Thursday, May 15, 2014

Flashback Reviews TNA Slammiversary 2006

With Slammiversary coming up I figured why not take a took back at some of the older ones. I've talked many times in the past about how even to this day you have people going "TNA is going out of business…TNA won't last…" Yet every June TNA get one year older. And that importance can't be understated so many Wrestling companies have come and gone in my lifetime, GLOW, GWF (the one they show on ESPN) AWF, UWF (Herb Abrams Version) XPW, ECW, XWF, WSX, WCW, and many more. Yet TNA that little company that every IWC site bashes and declares dead lives. We have looked at 2006 a lot in these reviews as I have said suddenly TNA got two huge stars to join the roster, Christian Cage who jumped from the WWE and Sting who hadn't been seen on weekly TV since WCW closed. We already seen the big Jarrett vs Cage NWA title match and this event was meant to start building for Bound For Glory where it would be Sting vs Jarrett for the NWA world title. I recalled this being a great event with an good heel heat moment. But now in 2014 does it hold up? 

Our opening video hypes up the king of the mountain match calling it the most pearlies match for the defending champion. We see Jarrett winning the first one and getting the NWA title back. Christian Cage talks how no champion has ever retained his title in this match. Cage says he will die to remain champion. They hype how it's five men fighting for the world title. We have Sting talking about how he is coming to remove Jeff Jarrett while Jarrett says at some point Christian's and Sting's egos will cancel each other out. It's a real good opening video. Hyping up the big main event and the two stories they needed to get across no champion has ever kept the belt and the possibility friends Sting and Christian could turn on each other. Mike Tenay welcomes up to the show hyping the rest of the card. As the opening pyro is going off we see Team 3D and the James Gang brawling up the entry way jump starting there match.

Bingo Hall Brawl Team 3D Brother Ray and Devon vs The James Gang Kip and BG James- Both these teams had done a lot outside of TNA and basically they were feuding over who the better team was. The James Gang using mocking 3D for only being good enough for the bingo hall. The James Gang has used a lead pipe to steal a win at the Sacrifice PPV. We see Ray tossing chairs in the ring while Devon pounds on Kip and BG. Kip with a chair to the gut of Ray who shakes it off. Dueling chair shots by Kip and Ray. Kip with a boot to the stomach with Ray sells? Wait a chair shot you shake off a boot you don't. And yes I know a good kick to the gut can hurt but he just no sold a chair. Chair shot to the back of Ray which again he shakes off. Chair shot to the head and Ray goes down. Devon in and cracks Kip and BG with a kendo stick. Cain shot to the throat of BG. Series of Jabs by BG. Devon ducks one and hits the kendo stick. Double team neck breaker by Team 3D on Kip gets two. Match spills to the floor. Devon rams BG into the guard rail and they go into the stands. BG whips Devon into the spanish announce table. Homicide and Hernandez who are out there (LAX was protesting something that was going in the news at the time) put the boots to him. Konnan gives BG  some dap but than punches. The LAX attacks BG. Meanwhile Ray is setting some high chairs and guard. Kip lands a big right hand on Ray. Ray hip tosses Kip onto it. BG dives off the ring steps over the guard rail and lands on Devon. Ok credit to BG there that was a new one. Ray and Devon double team on BG up in the crowd. The fans are trying to hand 3D chairs so Ray rams BG's head into one. Kip has a trash can lid and lightly tosses it on Ray's head. It was like he playing toss with a really young kid and didn't want to hurt him. Finally Kip land some clean shots on both member of 3D. Ray has a trash can filled with weapons and tosses it into the ring. Kip is down from something we missed. Ray uses a bra to choke Kip while Devon uses a crutch to choke BG. Ray has a cheese grater. Kip saves himself with the low blow. Kip tries for a something but Ray hits him with the grater. Devon into the ring with Ray. Cheese grater to the face of Kip cutting him open. BG is up and nails both members of 3D with a trashcan lid. All four men are down. Ray body slams BG. What's Up from 3D but BG gets a trash can lid so Devon head butts that. Ray has a golf clip and hits BG low. Kip with the Famuser on Ray into a trash can. Kip covers but Ray kicks at two. Kip with a baking sheet hits Devon in the head. Kendo stick shot to the back by Ray on Kip. Dooms Day Device by 3D. Kip kicks out at two. DEVON GET THE TABLES! We get a nice shot of Kip begin busted open. Baking sheet shot by BG on Kip. Devon tosses BG to the floor. Kip is up and for the cobra clutch slam through the table. Devon blocks. 3D through the table on Kip for the win. Ok opening match. It lacks some logic at times mainly Ray. And well 3D has had much better Hard core style matches in TNA both before and after this. Sadly this wasn't the blow off as this feud would go a little longer.  Brother Ray gets a microphone and says that is how it should be done. I assume that meant to be a little shot at WWE and there New ECW and well history showed Ray was right. 

