner. Cesaro with kicks but Ambrose with a double leg take down and he sends Cesaro to the floor. Ambrose goes for a pescado but Cesaro with a European uppercut to the injured arm and we go to commercial.

We are back and Cesaro with an arm bar. Cesaro with a punch and Ambrose is sent into the ropes and Cesaro sidesteps the rebound clothesline. Cesaro with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Cesaro puts Ambrose on the turnbuckles while we go to Hunter, Randy, and Seth watching on the monitor. Cesaro with a boot to the head and then he goes for a superplex but Ambrose blocks it.

Ambrose with a head butt to send Cesaro to the mat. Ambrose with a missile drop kick. Ambrose with punches followed by a shoulder in the corner. Cesaro with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow from Ambrose. Ambrose with a tornado DDT but Ambrose can only get a near fall.

Cesaro tries for a crossface chicken wing but Ambrose sends Cesaro into the turnbuckles and Ambrose with a rollup for a near fall. Cesaro is sent to the floor and Ambrose with a suicide dive and both men are down.

Ambrose rolls Cesaro into the ring and Cesaro with a boot but Ambrose bounces off the ropes and hits a clotheslines for a near fall. Cesaro drops Ambrose’s injured arm on the top rope and Cesaro with a clothesline for a near fall. Ambrose goes up top and Cesaro crotches him and Ambrose is in the tree of woe. Cesaro with kicks and the referee warns Cesaro. Ambrose sends Cesaro shoulder first into the post and then he does it a second time. Ambrose does it a third time and then Ambrose goes to the floor.

Ambrose grabs a chair and he hits Cesaro in the elbow with it and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Cesaro (by disqualification)

After the match, Ambrose throws chairs into the ring and he wants to know if that is all that Cesaro’s got.

Renee wants to get a comment from Hunter but Hunter says that he has to go to the ring to announce who faces John Cena at SummerSlam. Renee asks Hunter if he should be with his wife and Hunter gives Renee the death stare.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alberto Del Rio will face Roman Reigns on Smackdown.

Triple H is in the ring while his wife is at the Miami-Dade County Jail.

Triple H introduces John Cena’s opponent and the challenger for the WWE Title at SummerSlam. . .

Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Roman Reigns attacks Orton and they fight outside the ring. They fight into the crowd. They work their way to the back and Hunter doesn’t know what to do.

Paul Heyman makes his way onto the stage and he has a mic. Paul says that he knows how much he has for Mr. COO, but he hates to point out the obvious. Plan A is not working with Randy Orton as long as Roman Reigns is around. Plan B is great. Every time Seth Rollins tries to cash in the briefcase, Seth Rollins is going to stop him.

The Authority has the uncomfortable decision to implement Plan C . . .

Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage and he does the Brock Bounce before making his way to the ring.

Hunter looks at Paul and he shakes his hand. He also shakes Brock’s hand and it is official that Brock Lesnar is going to take his talents to Los Angeles to beat John Cena.

Paul introduces himself and he says that his client BROCK LESNAR conquered the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. That is why at this moment, his client hereby announces that his intention is to conquer John Cena and take the WWE World Championship at SummerSlam.

Paul says that his client acknowledges this divide that permeates through the WWE Universe. There are those who wear their green t-shirts and pump up sneakers as they scream at the top of their lungs ‘Let’s Go Cena’. There are those who offer the contrarian position because their mommies don’t tuck them into bed and they say ‘Cena sucks’. His client does not matter what side you are on because the malpracticing doctor of Thuganomics will get the beating of a lifetime.

Paul says that he uses historical fact to support his position. Paul shows us what happened the last time his client focused on someone and decided to give them a beating. We see footage of Brock’s win at Wrestlemania XXX.

Paul says that everyone wanted to be the one to stop the Undertaker’s streak. Brock beat the Undertaker so violently that Vince McMahon had to ride in the ambulance because our heartless chairman cared so much about a Deadman’s life. That same beating is waiting for you John.

Brock is not the stereotypical villain who will offer John to surrender the title to escape the beating. John, you cannot escape this beating. Brock will take John Cena down. He will punch John Cena’s face in. John will be hurt by Brock Lesnar. He will injure John Cena. He will mangle John Cena. Then he will F-5 John Cena and then he will strip John of the dignity of being the WWE Champion. The same way that he stripped the Undertaker of his dignity and exposed the Undertaker’s streak as a myth. The same myth that he hears about John Cena being the greatest WWE Champion of all time. Fifteen titles in 10 years. That sounds like something work conquering. Paul pledges his allegiance to the conqueror who stands before him. One Cenation, with no hustle, loyalty, or respect for all.

Paul says that he is the one behind the one in twenty-one and one. Paul says that his client will beat John Cena at SummerSlam and become the WWE Champion of the World.

Brock bounces while we go to credits.

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