Don and Mike put over the opener and hype up the rest of the card. They toss to JB who is with Jeff Jarrett. The opening shot shows it says King of the Mountain on Jarrett's shirt. JB asks about the new face of TNA management who is about to to debut and how this is do or die for the NWA title. Jarrett says its night like this why he got into the wrestling business. Jarrett says on nights like this good performers becomes great He talks about how his whole career everyone has said "Jeff can't do this. Jeff can't do that." Jarrett says he successes are when it's clutch time. He compares himself to Joe Montana in the fourth quarter, Reggie Jackson in October and Michael Jordan in game seven. Jarrett says critics didn't give TNA six weeks now they are four years old. Jarrett talks about how Sting says he wants to keep Jarrett from winning the title he claims Sting has a massive  ego just like Christian Cage and they will cancel each other. Jarrett promises to regain his title. Larry Zbyszko interrupts and they argue who is not calling who. Larry says the new face is exactly who Jarrett thought it was. Jarrett says Larry screws crap up and once again he will fix it. Great promo by Jarrett. You could see the first and excitement in his eyes about this big night for himself and the company.

Handicapped Match Bobby Roode and Scott D'Amore vs Rhino- Team Canada were allies of Jarrett and and Roode had interfered in Rhino KOTM qualifying match costing him it since Rhino had been a rival of Jarrett. While D'Amore was a manger in TNA he was a long time wrestler in Canada had trained several talent including Petey Williams and Chris Sabin. D'Amore gets a microphone and says he sees through Rhino's plan saying Rhino couldn't handle getting his ass handed to him one on one. D'Amore tells Roode his job is to sit there and be dazzled by his catch as catch can brilliance. Rhino comes out and D'Amore runs to ramp. Back body drop by Rhino and Roode rolls to the floor. D'Amore and Roode argue with D'Amore saying he wasn't ready. D'Amore climbs into the rig and tags right out. Rhino goes D'Amore allowing Roode to attack him. Head lock by Roode but Rhino gets free. Shoulder block by Rhino. Clotheslines by Rhino. Roode wants a tag but D'Amore won't do it. D'Amore tries to hype his man up and slaps him on the back witch the referee counts as a tag. Rhino bring D'Amore into the ring. D'Amore runs slowly but this gives Roode a chance to nail Rhino on the outside. Roode sends Rhino back into the ring. D'Amore covers and gets two. D'Amore puts the boots to the Rhino and than mocks the crowd Rhino gets up. Roode and hits a stunner. D'Amore covers and gets two. Tag to Roode who chokes Rhino on the ropes. Chops by Roode and he whips Rhino into the corner back first. Roode covers and gets two. Tag to D'Amore who kicks Rhino as Roode hold him. Karate chop by D'Amore. Jaw breaker by D'Amore. Rhino sets for a pile driver but Roode is in to save the coach. Knee drops by D'Amore. Tag to Roode. Vertical suplex by Roode gets two. Double sledge by Roode after punches. Tag to D'Amore who goes to the second ropes and drops the fist. Leg drop by D'Amore. Tag to Roode. Belly to belly suplex by Rhino as he breaks out of a chin lock. Rhino charge into the boots. Roode with a neck breaker gets two. Tag to D'Amore. Boots by D'Amore. D'Amore climbs to the tope rope. Moonsault misses. Roode dives off the top by Rhino sets him coming and nails him.Flying shoulder block on Roode. The referee has his back turned checking on Roode allowing D'Amore to hit Rhino with the hockey stick. D'Amore sets for DAmorelizer (His old finisher) but Rhino is to big. Spine buster by Rhino on D'Amore. Roode charges but gets tossed over the top rope to the floor. Gore on D'Amore for the win. Ok match it was all about that big moment where Rhino could gore D'Amore. This was D'Amore last appearance on TNA PPV (Not counting appearing as an agent) as Team Canada disbanded in the weeks ahead. 

Backstage JB is with Samoa Joe. JB points out Joe's undefeated streak is now one year long but tonight he faces something different in Scott Steiner. Joe points out Steiner has never faced someone like him. Joe says Steiner can't intimidate him he doesn't care about Steiner's short fuse. He points out Steiner has never been pinned int TNA but that changes tonight.

X-Division Rankings Match winner is number 1 contender to the title Senshi vs Shark Boy vs Petey Williams vs Jay Lethal vs Alex Shelley vs Sonjay Dutt- Two men start you can tag in or out elimination rules and the winner gets a shot at Samoa Joe. Shark Boy and Petey Williams starts off. Shoulder block by Shark Boy. Slap to the face by Williams. Shark Boy with a drop kick and than an arm drag. Top wrist lock and Shark Boy bites the fingers. Back body drop and than mounted punches by Shark Boy. Atomic drop by Williams and he hangs Shark Boy in the tree of woa. Petey goes for the Oh Canada nuts spot but Shark Boy sits up and does the shark bite on the butt. Petey to the floor sling shot cross body by Shark Boy. Tag to Lethal. Double team by Shark Boy and Lethal and the hart attack drop kick. Back breaker by Lethal. Jumping knee than a drop kick to the leg by Williams who than tags Senshi aka Low Ki. Kicks to the chest by Low Ki than chops. Lethal with a chop but Senshi fires back. Dropkick by Lethal gets one. Flap jack by Lethal gets two. Spin kick than a question mark kick to the back of the head by Senshi. Senshi tags Shelley. Double team elbow on Lethal. Neck tie by Shelley and he pulls  Lethal back into the knees. Lethal floats over. Shelley counters out and hits a lung blower. Shelley covers and gets two. Jaw breaker by Lethal. Hip toss and cartwheel into dropkick to the face by Lethal who than tags in Sonjay. Flying head scissors by Dutt than an arm drag. Drop toe hold than a senton followed by the standing moonsault by Sonjay gets two. Sprinkler by Sonjay but Shelley takes out the legs who than gives a him rope burn on the crotch. Spin kick by Shelley gets two. Kaprana by Shelley gets two. Shelley dicks with Shark Boy who comes in the ring and kicks Shelley. Everyone locks into a suplex position and it's Sonjay, Shark Boy and Lethal who hit it. I guess the stuff Shelley did to Shark Boy counts as a tag (he did touch him) because Sonjay and Shark Boy fight it out. Chummer by Shark Boy. Spring board body press by Shark Boy gets two. Jumping back elbow by Dutt. Sonjay charges into the boot. Dead Sea Drop is blocked. Neck breaker by Shark Boy who climbs to the top rope. Big Elbow misses. Running shooting star by Sonjay and Sharky is done. Shelley into the ring and uses his boot to choke Sonjay. Shelley goes for a belly to back suplex by Sonjay lands on his feet. Upper cut by Sonjay. Enziquir by Shelley. Neck breaker by Dutt gets two. Blind tag by Lethal on Sonjay. Lung blower by Shelley on Sonjay. Spring board drop kick by Lethal. Dragon suplex is blocked. STO into the turn buckle by Shelley on Lethal. Dropkick to the butt drives Lethals head into the turnbuckle. Brain buster by Shelley who climbs to the top for senton. Lethal gets the knees up. 

Dragon suplex by Lethal and he pins Shelley. Williams right in and gets a release German suplex on Lethal. Sonjay and Senshi into the ring. Everyone hits some kind of move. Sonjay goes to dive onto Senshi but Senshi kicks him. Sling shot rana to the floor by Williams on Senshi. Suicide dive by Lethal takes out Williams. Sonjay to the top rope. Moonsault press by Sonjay to the floor takes everyone out. Lethal lays out Williams in the ring. Lethal diving head butt misses. Canadian Destroyer by Williams and Lethal is out. Sonjay in. Leg drop by Petey gets two. Senshi holds Sonjay. Jumping elbow by Williams but Sonjay moves so Williams hits Senshi.Roll up by Sonjay gets two. Dutt with an enziguri. Hot shot by Williams. Sonjay tags in and lays out Williams with a lariat. Sonjay is down and Senshi sets for the warrior's way (top rope double stomp) but Williams cuts him off. Williams tires for the Destroy off the top. Senshi holds on. Standing sliced bread by Sonjay takes out Petey. Warrior's Way by Senshi pins Petey. Top rope rana by Sonjay and a running basement dropkick gets two. DDT by Sonjay. Dutt tries a sunset flip but that just lets Senshi double stomp him for two. Neck breaker by Dutt and he climbs to the top rope. Hindu press by Senshi gets the legs up. Running drop kick by Senshi sends Dutt into the turnbuckles hard. Sonjay hung in the tree of woa. Senshi stands on the knees forcing Sonjay to sit up. Warrior's way for the win by Senshi Good match lots of action and some exciting spots. At the time given Shelley's on screen alliance with Nash and the on going story line I would have rather Shelley wins. But I also get given Joe's gimmick someone like Senshi looks like more of a threat for him. 

Backstage JB is with Kevin Nash and Alex Shelley. Shelley lies about what happened to him saying it was 15 to 20 guys with weapons and he was distracted thinking about the celebration he and Nash are going to have after his match. Nash address Sabin's father since it's father's days and says he won't' pick up the doctor's bills. He says Sabin asked for this. Good promo by Nash. 

X-Division Challenge Kevin Nash vs Chris Sabin- Nash had been off TV for months and when he returned he went after the X-Division since people thought that giving TNA it's identity. He also attacked several X-Division wrestlers including Sabin who he beat up after Sabin had been in a long match for the Super X-Cup. Plus Nash is notorious for putting down smaller guys. To Nash credit this was when he still gave a damn and was dying his hair instead of letting it bee gray. Knee to the gut by Nash than a elbow to the back of the head followed by the punch. Sabin ducks the shots and kicks at the legs and tries to chop Nash down with punches. Big knee to the stomach by Nash shuts Sabin down. Slide through the legs by Sabin and he rocks Nash with punches. Poke to the eye by Nash. Nash goes for snake eyes Sabin escapes. Dropkick by Sabin knocks Nash down. Nash to the floor. Nash backs away from the ring so Sabin can't dive on him. Alex Shelley comes out to consult with Nash. Shelley distracts Sabin allowing Nash to hits a clothesline. Nash uses the boot on Sabin's face. We see Shelley taking a turn buckle pad off behind the referees's back. Nash goes for Snake Eyes into the exposed turn buckle. Sabin escapes and shoves Nash into it stomach first. Nash's head sent into the turn buckle. Second rope dropkick by Sabin gets two. Sabin goes of the cradle shock by Nash is to big. Shelley hooks Sabin's foot and Nash hits the big boot. Side slam by Nash gets two. Back breaker by Nash and he stretches Sabin across the knee. Knee's in the corner by Nash than the back elbow. Big boot by Nash. Nash sets for the power bomb. Series of Punches on the shoulders by Sabin and Nash goes down. Nash kicks at two. Sabin goes for Cradle shock and gets him up. Shelley on the apron grabs onto Nash's boot. Dropkick to the knee by Sabin. Suicide dive by Sabin takes out Shelley. Seres of clothesline and a kick to the leg by Sabin. Spring board clothesline by Sabin gets two. Sabin to the top rope and hits the leg drop which gets two again. Sabin back to the top and Shelley trips him. Sabin lands on the exposed turnbuckle hard. Nash drops the stapes. and puts up an X. Jackknife power bomb for the Nash win. Very good little guy vs big guy. To Nash's credit he did sell for Sabin and there times you thought maybe Sabin could pull off the upset. Don West and Mike Tenay do a great job selling how it was Shelley that kept saving Nash. And this did help raise Sabin's profile in TNA. My only real issues is I wish there had been a rematch where Sabin has been able to get a win. 

Post match Shelley leaps into Nash's arms while Don and Mike Show there disgust. JB is with AMW and Gail Kim. JB reminds us AMW has been with TNA since day one. They point out this is the last chance for AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels to win the NWA tag belts. Harris says they have NO chance. Harris calls Styles and Daniels a failed experiment. Gail Kim talks about AJ and Daniels claim they have a neutralizer for tonight. Storm says AJ and Daniels aren't tough enough sorry about your damn luck. Good heel promo. 

NWA World Tag Team Championship America's Most Wanted Chris Harris and James Storm © with Gail Kim vs AJ Styes and Christopher Daniels- AJ and Daniels has found respect for each other during there mutual feud with Samoa Joe. They had teamed up to bring respect back to the NWA tag titles. In three previous matches Gail Kim's interference had cost AJ and Daniels who they now climbed they could neutralizer. AJ and Daniels both come out in blue and white and it appears Daniels has added a circle to look like 1 logo AJ had on his. I always love when team dress alike  since they are supposed to be a team. Harris and Storm had the longest NWA world title on record during this reign. Before the match we see James Storm doing something to the ring steps. Storm and Styles will start the match. Lock up and Storm break from it when AJ won't give an issue. Head lock by Storm. Shoulder block by Storm and a kick to the Storm. Storm toes AJ over the top ropes AJ holds on nails storm in the gut. Phenomenal dropkick by AJ Styles connects. Tag to Daniels who nail a move and tags AJ back in. Arm wringer by AJ and than a tag to Daniels who kicks Storm arm. Storm bull rushes Daniels over to the AMW corner. Harris tags in. Arm wringer and top wrist lock by Harris. Daniels revers. Fight over control of the hold. Thumb to the by Harris. Sweep by Daniels. Harris drops down by Daniels sees it happening and uses this as a chance to stand on Harris' head. Leg lariat by Daniels puts Harris down. Storm into the ring but runs into a drop toe hold causing him to land in a awkward way on Harris leading to a Brockback Mountain chant. AJ in and tosses Storm over the ropes. Storm holds on and goes to skin the cat and bring AJ over but he gets Harris instead. AJ and Daniels toss Storm to the floor again. Flip dive by AJ to the floor whips out AMW. AJ tosses Storm into the ring. Sling shot elbow by Daniels yes two. Tag to AJ. Series of double teams by AJ and Daniels. Power slam by AJ and he drops the knees. Storm goes to the throat. AJ gets whipped and AMW tries for a cheap shot by Harris but AJ goes under his legs to the floor. AJ pulls Harris off the apron. AJ gets back in the ring and hits Storm. AJ goes to hit the ropes but Harris has recovered and pulls the top rope down causing AJ to fall to the floor. AMW pound on AJ on the floor. Daniels over to the make the save. Daniels rocks Harris with strikes. Gail Kim jump on Daniels back allowing Harris to get control. Storm pokes AJ in the eyes taking over his side of the fight. Harris drops Daniels throat first on the guard rail and Storm tosses AJ into it. Storm goes to whip AJ into the steps. AJ jumps over the steps and than over the guard rail. AJ goes to jumps off the guard rail but Storm knocks him down. Harris and AJ into the ring. Harris covers but AJ kicks at two. Leaping lariat by Harris gets two. Tag to Storm. AJ strung up on the ropes as Harris holds him. Harris leap frogs over Harris' shudders and onto AJ's back. 

Series of kicks by Storm knock AJ down. Storm covers but AJ kicks at two. Harris in no tag behind the refries back. Delayed Suplex by Harris who than just chokes AJ. Tag to Storm and double team stomps by AMW. Storm goes for the eye of the storm but AJ escapes. AJ leaps for the tag but Storm catches him and runs AJ into the corner. Butterfly suplex by Storm and Daniels breaks up the pin. Storm goes for the eight second ride out of the corner but AJ knees him in the head and hits the pelle. Both men are down. Tag to Daniels and tag to Harris. House of fire time by Daniels and he takes out AMW. Split legged moonsault by Daniels on Storm. Harris tries to drop on elbow on Daniels but he nails Storm by mistake. Blue thunder bomb on Harris. Gail Kim up on the turn buckle to distract the referee. AJ shoves Gail off the turn buckle. A massive muscle bound woman comes into the ring and choke slams Gail tan than tosses Gail to the floor and than she picks Gail up and carries her out of the Impact Zone. AJ and Daniels are watching this go on allowing AMW to recover and toss AJ to the floor.Harris gets Daniels up in the electric chair and Storm climbs the top rope. AJ shoves Storm off and he falls to the floor. Victory roll by Daniels gets two. Angels wing is blocked by Harris. Harris nails AJ and the referee checks on AJ. Storm from the floor tosses a chair into Daniels head. Harris covers but Daniels kicks at two getting a huge pop as the fans thought it was over. AJ back in and drags Daniels over to there corner while Harris argues with the referee. AJ tags in. Maybe the best looking spring board forearm of AJ's career nails Harris. Storm in but takes the moonsault inverted DDT. Pump handle gut buster on Harris. AJ to the rope rope. Spiral tap misses. Harris grabs the handcuffs and nails AJ with them. Harris overs. but Daniels pulls the referee out of the ring. Don and Mike point out that's one of AMW's tricks.Storm nails Daniels and sends him into the steps. AMW sets for the death sent race. Daniels breaks it up and hits a Death Valley Driver on Harris. Flipping senton by AJ gets two. Daniels tags in and goes for the Angles Wins's it's blocked Storm nails a clothesline. Storm super kick is blocked and low blow by Daniels. Angels Wings on Storm. Daniels covers but Harris nails the referee with an elbow to stop the count. AJ splash Harris but misses a second one. Storm has a beer bottle. Harris sets for the cat a tonic on AJ. Daniels ducks the bottle shot and Storm nails Harris. Yurnaga on Harris. Frog splash by AJ followed by the Daniels BME for the win and title change. 

A great match one of the very best matches during this time in TNA. The big moves all make an impact It's not like so many of the Briscoe Brothers matches I've reviewed where they blow through sixty big moves in about ten minutes. It played into the bast history for the teams very well. And the crowed was electric for this title change as I would say the pop was about as big as any in TNA.That said this match isn't perfect tag are ignored at times as guys just suddenly become legal that is a minor nit pick though. The real big issue was the "Neutralizer" or Seralda as she would be called. I like the logic the of having AJ and Daniels bring in someone to take out Gail. She was very green the belief is she got the spot because Scott D'Amore was her trainer and he was head of creative at this time. Meanwhile TNA had Traci Brooks under contract not only was she a trained wrestler but she had a history with Gail as they started there careers together. However TNA did have a plan for Traci where in a few months she would returns as the heel valet of revamped Robert Roode so I get TNA didn't want her to turn face and feud with Gail over the summer and than go heel to join Roode in the fall.

Jeremy Borash interviews Sting. JB points out this is Sting's first chance at gold in TNA. Sting says it's feel good to be wrestling for the gold. Than he screws up and calls it the first king to the mountain. This was the third KOTM now maybe he meant to say my first ever king king of the mountain but either way is a screw up. Sting says everyone has there own goals. Sting says he can multi task and admits if he gets a chance to take the title he will take it and warns Christian. But he wants to keep Jarrett out of power. Ok promo by Sting but the screw up hurts it and it's was kind of retread of stuff we already knew and it came off like he was on auto pilot. I do like having him admit he will go after the title if he had a chance because him saying "I don't' care about the NWA title I'm in this match to keep Jarrett from wining." Would only devalue the title. Plus when Christian turns on Sting it puts Sting in the right because Cage had been warned.

We get a video package recapping the first four years of TNA. We see the debut show and Shamrock winning the NWA title and the Toby Keith with Jarrett stuff.The Ultimate X, Tito Ortiz KO'ing Jarrett, AJ locked in the Daniels Koji clutch during one of there many matches. AJ winning the X-Division title. Jeff Jarrett winning the NWA title. The first ever six sides of Steel. Raven's debut. Samoa Joe. Sting and Christian joining TNA. Rhino winning the NWA title. Raven getting his head shaved. AJ holding the NWA title. Jarrett attacking Hogan in Japan. Christian Cage's NWA title win, The debut on Spike TV. And so much more. I love stuff like this and its important to do on a anniversary show like this. 

Mike Tenay is in the ring and says its time to make another great moment in TNA history. He talks about the recent talk about a new face for TNA management. Tenay says this person will hold everyone in TNA accountable (Mike you have no idea.) Mike says this man is one of the greatest managers in wrestling history but he's also worked behind the scenes. Mike says he's debated his life to wrestling and than introduces Jim Cornette. Cornette who had knee surfer comes out limping badly. Cornette says finally he's come back to PPV. He puts over what a great tag match we just saw. Cornette says TNA is the new face of wrestling and he's sick of looking at the old one. Cornette says he's been keeping an eye of things. We get a shot of a very nervous Larry Zbyszko backstage (nice touch) Cornette puts over Panda Energy but says the "experts" they hired let them down. Cornette says he get results (He never said he got positive ones so I can't call him a liar.) Cornette says he knows all the tricks. We see Sabin, Dutt, and Lethal watching backstage talking amongst themselves witch i like since the tis how you would react when a new boss comes in. Cornette starts a TNA chant. Basically Cornette says play by my rules your welcome here if you don't go away. Sadly that is seems to be what Cornette really wanted. Its an ok segment but it's hand't been worth all the BS Corn Ball has pulled since he got canned when he couldn't' play by the rules TNA had.

JB is with Scott Steiner. Scott says its' not Samoa Joe its sloppy Joe. Steiner claims he's beat everyone (Even guys I don't he ever worked with.) Steiner rants about how fat people want Joe win. Steiner says tonight the winning streak ends and he kills Joe. One of those promos for Steiner that seemed to just ramble on.

Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner- Back at Sacrifice Joe had teamed with Sting and beat the team of Steiner and Jarrett. Also this was the first one on one match Joe ever had in TNA outside of the X-Division. So idea was that for the first time Joe wasn't the bigger man. Joe had the X-Division title but it wasn't on the line here. Arm wringer into a firemen's carry by Steiner. Joe pops right up unimpressed. Lock and a Steiner scores a double leg takedown. Lock up and Steiner into the corner and knees him. Hip toss by Steiner and he paint brushes Joe in the back of the head. Steiner poses but spits in his face. Exchange of punches and series of kicks to the head by Joe chop to the back kick to the chest and knee drop by Joe. Over head belly to bell suplex by Seiner. Joe gets chokers on the ropes. Steiner runs into a boot. Face wash by Joe. Steiner rolls to the floor to avoid the running ole kick. Suicide dive by Joe takes out Steiner. Chops by Joe on the floor. Steiner is able to ram Joe's face into the ring steps. Steiner line back in the ring and elbow drop. Joe fires back with chops until Steiner goes to the eyes. Belly to belly suplex by Steiner. Power bomb  by Steiner but he leaves him arm in position for a triangle choke. Steiner gets the ropes for the break. Jabs by Joe drop Steiner. Joe charges but runs into Steiner who catches him and basally hits the ST JOE. Steiner tosses Joe to the floor and follow whim out. Joe sent into the guard rail. Joe's head rammed into the wall. Steiner gets a chair but the referee stops him. Joe with chops and smashes the chair into Steiner's face. Steiner falls to the ring post. Joe goes for a clothesline but hits the post. Chair shot to the stomach by Steiner and than sends Joe back first into the ring apron.Chair shot as Joe is leaned up against the post. The referee starts the count. Steiner with another chair shot and than gets back in. Joe beats the count. Joe first back with open hand stores. Atomic drop and running kick by Joe. Joe with the senton. ST JOE by Samoa Joe. Steiner back to the eyes. Joe floats over on a power slam and hits a sit out power bomb like move and gets two. Running clothesline by Joe but Steiner stays on his feet. Joe gets the choke locked in. Steiner gets free and gets to his feet. Joe back into the corner to break the hold. Joe gets it in again but low blow by Steiner breaks it up. Half nelson suplex by Steiner drops Joe on his head. Steiner recliner is locked on. The referee checks the arm. Joe gets free and gets Steiner into the electric chair and drives Steiner down neck first to the ropes. Joe with the snap power slam gets the win. I don't think Joe has ever won another match with snap power slam. I'm not against since I like the idea of guys not always using the same finishers. This match has some good spots but the referee letting the weapons and now lows go would be one thing but than he goes to enforce the count out. 

As they set up for the king of mountain Don and Mike hype it up and how no champion has ever kept the title in this match. We toss back to JB with Christian Cage. JB calls this the toughest challenge of Cage's title reign. Cage asks who the champ is? And than he talks about everyone talking about how no one has retained the title. He makes a joke about the old if I had a dime line. Cage calls his challengers the four toughest and says Sting showed his true colors. Christian calls the NWA title a drug and he's addicted to it. Cage says Jarrett might have built TNA but it's not Christian's property. Ok promo by Cage he showed the hints of his on coming heel turn but didn't go all out. 

King of the Mountain Match For the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Christian Cage © vs Abyss with James Mitchell vs Sting vs Jeff Jarrett vs Ron Killings- To win you must hang the NWA title belt by climbing a ladder. But first you must score a pin or a submission on someone else in the match. If you are pinned or submitted you are locked in the penalty box for two minutes. Falls also count anywhere. I love the KOTM match it's a cool twist on the ladder match (Instead of just adding more weapons) and I hope TNA brings it back someday. Larry Zbyszko  is out for this match to hold onto the NWA title and Earl Hebner will referee this match they had been a story where Earl was the referee for every PPV main event. Abyss pulls Sting to the floor at the start. Killings squares off with Jarrett while Cage and Sting double team Abyss. Flying forearm by Killings. Cage in the ring to double team hip toss Jarrett with Killings. Super kick on Cage by Killings. Sting rams Abyss's head into the guard rail and the steps. Cage tosses Killings over the top rope to the floor. Jarrett misses a clothesline on Cage and gets sent the floor. Chest first dive by Cage onto Jarrett. Killings and Sting double team Abyss in the ring. Ax kick by Killings on Abyss who goes to the floor. Flip dive by Killing whips out Jarrett, Cage and Abyss. Sting climbs atop the penalty box cage and hits a cross body whipping out everyone. Back in the ring Sting chops Jarrett in the noise. Sting scratch the back and hits some chops. Stinger Splash on Jarrett. Killing back in and hits a missile drop kick on Jarrett to score the first pin and be able to win. Sting makes sure to put Jarrett in box. Killings has the belt Abyss shoves Sting into the cage when his back is turned. Cage goes after Abyss. Cage teeters the ladder into Killings face and covers. Abyss breaks up the pin to keep Cage from getting the pin. Abyss stands on Cage's chest. Abyss tries to gorilla press Cage over the top but Christian goes behind and rolls him up to pin. Abyss lays out Cage before going to the box. Killings attacks. Cage. We see Jarrett begging Abyss and Mitchell to worth with him. Drop kick by Sting on Killings. Jarrett pulls Christian out of the ring and rams his head into the guard rail. Jarrett toss Cage into the ladder and than sends it into his stomach. Power slam and elbow drop by Sting on Killing. Jarrett sandwiches Cage in the ladder and stands on it. Sting covers Killings who kicks at two. Abyss is out of the box. Jarrett picks up Cage and drops him on the guard rail. Abyss is stacking tables outside of the ring. Jarrett comes over and helps him. 

Jarrett and Abyss into the ring and attack the faces. Sting fire back on Abyss Killings does the same to Jarrett. Sting clothesline send Abyss and Sting over the top to the floor. Jarrett has kliegs off the apron and hits the stroke off the apron onto the guard rail. Jarrett covers and gets the pin. Cage tosses Jarrett over the guard rail and chops at him. Sting and Abyss are brawling in the stands. Sting hits Abyss with a chair. Cage tears at Jarrett's face. Cage tries to throw Jarrett off the top of the blears Jarrett fights free and and knocks Cage back down the stairs. Sting reverse he Abyss whip and sends the monster into the cage that gives way. Later Sting is whipped into the wall. Killings time in the box is up and he starts to set up the ladder in the ring while everyone else is in the stands. Killings starts to climb with the belt. Abyss is back in the ring and he dumbs the ladder. Jarrett baseball slides a ladder into Sting who is on the floor. Abyss goes afar Cage. Jarrett and Abyss have a ladder and hit everyone else with with. They go to hit killings a second time he jumps up onto the ladder and he punches at Abyss. Jarrett and Abyss use the ladder to dump Killings over the top rope to the floor. Sting and Christian with a double drop-kick into the ladder. Cage traps Jarrett into the ladder and squeezes the ladder shut. Abyss gets Christian in electric chair but Cage victory rolls and they both go to the floor over the top rope. Everyone is down. Killings is up first and sets up the ladder and get the belt. Killings up the ladder slowly. Abyss gets up and dumbs the ladder this time Killings falls off all the way to the floor. Abyss flings back the ladder and Earl Hebner gets hit by it. Jarrett has the belt by Abyss takes it from him. Mitchell on the apron and Click Doomsday! Black hole slam on Jarrett. Slick Johnson into the ring and he counts three. Christian tires to hits Abyss with a chair but the monster just kicks it into his face. 

Larry in the ring with the NWA belt. Abyss starts to climb up the ladder but its not in the ring spot. Sting dumbs the ladder and Abyss goes crashing the the tables on the floor. Sting and Christian are the only men standing. Cage nails Sting. Sting no sells and than fires back. Stinger splash and than the scorpion death lock on Cage. Jarrett is out the box even though there is still time left on his clock Jarrett tries to climbs up the ladder but Sting drops the hold and stops him. Jarrett has his quatrain and sets to hit Sting. Cage makes the save. Scorpion death drop on Jarrett. Sting tosses the belt to Cage and tells him to climb. Sting locks in the death lock on Jarrett. Larry Zbyszko low blows Christian. Sting lets the scorpion go and goes after Larry. Jarrett is up and goes for the stroke. Sting counters into the scorpion death drop. Sting covers but there is no referee since Larry sent Johnson to the back. Sting pulls Hebner over and makes the count himself. No is there to force Jarrett to the box. Sting starts to climb with the belt. Cage up and he climbs stopping Sing. Hebner shoves the ladder over dumbing Sting and Cage off it. Jarrett climbs and the fans start throwing trash as he hangs the belt to win the title back. As the announcer Jarrett the new champion Tenay calls it the words they hate to hear more than any other in the english language. Jarrett has the belt and starts heading up the ramp. Rudy Charles takes the belt form Jarrett and gives it to Cornette. We close with Jarrett screaming no. The KOTM is always a pretty fun match to watch. You gotta give Jarrett credit as he that is a level of heat most guys just can't get anymore. Also the big match was going to be Sting and Jarrett so it was the right call.

For a show that is eight years old Slammivearsy 2006 has aged very well. There are a lot of fun matches on here and nothing that I would say is awful. I do recommend skipping the Cornette into through since nothing key comes out of it. It was the basic "I hate WWE" speech Cornette was doing all over in 2006. Slammiversary is one of TNA bigger events each year and given this feature a key title change to set up the main event for Bound For Glory. Also if your Jarrett fans its worth seeing to see his final major world title win. 

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